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I can't take the GC grind any more.


Even at the current boosted rate, whoch ends soon, GC is just far, far too grindy in terms of gearing up for PvP parity.


As it is, my main is still mid Tier 2. She's not going to make it to 300 without resorting to PvE grinding chapters or FPs, or even worse, Ops, which I refuse to do because it will kill the remaining joy in the game for me.


I was having a great time pre-5.0. And 5.0 to 5.1 was great because PvP bolster was 250.


But now, with the impending end of the CXP event, given its current level of grind, I just find it harder and harder to motivate myself to do it any more. It is starting to make me not even want to log in.


I'm compensating for now by levelling alts, which is still fun, if kind of pointless.


Meh. It was fun while it lasted iI guess.

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But now, with the impending end of the CXP event, given its current level of grind, I just find it harder and harder to motivate myself to do it any more. It is starting to make me not even want to log in.
Pretty sure the devs have said something about adjusting the CXP rate once the event ends, no? And of course, with 5.2, the drop rates will increase, so that will make each level you do earn more worthwhile.


That said, if you don't do Ops (where people will pressure you and/or you don't want to hold back others) or PvP (where you need the gear to be effective against others), why sweat it? Play when you play because you want to, and if you CXP level, hey, you leveled. And I say this as someone who also has little to no interest in PvP or Ops.

Edited by Battilea
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They stated they were changing the way CXP levels are done in 5.2 after the event ends. What that will be remains to be seen. I know it's frustrating, I've been bouncing around alts myself to bide my time till 6.0 drops at the end of the year where honestly I would not see any significant changes or even removal of GC till then. If it happened sooner that would be cool but trying to be realistic here.
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I can't take the GC grind any more.


Even at the current boosted rate, whoch ends soon, GC is just far, far too grindy in terms of gearing up for PvP parity.


As it is, my main is still mid Tier 2. She's not going to make it to 300 without resorting to PvE grinding chapters or FPs, or even worse, Ops, which I refuse to do because it will kill the remaining joy in the game for me.


I was having a great time pre-5.0. And 5.0 to 5.1 was great because PvP bolster was 250.


But now, with the impending end of the CXP event, given its current level of grind, I just find it harder and harder to motivate myself to do it any more. It is starting to make me not even want to log in.


I'm compensating for now by levelling alts, which is still fun, if kind of pointless.


Meh. It was fun while it lasted iI guess.


Its is a bad system, but the boost now is great and needs to be used, you get a lot of CXP for anything now, plus components if you do PVP stuff.


Im playing GSF now and its 1 rank per game, also many many components. Its about reaching rank 300 on as many toons as possible. In 5.2 it will all be easy again with ops droping gear and HM EV and KP will drop 242 stuff, so its good old 4.0 days.

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Its is a bad system, but the boost now is great and needs to be used, you get a lot of CXP for anything now, plus components if you do PVP stuff.


Im playing GSF now and its 1 rank per game, also many many components. Its about reaching rank 300 on as many toons as possible. In 5.2 it will all be easy again with ops droping gear and HM EV and KP will drop 242 stuff, so its good old 4.0 days.


I would not call it good ol 4.0 days. Then you could get a full set of pvp gear within seconds of reaching max level. Now, and even after the change, it will take a long long time.

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Believe it or not, people want to enjoy the game but they just can't because of some things. Maybe you enjoy doing something repetitive and grindy and boring, but not everyone else wants to.


- You do not need bis gear to enjoy the game. Unless by saying "enjoy" you mean "roflstomp".

- You do not need bis gear unless you're doing master operations or ranked pvp. If you need it for master flashpoints then maybe the problem is somewhere else.

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That is that individual's attitude, on all their posts. They're practically the Platonic ideal of the EAWare white knight.


white knight as opposed to what? the special snowflake brigade?!? Id rather have someone telling it how it is (i.e. you dont need BiS unless youre playing hard-core, and if you are then odds are youre willing to put in the work to get BiS) then someone feeding peoples egos and need for self gratification...

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Pretty sure the devs have said something about adjusting the CXP rate once the event ends, no? And of course, with 5.2, the drop rates will increase, so that will make each level you do earn more worthwhile.


That said, if you don't do Ops (where people will pressure you and/or you don't want to hold back others) or PvP (where you need the gear to be effective against others), why sweat it? Play when you play because you want to, and if you CXP level, hey, you leveled. And I say this as someone who also has little to no interest in PvP or Ops.


Well said.


My main toon is now at 192. I have not done anything in game I was not doing before GC, except I have done a few WZ's. The WZ's were for conquest and not done for GC points. I only did two WZ's anyway on that character. My commando just did not do well. Even though had better gear than my smuggler which did better but only did 8 on that character. It was my first time doing conquest's and did OK. As in was in the top 10. Getting the best gear in game is nice, but unless doing the hardest Op's it is not necessary to have it to play anything else. I don't do op's either and for what I was and am doing the gear has had no real affect as I was doing just fine and as well without it.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Grinding? Lol. Just did veteran mode flashpoint on my operative (cr 58) and scoundrel (cr 63). Currently waiting for weeklies to reset. Now to get some food and maybe continue playing Mass Effect. I decided to go through trilogy again now with Andromeda's launch in two days. Totally forgot how good those games still look.


This "grinding" makes me really hungry.

Edited by Halinalle
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- You do not need bis gear to enjoy the game. Unless by saying "enjoy" you mean "roflstomp".

- You do not need bis gear unless you're doing master operations or ranked pvp. If you need it for master flashpoints then maybe the problem is somewhere else.


Its needed to reach a plateau of equal playing field in PVP. If most of your player base is at this plateau, then PVP is fair and even. It was really nice when they made PVP gear not very difficult to acquire, as it turned it into Player vs Player, not Player vs Gear.


People who like to PVP, but cannot hire chinese kids to play for them 24/7 are stuck. :\


PVP needs to be more about the player, and not a gear grind. I didn't stop PVPing when I had BIS PVP gear, yet this is an assumption that the team calling the shots for the game seem to be working on. :confused:


I just got off the rat wheel, It's eternally turning as fast as you grind without actually going anywhere.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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If you're only crying on forums and don't like the game why exactly are you still playing?


If you really, really want the gear:

- do operations

- pvp (you don't even need to reach rank 300 to be in bis gear because at least you can upgrade)


5.2 will only make it easier to get gear:

- higher you get within the tier you have higher chance of getting set bonus gear

I came into this patch already having the set bonus from doing ops previously, so I don't really care about any of that. I'm more concerned with the gating and reward interval in this new system.


Over the past couple of weeks I've been running flashpoints, which is what I have always done in swtor to prepare for ops. In part because it keeps the skills sharp for harder group content, and also because it's a good way to find other competent players without going through a convoluted guild application process.


I haven't played for a few months, so this is my first exposure to command levels. I've been able to grind my main up to tier three, mid 190s at this point, by playing as if I were preparing for HM ops. With the current cxp bonus, the gearing curve already feels steep. Without the cxp bonus I would almost certainly have stopped as the interval between rng gear upgrade rolls would be far too great. These settings for command levels are already on the verge of undervaluing effort in my view.


Considering also that pvp is on a separate progression track, the current system seems to require that players not only pick a game mode but also a specific character and stick to that if they want to maintain the usual options for jumping into endgame content.


The first thing that BioWare will need to do in my opinion is make the current cxp bonus permanent.

Edited by Laiov
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- You do not need bis gear to enjoy the game. Unless by saying "enjoy" you mean "roflstomp".

- You do not need bis gear unless you're doing master operations or ranked pvp. If you need it for master flashpoints then maybe the problem is somewhere else.

People like to feel like they're making progress. To suggest that he shouldn't get that benefit would be like saying the hardest Op should have no loot (since you obviously beat it without the benefit of said loot the first time), and that the best PvP players shouldn't get it either (since they're obviously winning without it, and therefore don't need it). Also, unless I'm mistaken, the hardest solo content (setting the story to max difficulty) is currently right up there with, if not surpassing, the hardest Ops. Meaning solo players actually need the gear, and maybe it is the Ops players don't ;)


Anyway, Bioware put a carrot in the game, and this particular carrot is available to all level 70s. It is only natural that people are going to chase it. And if they feel like they aren't making progress, then that makes them less inclined to play. And if they feel that they have to play some way they don't enjoy because that's how you make progress, that too will make them less inclined to play.

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I can't take the GC grind any more.


Even at the current boosted rate, whoch ends soon, GC is just far, far too grindy in terms of gearing up for PvP parity.


As it is, my main is still mid Tier 2. She's not going to make it to 300 without resorting to PvE grinding chapters or FPs, or even worse, Ops, which I refuse to do because it will kill the remaining joy in the game for me.


I was having a great time pre-5.0. And 5.0 to 5.1 was great because PvP bolster was 250.


But now, with the impending end of the CXP event, given its current level of grind, I just find it harder and harder to motivate myself to do it any more. It is starting to make me not even want to log in.


I'm compensating for now by levelling alts, which is still fun, if kind of pointless.


Meh. It was fun while it lasted iI guess.


I hope Bioware in 5.2 patch will make it easier (faster) to gear up throughout pvp since i also do not know what i going to do after event ends. I didn't had an opportunity to play much during the event as iam having much work to do these days so i will start to play approximately after event is over, and i really hope that gearing up throughout pvp WILL BE FASTER. Otherwise, i will have to return playing wow again :/

Edited by omaan
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If you're only crying on forums and don't like the game why exactly are you still playing?


If you really, really want the gear:

- do operations

- pvp (you don't even need to reach rank 300 to be in bis gear because at least you can upgrade)


5.2 will only make it easier to get gear:

- higher you get within the tier you have higher chance of getting set bonus gear


For PvPers, the game doesn't start until you remove gear from the equation, meaning the game starts at BiS. For the 7 people that have no lives and can play 24/7 they have top gear. For normal people with day jobs BW seems to intend that those people will never get BiS and so PvP is no longer a part of the game.


5.2 may make it easier to get crappy low level gear, but all that matters to PvP is BiS. 5.2 makes it even harder to get that. We are riding on an old mule with a limp trying to catch a carrot mounted on the back of a rocket ship. Instead of getting closer to the carrot the harder we work the further away it gets. And since we cannot play our alts anymore we'll never get back to being able to play fair games with multiple classes anymore.


The worst part is, the gear disparity is getting wider and wider so PvP is unbearable. It gives most PvPers a few bad options. 1.) quit the game 2.) only play low/mid level pvp and delete characters when they hit 70 or 3.) play ops for a year or 2 until all chars fully geared then switch back to PvP. None are good options, and I really hope that BW realizes thats what they are forcing us to decide between.

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Pretty sure the devs have said something about adjusting the CXP rate once the event ends, no? SNIP....


They did but do you think it will be anything like what it is now?


I don't and so thats a problem given how bad this has all been.

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- You do not need bis gear to enjoy the game. Unless by saying "enjoy" you mean "roflstomp".

- You do not need bis gear unless you're doing master operations or ranked pvp. If you need it for master flashpoints then maybe the problem is somewhere else.


You also don't need cosmetic gear choices to enjoy the game, you don't need Achievements, or mounts, or credits. But many find such things enticing and add to the enjoyment. Is it so hard tho believe gear falls into this? feel free to read the word need as want if it helps you to sleep better at night. But perhaps take a step back from telling others what they need to enjoy their game play.

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You mock someone and say they're "crying" when they have a perfectly valid and respectable comment. You also accuse someone of hating the game despite no such comments from them.
Remarkable isn't it? They attack the player by flat out lying about what was said.
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I would not call it good ol 4.0 days. Then you could get a full set of pvp gear within seconds of reaching max level. Now, and even after the change, it will take a long long time.


Well PVP gear is now PVE gear so in order to get you can go do an ops or 2 with friends and be full 242 in one night. But if you PVP only..... you still have the advantage of having no repair costs, easy access (just que for PVP) and you can easily get CXP (gear) by afking or least amount of effort compared to raiding for gear.

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I hope Bioware in 5.2 patch will make it easier (faster) to gear up throughout pvp since i also do not know what i going to do after event ends. I didn't had an opportunity to play much during the event as iam having much work to do these days so i will start to play approximately after event is over, and i really hope that gearing up throughout pvp WILL BE FASTER. Otherwise, i will have to return playing wow again :/


They said they will fix the gains from activities based on time spent and content difficulty. In PVP you have:


- no repair costs

- can que anytime any place

- even if you lose you gain

- you can even AFK the matches

- no skill required as you still gain stuff


For PVE you have:


- repair costs in case of defeated

- have to assemble group

- roll for loot (may not get anything after 1 hour)

- can fail on bosses and not get anything

- have to enter opses


PVE stuff requires far more than simple PVP so I am afraid they will make gear easier to get from PVE activities as they are much more demanding than PVP.

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Wow, apart from the utterly predictable white knights (who are basically living up to their usual inanity here), this thread has gone pretty positively. Thanks!


For what it is worth I spend almost all of my time in game on my main in PvP, so yes, chasing BiS actually is important to me. Just not important enough to keep up with the grind to T3. I can feel it killing my desire to play, so for me the grind has to stop.

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Wow, apart from the utterly predictable white knights (who are basically living up to their usual inanity here), this thread has gone pretty positively. Thanks!


For what it is worth I spend almost all of my time in game on my main in PvP, so yes, chasing BiS actually is important to me. Just not important enough to keep up with the grind to T3. I can feel it killing my desire to play, so for me the grind has to stop.

And this is exactly why 5.2 is only half of the needed fix. 5.2 is PERFECT for PvEers, I'm thrilled Bioware is going back to the old system of Ops bosses dropping the gear and they're keeping the RNG boxes as a bonus. 5.2 has this part exactly right imo.


However...it entirely leaves out PvPers, who are more gear dependent than PvEers...AND it adds another full tier for them to need to buy, which is already outrageously priced at only 3-tiers. PvP gear needs the gear prices slashed in half, or more...and...they should have the weekly mission give an unassembled, GC level appropriate, gear piece.

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Grinding? Lol. Just did veteran mode flashpoint on my operative (cr 58) and scoundrel (cr 63). Currently waiting for weeklies to reset


Wait - you're barely halfway through Tier 1 and yet expect to be taken seriously about this RNG abomination? Or for that matter, about anything related to post-5.0 play?




I mean seriously, I might have alts that far along. several are certainly close. GC 50 is basically a long Saturday. Report back when you are 150+ and the grind has set in.

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