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100 new Galactic Command levels and exciting new gear rewards, on the way!


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The main problem as a returning player I see if that most of the time when I gain a command level its not during a time of control, its a time we're either getting it or other side has it. So I do not get D/L tokens. How do you time it to get them - not play once you are about to get a level until your side controls? What a crock of shat. Basically, go play your alt until its time to log in and get that level.


For me, I ignore the DvL tokens (but I do accidently get them) have 100 on each of my main 2 characters.

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The main problem as a returning player I see if that most of the time when I gain a command level its not during a time of control, its a time we're either getting it or other side has it. So I do not get D/L tokens. How do you time it to get them - not play once you are about to get a level until your side controls? What a crock of shat. Basically, go play your alt until its time to log in and get that level.


For me I ignore it unless I really want to play my other side. The pets and vehicles are nice. I like maybe one of the tops but not much in that vendor to really worry about honestly.

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No ... no they don't. Ben and his loyal entourage needs to get fired ASAP and real MMO developers brought in or this game will dissolve into a 'GDC Postmortem: How Bioware single-handedly destroyed the most revered IP in history' headline before shareholders can dump their equity.


A-fricking-men. Couldn't have said it better myself. They all need to go. It doesn't matter to me whether they're actually fired or just demoted to a small department where they can work on new gambling machine mechanics for the Nightlife Event 2.0. Whatever gets Ben and his incompetence and ignorant delusions out of any position in control of this game. We need a clean slate with new devs who know what they're doing and how MMOs actually work.

Edited by AscendingSky
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The main problem as a returning player I see if that most of the time when I gain a command level its not during a time of control, its a time we're either getting it or other side has it. So I do not get D/L tokens. How do you time it to get them - not play once you are about to get a level until your side controls? What a crock of shat. Basically, go play your alt until its time to log in and get that level.


You can leave the rewards boxes in inventory if you want to gain the most from opening them and level up in rank. / or don't disintegrate until your alignment is winning. Also the rewards from FPs don't have to be cashed in immediately either.


But TBH after a couple of hundred ranks, you'll most likely not be bothered and have several score DS/LS tokens as well. Since the rewards are not really worth having, you're not missing much IMHO. - Legacy bound fugly Oricon re-skins make up the bulk of the rewards, and how many pets and speeders extra do you really need?


As for new legacy rewards, The only thing people are really keen on are legacy offhand weapons. As for the new grade of armour, It'll be superseded before long.... As soon as they've got nothing new.....and in fact and try to pass off gearing as content. AGAIN

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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A-fricking-men. Couldn't have said it better myself. They all need to go. It doesn't matter to me whether they're actually fired or just demoted to a small department where they can work on new gambling machine mechanics for the Nightlife Event 2.0. Whatever gets Ben and his incompetence and ignorant delusions out of any position in control of this game. We need a clean slate with new devs who know what they're doing and how MMOs actually work.


I'm curious to hear you elaborate on why Ben and his team have shown "incompetence" and "all need to go."


I'll agree with you that the current galactic command system sucks for alts, and that the initial launch of galactic command in how hard it was to level up was idiotic, as well as other things like repeat artifact and legendary items (as well as relics that nobody wants) in the crates. Other than that what else?

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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IF you've been paying attention, there won't be 100 new levels. You're leveling will stop at 300. You'll immediately start getting better gear, no greens, I think someone said most will be set bonus.


Effectively there are infinite levels in Tier 4 until they add Tier 5 at which point they have to pick a transition level between Tier 4 and Tier 5. Till then the drop rate is key here. Frankly, I'm not optimistic based on what we're seeing with Tier 3.


A down side of everything having set bonus: you can't take armorings from duplicate items and put in shells for other slots.

Edited by mike_carton
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Effectively there are infinite levels in Tier 4 until they add Tier 5 at which point they have to pick a transition level between Tier 4 and Tier 5. Till then the drop rate is key here. Frankly, I'm not optimistic based on what we're seeing with Tier 3.


A down side of everything having set bonus: you can't take armorings from duplicate items and put in shells for other slots.


Actually they shoot themselves in the foot for that as everyone won't want to grind through 100 more levels of tier 4 once they have tier 4. So either they'll skip tier 4 or they are in the process of going to a new gearing system. They've realised the current one is a mistake because of the changes they're putting in 5.2 for those at Cr 300. Changes are coming is my guess.

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Actually they shoot themselves in the foot for that as everyone won't want to grind through 100 more levels of tier 4 once they have tier 4. So either they'll skip tier 4 or they are in the process of going to a new gearing system. They've realised the current one is a mistake because of the changes they're putting in 5.2 for those at Cr 300. Changes are coming is my guess.


I think they realize they screwed themselves with the CXP event, because it just makes the problems with the system more apparent, and now players are staring at that Apr 11 wall approaching where we drop back to agonizingly slow CXP grinding again. Based on how anemic the 5.1.2 changes ended up being, I am not extremely hopeful for 5.2, but we'll see in a couple weeks.

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I think they realize they screwed themselves with the CXP event, because it just makes the problems with the system more apparent, and now players are staring at that Apr 11 wall approaching where we drop back to agonizingly slow CXP grinding again. Based on how anemic the 5.1.2 changes ended up being, I am not extremely hopeful for 5.2, but we'll see in a couple weeks.


Mmm...yea, no way i'm going to be 300. If I grind too long, I get hulk level unhappy. :p especially pubside where we lose every pvp match which 98% of the time is an Arena match. Yay. 2 components for you and a measly couple hundred cxp. :( congrats, because you and your team suck/are undergeared, we'll make sure you stay that way.

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Mmm...yea, no way i'm going to be 300. If I grind too long, I get hulk level unhappy. :p especially pubside where we lose every pvp match which 98% of the time is an Arena match. Yay. 2 components for you and a measly couple hundred cxp. :( congrats, because you and your team suck/are undergeared, we'll make sure you stay that way.


Yeah I estimate my main will be in the 200-220 range by 5.2 day. Tops.

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2/3 of the way through T2 and the only 236 piece I have gotten is a relic.


T3 is even worse drop rate. I do not even think any T3 set pieces drop from crates. The rate must be so low that you'll need to be effectively command level 2732 by the time you get a full top tier set.

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My experience is approximately 1 piece of 242 every 200 crates.


In over 800 crates I got belt, boots, 2 implants at the 242 level. So 1 set piece in 400 crates.

Even the rate of 240 gear is drastically lower in T3. I have no idea how many crates I've opened at T3, but I have NO relics and NO implants (240 or 242)...well, none that I could use that is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

. As for the new grade of armour, It'll be superseded before long.... As soon as they've got nothing new.....and in fact and try to pass off gearing as content. AGAIN

Well said man. But for now this is my first time at this level and doing PVP so I will enjoy it, until I don't. But that was spot on...
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