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Do only jerks play ranked?


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Well, my advice is queue and be bad af. Simple, maybe they will kill themselves lol. The only thing, in my view, that can prepare you for ranked is knowing your character and having an average understanding of the other 11 advanced classes ( mirrors count as one :D).


Nothing will prepare you for the changing dynamics of each team and each game. The best you can do is learn on your feet, get some Seismic grenades and do not enter the melee. I got globalled in 5 secs too lol but my team wasn't too bad about it; we won the match though, cause they came with the same strategy, and we were prepared.


The most skilled player doesn't always win but is always an asset.

Worst advice I've ever seen, pls don't queue

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First of all you have to understand that by doing ranked, you will be facing people who are play ONLY ranked in this game and they have been doing so since day 1. So you are at a big disadvantage compared to them both in terms of gear and in terms knowledge about mechanics and so on.


Second of all. Don't take them seriously when they bash you or abuse you verbally. They are low intelligence people who think Ranked is their job and forget that it's just a game and all play IT because we like it and not because of meaningless ranked.


Third of all, ranked in it's current state is useless, especially solo ranked which is a lottery because some classes are OP compared to others and many times the match is lost before it even started, despite the fact that Joe "Noob" was in it or not. And of course they have to blame Joe "Noob" for their loss and don't realize that they would have lost regardless.


And the most important thing:


On Red Eclipse for example the Ranked community is very toxic, especially on imp side. They aren't helpful at all. I've tried asking them for advice and general tips but they just don't reply. They are very quick to abuse you if they lose, but aren't willing to help new people and this is the reason why no one plays ranked and the same 20, 25 people are in que always.


There is no other way to learn Ranked other than doing ranked. You can que 1000 unranked matches, the ranked arenas will be totally different experience. The Republic ranked community is much better and more friendly.

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Worst advice I've ever seen, pls don't queue


I wasn't giving you advice; and I will queue until i get 40k tokens, best believe it. If you are that good learn to carry people. Plain and simple.


Besides, solo ranked ain't all that, 2 games and my daily is complete. So, why not queue? My team is winning anyways... OP queue the hell out of ranked and if they grieve you, paid it back by not healing them but DPS. Then you'll be the one having fun and not them. Sometimes you gotta play their game.

Edited by Yezzan
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There is no other way to learn Ranked other than doing ranked. You can que 1000 unranked matches, the ranked arenas will be totally different experience. The Republic ranked community is much better and more friendly.


Most of the skill and mechanics can be gained in regs first. Heat management, defensives, awareness, who to heal and when, etc. If someone isn't even pulling mediocre numbers in a reg match, I'd expect them to be the weak link in ranked. It will be especially obvious if they're healing.

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Second of all. Don't take them seriously when they bash you or abuse you verbally. They are low intelligence people who think Ranked is their job and forget that it's just a game and all play IT because we like it and not because of meaningless ranked.


There are low intelligence people in MMO's but your argument is flawed. I gave a couple intelligent analogies and explained why people are rightfully frustrated at a terrible healer destroying the ranked q for awhile and ending their fun.


I will ask a terrible tank or healer (not mediocre I mean terrible) to stop q'n ranked or q as dps and I am a very intelligent and well off professional. I'm even more of a casual due to work and family obligations. I would never tell anyone to kill their self but asking a tank that doesn't guard to stop q'n is not wrong


Third of all, ranked in it's current state is useless, especially solo ranked which is a lottery because some classes are OP compared to others and many times the match is lost before it even started, despite the fact that Joe "Noob" was in it or not. And of course they have to blame Joe "Noob" for their loss and don't realize that they would have lost regardless.


There is a lot of luck involved in ranked. I've taken chars I'm new on to gold while being terrible and had a hard time on chars I play very well. However, you can carry to an extent and greatly help your odds. If you never go up in rating it is more likely something to do with your skill/class than luck.


There is no other way to learn Ranked other than doing ranked. You can que 1000 unranked matches, the ranked arenas will be totally different experience. The Republic ranked community is much better and more friendly.


You can learn up to a mediocre ranked level in regs but you have to play differently than you would otherwise. Drop out of winning matches and look for matches against a good premade. Then push yourself into the middle of the premade and make yourself the focus target. Eventually you will learn to survive pretty well while still doing your job. Also, find a very good operative to duel.


Remember, you would think it is rude to jump into a high level basketball game when you don't know how to dribble. It is the same with ranked.

Edited by DarthRaika
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There is no excuse for someone telling you to kill yourself. This is obviously not warranted no matter how bad you might have been.


However, q'n multiple times as a healer or tank when you don't know how to play ranked is rather rude and it is understandable that some people will ask you to stop q'n. If you want to q once or twice to test yourself that is one thing but I bet by the 4th q people were rather upset and rightfully so. Solo ranked can be very frustrating and carrying a terrible healer is highly unlikely. On top of this the higher rated healer will usually get the highest rated dps as well.


Also, as a healer, if you are bad in ranked you won't learn by doing more ranked. You will be stomped too fast to learn. You need to pug regs and stay in matches where there are good premades on the other side. Put yourself in the middle of their premade again and again until you can both survive for awhile and keep up some of your pug even in a runover match. At this point you will be at least a mediocre ranked healer and q'n ranked won't be an autoloss for your team.


Also, if you want to q ranked right now then just change spec to dps. There is nothing rude about q'n ranked as a bad dps. Bad dps can be carried and aren't a big deal.


BTW, BW is really at fault. Elo with low pop is stupid and very frustrating (remember there are already people with close to 1000 matches played this season). For elo to have a chance at working there has to be x server. If BW won't allow for x server then BW needs to use something besides elo or just deal with less matches by not allowing healers or tanks to be matched against each other if their ratings are more than 500 apart.


This system makes people rage and so instead of crying elitism try to be the better person and empathize.


Playing regs as training for ranked ? hmmm. That's like playing solitaire as training for poker night with strangers gambling real money.

Nah, you gotta put up with a-holes in ranked and the ranked a-holes will have to put up with you. Until you learn. Or you don't and quit ranked.

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Playing regs as training for ranked ? hmmm. That's like playing solitaire as training for poker night with strangers gambling real money.

Nah, you gotta put up with a-holes in ranked and the ranked a-holes will have to put up with you. Until you learn. Or you don't and quit ranked.


Learning dps is possible in ranked but the OP is a healer. You can go from a mediocre healer to a good healer through ranked but it is very hard to go from bad to mediocre healer through ranked matches. You will be stomped too fast to learn and people will even give up if they are on your team.


If you do what I said it will get you to mediocre healer status in ranked (if you are capable of course). You will still lose rather often but you will be good enough to not be globalled and to keep your teammates up for a bit. You will also be good enough so that people don't /stuck or drop the match when they see you.

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I don't think a mere suggestion would make him think about actually doing it. That's not how it works...at least with psychologically stable human beings.


There isnt just one scale fits all for being psychologically stable these days, especially people online. Even a small amount of depression or stress from work/study or some major emotional event in someone's life can trigger responses to harming yourself or even others.

In Australia we are going through a social mental awareness and education process. It's no longer taboo to talk about such things and attitudes are changing towards it, so more people are open to getting help or asking others if they are ok.

As someone who helps others with these issues and supporting their loved ones, I can tell you from first hand experiences that having people constantly saying things like that to you can affect the way you feel about yourself and there is always that first person to start the process.

No one should ever tell someone to kill themselves, no matter how mundane it may seem or wether they mean it. There have been thousands of reported cases where people online have been told to kill themsleves and they have.

Considering no one knows how another person is feeling online, they shouldn't assume that what they say won't have a negative affect on someone.

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Look, you are all fundamentally misunderstanding this thing.


People want to win in ranked. And if you are bad and cost them the game, they only want you to get out of the queue as quickly as possible. So they tell you the most vile things they can to scare you off.


See.. They don't want you to actually kill yourself. You are to insignificant for people to bother even thinking about you. They want you out of the q. And the 'kill yourself' and similar comments just get the job done.

Edited by sir_oliver
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I'm new to this game; played during BETA and maybe a month after launch, but nothing more. I've just got my healer to 70 and have really enjoyed unranked PVP so decided to try out ranked. Never have I came across such jerks, a-holes, and just not nice people. Never a suggestion other than to , "please don't que", "you are undoubtedly the worst healer ever", "please quit this game", "delete this game", "go kill yourself (my favorite)" and several other variations that spanned 4 games. I've met some real nice people in in-ranked and throughout the game but ranked has made me want to quit. This is the same grief my 12 year old son got as well; just deplorable human beings I've ran into. I've sent whispers saying to back off from my son and got more of the same crap. It's subscribers that pay for this game and I currently have two subs, but the if this is the way all new players are treated then i'm not sure how this game can grow.


Before i will answer, let me ask you a question? Would you run a bus full of people without a driver license?


Ranked are comeptitive and rewarded for victory, while penalized for a loss. I do not expect people to be nice, but to perform, because no matter how nice you are - at the end of the day you are not rewarded for it. Its not grief, its not crap - this is the reality.


To put it into more militaristic background: if your 4man navy seal team is deployed anywhere in the hostile teritory and your only quality is pottery, you are not very useful to the team, arent you?


There is a difference between unranked and ranked warzones. You are not penalized for a loss in unranked warzones, so noone cares. Yes, your reward is smaller, but you are still rewarded. But in ranked, you actually lose something.


The biggest issue is the ELO itself, because it penalizes players that have the skill but were unlucky on team comps, and lost their forst 10 games. After you get into a 1000-1200 rating hellhole you are (most of the time) doomed to play with lesser skilled players. And since there is not enough players for solo ranked to begin with, you end up against a team with above average rating (because system pairs people with equal ratings), and you just die again because you are paired with people that do not know, how to play it on a higher level (for various reasons).


In other words, your attitude is not helping the team. For ranked environment you should not only have the above average knowledge about your own class, but also an average knowledge about all the other classes, to be more effective. When you decide to go unprepared by any means (gear, skill, knowledge, tech spec of your PC), you should expect to lose thus making your own team lose because of you.


So if you doubt your ability to play it - train some more, and try again when you get enough skill.

And if you do think you are ready - perform on the proper level, so that your team will feel it.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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Before i will answer, let me ask you a question? Would you run a bus full of people without a driver license?


Ranked are comeptitive and rewarded for victory, while penalized for a loss. I do not expect people to be nice, but to perform, because no matter how nice you are - at the end of the day you are not rewarded for it. Its not grief, its not crap - this is the reality.


To put it into more militaristic background: if your 4man navy seal team is deployed anywhere in the hostile teritory and your only quality is pottery, you are not very useful to the team, arent you?


There is a difference between unranked and ranked warzones. You are not penalized for a loss in unranked warzones, so noone cares. Yes, your reward is smaller, but you are still rewarded. But in ranked, you actually lose something.


The biggest issue is the ELO itself, because it penalizes players that have the skill but were unlucky on team comps, and lost their forst 10 games. After you get into a 1000-1200 rating hellhole you are most of the time doomed to play with lesser skilled players. And since there is not enough players for solo ranked to begin with, you end up against a team with above average rating (because system pairs people with equal ratings), and you just die again because you are paired with people that do not know, how to play it on a higher level (for various reasons).


In other words, your attitude is not helping the team. For ranked environment you should not only have the above average knowledge about your own class, but also an average knowledge about all the other classes, to be more effective. When you decide to go unprepared by any means (gear, skill, knowledge, tech spec of your PC), you should expect to lose thus making your own team lose because of you.


So if you doubt your ability to play it - train some more, and try again when you get enough skill - and if you do think you are ready, perform on the proper level, so that your team will feel it.


This is a completely stupid analogy. First, BW encourages you to play ranked with big first time bonuses for trying it out. There is no warning that the vast majority of people in rank are *****holes who take this game way too seriously. The game mechanics are set-up so you get rewards for playing ranked whether you win or lose and after 4 matches you (even 4 losses) you get a nice reward.


So your interpretation of ranked is obviously much different that the interpretation of the game developer who encourages all to try ranked. Maybe their should be some different skill buckets, whatever but the vileness of the folks I've grouped with is definitely uncalled for and is a real turn off for new players. And no, the "don't que" didn't bother me more the other stuff and the fact there was not even one polite whisper saying "maybe practice more" or "maybe switch to DPS" or anything constructive. You jerks in ranked are going to turn new players away from it and without new players the game dies. I'm coming to this game from DDO, which is about dead now because of the lack of new players.

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Before i will answer, let me ask you a question? Would you run a bus full of people without a driver license?


Ranked are comeptitive and rewarded for victory, while penalized for a loss. I do not expect people to be nice, but to perform, because no matter how nice you are - at the end of the day you are not rewarded for it. Its not grief, its not crap - this is the reality.


There is a difference between unranked and ranked warzones. You are not penalized for a loss in unranked warzones, so noone cares. Yes, your reward is smaller, but you are still rewarded. But in ranked, you actually lose something.




So if you doubt your ability to play it - train some more, and try again when you get enough skill.

And if you do think you are ready - perform on the proper level, so that your team will feel it.



I agree with that sentiment. Solo ranked PVP is the only game mode that does not allow any type of control over who you are playing with.


PVE Group Content without Groupfinder: Full control over group composition.

PVE Group Content with Groupfinder: Full knowledge but no control over group composition. Can decline participation without penalty.


PVP Regular Warzones: 50% control over group composition while queuing as a group

PVP Group Ranked Arenas: Full control over group composition.


PVP Solo Ranked Arenas: No control over group composition. No knowledge about group composition. Declining participation results in penalty.


This has resulted in two workarounds:

1) Queue syncing on faction with less players

2) Queue dodging


Instead of playing this game mode without interruption, sound strategy to accomplish a high ELO is based on knowing when to queue and when not to queue. It is also sound strategy to re-roll characters if you are experiencing bad results over the course of your first ten games. Rinse and repeat until you have at least a 7-3 or preferably better record over your first ten matches.


I think it is very obvious that under these circumstances, people are very upset when they are confronted with players that show no inclination to treat this game mode as serious as should be expected given the system of the game. In my opinion, this should include:


1) Be geared (set bonus) and fully augmented

2) Have basic grasp of game controls (Keybinds)

3) Be capable to execute your DPS rotation without flaws in a static environment.

4) Be capable to execute your DPS rotation without major flaws in a non-static environment (read: PVP)

5) Know how to use your defensive cool downs, buffs, de-buffs, etc.

6) Be able to follow basic strategy (kill order)

7) Don't play underpowered classes while not being experienced enough to compensate


The vitriolic behaviour that sometimes can be witnessed usually appears when people play ranked without adhering to those very basic concepts.


Thankfully, I have been able to escape the hell of ELO rating this season. I have played roughly 900 matches this season, my highest rated toon is at 2100 ELO. I play on TRE, which means that during prime time I mostly do not get in groups with players that fail to follow these very basic guidelines. But every so often during less populated hours, you get into games where players are not even capable of this.


There is no hell worse than getting grouped with a Powertech, Juggernaut or Sorc DPS, who is not augmented and wears starter lvl green / blue items with a 2x valour level. It are those people which I will under any circumstance tell to not queue ranked, listing those reasons. The outcome will most often be that of the Original Poster. He will get melted within seconds. Which is just plain unfair to those that play with him in good faith.


If I encounter them a second time i will most probably be a littler harsher in my language (though without telling them to kill themselves, that is a little too harsh tbh). If they then continue to queue, I will stop playing myself until there is more people playing again.


It is unfortunate that this has to be the case, but the state of the game (population) and the lack of cross-server or even cross-faction queues directly lead to this situation.

Edited by Aniajan
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This is a completely stupid analogy. First, BW encourages you to play ranked with big first time bonuses for trying it out. There is no warning that the vast majority of people in rank are *****holes who take this game way too seriously. The game mechanics are set-up so you get rewards for playing ranked whether you win or lose and after 4 matches you (even 4 losses) you get a nice reward.


So your interpretation of ranked is obviously much different that the interpretation of the game developer who encourages all to try ranked. Maybe their should be some different skill buckets, whatever but the vileness of the folks I've grouped with is definitely uncalled for and is a real turn off for new players. And no, the "don't que" didn't bother me more the other stuff and the fact there was not even one polite whisper saying "maybe practice more" or "maybe switch to DPS" or anything constructive. You jerks in ranked are going to turn new players away from it and without new players the game dies. I'm coming to this game from DDO, which is about dead now because of the lack of new players.


What you state is just plain wrong. The reward or penalty for ranked is the ELO rating you gain or lose. The daily and weekly quests you finish are just there to allow continued participation in the game mode.


Regarding what you say about turning new players away from ranked: Yes. This behaviour turns new players away from ranked. Even more so, that is the intention. I will also tell them the reason. And i feel i am entitled to articulate the frustration when people do not care enough to fulfil even the most basic of prerequisites.


Now, there are limits and telling people to go kill themselves is certainly off limits. But I am certainly not mincing my words when those people do not care to listen to the pointers and recommendations but rather continue to grief / troll.

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Look, you are all fundamentally misunderstanding this thing.


People want to win in ranked. And if you are bad and cost them the game, they only want you to get out of the queue as quickly as possible. So they tell you the most vile things they can to scare you off.


See.. They don't want you to actually kill yourself. You are to insignificant for people to bother even thinking about you. They want you out of the q. And the 'kill yourself' and similar comments just get the job done.


I don't think anyone is misunderstanding. We know Ranked is competive pvp and people like to take it seriously. But I also think people that behave in the manner you describe are elitist know it all's.

I've seen many of them trash talking others with that rubbish and most them aren't as good as their egos make them feel. If we follow your logic and others about winning and not queueing if others think you aren't good enough, then most of the ranked players shouldn't queue because I can tell you they aren't nearly as good as they think they are.

Most of the people playing ranked aren't even close to the same standard of ranked 2 years ago. There are still some of those older people floating around and coming and leaving the game, but a large majority of them have left,

I'm pretty sure the most vocal trash talkers are the ones that used to lose to those better players and now they seem to be the only players left in Ranked and they are trying to make themselves feel better and superior by trashing others.

There will always be someone better than you, so when people assume they are the best and talk down to others they are only propagating the toxic attitude and passing it on. Eventually the skill lvl will have degraded so much in Ranked that we'll have noobs trash talking noobs to make themselves feel better because that's how they were treated.

I know I am in no way the best ranked player, especially with the massive lag I have, but if I can beat some of these trash talkers while playing with 400ms lag, then they aren't as good as they think and should probably just keep their opinions to themselves.

So does that mean they should all stop queueing?

Should everyone I can beat in a dual or in ranked stop queuing?

Should I stop queueing if someone beats me?

Should you stop queueing if someone beats you?

If we followed that to its logical conclusion there would only ever be one person in the queue because they beat the last person they fought and no one had beaten them, even though there may have been someone who could have beaten them but stopped queuing because they lost to someone else.

The pvp community has shrunk so much that people beg people to queue Ranked just so it pops. People beg people to queue regs just so it can pop, you can't have it both ways. Either people less skilled than others queue for ranked or it doesn't pop = no Ranked at all.

The skill to play at the highest lvl in this game and be competitive has eroded as the better people have left. It's natural attrition and they aren't being replaced. Eventually only the mediocre players are in ranked and they think they are the best in the game because they are winning, but in reality they are still mediocre.

Without fresh blood coming into ranked, even if they aren't fully ready, there is no Ranked and it may as well be removed and just rename the queue Arena.

The game is nearly dead now, but driving new people away from pvp only makes it die faster.

Edited by Totemdancer
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I'm new to this game; played during BETA and maybe a month after launch, but nothing more. I've just got my healer to 70 and have really enjoyed unranked PVP so decided to try out ranked. Never have I came across such jerks, a-holes, and just not nice people. Never a suggestion other than to , "please don't que", "you are undoubtedly the worst healer ever", "please quit this game", "delete this game", "go kill yourself (my favorite)" and several other variations that spanned 4 games. I've met some real nice people in in-ranked and throughout the game but ranked has made me want to quit. This is the same grief my 12 year old son got as well; just deplorable human beings I've ran into. I've sent whispers saying to back off from my son and got more of the same crap. It's subscribers that pay for this game and I currently have two subs, but the if this is the way all new players are treated then i'm not sure how this game can grow.


yes, only jerks play ranked atm. This is caused by two problems:

1. is made by bioware. The way the ranked system and matchmaking works right now, encourages players to be hostile against beginners because youre more likely to succeed if you play with/agains people you already know well, or players who know the meta well.

2. This game has literally no pro scene. This results in average joes suffering from dunning kruger believing theyre any good or skilled player. The problem here is that theyre not true champions, they dont know how to handle success. A true champion driven by sportsmanship would never blame others or be hostile. However the vast majority of ranked players in this game suffers from serious insecurities and they want to cover it in this game which results in a very hostile climate.


So what can you do about it? leave solo ranked alone. If you want to have fun and competition go play teamranked. People tend to be a lot more nicer there. This is due the fact that you actually have to work as team to succeed, and the toxic players described above tend to not have enough friends or the balls to que up for that very competetive gamemode.

Also, teamranked is the closest you can get to serious competition.

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This is a completely stupid analogy. First, BW encourages you to play ranked with big first time bonuses for trying it out. There is no warning that the vast majority of people in rank are *****holes who take this game way too seriously. The game mechanics are set-up so you get rewards for playing ranked whether you win or lose and after 4 matches you (even 4 losses) you get a nice reward.


So your interpretation of ranked is obviously much different that the interpretation of the game developer who encourages all to try ranked. Maybe their should be some different skill buckets, whatever but the vileness of the folks I've grouped with is definitely uncalled for and is a real turn off for new players. And no, the "don't que" didn't bother me more the other stuff and the fact there was not even one polite whisper saying "maybe practice more" or "maybe switch to DPS" or anything constructive.You jerks in ranked are going to turn new players away from it and without new players the game dies. I'm coming to this game from DDO, which is about dead now because of the lack of new players.


It's not an interpretation. Its the reality of ELO rating.


"Maybe practice more?" "Maybe i should tie your shoes and pack you a lunch?" - what is this? Why do people try to excuse their lack of time, attention and skill with this nonesence. I might be blunt, but if someone needs to learn how to play he is not: "rendered incapable of acting properly in that given moment". This is an MMO, and if you don't have time to get better, you can't expect others to treat you on the same level.


You presume too much. Calling me yerk (seriously?!) because i expect "you" to perfom when i am in a team with you, and you do not deliver is a bit over the top don't you think? As long as Rating works as it does, people will rant on weaker skilled players for their poor performance. If you do not like to take competitive environment i strongly suggest you should try out Mario.


Bioware wants us to play PVE to gear for PVP. Does that mean we want/need to do it? Your point is invalid. They are about as oblivious to the game balance as they are to ELO rating failure.


It's nice that you are comming from a PVPless game. How was RP there? Were all the people nice?

- Don't answer, those were rhetorical questions.

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What you state is just plain wrong. The reward or penalty for ranked is the ELO rating you gain or lose. The daily and weekly quests you finish are just there to allow continued participation in the game mode.


Regarding what you say about turning new players away from ranked: Yes. This behaviour turns new players away from ranked. Even more so, that is the intention. I will also tell them the reason. And i feel i am entitled to articulate the frustration when people do not care enough to fulfil even the most basic of prerequisites.


Now, there are limits and telling people to go kill themselves is certainly off limits. But I am certainly not mincing my words when those people do not care to listen to the pointers and recommendations but rather continue to grief / troll.


So you think it's healthy to turn new players away from Ranked when there aren't enough people to even make it pop most of the time?

That sort of behaviour and the intention behind it is more detrimental to pvp than anything Bioware do to destroy it.

I think you should take a look at the bigger picture and what is best for the game and not your own self entitled self.

I too get frustrated when I lose because people aren't good enough to win against the other team. Except I don't abuse them, I actually offer to help them if they are willing. But I also get frustrated when those same people start trashing others and it's as much their own skill lvl making them lose as other people.

Solo ranked isn't really conducent to team work, balance or skill vs skill. Everyone is out for themselves and the win by any means. If they lose it's always someone else's fault and not there own. Often there is zero communication in Ranked to offer a strategy or suggestions and if someone says anything, everyone trashes them. So how are new people to ranked supposed to learn from better players if the better players won't help them and only trash talk them?

If you want to blame anyone about the situation, blame Bioware, not the newer players. It's Bioware who put in place this stupid system. At least there was a small prerequisite prior to 5.0 and that was having Ranked gear. Even that has been removed now. If they were serious about making solo ranked work they would actually put prerequisites in the game like needing a certain Valor ranking and gear rating (which is not possible now).

Under the current system, solo ranked should be treated about as serious as regs is treated. The only real Ranked in this game is proper group ranked and if people are so worried about their rankings, they should go play group Ranked. I'm pretty sure that the same sort of argument people use when people complain about premades in regs. "If you are sick of losing against premades go form your own". Well if you are losing in solo ranked because of people you don't know, then go form a group and play group ranked.

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yes, only jerks play ranked atm. This is caused by two problems:

1. is made by bioware. The way the ranked system and matchmaking works right now, encourages players to be hostile against beginners because youre more likely to succeed if you play with/agains people you already know well, or players who know the meta well.

2. This game has literally no pro scene. This results in average joes suffering from dunning kruger believing theyre any good or skilled player. The problem here is that theyre not true champions, they dont know how to handle success. A true champion driven by sportsmanship would never blame others or be hostile. However the vast majority of ranked players in this game suffers from serious insecurities and they want to cover it in this game which results in a very hostile climate.


So what can you do about it? leave solo ranked alone. If you want to have fun and competition go play teamranked. People tend to be a lot more nicer there. This is due the fact that you actually have to work as team to succeed, and the toxic players described above tend to not have enough friends or the balls to que up for that very competetive gamemode.

Also, teamranked is the closest you can get to serious competition.


Well put :D

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It's not an interpretation. Its the reality of ELO rating.


"Maybe practice more?" "Maybe i should tie your shoes and pack you a lunch?" - what is this? Why do people try to excuse their lack of time, attention and skill with this nonesence. I might be blunt, but if someone needs to learn how to play he is not: "rendered incapable of acting properly in that given moment". This is an MMO, and if you don't have time to get better, you can't expect others to treat you on the same level.


You presume too much. Calling me yerk (seriously?!) because i expect "you" to perfom when i am in a team with you, and you do not deliver is a bit over the top don't you think? As long as Rating works as it does, people will rant on weaker skilled players for their poor performance. If you do not like to take competitive environment i strongly suggest you should try out Mario.


Bioware wants us to play PVE to gear for PVP. Does that mean we want/need to do it? Your point is invalid. They are about as oblivious to the game balance as they are to ELO rating failure.


It's nice that you are comming from a PVPless game. How was RP there? Were all the people nice?

- Don't answer, those were rhetorical questions.


Perfect example of the elitist toxicity if you queue Ranked. Good to know you are there to support only those as good as you. God forbid you helped anyone.

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It's not an interpretation. Its the reality of ELO rating.


If you do not like to take competitive environment i strongly suggest you should try out Mario.


You have never played Mario Kart with my friends or family... the battle mode gets downright gladiatorial.


There's one character I intend to take to ranked when she hits max gear and she is a healer, but I've been playing her in PvP for almost six months now and every match to me is a way to improve. No matter how good I get- I want to get better and it's all so I can legitimately contribute. I'm aware how high the stakes are as a healer and you need a tough skin to start with because you need to know the difference between your screw ups and your team trying to pin their shortcomings on you for the next match.

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You presume too much. Calling me yerk (seriously?!) because i expect "you" to perfom when i am in a team with you, and you do not deliver is a bit over the top don't you think? As long as Rating works as it does, people will rant on weaker skilled players for their poor performance. If you do not like to take competitive environment i strongly suggest you should try out Mario.


Is incredible how you are surprise of being called a jerk and then you try to humiliate him.


The OP complained about that kind of behavior, but you and a couple of your jerk buddies only read that "another noob wants to play in our elite group" and decided to justify your insults:

* Its BW fault because... (insert any of the bad this BW did)

* it his fault for being a noob

* Blah, Blah, blah


And you people complain about low population for pops and bad balance. Well, if you keep like this, it will only get worse. Let less skilled people play, you may loose of few ranks but if population get better then pairing should also get better. Having two or three ranked leagues would be even better, but with low population for pvp (worst in ranked), never going to happen.

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Truth to be told OP, it comes with the territory.


Check out any other sort of MMO or FPS with PvP in a competitive but random matchmaking environment.

It's full of elitists. And I'm not going to lie.. I am one myself.


The thing that you have to understand is that as soon as we get off these forums, into a ranked game.. It's reasonably expected for you to perform. If that does not happen, and especially if (repeated) mistakes are made which in <rage person> his/her book are not acceptable.. Then you will probably get some **** throw at you. Although in my character I often do give constructive criticism even while I'm getting properly triggered.. others may not.


There is something to be said for it, but remember.. you were expected to perform and you didn't.

Now there are times where you can ignore this.. but you can also think to yourself about what went wrong.

What someone said to you be it in anger or otherwise.. because there are lessons to be learned in mistakes.



Honestly.. the best thing you can do is record your own games and watch them back.

Be your own critic and be harsh about it. It's a great way to learn.

And if you somehow don't know what went wrong you can always come back here, post the video, and ask around.

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I GOT SCREEN SHOTS OF A DUDE HARASSING ME. I did rank yesterday, I finally did my last solo rank and i was back at the pvp area on imp fleet and i seen i still had 2 unranked to do. At that time my 7yo child was showing me a drawing she did and explaining all the scenery to me at some point i zoned out a little and i for got i was done with solo rank but yet i qued up for solo rank by mistake. It went to a 4vs4 map Which unrank has to, so thought nothing of it. So solo started and we lost the first match and by the time the 2nd match started my daughter was back asking about a word in a story she was reading and so since the match hasnt started just yet i turned my attention to her and as was helping her sound out the word she was stuck, the match started but i was still helping her and my kids will always come first.


So by the time i got into the match only 1 team mate was left and of course it wasnt pretty. then bam i was dead real fast like to, but when there 3 mercs the out come is usually the same regardless if i started the match with them or not.

So one ofmy Lovely team mates followed me whispering to me back at pvp area to NEVER QUE RANK AGAIN, LOL is what i did. And he kept going on and on i took screen shots because he said he would destroy me on the server spreading roamers not to play with me.


LOL is whati did, i then thought, Wow this dude needs to get a life and stop living his life in game. He acted like he won every single match he plays and there is no way he just wanted some one to blame and i was it. Now i am sorry for the lost to them, but there is nothing i mean NOTHING more impotent then my children, IF he had kids he would known this. Then again the sad thing is, there is people who neglect their kids while they go numb playing vid games for hours on end and most likely he was just a punk kid. Which by the things he was saying to me make me believe he was, or at least acting like one, which in return, is just as sad.


So what can i do with these screen shots to get him for Harassment?

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If you do not like to take competitive environment


competitive? :D Solo ranked in swtor is by no means competitive in any way. If you think otherwise youre just deluding yourself.

Actually, real competitive gamers (which have abondond swtor, mind you, thats why losers like you feel like theyre any good) tend to be nice and friendly. That is because having lots of social skills is an essential part in performing in team based competitive games.


So there is no correlation between competitive gamemode and players beeing rude and insulting, the actual correlation is that players that lack social skills often lack gaming skills aswell. So people like you who lack the intellect to realize that playing a "competitive" gamemode is no excuse for insulting, are a big part of the problem.


Honestly, people ranting in swtor pvp are nothing but losers and i feel pity for them, ranting in game that has no pro scene at all is nothing but bankruptcy declaration of their life.


It has some irony that players think they could insult others for beeing not that good, while 99% of the gaming world would just die laughing about swtor pvp called "competitive".

But that doesnt matter. Its irrelevant what game, or even real life, it doesnt matter how good you are you always should treat your teammates and enemies with respect. A true champion like lionel messi wouldnt yell at his keeper if he did a mistake, he would try to motivate him to keep going. Thats called sportsmanship.


P.S.: There is literally nothing to gain in solo ranked swtor at all that is worth anything besides fame and respect. But you wont get any of it if you dont act modest, honorful and be with full respect before others.

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Perfect example of the elitist toxicity if you queue Ranked. Good to know you are there to support only those as good as you. God forbid you helped anyone.


I am not. Being blunt doesn't mean i do not support people. In fact you haven't been more wrong. I am creating tutorials for people on my server, explaining math behind gearing and rotation, as well as helping people with performance and teamplay both on TR and Yolo.


That being said i still think that if you queue as a healer without proper experience you cripple your team more than you would by going dps. The reason is simple - as you might noticed healer games are based on healer tunnel (especialy with all those mercs flying around). And so if your healer is globaled because he doesn't know how to position himself or minimalize focus on him, he should practice more. remeber that once the healer is down you have only several seconds to nuke the other, or your team will fail.


You have never played Mario Kart with my friends or family... the battle mode gets downright gladiatorial.


There's one character I intend to take to ranked when she hits max gear and she is a healer, but I've been playing her in PvP for almost six months now and every match to me is a way to improve. No matter how good I get- I want to get better and it's all so I can legitimately contribute. I'm aware how high the stakes are as a healer and you need a tough skin to start with because you need to know the difference between your screw ups and your team trying to pin their shortcomings on you for the next match.


Well. If you wan't to improve, go on Thieve's Den on Tatooine and take 3 dps with you. Let them team up, and start focusing you hard. Train until dead. Repeat. Profit. (this training is all about learning how to position yourself to LOS and keep surviving as long as possible).


Is incredible how you are surprise of being called a jerk and then you try to humiliate him.


The OP complained about that kind of behavior, but you and a couple of your jerk buddies only read that "another noob wants to play in our elite group" and decided to justify your insults:

* Its BW fault because... (insert any of the bad this BW did)

* it his fault for being a noob

* Blah, Blah, blah


And you people complain about low population for pops and bad balance. Well, if you keep like this, it will only get worse. Let less skilled people play, you may loose of few ranks but if population get better then pairing should also get better. Having two or three ranked leagues would be even better, but with low population for pvp (worst in ranked), never going to happen.


And whos fault is it? Mine? I learned most of the stuff myself, or by talking to other players here and there. This is a gosh darn MMO which is theoreticaly Skill Based (yeah i know). To progress and aquire skill you need to spend certain amount of time playing it. Most "Weekend Warriors" will never compete with Team Ranked palyers because they simply do not have the time to learn.


Having several leagues was never possible. ELO rating and the first 10 games are screwed, and here is why:

When you do not have the official rating aquired (first 10 games), you might be matched with ANY rating players, even way above 1500. I had talked to players who landed up in 1700+ rating team, where the others landed in 900+. This creates an uneven start for some people, and is based purely on RNG. If you do not win all 10 games at the start (as a good player) you will be condemened to rarely raise your rating above 1200, because you will land up in a bracket with people that are simply not skilled as you are. You have multiple sites describing the idiocity of ELO rating.


So yea... it is bioware fault. Also, because of the class balance, lack of bolster and DLV gear amongs others (skill qualification included), people that are fresh have slim chances of winning. I would even say that ranked is exacly like the raids in any MMO: if you do not have propler gear and knowledge you are not fitted to do the raid. The team might not even invite you (and they will not if you consecutively make them wipe...)

Edited by Nezyrworks
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