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10 Good
  1. I'm the opposite. I can't play Republic classes or LS at all. It's just... wrong to me.
  2. Any of the PvP servers alive? I would but i feel like they're probably dead.
  3. Ariexariex


    I lost it. LOL
  4. Been thinking about playing my Vanguard again.. I'll send ya a whisper when I'm able to log in the server.
  5. Was having this same problem. Hopefully it's fixed.
  6. Hi, Suddenly today I'm unable to login to 2 of my mains for no reason. Every time I try to login to them, I see the load screen, it reaches to just over half then kicks me back to the character selection screen. I can log into all my other characters except these 2 for some reason. They're both on 2 different planets and I was just on them earlier this morning. I've waited, reset the client, etc. Any ideas as to what is wrong?
  7. Hello all, I recently started back up in SWTOR. I played back in launch but due to friends quitting back then, I did as well. Though I came back recently. I've looked for other players to group together to do flashpoints and raid but I got no bites. Also trying to just group for heroics on worlds (I know you can solo but damn it, it's an MMO) to no avail. So, I made another character and started to level it. By no means am I bashing the game but there seems to be no grouping / MMO element or community (at least on my server). So now, I'm looking for players who'd want to reroll and play together! Not just rushing to end-game, but actually questing together and doing flashpoints, raids, etc. Hanging out while doing our story quests and do mission arcs. I'm an imperial player and haven't really touched republic side but I'm cool with whatever server / faction! So any new players or returning ones interested? [if wrong place to post, my bad. Seemed like the best place].
  8. Hey all. I played this game back when it first came out a looooooong time ago. I stopped shortly after. Now I'm back cause of reasons... Just wondering what server is the most populated. They all just say Light. I don't mind RP and like PvP / PvE. Just looking for a lively community. Probably will be playing Empire. Thanks!
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