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Optimal Vanguard/Powertech buff by hardcore raider/PvP'er


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UPD: I was trying to farm S8 rating on my PT and wanted to rage. Class is totally unbalanced against now. Literally every class has off-heals or vanish abilities (some classes ahve both). PT is just suffering in 4v4 DPS matches, evryone focus PT now nto because the class does too high burst but because it is the easiest class to kill.

I do play Vanguard/Powertech class since 2013 year. Have done every single operation on hardest mode on level

and have Valor 100 Powertech. It is actually my main class. Let's actually say what is the class it is.


Vanguard/Powertech is mid-range (not melee-range) damage dealer class with heavy armor and high burst on Tactics/AP spec and quite decent AoE damage on Plasmatech/Pyrotech. It doesn't have stealth (like Marauder, Assassin, Operative), it doesn't have any 100% or 99% mitigation (Reflect, Resilience, Guarded by the Bioware, Roll/Dodge). This is class which actually facing his enemy and burning it down. I liked the class because it was secific BUT right now you doing everything to make it LIKE THE REST of melee-dps. Well, why not put stealth or reflect (Sonic Rebounder doesn't count because it does not increase self dps numbers) on Vanguard/Powertech then? The rest have it, right? Okay, I'm kidding but it would make PvP gameplay more interesting.


I've seen my class changed through expansions. But changes you made about my class with 5.0 are just horrible. On some fights I have the same numbers as in 4.x due to 50% Into the Fray/Close and Personal nerf. With utility which does damage every 3 seconds I could do 8k dps on Underluker HM. Now I getting over-dps'ed by Mercenaries. Cannot also forget Styrak and 7.5k dps in the beginning of 4.x. You just made Vanguard/Powertech class trash class and nerfing Into the Fray/Close and Personal while you buffing Juggernaut's "Freezing Force" which is UTILITY and does 20% of total damage on SINGLE target is just disregard.


To be honest, I don't want everyone to play Vanguard/Powertech like Commando/Mercenary right now because its buffed. So below I will put changes which would make this class up to time. Also, I didn't really like that a single utility could do damage instead of player but if Juggernauts got dot on Freezing Force then why not.


So changes:


Passive "Into the Fray/Close and Personal": Increases the duration of Reactive/Energy Shield by 3 seconds. In addition, suffering direct damage from area attacks vents 2 heat and heals you for 2.5% of your total health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1 seconds (instead of "every 3 seconds"). This wil make class more survivable for some PvE fights and do better damage numbers with "Reflective Armor" utility.


AP Passive "Energy Rebounder:": When you take damage, the active cooldown of enerhy shield is reduced by 3 seconds... . [You should make it class passive and not just AP.


Utility "Iron Will": Reduces the cooldown of Tenacity by 30 seconds and the cooldown of Hold the Line by 20 seconds (instead of "10 seconds"). This will increase class mobility because with so many Mercenaries in PvP you getting pushbacks again and again (thanks for making everyone playing Mercenary!).


Utility "Guard Cannon": Damaging a target with your Shoulder Cannon missiles heals you for 5% (instead of 3%) total health. More self-heals and better surviability for PvP.


Ability "Adrenaline Rush": Replace it with "Adrenal Surge" ability which is Heroic utility on Commando. It should have the same effect as Adrenaline Rush+Adrenal Surge combo on Commando. Or at least make current one "Ability Rush" utility heal for 50% instead of 35%. Off-GCD self heals for PvP and independent surviability for PvP.


Tank spec ability "Transponse": at least make it instant or replace with something better. Like 100% defense chance or better heals.


Change 6-piece set bonus: (6) Activating Flame Burst and Magnetic Blast or Ion Pulse and Tactical Surge will grant Combat Tech's Critical bonus making your next (instead of "one of your next") Enegy Burst and Immolate or Cell Burst and Plasma Flare critically hit. This effect can't occur more than once every minute. This is just stupid. Once I got set bonus proc there is a CHANCE that I will be able to use it because none is using Energy Burst w/o 4 stacks and it takes a time to gain these 4 stacks (Enegy Lodes) again.



Flaming Sweep was nerfed to the ground this expansion. Increase its damage!

Thats it.


Vanguard/Powertech doesn't need Reflect or full mitigation. Just make this class offensive as it is used to be.


P.S. Sorry for my crappy English.

P.S.S. I am really bad and title is just to catch your attention.

Edited by Simplette
Eternal Rage!
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Here is my suggestion for PlasmaTech:


Plasma Barrage: ShockStrike causes your next TWO Ion Pulses / Explosive Surges to be free.

(also move that talent down to...28 or something, it's too high up for such a critical talent)


That by itself will do wonders for PlasmaTech...

Edited by Cuiwe
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I have my suggestions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=912990.


I think you are way under aiming here. These changes would be nice, but the damage will remain sucky and survivability is weak.


Your changes are nice. But what about mine? Pyro would perhaps even deal damage if it didn't have to use Rapid Shot half the time and even then have the trouble with Heat...

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I'd rather see transpose become insta cast rather than removed, I'd use it all the time. Right now I mostly use it to troll or save dumb sorcs, so making that ability useful in arenas would be cool. I could see myself using it to save teammates or myself and could be very strong ability.

I'd love to see pt tank become mid range again but I doubt that will happen. In the meantime I'd like to #makeoilslickgreatagain and return shoulder cannon to it's former glory for both dps and tank (lower the gcd on it again and make it heal for more). I could see pts becoming a threat again if mercs and maybe snipers are toned down a bit in combinations with the un-nerfs i proposed.


The fact is quite a few ranked teams have been running pts as both tanks and dps in 4s and are doing ok, so that has got to be taken into consideration when buffing them IMO, lest we go back to the carb swap or get farmed meta.


Ability "Adrenaline Rush": Replace it with "Adrenal Surge" ability which is Heroic utility on Commando. It should have the same effect as Adrenaline Rush+Adrenal Surge combo on Commando. Or at least make current one "Ability Rush" utility heal for 50% instead of 35%. Off-GCD self heals for PvP and independent surviability for PvP.


I like this one and I have seen it suggested multiple time. Perhaps making the Pyro talent a standard for all three specs could work too (cooldown reduced from being attacked)

Edited by LeglessChair
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Personally, from a mostly PvE and class feel side of things, I want the following:

1) ranges changed to 20, not 10.

2) Tank spec gets a passive at 10 that reduces range to 10 and gives some tanky bonus (extra aggro or something), should devs feel that tanks cannot be range 20.

3) In the 20-30 range, a power that replaces the rifle butt/knife stab thing with something that has range 20 for the DPS specs. Or rework those powers to be situational, and not tie it into the main attack chain. Or just replace them with a range 20 power right from the get-go.

4) Bigger radius on the AoEs.

5) Higher damage across the board.


As is, the Vanguard is the least fun class I've played, lacking in damage, with crappy AoEs, and a horrid feel to it on top of it all. Now, admittedly, mine isn't to 70 yet, but compared to the other classes I've played, it just feels weak and lackluster, across the board.

Edited by Battilea
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I have my suggestions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=912990.


I think you are way under aiming here. These changes would be nice, but the damage will remain sucky and survivability is weak.


Damage sucky? PT never was the bust dummy fighting class. I raid NiM operations and don't feel burst, yes. But to actually increase Powertechs DPS you should take some damage. Thats how it used to be: Eplosive Fuel + Pyro Shield + Hydraulics + Shoulder Cannon (also "Close and Personal" if possible) = high damage. About surviability. You know if you overtune class it will be become popular and every damn pleb will be playing Powertech in every warzone match like on Mercenary now.

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They don't care. The best way right now is to simply unsub. Maybe that'll make them actually care.


And whoever designed 5,0 balance, clearly has no understanding of swtor. I wonder whether he was brought on board from some other project tbh(who balanced 5,0?)...

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They don't care. The best way right now is to simply unsub. Maybe that'll make them actually care.


And whoever designed 5,0 balance, clearly has no understanding of swtor. I wonder whether he was brought on board from some other project tbh(who balanced 5,0?)...


It is in all probability Ben. I do not think there are currently any other devs in terms of content or class balance. And he is known to be ignorant and arrogant. So if you are hoping for any changes, sadly, I do not see them coming anytime soon. Devs did not even bother to tell us when to expect them.

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It is in all probability Ben. I do not think there are currently any other devs in terms of content or class balance. And he is known to be ignorant and arrogant. So if you are hoping for any changes, sadly, I do not see them coming anytime soon. Devs did not even bother to tell us when to expect them.


I suspected it was him. Imo, great leaders in any role are actually servants of those below them, not "HRRRR, I iz da greatest!". Be as it may, Ben is a REALLY POOR choice for any lead position. It really doesn't suit him. As I said, he might be a WONDERFUL programmer, but a lead? lol no. It reminds me of another BWEA fiasco: that of Carrie Gouskos in Bioware Mythic. She was such a wonderful programmer and influenced not only the mmo genre, but overall games a lot with things like Tome of Knowledge, but as a Lead? **** the fail is strong in that one.

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If PT is to remain a melee class, it needs DCD's on par with other melee like Mara and Jug.


The damage is fine for AP, Pyro needs a buff to Flamethrower.


But survivability for both DPS needs some pretty serious tweaking. As it stands, the class is fine when it has tank and heal support, but it's dead in the water if it's caught by itself as it cannot keep up with any of the other classes DCD's.

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