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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Marking Targets in PvP 101


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Hi guys,


Lots of you are new or just trying out pvp for the first time. I know in pve you often use the target markers to mark mobs or your own healers/team mates.


(Sorry in advance for cap locks, it seems underlining and bold isn't working anymore when using my iPad)


Well target marking works differently in pvp. Since launch pvpers have only used target markers to mark enemy healers in 8 man pvp and NO ONE else.

There is a reason for this and its because lots of teams have multiple healers or tanks or dps. There aren't enough markers to go around to mark them all or even use the right markers.

So we ONLY MARK ENEMY HEALERS in 8 man pvp so there is zero confusion.

It is also helpful to keep track of healers on the other side of the map or the sneaky ones using LoS to heal out of sight. The huge marker on their heads helps you find them. If you see a marked target in 8 man pvp you should always assume it is a healer and shut them down, it doesn't matter what marker is above their head.

When people start marking tanks and dps it all goes sideways. You might see a marker on the other side of the map and chase after them to stop them healing. But as you are about to engage you see it's a dps or a tank and you have just wasted time chasing them.


Arena is different, all markers can be used, but the target marker is for the main focused target that everyone should be on. Other markers are sometimes used so people know who to focus second or who to cc so you can focus the main target. People hopefully discuss this before the Arena starts (at least in regs)


So to all the new guys and general pve people, welcome to pvp, but please respect the system and only use markers as laid out above.

Edited by Icykill_
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This so much this!!!! Yes yes yes.



Also use cardinal directions north, south, east, west when calling for help. Or terrain like snow, grass.


Not relative directions like left, right.


That annoys me more than anything. Left and right. I mean, seriously that is subjective to which way the player is currently facing.....

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Not to take this thread off target (pun intended) but I'm fairly new to pvp, and certainly new to surviving pvp :rolleyes:, how do players target other players when we're in the waiting area? I can't right click them but all of a sudden an enemy has a marker on their head.
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Not to take this thread off target (pun intended) but I'm fairly new to pvp, and certainly new to surviving pvp :rolleyes:, how do players target other players when we're in the waiting area? I can't right click them but all of a sudden an enemy has a marker on their head.


In arenas you can click on their name in the team roster window to target that player. Switching targets (default hotkey: TAB) is another option. However, I think the character must be in your line of sight for it to work.

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Target reticule is used for priority target ( usually heals ) where I PvP. everyone else seems to use it.


But there's no reason why you shouldn't use your own system. - But making it clear in ops chat is essential.


Focus target, CC flame, watch for lightning is a valid instruction so long as everyone is on the same page.... That's why you have a minute or so in the cage before the WZ starts, to come up with a plan and a contingency if it goes south.... ( or is that mid? :o )



You can hotkey markers in your keybindings settings. Assign them to keys well away from your rotation and ability keys and you're good to go.

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Not to take this thread off target (pun intended) but I'm fairly new to pvp, and certainly new to surviving pvp :rolleyes:, how do players target other players when we're in the waiting area? I can't right click them but all of a sudden an enemy has a marker on their head.


My guess is they scrolled out far enough so that they can see over the barrier. I have mine set at 500 distance and can see who is in the some wz. Now Ive seen some people mark targets in voidstar, not sure how they do that.

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Excellent thread.

I would add my wish of please don't mark a target on reg arenas if you have no idea of arena strategy. Kill the healer first is not always the case.


Yes! There is so much to agree with in this thread.


Just yesterday in an arena I was told that I was an idiot for marking the 104k dps Jugg as primary target, my target was removed and placed on the 122k guarded Merc healer. As they all tore off after the new target I thought, "well, at least the pain will be short. "

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That minute or so waiting for the WZ to start is useful in some way..... Like discussing tactics and making sure everyone is on the same page. You can even chat to your team..... Yay! :)

Who woulda thunk it?


Tho' no plan survives contact with the enemy.... And indeed sharing with everyone in the team.....

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That minute or so waiting for the WZ to start is useful in some way..... Like discussing tactics and making sure everyone is on the same page. You can even chat to your team..... Yay! :)

Who woulda thunk it?


Tho' no plan survives contact with the enemy.... And indeed sharing with everyone in the team.....

Tactics? You need to do literally ZERO wz's to understand that a marked player should be targeted in PvP. This is not something anyone should need to be explained to them...ever.

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Bumping again. I'm still seeing lots of people marking dps and tanks instead of healers in objective pvp.


I had one guy who supposedly had 99 Valor and been pvping for 3 years tell everyone and myself that you always use the target on the hardest hitting burst dps 😳😳😳


I tried to explain that wasn't the pvp convention in this game, at least not on any servers in the US. But was yelled down. This only confuses newbie players even more.


Guys, please educate people about marking targets properly in objective pvp, especially in lowbies and mids because this is where they learn what's right and what's wrong.

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Edited because I started giving PVP advice unknowingly in the general forum.


I thought the link from another thread in general forum section would lead to a topic in the proper PVP section.


I was wrong.


Looks like they made two threads in general on the same subject. ??? :rak_02:

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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Edited because I started giving PVP advice unknowingly in the general forum.


I thought the link from another thread in general forum section would lead to a topic in the proper PVP section.


I was wrong.


Looks like they made two threads in general on the same subject. ??? :rak_02:



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Edited because I started giving PVP advice unknowingly in the general forum.


I thought the link from another thread in general forum section would lead to a topic in the proper PVP section.


I was wrong.


Looks like they made two threads in general on the same subject. ??? :rak_02:


You do know that pvpers pretty much know most things that would be posted in the gen section about pvp. Its the general section players who are trying pvp that need this help. Not many of those guys even look at the pvp section.


As for the same subject. The first was to be educational. The second was to bring to people's attention that it is becoming an issue that needs addressing.

Edited by Icykill_
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I usually use target and star for marking healers, the cog and flame are somewhat hard to see behind a red tag. I've had my own teammates put the blue shield on me, which is silly in a way. To me, healers should be target, star, lightning bolt, if you HAVE to mark the top dps on the other team go green saber or orange gun. Same with their tank except use the shield...it is advantageous at times to burn the tank down first Edited by DarthNumbNuts
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I usually use target and star for marking healers, the cog and flame are somewhat hard to see behind a red tag. I've had my own teammates put the blue shield on me, which is silly in a way. To me, healers should be target, star, lightning bolt, if you HAVE to mark the top dps on the other team go green saber or orange gun. Same with their tank except use the shield...it is advantageous at times to burn the tank down first


*jaw drops open*


Fine advice for a premade group but honestly pugs can only do one thing, maybe two. If you mark 2 targets in a 4v4 pug team, half the team will attack one and half the team will attack the other...

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Thank you to the forum mod that moved this to the proper section.


I really hope you weren't the instigator of this because you've completely missed the point of it being posted in the general section and not the pvp section. 99% of pvpers already know all this. The thread was to help new people who look at the general section only, not current or veteran pvpers.

I'm extremely disappointed and I dare say furious this has happened because I went out of my way to help the community as I've done many times over the years.

I've been thanked 100s of times for my "educational" threads I've created over the years, the last one was an actual sticky on how to gear for pvp. This is the first time I can remember that my attempt to help people in this game has been sabotaged.

If this is an example of things to come, it will sadely be the last time I waste my energy.

Edited by Icykill_
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All I did, was not involve myself in a flame war on the general forum, I did no PM, no message.


I just edited out my response when I realized it was a gen chat thread.


The moderator's did this action on their own.


Now the topic can be discussed.


Making multiple threads on the same topic is very confusing, and causes points to be lost.


If a player won't come to the PVP section, they won't take the time to read a strategy guide in the general forum either. Specific topics to specific places, and general topics to general places. You get maximum readership if you post a specific topic in the specific place.

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