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Tier 1 – 3 Changes Coming in 5.2


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Let’s look at a Tier 2 and 3 example. Right now this is an approximation of gear drops for the entire Tier:

  • Premium (green): High drop rate
  • Prototype (blue): Medium drop rate
  • Artifact (purple): Low drop rate
  • Legendary (yellow): Very low drop rate

After 5.2, gear drops get much better as you progress through the Tier. Let’s say you were getting close to the top of your Tier, this is what your drop rates will look like:

  • Premium: No longer drop
  • Prototype: Medium-low drop rate
  • Artifact: Medium-high drop rate
  • Legendary: Medium drop rate

As you can see from the above example, after 5.2 you will be able to get higher quality gear for your characters more consistently as you progress through each Tier.

These are the improvements we are making to Command Crates in Game Update 5.2. Let us know what you think.




You can put lipstick on a steaming tur d, but its still a steaming tur d.

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Leveling group play was essentially removed from the game.

Ahh I see, that's the core of your complaint. I agree that leveling group play was no longer pushed but group play was still possible so I do not agree it was removed. It simply wasn't necessary anymore which likely resulted in less people doing this. At the same time I remember how hard it was to get people to do heroics so I'm not sure if that impact was big in the overall picture.


No sir. This whole mess pre-dates 5.0.

Well that was exactly the point I was making. That most of these problems pre-date 5.0 so I think we just had a misunderstanding here.


Taking a further step back in time ... even before all of this happened, 3.0 Shadow of Revan's shift to solo-only story dialogue interactions was meant to condition us for 4.0's shifting the game's future expansion focus to solo-only story chapters. 4.0's Alliance crates replacing the leveling game's loot tables were meant to condition us for 5.0's Command Crates replacing the rest of the game's loot tables. These are not coincidences.


Where this game is now is the result of a fundamental and premiditated change that started the moment Dallas Dickinson and Daniel Erickson were sent packing because they disagreed with a change in the game's focus away from playable content to buoying the Cartel Market - and replaced by spineless yes men Ben Irving and Charles Boyd.


What is happening right now, from the new Operation boss announcement to changes with Galactic Command, is all being made up on the fly because their management team wasn't prepared for it ... or us.

I agree largerly with you here. I would go as far as to say that it started with 2.0 already. It is my opinion that the main story lines in RotHC were in fact the planetary story lines and they abandoned the class stories because the lost so many players and therefore income in the first year. They just upped the xp rewards on Makeb. Look at the size of the planet and you can easily conclude there must've been a plan originally to add class stories there too.


SoR put the final nail in the story coffin...at least I thought they did until they came out with that disaster of a story line in KotFE, basically making a JK story with large plot holes in it as the only story for all classes. KotET was better as a story line but I still don't enjoy playing it multiple times because it doesn't add any value to my characters. I occasionaly play a chapter when I'm really bored with other stuff, but doing a chapter or two in KotFE is actually a punishment rather than a reward because of the loss of characters and a bug that takes characters like Nico or Shae away at that moment when you unlocked them with the inventory item and you have to finish chapter IX again to get their quest after doing the Find a findsman quest. Problem is, it's a drag to do those chapters so I now avoid KotFE altogether and just have one character still with that bug missing Shae Vizla along with the core companions.


But I am specifically talking here about the issues that 5.0 caused and as we agree a lot of problems originate from before 5.0 or even before 4.0 or earlier, that to me is another topic. A valid one but not what the discussion was about here for me.

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I was one of the biggest complainers here on the forum in November and December. People here can confirm that I posted a lot AGAINST RNG gearing in 5.0 and people trying to put words in my mouth as well. It is my opinion that GC gearing was the worst thing Bioware has done to SWTOR. But I have been here from the start of this game and some problems did exist already before 5.0, just in a different form but they were there. I am just asking you to separate the issues.


Let's just take one item from your list and please explain to me exactly what 5.0 did to heroics. That's the one that surprised me the most in your list. What, in your view, did 5.0 do to heroics that you want back?



I'm going to give you MY answer to what 5.0 did to heroics. 5.0 removed a method of allowing me to choose WHICH (near) end game gear I wanted by farming currency crystals that I could use to buy 216/220 gear when the best in game was 224. Now instead of logging in and spending some time farming crystals, I have to suffer (like everyone else) with the RNG system.


EXCEPT....now...there are plans for Operations to get the NON RNG method of gearing back (which was sorely needed) and PVP already has a NON RNG method of gearing (also sorely needed.)


The only style of play that is still NEWLY (since 5.0) limited to RNG gearing at lvl 70 is SOLO PVE.


That's what 5.0 did to heroics.

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Ahh I see, that's the core of your complaint. I agree that leveling group play was no longer pushed but group play was still possible so I do not agree it was removed. It simply wasn't necessary anymore which likely resulted in less people doing this. At the same time I remember how hard it was to get people to do heroics so I'm not sure if that impact was big in the overall picture.

In 3.0 players could indeed meet up after their solo quest dialogues and continue playing through the expansion together. But SoR's starting the game down the solo-only story mode path by isolating group players from one another during the quest dialogue interactions sucked imho. I found playing through them in a group to be one of the magical aspects of this game dating back to the wall of crazy.


The moment we were able to form guilds I was in one and have been loyal to the same group since early access. So I was never found wanting for running mates. Back then when the game was flourishing helpful guilds were everywhere. Plus, I'm not a loner (if I was I wouldn't pretend to be a fit for MMOs) and have no problems being accountable to others. So grouping for me was always easy and LFG in chat almost always yielded at least one player. Any openings after that could be filled with companions.


Well that was exactly the point I was making. That most of these problems pre-date 5.0 so I think we just had a misunderstanding here.
I too misunderstood. Thank you.


I agree largerly with you here. I would go as far as to say that it started with 2.0 already. It is my opinion that the main story lines in RotHC were in fact the planetary story lines and they abandoned the class stories because the lost so many players and therefore income in the first year. They just upped the xp rewards on Makeb. Look at the size of the planet and you can easily conclude there must've been a plan originally to add class stories there too.


SoR put the final nail in the story coffin...at least I thought they did until they came out with that disaster of a story line in KotFE, basically making a JK story with large plot holes in it as the only story for all classes. KotET was better as a story line but I still don't enjoy playing it multiple times because it doesn't add any value to my characters. I occasionaly play a chapter when I'm really bored with other stuff, but doing a chapter or two in KotFE is actually a punishment rather than a reward because of the loss of characters and a bug that takes characters like Nico or Shae away at that moment when you unlocked them with the inventory item and you have to finish chapter IX again to get their quest after doing the Find a findsman quest. Problem is, it's a drag to do those chapters so I now avoid KotFE altogether and just have one character still with that bug missing Shae Vizla along with the core companions.


But I am specifically talking here about the issues that 5.0 caused and as we agree a lot of problems originate from before 5.0 or even before 4.0 or earlier, that to me is another topic. A valid one but not what the discussion was about here for me.

Gotcha. I too have one main that has made it through to end game in case BWA does an about face to the point that our guild reconstitutes and gets back to running Ops. Additionally I have a purely Space Combat character, a trio of lowbie PvP characters on each side, one dedicated level 55 PvP character who still wears his Elite War Hero Vindicator's suit to the party, and a collection of alts (56 characters total across Harbinger [main], JC and Begeren) gathering dust because of 4.0's changes to the group leveling game - prior to which I found endlessly fun. Pouring a scotch and running lowbie flashpoints for appearance customs was a weekly thing for our guild and generated some of our largest turn-outs.


As far as the issues 5.0 caused ... Galactic Command. It may serve well as an unspecialized RPG achievement system for solo players that also rewards each level of advancement with a chance for gear. But it has no place in a full blown MMO as either a progression system or as a live loot system. Though after seeing how Bioware attempted to condition us over the last 3 expansions to expect a continuation of less and lower-maintenance content that focuses on solo RPG story with co-op end game elements, I can see why it was deployed.


Which brings me to my overall summary. As there is no other MMO competing with this in the Star Wars IP, there is no reason for their cone of silence. BWA really needs to grow a set and publicly detail what this game is, exactly where it is going, and how they are going to take it there. Because their wishy-washy back and forth episodes of panic, indecision and knee-jerk reactions are dragging their player base through the mud ... and some of us are sick of it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm going to give you MY answer to what 5.0 did to heroics. 5.0 removed a method of allowing me to choose WHICH (near) end game gear I wanted by farming currency crystals that I could use to buy 216/220 gear when the best in game was 224. Now instead of logging in and spending some time farming crystals, I have to suffer (like everyone else) with the RNG system.


EXCEPT....now...there are plans for Operations to get the NON RNG method of gearing back (which was sorely needed) and PVP already has a NON RNG method of gearing (also sorely needed.)


The only style of play that is still NEWLY (since 5.0) limited to RNG gearing at lvl 70 is SOLO PVE.


That's what 5.0 did to heroics.

I enjoyed playing my non-raid alts and gearing them up in the crystal commendation system. Maybe FP or two to get some enhancements. Yes their gear lacked set bonus. Yes the commendation gear was not min-maxed (I usually made sure I could craft pretty good modifications to put in that slot when I bought gear). Certainly the left side of these alts had the comm/crystal gear. How did I get the crystals, often through Heroics/dailies.


Those toons (as most alt play at all) are left high and dry in 5.x - even with the 5.2 improvements. I get that people say these players/toons don't need gear, but it did give that group something to set a goal for. I enjoyed that and since there is no way to enjoy command crates - well, I think the casual group have a legitimate point when they say 5.x ruined heroics/dailies. What I think they mean is the elimination of the crystal/comm gearing system killed off any player agency and gearing control for these types of players.


I'm very glad, I CHEER, that BWA fixed the op gearing problem. I used to be a prog raider, and would still be a substitute healer if I had been able to gear that toon up in 5.x (I didn't have the rng luck to do so). So I am thrilled that problem for that group is gone.


But I played a lot of toons, many of them at the 'casual' level. (Indeed, my raid healer used to only be played for raids). And I haven't logged in in almost a week, and probably will do so only once or twice more before my sub expires in about 10 days. Why? Because 5.0 killed the game I played, and the slow response of BWA to mitigate the problem (b/c c'mon, they haven't fixed it) and the lack of mitigation for most of the casual play I enjoyed.


The 5.x fiasco helped me become uninvested in the game, and watching BWA's mismanaging and seeming lack of resources means I don't want to get reinvested in a service I don't think has long to live. :(


From what I can see, practically no player 'won' with 5.x. They all got shafted. Yes, cheers to the raiders! I'm glad for them, they NEEDED the fix in 5.2. But that doesn't mean that the non-raiders are happy with what they are left with.

Edited by Ryenke
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I don't understand why UCs are limited to PVP either, and that's pretty much all I play. If it needs to be at a slower rate to preserve incentive to PVP/play OPs, so be it, but all play styles need a hedge against RNG.
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I enjoyed playing my non-raid alts and gearing them up in the crystal commendation system. Maybe FP or two to get some enhancements. Yes their gear lacked set bonus. Yes the commendation gear was not min-maxed (I usually made sure I could craft pretty good modifications to put in that slot when I bought gear). Certainly the left side of these alts had the comm/crystal gear. How did I get the crystals, often through Heroics/dailies.


Those toons (as most alt play at all) are left high and dry in 5.x - even with the 5.2 improvements. I get that people say these players/toons don't need gear, but it did give that group something to set a goal for. I enjoyed that and since there is no way to enjoy command crates - well, I think the casual group have a legitimate point when they say 5.x ruined heroics/dailies. What I think they mean is the elimination of the crystal/comm gearing system killed off any player agency and gearing control for these types of players.


I'm very glad, I CHEER, that BWA fixed the op gearing problem. I used to be a prog raider, and would still be a substitute healer if I had been able to gear that toon up in 5.x (I didn't have the rng luck to do so). So I am thrilled that problem for that group is gone.


But I played a lot of toons, many of them at the 'casual' level. (Indeed, my raid healer used to only be played for raids). And I haven't logged in in almost a week, and probably will do so only once or twice more before my sub expires in about 10 days. Why? Because 5.0 killed the game I played, and the slow response of BWA to mitigate the problem (b/c c'mon, they haven't fixed it) and the lack of mitigation for most of the casual play I enjoyed.


The 5.x fiasco helped me become uninvested in the game, and watching BWA's mismanaging and seeming lack of resources means I don't want to get reinvested in a service I don't think has long to live. :(


From what I can see, practically no player 'won' with 5.x. They all got shafted. Yes, cheers to the raiders! I'm glad for them, they NEEDED the fix in 5.2. But that doesn't mean that the non-raiders are happy with what they are left with.

Cheers and well met. Prior to KotFE SWTOR's group leveling game was the bomb. It was hands down imho the best of any MMO I have ever played, and I go back to last century.


Historically (circa 2014) ... it all started with the leveling planets where PvE characters leveled up in tiers on each planet: open world exploration + class / companion story & planet missions → planet heroic 2s → planet heroic 4s → planet flashpoint. Players who preferred to focus on solo story could level through that while players who enjoyed leveling through challenging group content could do that as well. There was plenty of game there to accommodate both.


Each planet had its own mini-elder game (H2s and H4s) and mini-end game (flashpoints). Group players (including 2 players + companions) would complete each planet's elder and end games before going to the next planet, while solo players would usually play up through elder game, go to the next planet for a few levels and come back to run the previous planet's end game flashpoint solo with a companion once they upgraded their gear. Running flashpoints solo at 5-7 levels above the flashpoint's listed level range provided solo players with a challenge similar to what group players experienced when they were running it level appropriate, and still provided drops they could use because the flashpoint boss loot tables and comm system were balanced to carry a player through to the next planet's elder game.


A reboot to this and I'll start back with the 180-day recurrings.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I enjoyed playing my non-raid alts and gearing them up in the crystal commendation system. Maybe FP or two to get some enhancements. Yes their gear lacked set bonus. Yes the commendation gear was not min-maxed (I usually made sure I could craft pretty good modifications to put in that slot when I bought gear). Certainly the left side of these alts had the comm/crystal gear. How did I get the crystals, often through Heroics/dailies.


I did the same for the most part in 4.0. For 5.0 same philosophy, but a bit different approach, and certainly more efficient manner ----> I went with crafted gear for most of my alts.


Fast, inexpensive, easy, and no need to grind content for the huge pile of cyrstals needed to do this on every character. Heck, even gathering the materials in 5.0 is way easier then earlier expacs... because they improved mission profiles and efficiencies for gathering crew missions that it is inexpensive to run missions for the materials (even greens) and let's me devote my game time to things other then scrounging for materials out in the field.


5.0 has actually been a boon for gearing alts compared to 4.0... unless it is an alt that is more a second-main that will be doing hard end game content. But honestly... I never have more then 2 alts that fit that heftier category.

Edited by Andryah
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I did the same for the most part in 4.0. For 5.0 same philosophy, but a bit different approach, and certainly more efficient manner ----> I went with crafted gear for most of my alts.


Fast, inexpensive, easy, and no need to grind content for the huge pile of cyrstals needed to do this on every character. Heck, even gathering the materials in 5.0 is way easier then earlier expacs... because they improved mission profiles and efficiencies for gathering crew missions that it is inexpensive to run missions for the materials (even greens) and let's me devote my game time to things other then scrounging for materials out in the field.


5.0 has actually been a boon for gearing alts compared to 4.0... unless it is an alt that is more a second-main that will be doing hard end game content. But honestly... I never have more then 2 alts that fit that heftier category.


Yeah, but I said I liked doing stuff to earn crystals to gear the toon. Go craft it on another toon, and then what, why play at all? I liked feeling like the toon 'earned' the next level gear when the gear level went up - I liked planning how to earn crystals and spend them. But now the toon can't, sure other alts could craft a set of gear and send it to him - but then why even bother to play?


YMMV (and I know your posts indicate that you are reasonably happy with 5.x), but 5.x killed any incentive I had to play alts and have fun. And for the record, before you start up, I'm not playing it wrong ("Josh, you're doing it wrong"... lol) I was playing the game the way I used to like to in 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and had fun. I don't find anything fun in 5.x and imo that is because the game went from an underpinning of earn gear to lotto gear.

Edited by Ryenke
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


I got clarification on exactly how the changing drop rates will work based on questions we got in the thread.


If I have Crates before 5.2, will their drop rates adjust after the Update comes out?

They will not change with the Update.


After 5.2, is the drop rate determined when you get the Crate or when you open it?

The drop rate is determined when you acquire the Crate, what is in the Crate is determined when you open it. The Crate you got at Rank 30, will always have Rank 30 drop rates, but you can still change Discipline before opening it to adjust the contents appropriately.


In short, the system is built in a way that we want you to open the crates as you get them, there is no gameplay benefit to holding them.


Thanks everyone.



Edited by EricMusco
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You should probably change that "Rank 1" to a "Rank 30" because people will be quick to assume you mean Tier1 and you've already said rates improve as Ranks increase within Tiers. And also because Rank 1 has no crate. :p

Your first crate is at Rank 2.

Edited by docbenwayddo
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]Yeah' date=' but I said I liked doing stuff to earn crystals to gear the toon. Go craft it on another toon, and then what, why play at all? I liked feeling like the toon 'earned' the next level gear when the gear level went up - I liked planning how to earn crystals and spend them. But now the toon can't, sure other alts could craft a set of gear and send it to him - but then why even bother to play? [/quote']


I have always like crafting and felt bad that I couldn't craft gear for my other alts but now I can. Some people don't play to acquire gear but to have fun doing things and the gear helps them achieve that. I am one of those people that gear is just a step to doing what I like to do which is doing things with my boyfriend and my guild and not worrying if my gear is okay for what we are going to do.


I also have a friend that never got to do operations because people always said she didnt' have the right gear etc that these commands boxes give her a chance to do that with a friend should she want. She is also one of the lucky ones that her sage actually got a set piece on her very first crate she opened. She already knows that isn't the norm but was excited anyways.


YMMV (and I know your posts indicate that you are reasonably happy with 5.x), but 5.x killed any incentive I had to play alts and have fun. And for the record, before you start up, I'm not playing it wrong ("Josh, you're doing it wrong"... lol) I was playing the game the way I used to like to in 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and had fun. I don't find anything fun in 5.x and imo that is because the game went from an underpinning of earn gear to lotto gear



Some people are having fun right now as well and they are not playing wrong either. They enjoy what they are doing. This can be taken both ways. I have seen the forums already tell people if you enjoy the command crates then you are doing it wrong so it is not one sided. We actually need to stop telling people when they enjoy something they are doing it wrong and understand that each person has a different version of fun and accept that.


While I think there needs to be some adjustments to the crates, I think the crates are good for people like my friend but that raiders and pvp players need a different way to achieve their gear.

Edited by casirabit
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  • Dev Post
You should probably change that "Rank 1" to a "Rank 30" because people will be quick to assume you mean Tier1 and you've already said rates improve as Ranks increase within Tiers. And also because Rank 1 has no crate. :p

Your first crate is at Rank 2.


Gold star for you docbenwayddo! This is what I get for making posts first thing in the morning. I have made your suggested edits :rak_03:.



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In short, the system is built in a way that we want you to open the crates as you get them, there is no gameplay benefit to holding them.


Thanks everyone.




Sure there is a gameplay benefit to holding on to the crates. If I'm not getting the piece I need now, you're saying I won't be getting it in these old crates after 5.2 hits either. Even so, why disintegrate the crate with poor contents (95%) towards another crate with poor contents before 5.2 when after 5.2, the disintegration cxp gets you closer to a better (?) crate? You've just confirmed its better to save them for better crates if you're already at 300.

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I have always like crafting and felt bad that I couldn't craft gear for my other alts but now I can. Some people don't play to acquire gear but to have fun doing things and the gear helps them achieve that.


I have always been able to craft gear for alts. Archive folders are full of those recipes. But I mostly went the customs route (farmed, crafted & planet vendor) for each character and their main companion using both crafted mods and comm mods to upgrade them as they leveled through planet flashpoints, heroic zones and HMs. I used crafted gear primarily for alt companions and RAoK donations. Besides, since level sync was added in 4.0 characters are leveling faster than our ability to craft gear for them.


I am one of those people that gear is just a step to doing what I like to do which is doing things with my boyfriend and my guild and not worrying if my gear is okay for what we are going to do.


It is nice to see someone else mention a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife and guild in the same sentence when describing their preferred playing habits. For my wife and I elder game and end game with our guild was maybe 25% of what we played. The "other" 75% was relishing the game's once-awesome leveling experience together.


We were the true definition of altoholics and treated each planet like its own game in microcosm: level through each planet's story and missions ... followed by the planet's own mini-elder game (H2s and H4s) ... followed by the planet's own mini-end game (Flashpoints). The only way we outleveled planets is if we played through all of the side missions. The balance was amazing. And when we hit level cap we geared our toons and companions to run HMs, which we found to be more challenging than our usual tank / heals roles in Operations.


Now? Well, we have 2 recent alts who completed Coruscant. They just got their ships and are already level 32: without XP boosts and without Legacy buffs. Level sync has made leveling through the planets an exercise in incongruity. Level-appropriate planet group Flashpoints, HMs and Operations were removed from the leveling game lock, stock and barrel, then bolstered and shipped off to end game. Not retained as an option for players who enjoyed them for 4 years mind you ... they were removed entirely.


We've honestly tried playing what's left of the group leveling game. But that being taken away combined with our not being able to play through any of KotFE's or KotET's story chapters together proved too disheartening. So now with our guild being a ghost town and waiting for the game to return to its pre-KotFE MMORPG roots we're stuck with heroic dailies, Star Fortresses and Uprisings. After 30 minutes of that nonsense we're looking to log for WoW, Rift, LOTRO or Wildstar whose leveling games haven't been destroyed.


I also have a friend that never got to do operations because people always said she didnt' have the right gear etc that these commands boxes give her a chance to do that with a friend should she want. She is also one of the lucky ones that her sage actually got a set piece on her very first crate she opened. She already knows that isn't the norm but was excited anyways.
It used to be that the only players I had ever seen not have gear for what they were wanting to play resulted from their choice to eschew established leveling and elder game progression channels. If you downed the bosses (FPs and HMs included) you got their gear drops. Now we're blindly grinding aimless Command Ranks and praying to RNGeezus for the next Rank's crate to have a useful upgrade.


Having said that, I do like the idea of Command Crates being a secondary way for lottery fans to get at least some kind of gear, just not to the extent that loners get a free pass into the most team-centric parts of the game from it. As a matter of fairness ... if solo players can qualify for entry into end game group content from enough nebulous Command Crate rewards, then group players should similarly be allowed to play through chapter stories together without limitation.


Some people are having fun right now as well and they are not playing wrong either. They enjoy what they are doing. This can be taken both ways. I have seen the forums already tell people if you enjoy the command crates then you are doing it wrong so it is not one sided. We actually need to stop telling people when they enjoy something they are doing it wrong and understand that each person has a different version of fun and accept that.
So much this. And I would like to add that we actually need to stop telling people that when they enjoyed something they were doing it wrong.


While I think there needs to be some adjustments to the crates, I think the crates are good for people like my friend but that raiders and pvp players need a different way to achieve their gear.
So much this too. In fact, I would like to see the Space Combat and GSF players get a fair shake in their disciplines with the Command Crate rewards as well. Maybe even add bonus story arc drops for the RPG fans too. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Hey folks,


I got clarification on exactly how the changing drop rates will work based on questions we got in the thread.


If I have Crates before 5.2, will their drop rates adjust after the Update comes out?

They will not change with the Update.


After 5.2, is the drop rate determined when you get the Crate or when you open it?

The drop rate is determined when you acquire the Crate, what is in the Crate is determined when you open it. The Crate you got at Rank 30, will always have Rank 30 drop rates, but you can still change Discipline before opening it to adjust the contents appropriately.


In short, the system is built in a way that we want you to open the crates as you get them, there is no gameplay benefit to holding them.


Thanks everyone.




No offense Eric but how sure are you this time? I am following this thread for a while now and the official statements have been conflicting quite often.


It is my understanding that after 5.2 Command Crates drop rates are determined by the Rank you acquire them, not the rank you open them.


I am working with the team to get a full understanding of this interaction. I should have more info Monday but I don't believe you can "game it" by opening them at certain levels. I will let you know.




Oh! Someone asked me this on Twitter and I wanted to make sure it is captured here as well. The contents of your Command Crates is determined when you open them (think of how it works with Disciplines). So any Tier 1-3 crates you have prior to 5.2 will have the adjusted drop rates if you open them after 5.2 goes live.






I will keep most of my crates in my vaults regardless whether the droprate on pre 5.2 crates remains against pre 5.2 chances. In the longterm its best to keep the crates unopened.

If you are not rank 300 yet you will get much better results from levelling up the remaining ranks. If you are rank 300 its best to use disintegration to gain more tier 4 crates.

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To your point, with these new rates you will have a much better chance of getting a set bonus quality item (Artifact and Legendary) than you would one without (Prototype). Basically, at the top of a tier, majority of your items will be of a set bonus bearing quality. That is in contrast to today where at all levels, Premium and Prototype are the most likely items you will get.






These are welcome changes, but they don't fix the underlying problem, which is "player perception." Players want control over their fates, or at least the perception of such. With higher drop rates from Command Crates of set-bonus bearing items, the problem shifts from "I never get gear I need, it's all useless greens and blues!" to "I never get gear I need, because I keep getting all these purple set-bonus pieces that I already have!" The problem is still the RNG, still the inability to choose exactly what item a player wants to acquire next. Being able to get defined gear pieces from Operation bosses again, and giving PvPers greater ability to pick and choose their gear upgrades, alleviates these perception problems. But no matter what systems you put in place to allow players to choose gear through Ops or PvP tokens, the experience of getting repetitively disappointed by Command Crates will not go away.


As long as players continue having the daily experience of opening multiple Command Crates and receiving disappointment, there will continue to be discontent with this system as a whole.

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Eric, I laughed at the troll job you guys pulled on me over the weekend after my little tantrum about getting assault cannons only every second crate. This weekend I opened 10 crates and got 6 assault cannons (more than 1 every second crate!! :) ) and to make it even better, literally four straight identical blaster rifle schematics within those 10 crates.


You guys are just trying to coax more people to play troopers, aren't you? ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Will we be able to buy mods and enhancements? I main a sin-tank for pvp and with gc-system it's nearly impossible to gear properly for pvp. (Mitigation stats are useless and endurance/crit only drops for dps :mad:)
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Just admit you done messed up and get on with it.


/sarcasm on

BWEA cannot do that, they cannot admit failure, it is the players that are wrong about everything all of the time.

BWEA cannot do anything wrong ever.

/sarcasm off


They will double down on the current path of disaster, even if it means game shutting down.


Green gear in command crates is garbage. (automatic recycle)

Blue gear in command crates is garbage. (automatic recycle)

Set bonus gear is only acceptable loot from the command grates, anything else is rubbish.

Duplicates of the set gear are an insult, sincew the drop rate is miniscule to begin with


The empty shells are rubbish, there are far too many variants of the shells to ever to be able to gather full set. (automatic recycle)

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