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DO Spawns


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Anybody else notice a significant increase in the Number of DO spawns there are in TDMs?


I was in a game two days ago and saw THREE DO Spawns on a Mesas TDM. One on the Shipyard South, one on the end of the same shipyard WEST Side, and another was picked up by an enemy ship at the "rare Spawn" point next to there (behind the rock, next to the tall Pillar, close to the southern ship yards imp side spawn).


I have noticed a lot more instances of MULTIPLE DO's being picked up at the start of a game as well.

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I think there are three different types of TDM games. The typical game has no rare DOs. The 2nd type of TDM has heaps of rare DOS. I've noticed as soon as I see even one rare DO, I see them for the rest of that game. The third type is all normal DO, but they respawn faster than normal.


Maybe it's just coincidence that you've had more of the 2nd type recently?

Edited by RickDagles
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I guess that's a possibility, but that's also why I'm here to ask about whether or not other players are seeing this as well.


Edit: @Siraka Have you seen THREE Simultaneous DO spawns before? That was my first and I'm at around 3000 matches.

Edited by OscarDivine
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I actually did see that a few months ago in a Lost Shipyards TDM. There were 3 DOS near the "glass house" structure (east side aka pub side of map).



What do you do when you see 2 DO near each other? I usually just grab both right away so that the enemy can't have one, but I always have a feeling of regret. Maybe I should just stay near that DO to protect it and text my teammates the location? Could be a waste of time and fall on deaf ears...

Edited by RickDagles
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It used to be a rare occurrance to watch a DO spawn and be obtained by an enemy (or myself) before the "regular"DO Spawns occur. I have started a lot of matches these days where I get to the standard DO spawn first only to see on my screen that another player already has one or gets one at almost the same time. Sure RNG could be responsible with extra rare spawns, but this has been going on for almost a week now. I'm becoming suspicious of changes in spawn rates of rare DO.
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Eh, RNG spawns are acting like RNG spawns, probably.


I'm currently getting what I'd call a below average rate of DO spawns.


I've seen 3 DOs at a time before though. It's particularly funny when it happens right at the start of the match and both sides recognize it.


It's also occasionally possible to get almost chain DO spawns, to the point where someone is running DO for most of the match.



Getting the feeling that, "this is way to much to possibly be random," is really quite common if you take a large sample of a random event, and thousands of GSF games definitely counts as a large sample. Clusters and long stretches of samples where something, "should have," happened but didn't are both very typical of random events.

Edited by Ramalina
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I'm hesitant to make any judgements on whether this is really a thing or not, but I have seen more rare DO spawns lately than is usual. In fact I was just in a match where a regular and rare DO were within about 300m of each other. Could be pure coincidence, probably is. I also had a game the other day where the DO spawn timer seemed remarkably short. The speculation is not groundless, but it's also pretty hard to put to the test. It is something I have observed recently, though.


- Despon

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I shudder to be the volunteer for such a task, but we could review older Twitch streams of players who are particularly good at sniffing out the DO's as they spawn and compare them to recent streams by the same player or even just watch the announcements for DO pickups on any player and compare them.


I understand that this is a highly qualitative analysis I've made here, but it seems that several players are encountering it. Perhaps it is worth investigating further.

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i think they should take them away honestly because some players all they do is farm DO's

'Farming' DO is a huge part of being successful in TDM. If you know where they spawn,

, you can 'farm' them too, or... you know... just pick them up like anyone wanting to maximize their performance would!


And I'm still seeing more DOs than I'd expect. Like one rare spawn per game, which is a lot less rare than one would expect.


- Despon

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'Farming' DO is a huge part of being successful in TDM. If you know where they spawn,
, you can 'farm' them too, or... you know... just pick them up like anyone wanting to maximize their performance would!


And I'm still seeing more DOs than I'd expect. Like one rare spawn per game, which is a lot less rare than one would expect.


- Despon


Need Moar Data! I had a conversation with another pilot last night who I know to be a very good DO Hound, who stated that they didn't see a significant change in DO Spawns. Need More Data!


Edit: or if you're Data from the Goonies, you need more boobie traps.

edit edit: Keep your eyes peeled pilots for those DO spawns!

Edited by OscarDivine
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'Farming' DO is a huge part of being successful in TDM. If you know where they spawn,
, you can 'farm' them too, or... you know... just pick them up like anyone wanting to maximize their performance would!


And I'm still seeing more DOs than I'd expect. Like one rare spawn per game, which is a lot less rare than one would expect.


- Despon


Just to corroborate this, careful use of DOs can change the tide of a TDM. It did for me in an unmastered Quarrel on a Shipyard match earlier tonight. Suddenly one GS racks up a bunch of kills and the rest of the team is inspired to fight on.


Even if you are just "Farming" them, you are keeping them out of the hands of your enemy, which itself is a very good idea. I'd rather my teammate in a stock Starguard grab a DO and die immediately to a gunship, then be picked up by that gunship and then lose eight of my teammates.


I mean, it does hurt when the opposite side grabs all of them and whomps you 50-3, but honestly, they probably could have done that even without the DOs.


Now, you could make a case to reduce how overcharged it is, and that's a fair debate, but removing them entirely seems shortsighted. Removing them isn't going to make a match any more balanced/easier/"Winnable" for an underpowered team, and it removes an element of strategy unique to GSF's version of Arenas.

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It's what I do usually in my Clarion, keep a constant eye on the map and the instant a DO spawns I'm on my way to get it. I'll sometimes pick a novadive at start depending on the enemy team composition just to grab it before they can.


Once 3 DO's spawned on the map and all three of my team got them. Shortest Kuat Mesas ever.


~ Eudoxia

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Need Moar Data! I had a conversation with another pilot last night who I know to be a very good DO Hound, who stated that they didn't see a significant change in DO Spawns. Need More Data!


Edit: or if you're Data from the Goonies, you need more boobie traps.

edit edit: Keep your eyes peeled pilots for those DO spawns!


no its booty traps. gawd! learn to spell!



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To me, DOs seem to spawn at a roughly similar amount as before. It doesn't feel like I spend all that much more time peeling for teammates with DO, or trying to focus down an enemy DO, than before. That's just my rough feeling though.


Meanwhile, since hearing about the idea of *some* games having more rarespawn DOs, I find that sorta feels correct, but again, it could just be RNG. But I would certainly not notice something like that without being primed for it.


Given that we can't get real data, I think a good test would be this: assume a hypothesis is true, and then look to see if it seems validated for you over the next few months. For instance, assume that the hypothesis about some games having more rarespawns is true, and then see if that appears to be the case. Then, after several months, report back in. Several of us would have to try this. Report your initial hypothesis, and whether or not it seemed to be true for you. The aggregate of enough of those would at least point int he direction of the reality. It's not exactly science, but it isn't too far off. At the very least, if enough people assume different hypothesizes and believe them validated, it would validate the sober theory of "it's probably all in our heads".

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To me, DOs seem to spawn at a roughly similar amount as before. It doesn't feel like I spend all that much more time peeling for teammates with DO, or trying to focus down an enemy DO, than before. That's just my rough feeling though.


Meanwhile, since hearing about the idea of *some* games having more rarespawn DOs, I find that sorta feels correct, but again, it could just be RNG. But I would certainly not notice something like that without being primed for it.


Given that we can't get real data, I think a good test would be this: assume a hypothesis is true, and then look to see if it seems validated for you over the next few months. For instance, assume that the hypothesis about some games having more rarespawns is true, and then see if that appears to be the case. Then, after several months, report back in. Several of us would have to try this. Report your initial hypothesis, and whether or not it seemed to be true for you. The aggregate of enough of those would at least point int he direction of the reality. It's not exactly science, but it isn't too far off. At the very least, if enough people assume different hypothesizes and believe them validated, it would validate the sober theory of "it's probably all in our heads".


Yes, that's about what I'd say we really would have to do, as this isn't exactly a prove-able statistic short of finding the differences in the code that yield higher DO spawn rates or changes of it. Just keep your eyes peeled, lemme know if you guys notice more DO spawns than usual. I have continued to watch more games start with multiple DO's than ever before.

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Yeah, anecdotally it feels like there are more frequent rare DO spawns lately. But, that could easily be that I've gotten much more comfortable hunting them in the last year than I had been the previous 2 years that I've been flying. In reality, without any obvious update to the game that would include DO timers or the like, we're more than likely just seeing the results of RNG.



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