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WoW pvpers will dominate.


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Gladiator...so at beast you run a 5 man group? WAY different than a raid. If you want to talk PvP group skills...look to DAOC or WAR players, and I am sure many others. I am sure there are more, but from WoW, only the elite arena are good. The rest of the arena teams are a joke (99% of those WoW players).


Zerg beats well run group every time...seen it in Rift over and over.


DeathKorps commends you sir, you rise above the generic internet trash.

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This post is pretty awesome.


Reminds me of all the kiddies that came boasting on forums and ingame in Ultima Online after UOAssist and other programs were released that made PVP viable for even the most idiotic of us.


I don't see the reason why people get worked up about PVP in games anymore, as the reason and punishments and bonuses for doing it just aren't really there. There's also way too much button mashing involved with how these games tend to turn out with the GCDs and skill sets, but yeah of course as others have said coordination will always land you in better shape then pugging morons.


So unless you've had to play a real pvp oriented game, that didn't care bear you back to your body and your items, just enjoy the damn game and cut the ego. It's similar to being egotistical about being good at recent call of duty games and comparing it to skill levels of top counter strike players, the comparison is just stupid.

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wow pvp was all about out gearing the other team and using the right comp that really why arenas never took off as an e sport outside of bliz run events if you didn't use shadow cleave or whatever the FOTM was at the time you more then likely got smashed
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The only thing wow pvpers will dominate in is QQing. You can see how they are handling the early access. The only area where you could even suggest wow players would have an advantage is arenas and there aren't any in this game.


except arenas and team coordination are directly related, so your argument is completely invalid.

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I know theres been a lot of doubt about WoW players skill and people from grinding MMOs talking a lot of trash about WoW players not knowing "real pvp".


WoW used to be open world pvp too. Rated instanced PvP brought out the theorycrafters in WoW players forcing people to min/max and understand the esoteric mechanics of these types of games. Most of the class mechanics in this game are based off of WoW mechanics.


Your world PvP zerg raid group will probably be properly crowd controlled, interrupted, shut down and systematically eliminated by a handful of WoW gladiators. Lets not even get into warzones as they are battleground clones.


I expect WoW PvPers to dominate. I'm calling it now.


If your "WoW" was DAoC or WAR, I'd even let GWs in there, then maybe I'd take this serious... You're trolling, right?

Edited by Evomax
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Gladiator...so at beast you run a 5 man group? WAY different than a raid. If you want to talk PvP group skills...look to DAOC or WAR players, and I am sure many others. I am sure there are more, but from WoW, only the elite arena are good. The rest of the arena teams are a joke (99% of those WoW players).


Zerg beats well run group every time...seen it in Rift over and over.


Most gladiators also run 15 man bgs and 25 man raids. Many of them also have taken part in much bigger world pvp events.

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I maxed out a powertech a few beta builds ago.. I have good experience with powertech at that point in time, however i have no idea if they changed anything about that class since then. Of course I plan on playing classes I had the least experience with.


Even though you are making another class, you are going to have a good rough idea of the weaknesses and strengths of the BH class and commando class since they are similar. Plus you probably have some pvp experience and have a rough idea of the strengths and weaknesses of other classes as well. Like I'm sure you noticed powertech rocks most of the other squishy classes.

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I know theres been a lot of doubt about WoW players skill and people from grinding MMOs talking a lot of trash about WoW players not knowing "real pvp".


WoW used to be open world pvp too. Rated instanced PvP brought out the theorycrafters in WoW players forcing people to min/max and understand the esoteric mechanics of these types of games. Most of the class mechanics in this game are based off of WoW mechanics.


Your world PvP zerg raid group will probably be properly crowd controlled, interrupted, shut down and systematically eliminated by a handful of WoW gladiators. Lets not even get into warzones as they are battleground clones.


I expect WoW PvPers to dominate. I'm calling it now.

Considering all the carebear protection mechanisms

and the whole 'balance by symmetry' idea, you're probably right.


Also considering a lot of WoW players (especially arena junkies) use multiple addons that have been being developed for years as a giant crutch, who knows.

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I'm calling that us level 50 beta testers will dominate.


Are you the same Viral that made those level 50 operative livestream warzone videos?


If so I watched those and they were very informative about how Operatives play against other classes. I'm very glad you made them and want to thank you for the effort. On the other hand, I was groaning most of the time observing your misuse of CCs and waste of big cooldowns like Cloaking Screen as well as when you were choosing to heal and not to heal. The only other level 50 you faced in world PvP was a 1v1 vs inquisitor and you lost despite getting the opener.


I am also playing an operative and will be making a PvP video at 50 which I intend to be used as a guide for people who want to learn how to PvP. You should check it out. It will help you out.

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1) WoW=very little skill to beat 99% of the players

2) DAOC or other pvp based games=very little skill to beat 50% of the players

3) Every game has good and bad players

4) Only about 1% of the player base is actually any good at pvp on NON-pvp based games, trust me I played almost every MMO since EQ and 99% of them suck at pvp

5) PVP based games have alot more skilled pvp players so 1% from wow will be actually good at pvp maybe tbd but I'd say 50% of the players from other pvp based games would be better than 1% of the wow top pvp'ers of course not all of them but for the majority I would say other pvp based games have higher skill lvl's.

6) Just face it man wow isn't a pvp based game and never will be and the only true pvp'ers that played wow were the ones that liked easy kills.

7) A noob zerg will be dismantled by a good solo group, but a cooridinated zerg is going to roll over you and say *** were you thinking. 20 good players will not be beat by 5 good players are you stupid?

8) 2 factions aren't enough for solid world pvp there needs to be 3 or more but maybe bioware will supprise me who knows.

9) I give wow credit for one thing only and that is they made MMO's easy enough for the masses and really main streamed MMO's and maded it easy to kill lots of noobs but I guess that would be 2 things.

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Not one mention of Lotro players in this entire thread so far. Hrmmmm....


I'm sure a few of us are eager to test ourselves against some of the better players from other games, including myself.


As for WoW players "dominating", of course more of them will be successful. There's simply a ton more of them out there to begin with.


I agree with several others here when they say, the best players, regardless of game, will be the best players here. Wow definately doesn't hold the patent on putting out good mmo players, no matter how many subscribers they have/had.

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I know theres been a lot of doubt about WoW players skill and people from grinding MMOs talking a lot of trash about WoW players not knowing "real pvp".


WoW used to be open world pvp too. Rated instanced PvP brought out the theorycrafters in WoW players forcing people to min/max and understand the esoteric mechanics of these types of games. Most of the class mechanics in this game are based off of WoW mechanics.


Your world PvP zerg raid group will probably be properly crowd controlled, interrupted, shut down and systematically eliminated by a handful of WoW gladiators. Lets not even get into warzones as they are battleground clones.


I expect WoW PvPers to dominate. I'm calling it now.


Yea because the Top tier Gladiators owned face against masses of lesser equiped people in things like WG and TB. They could practically hold points on there own... Oh wait No they couldn't... Yea they could do *** loads of damage but Gladiators aren't the only ones who know how to CC.


I'm not saying they aren't really good and 4 good gladiators could take on double maybe a few more of their lesser equipped enemies but all it takes is a bit of random concentrated fire and down they go.

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Every game launch you see these posts, usually by people who have no business posting them and then every game launch sees those players touting their elite status in some other game weeded out and marginalized.


The Combine used to be famous for this back in the day. Big talk, no game. Same as pretty much every person talking their brand of BS here.



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Lol wow pvp is a joke compared to other games, in the end it usually just came down to herp derp broken team comp that everyone uses or in BGs it was herp derp i have more gear, at least in games Like GW there were so many varied skills and positioning required to even be competent that it produced many more skilled players, wow is the only game that has been described as "Having hundreds of options and requiring absolutely no skill to be good at"
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I know theres been a lot of doubt about WoW players skill and people from grinding MMOs talking a lot of trash about WoW players not knowing "real pvp".


WoW used to be open world pvp too. Rated instanced PvP brought out the theorycrafters in WoW players forcing people to min/max and understand the esoteric mechanics of these types of games. Most of the class mechanics in this game are based off of WoW mechanics.


Your world PvP zerg raid group will probably be properly crowd controlled, interrupted, shut down and systematically eliminated by a handful of WoW gladiators. Lets not even get into warzones as they are battleground clones.


I expect WoW PvPers to dominate. I'm calling it now.


cant wait to pwn those fangirls "PVP if u can call pvp in wow" naps

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