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Swtor Graphics


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Am I the only one who thinks SWTOR looks better set on low with low shadows added? It gives the most realistic feel and seems a lot more like star wars as would be expected from Kotor but better animation and such.


Instead it seems like everyone either acknowledges super low (that it sucks, which I don't really like it either) or high(the glorified maxed out version)


Sure, things are brighter but the reason I didn't like it was the colors just seemed too intense and cartoony compared to the softer grittier shaded look when set on low shadows and such. What does anyone think of the graphic settings? Anyone around who actually doesn't mind other settings than just ultra? It's amazing the different feel it can have when playing on a different setting.


I do like both graphics but sometimes I just get tired of the bright intense colors of maxed out graphics and go for the softer more kotor realistic shading feel and color instead. So the characters are shaded but not all shiny skinned. Honestly though I DO like the glow effect it had and which the glowing light effects where optional for the low (Medium) graphics..

Edited by Krimlord
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I actually set my shaders sometimes to low or off. There are textures that get totally ruined by low resolution spec maps or just totally being blasted into oblivion by the strong lights. But I also use a reshader either way to sharpen and tone down the visuals (and increase some grey values). Edited by MACharlieV
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The game looks stunning in 3840x2160 (4k) it does the game justice I couldn't go back to having this game in anything lower than 4k now with all settings on max. But the only time i turn down settings are on certain game encounters like Hateful Entity due to the lag within that encounter along with other things.
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When I bought my new laptop some months ago, I set everything to max settings, because the laptop can handle it. But I didn't like how the game looked. I tweaked around and have now a mix between low and max (ultra, or what is it called?) settings. Right now, the game looks very nice to my eyes. I guess it has to do with individual taste and eyes as well.
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When I bought my new laptop some months ago, I set everything to max settings, because the laptop can handle it. But I didn't like how the game looked. I tweaked around and have now a mix between low and max (ultra, or what is it called?) settings. Right now, the game looks very nice to my eyes. I guess it has to do with individual taste and eyes as well.


Basically how it is with me.

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Sure, things are brighter but the reason I didn't like it was the colors just seemed too intense.


Give this a whirl as well with the game and launcher not running

Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time

Copy the following in to the text box and press ok



Open the client_settings.ini file in notepad

if the below exists with true change to false or add the line and save


AllowColorRemapping = false


Turns off this change from 2.3 - link

Edited by OwenBrooks
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I run @1440p (2560x1440) and get average 130 fps (worst is about 70fps) in warzones - link up to 210 outside of warzones



But what hrts is your monitor? because I promise you, you are not getting 210 fps, even though your fps counter says that. You are only getting 60, 120 or 144 depending on the monitor. Alot of people dont realize that, and stress their gpu needlessly Like me, I get 200+ fps easy, but since I am stuck on a 60 hrtz monitor atm, I keep Sync on. No need to make my gpu work harder than it needs to

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Give this a whirl as well with the game and launcher not running

Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time

Copy the following in to the text box and press ok



Open the client_settings.ini file in notepad

if the below exists with true change to false or add the line and save


AllowColorRemapping = false


Turns off this change from 2.3 - link


? AllowColorRemapping is already set to false. Wait... what do you mean about "add the line"?


Checked the Link. - I love the bleached bypass look.

Edited by Krimlord
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Am I the only one who thinks SWTOR looks better set on low with low shadows added? It gives the most realistic feel and seems a lot more like star wars as would be expected from Kotor but better animation and such.


Instead it seems like everyone either acknowledges super low (that it sucks, which I don't really like it either) or high(the glorified maxed out version)


Sure, things are brighter but the reason I didn't like it was the colors just seemed too intense and cartoony compared to the softer grittier shaded look when set on low shadows and such. What does anyone think of the graphic settings? Anyone around who actually doesn't mind other settings than just ultra? It's amazing the different feel it can have when playing on a different setting.


I do like both graphics but sometimes I just get tired of the bright intense colors of maxed out graphics and go for the softer more kotor realistic shading feel and color instead. So the characters are shaded but not all shiny skinned. Honestly though I DO like the glow effect it had and which the glowing light effects where optional for the low (Medium) graphics..


I play on medium graphics, and for some reason, Voss looks like a shadowy wasteland. Everything is black, i constantly run into things i cant see, it's straight up pitch black. I can see areas that are lit like the sky or caves, but anywhere in the overworld is just black. I do however like the low graphics settings as it does seem more realistic, and if i may mention makes my game run faster, but some places just dont work like they should.

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