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Anyone else besides me not rushing the game and still in their 20s


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This thread makes me wonder what peoples definition of "rushing" is. It seems most people think that if someone levels faster or has more time to play thus is max level already they are rushing. I call that playing for longer time frames.


To me rushing would be if you just spacebar spam through all the content to get to max level ASAP. I personally am level 44, and have not hit a single spacebar. Does that mean I'm rushing since I'm 20+ levels higher than most of you posting here?

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This thread makes me wonder what peoples definition of "rushing" is. It seems most people think that if someone levels faster or has more time to play thus is max level already they are rushing. I call that playing for longer time frames.


To me rushing would be if you just spacebar spam through all the content to get to max level ASAP. I personally am level 44, and have not hit a single spacebar. Does that mean I'm rushing since I'm 20+ levels higher than most of you posting here?


Nah; it just means you have free time; which I think most of us here wish we had. lol

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This thread makes me wonder what peoples definition of "rushing" is. It seems most people think that if someone levels faster or has more time to play thus is max level already they are rushing. I call that playing for longer time frames.


To me rushing would be if you just spacebar spam through all the content to get to max level ASAP. I personally am level 44, and have not hit a single spacebar. Does that mean I'm rushing since I'm 20+ levels higher than most of you posting here?


I think that to most of us, "rushing" is not just getting to the end level but mostly then ************ about how there's no one to do instances with, no end raids, blah blah blah when they were at max level 6 days after the game was released.


OP--I wish I had more time but I don't so I only have a level 25 operative. But honestly I am in no rush and having a great time. The funny part is, for me at least, my class didn't even really take off until after 20 so I'm taking my time and doing everything I can but having much more fun in PvP and Flashpoints which I originally thought would be things my class wasn't really suited to excel in.


I'll just say... Gawd I love this game!!

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This thread makes me wonder what peoples definition of "rushing" is. It seems most people think that if someone levels faster or has more time to play thus is max level already they are rushing. I call that playing for longer time frames.


To me rushing would be if you just spacebar spam through all the content to get to max level ASAP. I personally am level 44, and have not hit a single spacebar. Does that mean I'm rushing since I'm 20+ levels higher than most of you posting here?


You know what rushing means. Everytime a new mmo or new patch comes out mmo players all rush to try and be the first at everything. First to cap, first to beat a raid, first to max crafting etc. People rush to get an advantage over the other players.


Its just a staple of the mmo community in general, its why people always post 'first' in threads and stuff.


Rushing is actually the motivating factor behind why some people play MMOs, sometimes it seems like a form of ocd too. In most games these type of players also usually burn out faster too. They rush see all the content and then move on to other games.


No one is criticizing you for being higher level, just saying you know what it means. =P

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my highes lvl character is lvl 25.. I have like 5 alts.. I am only playing the game like this because I know if I hit lvl 50 now I will be bored and I will cancel my account.. Kinda already meh about the game now.. Specially with the combat delay/animations glitches issues...
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People hitting 50 already that had early access aren't rushing sorry to say.


You can get about a level per hour questing and doing it all. if you play 5 hours a night thats 5 levels a night.


so 10 days to basically get to 50.


If you need validation seems like you do alot of afking or only play an hour or two a day.


That's absolute bull.


At level 45 (I'm not logged on so I can't get exact figures) you need 380k'ish exp to level.


Quests on the planet Voss give just under 13k per turn in for normal quests, and are pretty spread out, with 2 or 3 per quest group (quests you can do at the same time with not near as much travel).


PvP will give you about 20k per win (before the change, not sure now).


You could MAYBE get a level if you did all the daily space quests/PvP/And turned in about 5 quests at the same time. But then, when you're out of quests, it's gonna take much longer.


Let's not kid ourselves, if you've hit 50 already, you've played a decent amount more than casually.

Edited by Halbe
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I'm intentionally playing slower than I normally do, because I don't want to get to end-game any time soon. Been playing since the 17th and currently have a Juggernaut at lvl 18 and a Merc at 12.


I'm hoping it takes at least a month to get my first character to 50. Two or three would be fine.

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Man I haven't even decided 100% on what my main will be. I have tons of toons across different servers, feeling out the community. Same for classes too, although I got it pretty much narrowed down to BH or IA healing. Once I finally progress a toon past level 12, I'll be taking my sweet old time to level while enjoying the dialogue and codex along the way.
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26, having a blast.


Space Battle mini-game is fun. I think I gained 2 levels just doing that. :D


Only had one rage-inducing quest, and that was the class quest on Balmorra. Goddamn, that bug just didnt want to die. Finally gave up, came basck 4 levels later and wiped the damned floor with that bug. :D

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