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Huttball is too chaotic. No fun for some classes as there are so many juggernaults/assassins/sorceres, leaps on friendly, guards so you can't even stop them.


some classes have little to offer on this mode, and it is no fun. also, idk what happenes to the queue system, but seems the queue loves to put me on a wave of m ultiple huttballs in a row... I am a pvp player, i don't want to play huttball with the unbalance it is in this mode. it is so bad that there are even people lagging themseslves. please let me filter the modes I queue for warzones....

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definitely. words cannot describe the rage huttball induces. its been what, 5-6 years now and people still completely ignore the objectives, leave mid completely open to the enemy, screw off to deathmatch in the pit and innumerable other idiotic things that just make you wonder how they even figured out how to get into pvp.
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definitely. words cannot describe the rage huttball induces. its been what, 5-6 years now and people still completely ignore the objectives, leave mid completely open to the enemy, screw off to deathmatch in the pit and innumerable other idiotic things that just make you wonder how they even figured out how to get into pvp.


I dunno. Hutball is a map which really extremely favors some classes over others and this by it's nature leads very much to the behaviour you describe. I think this is the root issue rather than the people really. When I play hutball with some classes I am much more likely to play it objective oriented then with others where basically my primary focus will be on getting at least 8 medals.

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I dunno. Hutball is a map which really extremely favors some classes over others and this by it's nature leads very much to the behaviour you describe. I think this is the root issue rather than the people really. When I play hutball with some classes I am much more likely to play it objective oriented then with others where basically my primary focus will be on getting at least 8 medals.


Every class has something they can do in huttball. hell, one of the most useless moves in the game (in my opinion) pt tanks translocate actually works wonders in huttball. tanks and/or healers make great ball carriers regardless of class, operatives and assassins dominate this role but juggs are good for it too. snipers and maras easily control mid, sorcs set up easy scores, and the trooper classes are both great at taking out other ball carriers, whether its with an electro net and heatseakers to the face or pulling them into the acid and then popping HO to run in the goal.


but then again, that one random on the other side that happens to be in your pit looks pretty threatening, we should probably send half our team to go take him out.

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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they totally destroy the only thing they created in PvP : good job BW, good job. :D


i remember so many extraordinary huttballs years ago, and now it's just a garbage. the insane mobility (and double roll of a class i will not name) without changing the rules and map (and the bugs when rolling and sprinting:mad:) makes playing huttball useless.


So for 75% of the players in, it's a short frag time waiting to see one side scores 6 goals in a row and next.



good job Bw :rolleyes:

Edited by Thaladan
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definitely. words cannot describe the rage huttball induces. its been what, 5-6 years now and people still completely ignore the objectives, leave mid completely open to the enemy, screw off to deathmatch in the pit and innumerable other idiotic things that just make you wonder how they even figured out how to get into pvp.


I read this, scrolled past with a straight face, then burst out laughing.

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Agree with the OP, but only because Huttball is love and life and cake and everything good about the world. If we could pick our own warzones, I would play nothing else and never have to see that damnable Hypergates again.


But since this would increase queue times the devs won't do it. :(

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I read this, scrolled past with a straight face, then burst out laughing.


You know you've got an instant win as a healer if either a) in this match you're allowed to free cast heal the ball carrier or b) the ball carrier is left alone because they forget that there are two priorities, ball carrier and healer- not just healer. I've had three idiots chase me away from my team's ball carrier and give them a clear run just to go after me, leaving ball carrier leisurely passing their goal line.


Also, you know you've got idiots when they don't figure out why as a Mara or Sent, you're continually attacking around your team's ball carrier and why they keep moving so fast but they leave you alone.


The amount of idiots that will white bar the enemy carrier not in a trap but with a free run to the goal line is astounding.

Edited by AllisonLightning
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You know you've got an instant win as a healer if either a) in this match you're allowed to free cast heal the ball carrier or b) the ball carrier is left alone because they forget that there are two priorities, ball carrier and healer- not just healer. I've had three idiots chase me away from my team's ball carrier and give them a clear run just to go after me, leaving ball carrier leisurely passing their goal line.


Also, you know you've got idiots when they don't figure out why as a Mara or Sent, you're continually attacking around your team's ball carrier and why they keep moving so fast but they leave you alone.


The amount of idiots that will white bar the enemy carrier not in a trap but with a free run to the goal line is astounding.


Have to agree. In queshball match the other day it was basically me on a commando and a guardian tank vs a sniper. Every single other person on both teams was on the main floor deathmatching. Since it was basically 2 vs 1 we won 6 -0. The worst part of this was it was level 70. I would expect this in the lowbie bracket but not at lvl 70.


On topic I would love a way to deselect 1 warzone to never get. Thanks to the new reward system, I have no incentive to do yolo anymore unless its ranked and would love to never get those anymore.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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There is no longer enough of a pvp population for this to work. It should have been implemented at launch or at least 3 years ago when it would have worked. Now the queues would be way to long for it to work.

Even the idea others have proposed of having a reg arena queue and objective queue wouldn't work now and it probably would have 14 months ago.

I've always wanted the ability to queue for the WZs I wanted to. Especially HB as it's one of my favourites :cool:

It just wouldn't work now. R.I.P. another good idea the Devs never listened to.

Edited by Totemdancer
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Screw not quing for hutball


I want to be able to choose to not que for the hot mess that is freakin arenas


80% of the time the **** is 4v3 which is fun for neither side and even if you have a 4v4


You have horrible class and role distribution issues, one side could be all melee and the other side all ranged one side could be 4 dps and the other a premade with 1 tank and heal and 2 merc dps


Arenas are garbage as is and I want to be able to not que for them

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I think the devs would like to implement a system where people can filter out maps they don't like... we know they have for PVE group finder so I would assume that at some point they would have done it for wz's too by now except for the fact that the size of the community just can't support it.


A more practical feature would be to allow the people in a wz to vote on what map they want to do in the gui that comes up at the end. The server would keep track of what maps are getting the most votes in a specific tier and prioritize those maps for that tier. Not to say it is always going to deliver someone's favorite map but maybe it would help deliver the content people want.

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You know you've got an instant win as a healer if either a) in this match you're allowed to free cast heal the ball carrier or b) the ball carrier is left alone because they forget that there are two priorities, ball carrier and healer- not just healer. I've had three idiots chase me away from my team's ball carrier and give them a clear run just to go after me, leaving ball carrier leisurely passing their goal line.


This is a great way to abuse stupid people. It turns out 9/10 people fail this intelligence test. If you turn your back and walk away, or start backing away, or let your health bar go down a bit (saving your burst heals) and back away from the goals of the war (door, pylon, ball carrier whatever), 9/10 people will follow you. It is like a dog turning his back at a dog park, 6 other dogs uncontrollably follow the first dog to sniff his behind. I kite people away from goals all the time because they think they are going to get an easy kill or a chance to shoot someone who isn't shooting back or whatever. All I know is, there is no force in the universe that will stop a stupid person from following you away from war-goals if you act like you are trying to get away.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Every class has something they can do in huttball. hell, one of the most useless moves in the game (in my opinion) pt tanks translocate actually works wonders in huttball. tanks and/or healers make great ball carriers regardless of class, operatives and assassins dominate this role but juggs are good for it too. snipers and maras easily control mid, sorcs set up easy scores, and the trooper classes are both great at taking out other ball carriers, whether its with an electro net and heatseakers to the face or pulling them into the acid and then popping HO to run in the goal.


but then again, that one random on the other side that happens to be in your pit looks pretty threatening, we should probably send half our team to go take him out.


Yes, every class has something usefull they can do, but as you say yourself about half of the classes are relegated to a pure support role in it - which no matter how important it is to the end result - is not nearly as much fun as being the one to take the ball across the end line, which imo strongly encourages behaviour to just say **** objectives and let's have fun on my own regardless of the team result.


Very few roll a class to be the pure defender or midfielder in pvp while you basically see all the primadonna strikers take the glory.


I play/have played most classes and hutball is by far the one I enjoy much more with certain classes than with others.

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it's like in basketball, you can't have a team of all centers or all forwards or everything just falls apart. or to use another sports metaphor, defense wins championships.


True to a certain extent, but most people don't even try to play HB or even know how to use their class in HB. Sometimes having a whole team full of centres willing to run the ball together is like a Rugby football match and you can push to the line with brute force and bit of flair.

The game can be played different ways depending on the team mix and you can use different tactics as long as the players know their class role for the match. That is the biggest problem with HB, it requires a different mind set from any other type of play and most people just can't get their head around the fact that it's basically a sport and requires real team work.

On my dps Sorc I usually out heal my damage 2-1 in HB. On my dps Jugg I tank more than dps. Stuns, slows, roots, interrupts and pushes are needed more than pumping out massive dps.

When I see most of a team not playing the ball I leave the match because I refuse to carry them. It's disheartening when you score all 6 goals solo or with 1 other person to win the match and the person who gets all the votes is the idiot dps farmer who didn't contribute all match Or when you are the only one defending against 5 of their team and 7 of your guys run all over the map trying to kill 3 people. I'd rather leave even if we are winning than carry idiots.

The only time I'll rage quit a HB is when people don't try. If they are bad and we are losing I'll stay as long as they are trying to play.

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The only wz i would choose to not play is... Odessen... i hate it... and also quesh-huttball...

All other wz are ok.

The classic huttball in the pit is still the best wz.


But the real problem in pvp atm is... we cant choose to not play vs 4 or 5 mercs/commandos. :mad:

Pvp since 5.0 is just a joke...

Edited by Opaknack
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