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Recommended for a Sharpshooter?


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Why is it so hard to find a clear and updated guide for the classes? Seriously, tried so many threads and websites and none of these links actually provided any decent help. I even attempted to request some help in-game but people refused to provide any sort of help.


So I came here. What are the recommended type of item modifications for a Gunslinger that has picked the Sharpshooter Skill Tree? I don't really want to get into detail because I honestly just find it rather confusing and a mess.. I just need something that will somewhat help me... keep me on my toes and alive to fight another day. Preferable mods that can be purchased from the Fleet's vendors.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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Why is it so hard to find a clear and updated guide for the classes? Seriously, tried so many threads and websites and none of these links actually provided any decent help. I even attempted to request some help in-game but people refused to provide any sort of help.


So I came here. What are the recommended type of item modifications for a Gunslinger that has picked the Sharpshooter Skill Tree? I don't really want to get into detail because I honestly just find it rather confusing and a mess.. I just need something that will somewhat help me... keep me on my toes and alive to fight another day. Preferable mods that can be purchased from the Fleet's vendors.


Dps classes all use the same kind of modifications. Armorings/Barrels should be called "versatile" (unless you have access to setbonus), for mods you'll use "lethal mod" (no additional letter) and when it comes to enhencements you use a mix of "initiative" (accuracy), "quick savant" (alacrity) and "adept" (crit) depending on your overall stats. Crystalls in your weapons should be with crit-rating but it doesn't make a huge difference if you use another stat there.

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I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but Sharpshooter is in a bad spot for dps for Snipers right now. If you wanna find what gear and mods to use for your gear and the rotation try dulfy.net (as what the guy said in the previous post) Engineering and Virulence are the best sniper specs in the game.


Engineering is ranked 3rd for parse right now and Virulence is 2nd in parse, dulfy will definitely have guides for those two disciplines for sure. I don't know if this helped

Edited by weeklymar
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I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but Sharpshooter is in a bad spot for dps for Snipers right now. If you wanna find what gear and mods to use for your gear and the rotation try dulfy.net (as what the guy said in the previous post) Engineering and Virulence are the best sniper specs in the game.


Engineering is ranked 3rd for parse right now and Virulence is 2nd in parse, dulfy will definitely have guides for those two disciplines for sure. I don't know if this helped


I'm talking about the Smuggler.

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Dps classes all use the same kind of modifications. Armorings/Barrels should be called "versatile" (unless you have access to setbonus), for mods you'll use "lethal mod" (no additional letter) and when it comes to enhencements you use a mix of "initiative" (accuracy), "quick savant" (alacrity) and "adept" (crit) depending on your overall stats. Crystalls in your weapons should be with crit-rating but it doesn't make a huge difference if you use another stat there.


That is somewhat helpful, thanks!

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And I haven't mentioned any Sniper whatsoever.


(several other quotes as well)


If you aren't aware, the Sniper is the mirror class for the Gunslinger. They each have the same identical specs, skills, abilities etc,.. just with different names. As far as the specs go:


Sharpshooter = Marksmanship

Saboteur = Engineering

Dirty Fighting = Virulence


So, anything that applies to Marksmanship Snipers applies to your Sharpshooter Gunslinger as well. Yes, that means you will have to translate the abilities' names, but the player base is not what it once was so you may have to do that small amount of legwork yourself.

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If you aren't aware, the Sniper is the mirror class for the Gunslinger. They each have the same identical specs, skills, abilities etc,.. just with different names. As far as the specs go:


Sharpshooter = Marksmanship

Saboteur = Engineering

Dirty Fighting = Virulence


So, anything that applies to Marksmanship Snipers applies to your Sharpshooter Gunslinger as well. Yes, that means you will have to translate the abilities' names, but the player base is not what it once was so you may have to do that small amount of legwork yourself.


Oh, I see. Well, then I learned something new then.


All that I want is just recommended modifications to use. No special specific details or anything of that kind... Just something that will help me quest and so on.

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Oh, I see. Well, then I learned something new then.


All that I want is just recommended modifications to use. No special specific details or anything of that kind... Just something that will help me quest and so on.


In that case, I echo what mrwayn already said. Is there something else that you were curious about with regards to mods/enhancements/barrels/crystals? I think he pretty much covered everything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but Sharpshooter is in a bad spot for dps for Snipers right now. If you wanna find what gear and mods to use for your gear and the rotation try dulfy.net (as what the guy said in the previous post) Engineering and Virulence are the best sniper specs in the game.


Engineering is ranked 3rd for parse right now and Virulence is 2nd in parse, dulfy will definitely have guides for those two disciplines for sure. I don't know if this helped


Dont go by this guide. Its a parse vs a dummy. I found Marksman Sniper to be fairly close to engineering. It all depends on the fights. AOE fights virulence and engineering will parse highr. 1v1 Marksman wins. You would really be doing yourself a favor by learning all three specs.

Edited by Arkia
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Dont go by this guide. Its a parse vs a dummy. I found Marksman Sniper to be fairly close to engineering. It all depends on the fights. AOE fights virulence and engineering will parse highr. 1v1 Marksman wins. You would really be doing yourself a favor by learning all three specs.


Maybe in pvp, but certainly not in operations. If someone is doing more damage in marksman on a fight than in virulence or engineering then they aren't playing either of those 2 right. There are a select few fights where there is a bunch of aoe burst that's really good for marksman (torque, lurker), but there aren't many of those.

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Maybe in pvp, but certainly not in operations. If someone is doing more damage in marksman on a fight than in virulence or engineering then they aren't playing either of those 2 right. There are a select few fights where there is a bunch of aoe burst that's really good for marksman (torque, lurker), but there aren't many of those.


MM will mostly shine in fights with lots of target switches. Its the one spec where safe for your class debuff on target (corrosive dart/Penetrating blast for MM) you have 0 preparation to do. Your rotation gives you procs and stacking buffs, and it has 0 importance who you target with it. you can just hit tab barely lose any dps, other than the slight bit coming from your debuff.


finishing penetrating blast on Brontes and Kephess clone happen? Tab and he gets the followthrough. Meanwhile if with virulence kephess clone comes and say hi just has you reapplied your DoTs, you have to watch out for your energy DoTing the 2nd target, or lose dps.


Same for engineering. If you just reapplied plasma probe and interrogation probe to a target, and don't have explosive probe ready, you are not in a good place to switch.


Mostly tough, the sheer output of both spec will blow MM out of the water unless target switching is really a key mechanic in the fight. Sniper in my raid groups never really switches from viru tough, it works perfectly well in all fights. But there are some fights where his dps is slightly lower and he'd have done better as MM or engineering. More with the latter than the former, but some fights really are facilitated by the presence of an MM sniper. Torque in particular since they are champions at quickly switching and killing shoot lasers and fire device, and can quickly get some dps on the boss if adds are under control.

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