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What's your favorite class story?


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I'm really curious as to this because I find that my favorite is using a light side Sith Warrior. I just enjoy the fact that it feels so personal to the character at all times. Even in the expansions as you hunt the Emperor where you have this personal connection to him as the Wrath. I find it difficult to get into the other class stories because of this. I'll start them but I can't quite seem to stick with it. So this is why I'm making this thread to discuss what you like or dislike about the class stories and which your favorite is. :)
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I like the Republic Trooper one for much of the same reason, especially if you play the trooper mostly dark side, as someone who does bad things in the shadows the good people don't need to know about, with a background that gives him a deep hatred of traitors. Edited by Battilea
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I believe Imperial Agent is typically the highest rated among the community (based on various polls in the past). Other highly rated stories (in no particular order) are Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, and Sith Warrior. With both companions and story in mind, I'd say my favorites are Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, and Jedi Knight. They all seem to have a nice combination of interesting and enjoyable companions with a decent story. Edited by Anduhar
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Imperial Agent -Loved the intrigue within Empire and the different endings, don't like Agent's Companions much, only Vector and on some ways, Eckard Lokin and Raina :)

Sith Inquisitor -My dear Darth Imperious is still here to save the Empire. On serious note, loved the story on the whole and the companions. I played it as LS Sith since it felt more fitting to be working for the common good of the Empire instead of just hurting in process of hunting power. (I do admit that I always have hard time picking up DS choices, I rarely pick them :p)

Trooper -I love how you will be a saviour to the Republic and how you can almost bring the original Havoc Squad back as well as fightning the Empire. I love all of Trooper's companions, even Vik, I prefer him over that brute Skadge on BHs story :D

And Bounty Hunter -I love how you can become a Mandalorian, fight against Jedi and make name for yourself. Love all the other BH companions except Skadge, I loathe that cruel and brutish Houk who forces himself to my crew even though he should have been kept in Belsavis :p:mad:

Edited by Rebamcfan
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Sith inqisitor>Jedi consular>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else.


Lightsided jedi sage is basicly jesus christ.

Powerfull, humble, always thinking of others first and compleetly devoted to the force.

The very guy everyone wants as friend but nobody wants to be.


A sith sorceror is a rise to power story(my favorite type of story)

He is also ******* crazy and gets alot more interesting choice's.


A few reasons why:

Zash: She is a nice sith lord who behave's very motherly.

And like a mother the first time she was pissed of it starteled me.

You know she is sith and is going to betray you(it is the way of the sith) i didnt want to kill her but the way of the sith doesnt allow for friendship.

She is a very good example of how cunning and devious the sith can be.

I was on constant alert looking for when she was going to betray me.

Unlike most sith lords who simply scream: i am a douchbag.

And unlike the jedi consular she accauly stays around for most of the game being your master.


Best romantic interesst.

Confession: i love mind break and the inqisitors love interest is just that.

She holds on to her believes she is a jedi but worships the ground you walk on by the time you are done.

Unlike other love interest who keep some self esteem.


Multiple personalities.

I found that the inqisitor gets the large's selection of options on how to respont.

I could pick being navive, ******* insane, cunning, helpfull, ruthless, etc.

Most classes you are a soldier, a jedi, a bounty hunter.

Sith inqisitor was one thing most classes arent.

A person.


They only thing i dont like about the sith inqisitor is the fact i cant betray the empire and join the jedi.

I get it having a mass murdering force ghost devouring jedi is a no go.

But still i dont like the empire and my inqisitors has plenty of reason to look for better living condition that a place of constant betrayel and backstabbing.

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Sith inqisitor>Jedi consular>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else.

Eh, I found the Jedi Consular story to be pretty meh. Wasn't a very involved story, and (unless I missed it somewhere) it never explained why I couldn't just teach others the ritual. Just sort of wandered around doing stuff, the stuff changing with chapters, and you don't even get a complete resolution for the initial villain, as he's still out there, as far as one can tell. Perhaps if the unique class stories had continued, that could have been brought to fruition, but they aren't, and it isn't. That said, I will agree that, if you play light side, the dialogue choices for the character are good, including the voice acting being very serene/tranquil. Makes for an almost idealized Jedi. But the story itself? Nope.

Edited by Battilea
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All class stories are good through chapter 1. After this point only a couple kept my interest.


Agent/Inquisitor/Knight through Chapter 2


Agent/Inquistor through chapter 3


The problem is most of the class stories turn into 4 quests per planet "obtain or kill the maguffins" without an overarching story holding them together anymore. Only Agent and Inq seems to have a fully fleshed three chapter story. The rest of the classes feel like each chapter is self contained, and that sort of kills it.

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All the stories are meh.

Jedi consular and sith inqisitor are the only once's i could finesh without dieing of boredom.

Bioware seem to have forgoten how to proper pace a story.



That said, I will agree that, if you play light side, the dialogue choices for the character are good, including the voice acting being very serene/tranquil. Makes for an almost idealized Jedi. But the story itself? Nope.

This is pretty much the only reason jedi consular and sith inqisitor's story are beating the other stories by miles.

You atleast feel a jedi/sith.


Havoc squad: republic fineshed defecter's.

You dont even get a chance to get attach to them before they betray you.


Smuggler: i still can find a reason to care about him.


Jedi knight: chosen to save the galaxie.


Honestly saving the world/galaxie/multiverse is overdone.


Bounty hunter:

Only good thing mako.

The rest your just a low life tug with no reason to accauly care.


This is the running theme with most classes.

You are never given a reason to care about anything.

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All the stories are meh.

Jedi consular and sith inqisitor are the only once's i could finesh without dieing of boredom.

Bioware seem to have forgoten how to proper pace a story.




This is pretty much the only reason jedi consular and sith inqisitor's story are beating the other stories by miles.

You atleast feel a jedi/sith.


Havoc squad: republic fineshed defecter's.

You dont even get a chance to get attach to them before they betray you.


Smuggler: i still can find a reason to care about him.


Jedi knight: chosen to save the galaxie.


Honestly saving the world/galaxie/multiverse is overdone.


Bounty hunter:

Only good thing mako.

The rest your just a low life tug with no reason to accauly care.


This is the running theme with most classes.

You are never given a reason to care about anything.


Sith Warrior story, especially after youve done all of Malavai Quinn's companion dialogues, chapter 3, when he betrays you. Probably the biggest punch to the gut out of them all, especially if youre lightside or a niceguy darkside that helped him out or got invested into his revenge arc.

Edited by rylanadionysis
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Sith Warrior has been my favorite. It's the only one I could replay over and over again. Like someone else said, it feels very personal with all the betrayals that happen. I also think the collection of companions are the best/most interesting. You have a fantastic antagonist in Baras with an amazing voice actor that you just absolutely love to hate. The Warrior and Knight have THE main story lines of the game - being so close to the Emperor's plans for the galaxy and all. Also, the VA for male and female are quality.


Sith Inquisitor is a close second. Who doesn't like a rags to riches story and the Inquisitor is the ultimate one. From slave to ruler of the galaxy. Also, on a more personal note, I like how it felt like it was written with a woman in mind as the Inquisitor. There were several things that made me feel like, "hey, wow, this was written FOR me". Not just me shoe horned in as an afterthought. And I love the thought of harnessing the power of force ghosts and trying to become immortal.


I love those two stories also because they fit so well with the play styles of their class. The Warrior as the Empire's attack dog and enforcer. A total brute who jumps headlong into combat. The Inquisitor - attacking from the shadows and always trying to increase her power through ancient knowledge and technology. Totally political and manipulative, but can also blow you apart with purple lightning anytime she felt like it.


The Agent story is third. I like a good double agent conundrum, but sometimes it felt like there were too many twists and too much going on.

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Havoc squad: republic fineshed defecter's.

You dont even get a chance to get attach to them before they betray you.

It probably helps that I went into mine with the idea that she hates traitors, that that lies in her background, since it gave me justification for being darkside while dealing with the revolutionaries. But yeah, that is a story that would have benefited from the squad being temporary companions on the first planet, with lots of dialogue and/or a delayed betrayal.
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Trooper is my favourite on Republic side, Warrior is my favourite on Empire side

especially since I discovered I can shut Vette up by keeping her shock collared.


After those two Sith Inquisitor (particularly anything to do with Khem Val) and Jedi Consular.


After those the rest are okay except smuggler. I started doing dark side things with that storyline just to liven it up and after trying a couple of different specs have no desire to bother levelling another smuggler.

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Sith warrior is my favorite, agent is second favorite. I just finished a dark agent yesterday so it's still fresh in my mind.


I had a hard time understanding why my (chiss) agent was such a nutcase until the last conversation I had with Keeper and realized something about her that should have been obvious practically from the start. I guess you can't expect to be emotionally unscathed when you've lived your whole life as less than a person in the Empire.


Too bad Vector turned her down when she asked to join - she wasn't asking to make him happy. She was asking for alleviation. :o

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So much disdain for the smuggler... :eek:


It's my second favorite story mainly because of the humour. I lol a LOT every time I play that class. Of course I typically play the LS "snarky" type of gunslinger. The wise cracking, flirts with every female he meets, can be persuaded to do good deeds for credits type.


I play through the story thinking "How would Han Solo handle this?" Lol That's why it's one of my favorite stories. :D

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Fav is Imperial Agent!


Maybe I should play the story through once again.

Finished it as my first character when the game launched so it has been a long time.


Most of the stories are quite good.

Jedi Knight is very Star Wars like

Sith Warrior and Inquisitor are not bad.


Jedi Consular gets a lot of flack but...it is very Jedi like for the story.

Diplomacy and all that.

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Mine has to be the Sith Inquisitor and the Bounty Hunter stories. The Sith Inq. because there is no other story in the game that makes you feel as powerful and unique. Even to the point where you feel your destiny is to truly supplant the Emperor himself. The Bounty Hunter story very much does a awesome job at giving you purpose beyond just the next bounty, plus it pumps in the fame/notoriety in good amounts to make it feel like you are having a real impact on the important events that are shaping the galaxy.


p.s. - I will say that the smuggler story though has some of the absolute best lines in the game. It's even worth it to do all the side quest, just so you can experience the dialog.

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