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Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber for Direct Sale


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Can we not JUDGE people as morons/idiots if they want to "waste" their hard earned dollar to a Barbie doll dress up cosmetic saber?


It's their money, their choice. The barbie saber might not be valued that much to some of you, but to some people it's a great deal and they don't mind the price. I'm always amused to see people say "You could've gotten 1000+ games with lower than that price on Steam!1!" What if they don't give a **** to all of those Steam games? I sure don't want to play 2D farmland by some Indie developer. Not saying those are bad games, I'm just saying it's all come back to personal taste, and personal definition of how you value that cosmetic saber. So, please, quit telling people what YOU'd buy with that amount and let people do what they want with their own $.


Also, if you'd ever purchased a lot of hypercrates to pursue that saber and never got it and ended up spending much more than 7600 coins total, and it's never been if not very rarely sold on GTN, you'd have appreciated this offer.


This. Let's not call each other morons. We are all different.

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I don't understand the argument. If there are people who want to purchase coins to buy the saber, let them. If people don't want to purchase coins to buy the saber, then so be it they can purchase one on the gtn in the future.


I want to purchase a Michael Kor or Coach purse, the ones I'm looking at cost about $150 to $300. Yes, for a purse, where I toss **** into and just use like any old walmart $20 purse. It's because I want to spend the money and obtain for myself a luxury item. Same with the Michael Kor or Coach wallet, they cost $90-200 dollars for one of those, especially when I can just buy some dinky one at, again, walmart for $10-20.


It's all a matter of what the person who is spending the money thinks is valuable to them. If the person paying, what is it $60? for coins to get 7600 wants the light saber, they have a right. Some may call them dumb or think they're rich. It's just something they want.


One day, I hope to be able to afford a Rolls Royce. They go for $250,000 to $350,000 depending on year and what type I want. (This is one of those win the lotto purchases) It's overall, just a car. My current Nissan Sentra does exactly the same **** the Rolls Royce would do, doesn't it?


If people want to spend their money for an item, real and tangible, or pretend and digital, then so be it. It's their money, they worked for it, saved for it, and are old enough to make their own spending decisions.

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Can we not JUDGE people as morons/idiots if they want to "waste" their hard earned dollar to a Barbie doll dress up cosmetic saber?


It's their money, their choice. The barbie saber might not be valued that much to some of you, but to some people it's a great deal and they don't mind the price. I'm always amused to see people say "You could've gotten 1000+ games with lower than that price on Steam!1!" What if they don't give a **** to all of those Steam games? I sure don't want to play 2D farmland by some Indie developer. Not saying those are bad games, I'm just saying it's all come back to personal taste, and personal definition of how you value that cosmetic saber. So, please, quit telling people what YOU'd buy with that amount and let people do what they want with their own $.


Also, if you'd ever purchased a lot of hypercrates to pursue that saber and never got it and ended up spending much more than 7600 coins total, and it's never been if not very rarely sold on GTN, you'd have appreciated this offer.


I am not going to call someone names for buying this lightsaber. However, they are still buying a lightsaber that can cost them (assuming they have less than 300 CC) $60.00 USD. Bioware has disguised their infinite supply of a computer generated item with a limited time offer--this is where they are screwing the customer out of their money. They could have a smile or frown hitting the purchase button, doesn't change the fact they are getting screwed.

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I am not going to call someone names for buying this lightsaber. However, they are still buying a lightsaber that can cost them (assuming they have less than 300 CC) $60.00 USD. Bioware has disguised their infinite supply of a computer generated item with a limited time offer--this is where they are screwing the customer out of their money. They could have a smile or frown hitting the purchase button, doesn't change the fact they are getting screwed.


an item doesnt have to be in limited supply to have a premium price... id say that IF they were to downgrade it in the future as far as rarity goes (making it drop more) and sold it for a lower price... THEN you could say they were screwing the customers (specifically those that bought the item at the current price)...

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I want to purchase a Michael Kor or Coach purse, the ones I'm looking at cost about $150 to $300. Yes, for a purse, where I toss **** into and just use like any old walmart $20 purse. It's because I want to spend the money and obtain for myself a luxury item. Same with the Michael Kor or Coach wallet, they cost $90-200 dollars for one of those, especially when I can just buy some dinky one at, again, walmart for $10-20.




The difference is that the dealer does not charge you to enter the store and look around. You could eye shop/window shop to infinity and all ti does is cost you your time. You could also call them on the phone and ask a bunch of questions and not buy jack.


The game is not free to play so it's not like we need to support the CM in order for them to dish out content. And selling a single item that cost as much as half a year's sub is unethical.


I'm pretty sure a Michael Kors purse is more durable/ of better quality than a $20.00. So, it has a longer useful life than any ole cheap purse you can buy an a shop.


The Arbiter's saber doesn't give more force power or give a longer, fuller blade. if it make my plasma blade looked like Jensyn's in Korriban Incursion, where I can now wield a sword without having to use a vibroblade, then sure. The CM cap on single items should be 1,440 cartel coins.

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The game is not free to play so it's not like we need to support the CM in order for them to dish out content.

Umm, yeah, it is. You can subscribe if you want, but F2P players have the same access to the Cartel Market, including this item, that "Premium" (as they're now calling us) subscribers do.


Even if it were true, I'm not sure how that would be a meaningful distinction that somehow moves this luxury item into a different category from luxury items like the Kors or Coach bags.


And selling a single item that cost as much as half a year's sub is unethical.

If you think conspicuous consumption products are unethical, then yeah, this would certainly fall into the same category as those.


I'm pretty sure a Michael Kors purse is more durable/ of better quality than a $20.00. So, it has a longer useful life than any ole cheap purse you can buy an a shop.

Even if there is a marginal difference in the material quality / durability of the purse or wallet (and that's questionable), it's not the reason people are paying the 600%-1300% markup on those products - the whole point is that they're a luxury / status item.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Even if I wanted one, I would not think that a virtual light saber would be worth risking my account, credit card info, etc.


That is just me, though. Others may have different opinions.

While 50 Mil is really not that hard to get if you want to work towards it I know players on all the servers that I play on that will purchase credits. Honestly if I had nothing better to do I could make this running Black Tallon:

Refined Isotope Stabilizers = 140k current rate

50mil / 140k = 357.14

357.14 / 4 per run = 89.2 runs

89 runs x 15 min = 22 hours


So realistically you could make the 50 mil in 22 hours of running Black Talon Veteran Solo and note this does not include the completion credits each time and random credit or gear drops inside. Just saying.

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The best thing about the Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber isn't spending 60 bucks on it, it's showing everyone online that you did.



Seriously though beating myself up for not buying one at 7 million or so a year back. (Unless it was some other unstable saber, but IIRC it was just that.)

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The difference is that the dealer does not charge you to enter the store and look around. You could eye shop/window shop to infinity and all ti does is cost you your time. You could also call them on the phone and ask a bunch of questions and not buy jack.


The game is not free to play so it's not like we need to support the CM in order for them to dish out content. And selling a single item that cost as much as half a year's sub is unethical.


I'm pretty sure a Michael Kors purse is more durable/ of better quality than a $20.00. So, it has a longer useful life than any ole cheap purse you can buy an a shop.


The Arbiter's saber doesn't give more force power or give a longer, fuller blade. if it make my plasma blade looked like Jensyn's in Korriban Incursion, where I can now wield a sword without having to use a vibroblade, then sure. The CM cap on single items should be 1,440 cartel coins.


I'd really only call it unethical if this saber somehow did anything to affect gameplay any more than the free sabers they give you throughout the game do. As it is, it is 100% eye-candy/status-symbol (to some) and nothing more, just like all luxury goods.


The outrage in this thread is so weird. I guess you're free to it if you're also personally at the Jaguar dealership screaming at them for charging more for their cars than you paid for your Camry, or standing in the lobby of a really nice steak restaurant because they want to charge $65 more for a steak than the greasy diner off the turnpike, or barking at people shopping in grocery stores for buying Lucky Charms from a box and not the off-brand big bags of rip-off cereal for $2 less.

Quality is in the eye of the beholder/buyer. Maybe to some people the steak tastes the same at both restaurants. Maybe the Camry owner knows there car will get to where they need to go, even though it costs tens of thousands of dollars less than the Jaguar. Some people can't taste any difference in the brand-name Lucky Charms and the rip-off ones. They all do the same thing, feed us or get us around. The saber on the CM does the same thing all other sabers do.


I still haven't seen anywhere where either Bioware made this saber kill things faster or they somehow forced you to buy it to continue playing the game. :rolleyes: We're also not getting anywhere comparing sub prices to CM prices. I easily spend about double my sub on CM purchases for various things that I want (about half from sub-CCs and the other half from direct purchase). Others spend 1/4 of their sub, some spend nothing, some spend 63%. Who cares? It's their money. I don't throw a tantrum outside a nice restaurant with a valet when I see a guy pull up in a Lamborghini right behind my Honda Civic.

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Not sure what the big deal is. Yeah, it's pricey, but... so what? No one's forcing anyone to buy it. It's purely cosmetic, meaning you can play the game just as well even if you don't buy it.


So... what's the kerfluffle?


Apparently some people have a version of the CM market that threatens them in some way if they don't pay for the thing.

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Not sure what the big deal is. Yeah, it's pricey, but... so what? No one's forcing anyone to buy it. It's purely cosmetic, meaning you can play the game just as well even if you don't buy it.


So... what's the kerfluffle?


Yup....I agree completely. 24 pages of rage, and really THIS is what is needed. Either buy it or don't. ;)

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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As a response to the devs on this subject i'd like to comment:

I got an unstable arbiters lightsaber in my DvL packs, I was quite chuffed about it but I hadn't started using it yet.

Now I'm not going to.

If I suddently start using one of those now there's going to be a perception that I'm some tool who would spend $60 IRL on some in game cosmetic item.

If this kind of perception persists, no matter how much you are careful about the price, it will ruin the market for them.

Supply and Demand, you just took away the demand.

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As a response to the devs on this subject i'd like to comment:

I got an unstable arbiters lightsaber in my DvL packs, I was quite chuffed about it but I hadn't started using it yet.

Now I'm not going to.

If I suddently start using one of those now there's going to be a perception that I'm some tool who would spend $60 IRL on some in game cosmetic item.

If this kind of perception persists, no matter how much you are careful about the price, it will ruin the market for them.

Supply and Demand, you just took away the demand.


If someone thinks you are a tool that is on them and you shouldn't care what they think. Money is just all relative. I used to spend less than 60 dollars a week on food and now I am fortunate enough to spend that on lunches rather frequently. I'm not a better person now than I was when I was poor I just have more money. Who cares. If you have the money and you want something cosmetic there is nothing wrong with it.


I have nice cars. When someone who is doing well and is happy (rich or poor) sees me in one of them they are nice about it. However, it is the people unhappy with where they are in life that say I'm a fool for having nice cars. I don't care what they think and I'm not trying to impress them. I always wanted nice cars and so when I could afford them I got them.


Also, I'm actually in a funny spot right now. I want to buy a couple of these but I'm boycotting the CM until they fix pvp gearing. IDC whether they just increase bolster to 4 levels below max or go back to pvp gear or something else but I just want them to fix gearing alts in pvp. SWTOR was the best game for playing multiple classes in pvp rather casually and still being able to compete.

Edited by DarthRaika
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I think most people missing the point. It's not about who is willing to spend what and whether or not they are stupid for doing so. It is about a company that has an obligation to act in an ethical manner consistent with good business practices. It about the duty of care and fiduciary responsibilities it has to its customers. That is why you have ethical bodies that govern various accepts of commercial activities. Unfortunately, the gaming industry is governed by competition, and so good corporate governance is really left solely up to the game companies.


There is no justifiable reason to be selling the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber for $60.00, but it is not illegal either. Is it ethical though?

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I think most people missing the point. It's not about who is willing to spend what and whether or not they are stupid for doing so. It is about a company that has an obligation to act in an ethical manner consistent with good business practices. It about the duty of care and fiduciary responsibilities it has to its customers. That is why you have ethical bodies that govern various accepts of commercial activities. Unfortunately, the gaming industry is governed by competition, and so good corporate governance is really left solely up to the game companies.


There is no justifiable reason to be selling the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber for $60.00, but it is not illegal either. Is it ethical though?


Oh there's justification for it. The price maintains its rarity without being a huge slap in the face for players who spent a fortune on crates to get it. If they offered it at a reasonable price then those players would most certainly complain upon seeing 85% of the pop with them

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Oh there's justification for it. The price maintains its rarity without being a huge slap in the face for players who spent a fortune on crates to get it. If they offered it at a reasonable price then those players would most certainly complain upon seeing 85% of the pop with them


Well, I got a lot of rare stuff in the DvL event, and I don't hear anybody complaining about that. Rare or not 7.900 coins is too much. It's a single item vs the tons of stuff that people get from a Cartel pack.

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Well, I got a lot of rare stuff in the DvL event, and I don't hear anybody complaining about that. Rare or not 7.900 coins is too much. It's a single item vs the tons of stuff that people get from a Cartel pack.


Yet the majority of those hypercrates yield less than that lightsaber most of the time

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It is about a company that has an obligation to act in an ethical manner consistent with good business practices. It about the duty of care and fiduciary responsibilities it has to its customers.

A company doesn't have fiduciary responsibilities it has to its customers. Quite the contrary, its management's fiduciary duty is to the company as a business and to its shareholders.



There is no justifiable reason to be selling the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber for $60.00, but it is not illegal either. Is it ethical though?

Yes. It's a luxury item that gives you no in-game advantage, other than looking good. It costs $0 to produce and its utility is 0. Charge away!

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I think it's strange that ethics is even coming into question regarding this. It's not like they said, "Buy this $60 vanity item or your account will be locked for 30 days." Are $500 sneakers ethical? How about a $10,000 purse? Just because something is relatively expensive doesn't mean it's unethical. Personally, they might as well have priced the lightsaber at $1,000,000 because I'd be just as likely to buy it for that amount. Even if I had the CC's, no way in hell would I burn that many on it.


On a side note, I don't know if its just that I think the game's outdated graphics look so busted when compared to other MMO's like FFXIV or BDO, but fashion isn't that big of a deal to me in this game.

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Are $500 sneakers ethical? How about a $10,000 purse?

Presumably, the people saying the pricing on this lightsaber is unethical would also say those are unethical as well - if they're interested in being ideologically consistent at least. Depends on one's moral system, I suppose.

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I guess most of the issue does not comes from the fact this virtual item is overpriced.


What is the issue is there's no worthwhile and playable content we can buy for that amount of money.

Top that with the fact we all know the money spent on these items are cash grabs and won't help making the game better at all.


So all in all when buying these virtual item people are just paying BioWare to keep milking players without requiring them to fix, improve and add content to the game. We are just comforting them in keeping reusing existing assets and selling them.

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