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Imperial Classes


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I did make an Imperial some time ago after my Main was caught up in the Knights story and I know what you mean. I play my Imp. as a far more Professional (and Dignified) Sith then the other B.W. Imp/sith game characters though. The vision B.W. has of the old Imperials and Sith seem to me like fanatic and very radical characters with way too much of a desire to kill everybody. I just think of how professional the Core Movie Imperials and Vader acted add that in with How do I get the result I want the quickest and that route funny enough is not always Killing everybody in the room and even at times a deal is very much the way to go as it will be useful in the future. Even Vader knew when to make a deal and get more instead of killing them all and getting what's left.
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It really depends on how you play them. It helps to have some knowledge of a storyline/dialogue choices to make your Imperials decent people. I even feel like it's more rewarding to have LS Imperials than LS Pubs. All of my Imps are mostly LS. There are of course restrictions placed on you by the overall plot but I like how my Sith, for example, are far more decent and open-minded people than most non-Imperial characters you meet. Or my Knight. My Knight is something else. She should have been kicked out of the Order a long time ago. And I feel really bad playing her, even though she is not an Imp. So it really depends more on your play style rather than faction.
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My Imp. gets their way, every time and sometimes I have killed others right off and not looked back as I went on to the next step. But as for "Doddling around just for the sake of Killing" no. Their time is better spent starting on the next step. Besides some of the *Evil class's have benefits later on for leaving certain ones alive to play a part or strengthen your want later on. And yes, they're our characters, we shouldn't all play the same...That would be boring :)
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I felt I needed to elaborate.


It's not the characters themselves. The BH is basically a Clint Eastwood character. The Inq is a super interesting character. Warrior has its charms as well. Agent is...he is like a Ferengi with no charisma. Really obnoxious. What I have problem with is the society and how overly regulated it all is. Next to no freedom. And how all characters(well most of them) are like a cheap version of characters you'd find in Game of Thro(n)es. Zash? I wondered when she'd betray you. Baras? Likewise(they took TOO LONG with that one). Agent? Ok, he has got interesting characters, but he himself is a sniveling snake. Ugh. BH? Well, yeah, but too bad you're forced onto Imp side with this one and the story itself is not that fun.


Meanwhile, look at the Republic characters. You've got Luke Skywalker(JK), Yoda(I guess...JC), Han(Smuggler) and...Rambo(lol yeah-Trooper). Not only that, but apart from the Lightwell and the Agent, where in the Imp stories have you got the likes of Fuse situation or the like of A-77? They're far more ambiguous than they look and your choices actually weigh something. You feel as if you're actually making a difference-quite unlike the Imp stories where it's almost like you're attacking windmills!


But tbh, Pub classes are much more factional and big picture. Imp classes are nitty gritty details and personal stuff. I guess I prefer the former? Plus, when playing for the Empire, I feel...controlled and locked in. Just like you're working for some White-Green-Black monstrosity from M:TG.

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Personally I think it's all a matter of perspective and how you let it impact your game-play. True, the Empire consists of the tyrannical Sith and an otherwise oppressive government that breeds a xenophobic society and supports slavery. But while the Republic might be more about democracy and freedom in terms of their premise, keep in mind that the Republic is rather corrupt and far from innocent themselves. Saresh is, to me at least, the embodiment of everything wrong with the Republic. And we all know how messed up she was and the lengths she'd go to for power and control.


Myself, I focus less on the factions themselves and more on the individual classes, their stories, and other such details. And to me, the Empire tends to come out on top in most cases.

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Like someone above me said Imp storys are more about personal matters. That's true and that's what I like about them. My main ( a sith juggernaut) is a kinda grey-ish sith, who doesn't have fun killing people, but tries to get emperor or something equal. Whilw that he is pretty coldhearted and kills people if it benefits him. Also he doesn't care about rep or imp as long as they follow him. He is also kind of a lure in guy.
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Like someone above me said Imp storys are more about personal matters. That's true and that's what I like about them. My main ( a sith juggernaut) is a kinda grey-ish sith, who doesn't have fun killing people, but tries to get emperor or something equal. Whilw that he is pretty coldhearted and kills people if it benefits him. Also he doesn't care about rep or imp as long as they follow him. He is also kind of a lure in guy.




For sure, big picture stories don't really interest me unless they're personally involved. If they sacrifice character building for the sake of a bigger and more epic plot, I'm out. It's why I abhor the JK story, but I think all 7 of the others had a good personal tie to the story overall, with the Imperial Classes taking the top 4 spots, of course.

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What you might consider doing is playing a Dark Jedi and see if you feel the same way. Some people just can't fake being evil...


You might be onto something. I once played a gray Smuggler and was disgusted by how...soulless it felt(like a mafia Don tbh). But I didn't feel bad about being Light-ish Trooper with temper flares(*khm like one on Balmorra *khm punch Tanno and kill the traitor *khm). But then again the results of that Trooper are so stellar(Empire utterly defeated, a lot of sacrifices...I love that story and character) that I can't really complain. If the Inquisitor wasn't such a captivating character and he didn't look so good(Inquisitor's Renowned, what can I say) , I would give up. Imo, the beginning of Inquisitor is, to quote Zash, "just so dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull". But it blossoms into a fine story and the first clue is when you kill Skotia.


Also, can't fake being evil? Which people?

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The Sith Warrior is fairly easy to play as a light side character, one with an honor code. Think Lord Praven from the JK storyline. Inquisitor is a bit harder to justify but given the character's roots, it's fairly justifiable as light sider as well.


In any event...Good Luck!

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The Sith Warrior is fairly easy to play as a light side character, one with an honor code. Think Lord Praven from the JK storyline. Inquisitor is a bit harder to justify but given the character's roots, it's fairly justifiable as light sider as well.


In any event...Good Luck!


Really? I felt the opposite. The Sith Warrior is the scion of a prominent Sith family who has greatness handed to them on a silver platter (you don't even know the Sith Code when entering the Academy, yet within hours of arriving you're shown favor over a guy who's been working to the bone for the same spot for months) so it'd be very easy to play as arrogant, xenophobic, and/or merciless.


The Inquisitor starts off as an Empire slave who was shipped off to Korriban and forced to prove themselves a Sith apprentices or die. I feel it'd be easier to start off humble, merciful, and compassionate since you likely experienced cruelty at the hands of the Sith and/or Empire most of your life (at least since the Treaty of Coruscant), and likely had to rely on and/or help others slaves to survive. It'd be easy to play as someone who doesn't like the wanton cruelty but has to play the part until you gain enough power to help others and/or reform the Empire from inside.


Just my impression.

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Really? I felt the opposite. The Sith Warrior is the scion of a prominent Sith family who has greatness handed to them on a silver platter (you don't even know the Sith Code when entering the Academy, yet within hours of arriving you're shown favor over a guy who's been working to the bone for the same spot for months) so it'd be very easy to play as arrogant, xenophobic, and/or merciless.


The Inquisitor starts off as an Empire slave who was shipped off to Korriban and forced to prove themselves a Sith apprentices or die. I feel it'd be easier to start off humble, merciful, and compassionate since you likely experienced cruelty at the hands of the Sith and/or Empire most of your life (at least since the Treaty of Coruscant), and likely had to rely on and/or help others slaves to survive. It'd be easy to play as someone who doesn't like the wanton cruelty but has to play the part until you gain enough power to help others and/or reform the Empire from inside.


Just my impression.


You are right about SW.


About SI, I feel like he should be very shrewd, cunning and manipulative to get where he got to. Intelligent even. Too bad the story sucks(I gave up after Act II, it is depressingly bad)-especially so if you play the character as it should be played. Why now? Well, because you'll be gray sided and just pick the option of which you've the most use. That line of thinking clashes GREATLY with how the writing presents your Inq: basically as a bumbling idiot. Basically:


A Sith Warrior is a better INQUISITOR than a Sith Inquisitor is. This is a basic mistake in nomenclature(similar to Smuggler thing on Republic side):


A Sith Inquisitor(base class) should be called either of these: Sith Sorcerer, Sith Cabalist or Sith Ritualist. I am especially big fan of the last. That name gives basically the whole synopsis of your story. Assassin(advanced class) should be renamed to Inquisitor(not necessary though). Similarly to:


A Smuggler(base class) should be called a Scoundrel. There is practically NO smuggling you do during a "Smuggler"'s story. And you don't sneak much either. But you DO act as a Lando type of Scoundrel. Besides, a Smuggler describes what you get when you play current Scoundrel PERFECTLY: Sawbones heals you with SMUGGLED MedTech and the other two sneak around just like what a SMUGGLER would do. Yet another misnomer that cost the class quite some points.


Nomenclature can seem like a nitpick, but it obviously is not. Jerec, you are not as a SI. Palpatine, you are also not. Not even Bane, but some kind of a more ritualistic Darth Plagueis. But that's not clearly communicated via the class name. And that brings the class story down(one of the most common complaints against the SI story is that it is not Jerec / Palpatine kind of character. Nevermind that it shouldn't really be. But people are lead to believe they should be because Sith INQUISITOR).

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I was able to play both my Agent and my Warrior light side perfectly well, and I enjoyed it. (My Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter were both dark side, however.)


LS Agent is a simple patriot. Nothing that different than a LS Trooper. It's just the way A.Freed(the story writer) goes on tangents and how "nothing is how it is" in this story. Blergh. I much prefer how Trooper story is written(by Charles Boyd).

LS Warrior is...like Worf? Like some kind of ronin? Very satisfying, but I hate Act III.

LS Inq is...a Palpatine? I think it's the closest you'll get to him in this game. Too bad the SI story is trash.

LS BH is a plain good ole Blondie(Monco, call him whatever you wish-a Man with no name). This story's actually very good, I can't wait to give it another try with a fresh character(Powertech balance...when?). Act II is underwhelming though-a waste of time imo.


I guess that I had a negative reaction to the quality of SI story. I mean, it can't be any other type of reaction when the story itself is utter tripe, surely.

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Yes, it was the ****** quality of SI story. I just played through Tython on a JK(and while it is no JC -> the better of two on Tython) and...lol. I don't even dare to compare it to Trooper or, lord forbid, Smuggler on Ord. I mean, Smuggler's Ord is better than ~75% of SI story! *** :confused::eek:


**** that story, really...


Now, I can't wait for them to buff Powertechs and to have fun on my Zabrak(? Iridonian? Red Zabrak...) Pyrotech... :D

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LS Agent is a simple patriot. Nothing that different than a LS Trooper. It's just the way A.Freed(the story writer) goes on tangents and how "nothing is how it is" in this story. Blergh. I much prefer how Trooper story is written(by Charles Boyd).

LS Warrior is...like Worf? Like some kind of ronin? Very satisfying, but I hate Act III.

LS Inq is...a Palpatine? I think it's the closest you'll get to him in this game. Too bad the SI story is trash.

LS BH is a plain good ole Blondie(Monco, call him whatever you wish-a Man with no name). This story's actually very good, I can't wait to give it another try with a fresh character(Powertech balance...when?). Act II is underwhelming though-a waste of time imo.


I guess that I had a negative reaction to the quality of SI story. I mean, it can't be any other type of reaction when the story itself is utter tripe, surely.


Actually the true LS Agent is a double agent for the Republic.

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I'm actually on the opposite side of the fence from the OP. I find the Republic stories to be horribly bland and even a bit trite. I really struggled to complete the JC, and the JK was just...meh.


But then again, the SI is my favorite. It's your classic Sith rise to power story.

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I'm actually on the opposite side of the fence from the OP. I find the Republic stories to be horribly bland and even a bit trite. I really struggled to complete the JC, and the JK was just...meh.


But then again, the SI is my favorite. It's your classic Sith rise to power story.


My two favorite stories are the Agent followed by the Bounty hunter. JK was just meh, Consular was boring chapter 1, picked up in 2 and was a decent end in 3. Smuggler had a FANTASTIC 1st chapter, but then 2 and 3 were just crap. Trooper had a great premise but just failed on the follow through.


SI was a decent story, the SW was ok, better than the Rep side. So I do agree the Imperial classes got the better writing. It's a shame on the trooper story, so much potential, so wasted.

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The Inquisitor starts off as an Empire slave who was shipped off to Korriban and forced to prove themselves a Sith apprentices or die. I feel it'd be easier to start off humble, merciful, and compassionate since you likely experienced cruelty at the hands of the Sith and/or Empire most of your life (at least since the Treaty of Coruscant), and likely had to rely on and/or help others slaves to survive. It'd be easy to play as someone who doesn't like the wanton cruelty but has to play the part until you gain enough power to help others and/or reform the Empire from inside.


Good points, but this origin could easily mean just the opposite. The SI could be the slave who has gotten ahead by always throwing his fellow slaves under the bus if possible, thus avoiding death by Sith. Once he gets sent to Korriban he's got definite proof of how much better he is than the other rabble - and soon other Sith too! At every step he's told that those who fail aren't worth remembering, they were weak and useless. Basically the old "put men through hell, then tell the survivors that they've proven worthy of joining your secret army" schtick.

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