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Truth about PvP! Top 5 topics that you can stop posting about!


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I really think I'm just going to start spamming a link to this post in all of the threads where it's relevant...


Let the chaos begin!!!


I don't think enough people use the forum to get a sufficient message out - they're going to play, get frustrated, and decide the game sucks - instead of it just being a poor launch decision. :(

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Stick this wherever you want but keep a copy stickied in these forums plx. Ta Bioware.


Also, in my experience my marauder had a "dip" in PvP just before 42 (say between 36 and then) and before that in between 22 and 28. Other than that, I'm having a bawl.


+1 vote for Emperor Punjab, PvP BAUS.

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If you enjoy killing people during a single CC, congratulations, you're on par with the average 12 year old.


Agreed, and I'd love to see tiered Warzones, and more different Warzones. Coming from Warhammer, those were two things (of many) I thought they got right. That said, kudos to the OP, great post.

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I'd like to see at the least, a 50 bracket- but, in all fairness, having that right away would be kinda lame for those who hit 50 first. Now that there's more 50s though, I think it'd be more acceptable.


Good post, I definitely get a laugh at people who think the sorc is more OP than the sage- and think that by making posts BW will somehow forget they made the classes as mirrors. If anything, the sorc is weaker since the lightning is more visible, making them far easier to target.

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If anything, the sorc is weaker since the lightning is more visible, making them far easier to target.




by the time you get into your 30s, people will be used to tracking the lightning back to you. Big flash effects are nice and all, but using most of a sorcs abilities draws a big arrow saying "here is the guy everyone thinks is op and wants to kill"

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by the time you get into your 30s, people will be used to tracking the lightning back to you. Big flash effects are nice and all, but using most of a sorcs abilities draws a big arrow saying "here is the guy everyone thinks is op and wants to kill"


And it hurts... REALLY BAD!!!


I'm Corruption spec'd, and as SOON as I toss an electrocute to mitigate incoming damage on a heal target, I'm swarmed by 3-4 enemies wanting to squash the Sorc...


Perhaps I will roll around with another Sorc, and not just my Powertech guardbot... Hmmmmmm...


This is not the Sorc you are looking for... BUT HE IS!!!

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And it hurts... REALLY BAD!!!


I'm Corruption spec'd, and as SOON as I toss an electrocute to mitigate incoming damage on a heal target, I'm swarmed by 3-4 enemies wanting to squash the Sorc...


Perhaps I will roll around with another Sorc, and not just my Powertech guardbot... Hmmmmmm...


This is not the Sorc you are looking for... BUT HE IS!!!


Part of the reason I rerolled republic... harder to see where the flying rocks come from

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Love it, but you forgot about World PvP sucking too :)


Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


1. Empire/Republic wins every Warzone I'm in! It's so unfair!!!


This is a server issue, not something to bring up on the overall PvP forums... Right now, the harder core PvPers on your server are on the other faction and are queueing more regularly that the faction you chose to roll... I'm sure as the game progresses and servers balance out you'll notice that you're winning more and more as people on your side level up and become more competent. Quick fix for now? Get some buddies, queue as a group, and work as a team.


2. I'm so sick of Huttball! If I get Huttball one more time, I'm going to unsub and light myself on fire!


Also, a server imbalance issue. Did you notice that everytime you're in a Huttball game, you're facing your own faction? Huttball allows for this so that queue times are as low as possible for people wanting to PvP. Once again, as servers balance out and more people of the opposing faction queue up, you'll see less and less Huttball. If you can't comprehend this, I suggest you follow through with the lighting yourself on fire threat. Or, a better quick fix, spend your first hour in game on a lower level planet griefing the levelers so they want to quest less and queue more... Not a very kind suggestion, but I promise it'll get the job done.


3. Sorcs are imbalanced! I demand they be nerfed, scolded, taken out, or have a serious talking to!


Yup, this one's hilarious! Notice how you don't see "Sorcs AND Sages are OP," just hatred towards sorcs and that damn lightning. Sorcs are not imbalanced, sorry, and neither are sages, but the reason you think they are is because you have a lot of ranged assist trains happening in Warzones from 1/2 premade teams and all you see is lightning. LIGHTNING IS THE ANIMATION FOR EVERY SORC DPS ABILITY! (or damn close to it) So when you die horribly in the face, you immediately believe that the lightning is what killed you. Fun fact, when you're getting assist trained, and you drop from 30% to dead, Sorc's aren't the ones with the "execute" type abilities, and most of your damage is coming from elsewhere. Stop blaming sorcerers for having the most recognizable ability animation in the game.


4. I don't have any CC abilities and <Class X> Has 40!


Every class has a good amount of different CC abilities (5-8) ranging from Stuns, to Slows, to Blinds, to Knockbacks, to Pulls, to Peels. The fact of the matter is that most people complaining about this are in their 20's - early 30's and are playing a class that blooms later than others (read: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight). Not every class is balanced the whole time as they level, but believe me, once you're at 50, the class balance is suprisingly good! In fact, it's one of the major hat tips in need to give to Bioware beyond the feel of the game when questing and leveling...


5. 50's are ruining pvp! I can't touch them and they eat my face!!!


A couple problems with this one... First, PvP is never developed around people leveling... it's developed around 50's, sorry but that's the truth. Secondly, the bolster system is working exactly as intended, you're not going to be the top of the food chain, but you aren't going to get rolled as easy as your level dictates. Next, the reason you die so quickly to 50's is because they have expertise gear. Expertise as a stat dictates your effectiveness both damaging and surviving other players... If I have 200 expertise and you have 200 expertise, we effect each other as normal. If I have 400 expertise and you have none, not only am I doing more than 10% more damage to you, you're doing 10% less to me. It's a system that will balance itself out once there are more people in pvp gear, and its intention is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE gear. Lastly, while I do support a split in tiers (50's tier, non 50's tier) it's to protect the endgame players from the rest of the population. Let's face it, you'll be whining about the same things from the other side of the fence once you're in a Warzone where you're all level 50 but 2 members of your team are level 16 in greens. This system is in place right now as an "out of town preview" or "soft-opening" for pvp. Let everybody see the ideas that are in place, then filter them into their appropriate sections of that idea after the first major patch.


So there it is! the top 5 things I see as hate threads on here explained away! I'm not naive enough to believe that you'll all stop posting about them once you read this, but a boy can dream, can't he? I had about 10 things I wanted to address, systemic problems, UI mechanics glitches and the like, but in the interest of not building the "Great Wall of Text" I went with the ones above...


Any Questions?

Emperor Punjab


Terentatek (PvP)

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Oh damnit, if I noticed this thread, I wouldn't have made one of my own.


But yeah most QQ about PvP is because of players that don't now how to play objective based PvP. Or they are mad that their current build isn't steamrolling everyone.


If you have someone complaining about an OP class that is because they have no idea how to work as a team, and instead expect all warzones to play out as deathmatch.

Edited by PurveyorOfTruth
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Awesome post OP.


I still do not get the QQ about having all level ranges together.


I was PvPing like crazy from 15-20 and really did not have any issues with 50s. Sure I get beat by some, but I also beat others. It definitely was not make and break for my game play. I had a blast and did very well statistically getting 5+ medals and being in the top 5 consistently for damage.


I think a lot of the QQ about 50s against lower levels is more like they were getting destroyed and losing and this is the any easy thing to bring up and QQ about.

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Awesome post OP.


I still do not get the QQ about having all level ranges together.


I was PvPing like crazy from 15-20 and really did not have any issues with 50s. Sure I get beat by some, but I also beat others. It definitely was not make and break for my game play. I had a blast and did very well statistically getting 5+ medals and being in the top 5 consistently for damage.


I think a lot of the QQ about 50s against lower levels is more like they were getting destroyed and losing and this is the any easy thing to bring up and QQ about.


The reason people are QQing is because of the stat/power bonuses and such that you get from traits after you level and because of the extra powers you get when you're L50 compared to lower levels.


Still not a game breaker IMO, but tiers would help.

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Awesome post OP.


I still do not get the QQ about having all level ranges together.


I was PvPing like crazy from 15-20 and really did not have any issues with 50s. Sure I get beat by some, but I also beat others. It definitely was not make and break for my game play. I had a blast and did very well statistically getting 5+ medals and being in the top 5 consistently for damage.


I think a lot of the QQ about 50s against lower levels is more like they were getting destroyed and losing and this is the any easy thing to bring up and QQ about.


Depending on how long ago you were at that range, things are likely different. The level 50s didn't stop getting more powerful at level 50, they started getting pvp gear that give stats the rest of us can't match. Nothing wrong with that(its quite a good thing) but it makes characters that are out of balance with the rest of us who are just bolstered.


I love seeing 3-4 people pouring dps into a level 50 jugg for a fulll 60 seconds before he starts to falter, but when they brought their friends who can challenge them solo, you just can't dump enough dps onto all of them for it to mean anything.


Doesn't really matter, they are gonna be getting their own place to play without interfering with the rest soon enough. Til then... I'll enjoy the lightshow every time we have to kill one :)

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Depending on how long ago you were at that range, things are likely different. The level 50s didn't stop getting more powerful at level 50, they started getting pvp gear that give stats the rest of us can't match. Nothing wrong with that(its quite a good thing) but it makes characters that are out of balance with the rest of us who are just bolstered.


I love seeing 3-4 people pouring dps into a level 50 jugg for a fulll 60 seconds before he starts to falter, but when they brought their friends who can challenge them solo, you just can't dump enough dps onto all of them for it to mean anything.


Doesn't really matter, they are gonna be getting their own place to play without interfering with the rest soon enough. Til then... I'll enjoy the lightshow every time we have to kill one :)


It was just yesterday that I was PvPing 15-20 on a BH Merc. Had a blast, sure I died a lot, but I was walking away with 30+ kills each match. A couple friends of mine who just started were queuing with me and were amazed at how fun PvP was even with lvl 30+ and 50s playing in the match.


Funny that you bring up the Juggs because I definitelly did notice it was a waste to put lots effort into trying to kill them :D I usually just pushed them out of my way and went after the softer classes, but isn't that the point of tanks in PvP to absorb & reduce damage and guard healers?

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This thread needs a sticky. Please add scoundrels/operatives aren't op. Yes we can drop you quick if we get the first attack out of stealth, but all it takes is a single stun from any 3 of the other sorcs, or bhs and it's pretty much over with if I don't have escape cooldowns up. Plus sorcs alwaKNOCKBACK!!!!!
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blehhh, there are alot of solid issues around some of the QQ though.



Empire wins most my servers battlegrounds.

Why? Because we get stuck 5-6v8ing for the first few minutes.

"Thats a server issue!" A server issue that plagues every server where you are a lesser population thanks -.-



<3 huttball.

Although i want to kill kittens on the rare time i get republic vs republic, and they got 4 people 30+ and we have 1.



Idk what the difference if any there is between sorc and sage.

All i know, is when i see 6-8 sorcs on the enemy team, i just leave the warzone now.

Its just not even worth trying with how ridiculous that is. CC+Absorbs+heals on majority of the enemy team is just such a joke ugh.



We got level 50 brackets coming soon, so our complaints have already been heard.


Keeping level 10's against level 40's is still dumb as hell though. With warzones being same server thoguh having more brackets will hurt more then help though=/

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We got level 50 brackets coming soon, so our complaints have already been heard.


Keeping level 10's against level 40's is still dumb as hell though. With warzones being same server thoguh having more brackets will hurt more then help though=/


Not gonna argue about the other objections, but this needs addressing.


They didn't hear any complaints, they always planned for a 50 bracket. There wasn't one at launch because there would be far too many situations during this first month when there were not enough 50s to actually form a warzone, so they left them with the rest of us for long enough that that will no longer be a problem.


Give BW some credit for planning, this really is the best way(even if we are in a period of suk right now because of it)

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blehhh, there are alot of solid issues around some of the QQ though.



Empire wins most my servers battlegrounds.

Why? Because we get stuck 5-6v8ing for the first few minutes.

"Thats a server issue!" A server issue that plagues every server where you are a lesser population thanks -.-



<3 huttball.

Although i want to kill kittens on the rare time i get republic vs republic, and they got 4 people 30+ and we have 1.



Idk what the difference if any there is between sorc and sage.

All i know, is when i see 6-8 sorcs on the enemy team, i just leave the warzone now.

Its just not even worth trying with how ridiculous that is. CC+Absorbs+heals on majority of the enemy team is just such a joke ugh.



We got level 50 brackets coming soon, so our complaints have already been heard.


Keeping level 10's against level 40's is still dumb as hell though. With warzones being same server thoguh having more brackets will hurt more then help though=/


1 - There are downsides to being overpopulated too... I play a whole lot of huttball... The worst part of this is the fact that it's going effect world PvP the most...


2 - The upside is I don't mind huttball either...


3 - Sorc and Sage are exact mirrors... They drop REALLY fast though... really fast... Unless they're corruption specc'd, then good luck, but they aren't dropping you...


4 - I know, thank god!!! And it's not dumb if they are all normalized to level 49 with bolster...

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3 - Sorc and Sage are exact mirrors... They drop REALLY fast though... really fast... Unless they're corruption specc'd, then good luck, but they aren't dropping you...


Having now played both, they are not identical, tho they are close. Only difference so far is Unity vs Sacrifice(not pvp relevant) and project vs shock.


Shock is a true instant. I click butan, people take damage. Immediately. No animation delay worth mentioning.


Project has a long animation, and has resulted in a rock spinning above my head with no where to go one no less that 3 occasion since I started pvping. 4 hours ago. All its takes is a vanish withing a second on my clicking and the animation starting and poof, ability breaks.


Not game breaking, or even seriously major, but its true, and definite.

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I hope they never change the sith Inq. Im a pvp powerhouse. Sometimes I feel so bad I switch to my trooper and get crushed just to balance out the force...


I'm new to MMOs and dont really know who's balanced and who isn't but the Inq is so easy to own with I don't want to play with anything else.


Help a brother out and dont change the Inq!

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