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100 new Galactic Command levels and exciting new gear rewards, on the way!


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I think you're confusing the grind to get gear with the grind at a CHANCE to get gear. Currently it is possible to grind all the way to rank 300 (soon 400) and still not end up with a properly geared toon, let alone any alts.


But can't you also get pieces for sure via components from PvP and PvE? The GC creates are bonus you get while doing the grind no?! At least that's how I've interpreted it. Is that not correct?

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Well this should be interesting to see what the rewards are and so on but remember keep the posts to a good level and express concerns in a good way.




No reason to doubt the data miners it seems.


What a massive disappointment.


Months of telling bw how disappointing RNG crates are and their response is "they are listening."


Truth is, bw did listen. They just don't really give a crap,


More GC levels to grind to which you can bet have a larger amount of CXP needed to level up. More CXP crates because that garbage was supposed to be so exciting per bw (btw - Its not)). One world boss which is the first in a line of 5 bosses so it will have a drop rate of nearly zero for gear -Meaning it will be fairly useless to do more than a few times given first boss drop rates and a daily area to grind some rep in.


I'm wasn't sure bw could screw things up more but they really are giving it a good try as we move forward.

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But can't you also get pieces for sure via components from PvP and PvE? The GC creates are bonus you get while doing the grind no?! At least that's how I've interpreted it. Is that not correct?


you don't get components from PVE, only GSF and PVP. Ops you can roll for an unassembled token.


242 tokens come from NiM ops which aren't run by the majority. Some HM bosses have a chance to drop 242 tokens, but typically the more difficult HM bosses (or ones with high DPS checks). So its not a reliable way to 242 outside of GC


PVP and GSF is a path to 242, just really really long.


So unless you PVP/GSF and/or run NiM ops, your chances at 242 are relegated to the GC crates

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I'm not even to command level 60 yet. Do they not realize this is a 5 year old MMO that most people aren't playing 40 hours a week anymore? I generally get the weekly conquest reward on my main and that seems like about the right amount of playtime given how old the majority of content is.


I don't see the point in more levels when they will just have to bolster many players up anyway.

Edited by annabethchase
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As much fun as I've had opening the 300 crap crates and getting probably about 20 things worth writing home about...I don't think I can stomach more. I'm thoroughly disgusted with this system. I've wasted countless hours amassing and opening these POS things. IT's an idiotic system. It's dumb. Even their changes don't make up for what they've done. It makes you not even want to log into the game.


This weekend alone, I've opened probably close to 25 crates and haven't gotten one thing that's gold or even remotely useful to me.

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Most MMO's give about 2 years for gear. They don't raise it in 5 months.

Most MMOs that I'm familiar with tend to put out a new tier of gear with each new raid / op / whatever. For example, in WoW, Tier 7 came out with the launch of Wrath of the Lich King in October 2008, then when they released Uldar in April 2009 (six months later) it included Tier 8, then Tier 9 came out four months later in August 2009 with the Crusaders Coliseum, and Tier 10 came out four months after that in December 2009 with the Icecrown raid.


First part of the new Op (which is being released piecemeal) is going to be in 5.2 and, sure enough, new tier of gear is coming out in 5.2 along with it.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Remeber that time you told us to not act like were "in the know" about the fact that BWA would continue to increase the grind and gear gap by adding even MORE command ranks and gear tiers into the game as was found out by the people who data mine the game



Oh turns out it was right, looks like your finally "in the know" like the rest of have been for while now


I was just listening to those who provided evidence that not all data mined info goes live/no idea when it does. Until its announced we are all just speculating.


Thanks on Twitter info. Wasn't in Dev tracker so I didn't see it

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I've been playing the game since launch and love it. The story is amazing and mostly everything else is amazing.


CXP was the worst thing ever added to the game.

It surely has some good points (entry gear comes faster, new players get the right gear and you no longer see healers with Defense mods, etc.), but it has several flaws and was forced to the game community with almost a total disregard of the community feedback, NO TESTING and a rushed and totally flawed design.

Several things improved on the last patches to bring this terrible system less far from acceptable.

Then you simply decide to add more 100 meaningless levels that undo all the minor improvements achieved.


Really, why?

Edited by Juliani
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Well this should be interesting to see what the rewards are and so on but remember keep the posts to a good level and express concerns in a good way.






What's left to say?


I'm done.




[Removed for possible violation of the tenets of The Church of BioWare Postivity]

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I didn't want to say it.


I didn't even want to think it, for it genuinely pained me to do so.


But there's just no two ways around it. Just like with NGE-era SW: G and its inevitable swirl down the spout:


Shut this game down already. Let it die with some dignity, end this misery, I'm not having any fun here anymore, no-one's having any fun here anymore.


Do the honourable thing and just let it go out on something other than the lowest note possible.

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I didn't want to say it.


I didn't even want to think it, for it genuinely pained me to do so.


But there's just no two ways around it. Just like with NGE-era SW: G and its inevitable swirl down the spout:


Shut this game down already. Let it die with some dignity, end this misery, I'm not having any fun here anymore, no-one's having any fun here anymore.


Do the honourable thing and just let it go out on something other than the lowest note possible.


I'm having fun ;)

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