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Status of operative in game?


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DPS wise. what is the status of Operative in PvP right now?

I am asking because a friend is playing with me and he rolled an assassin first. he thought assassin to be very boring in gameplay, not many rotations, or much brains about it. and then he rolled a sniper, but he felt like a turret.


He is kind of dismotivated with the game but decided to give a last try and play an Operative, so he can transfer gear from the sniper. It seems that Operative is very mobile, has a lot of rotations, skills, some self sustain.


but he is afraid of some things:

-Does it have enough damage to pressure healers, their heals, mercenaryu bubbles, etc in PvP. or it doesn't do any really good damage?


-PvE wise, does it have enough dps to keep up with other classes like snipers, marauders, etc. or is it bad in pve dps? he is more of a pvp player, but he want to be able to run the content too to gear up faster, and for the fun of it.

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DPS wise. what is the status of Operative in PvP right now?

I am asking because a friend is playing with me and he rolled an assassin first. he thought assassin to be very boring in gameplay, not many rotations, or much brains about it. and then he rolled a sniper, but he felt like a turret.


He is kind of dismotivated with the game but decided to give a last try and play an Operative, so he can transfer gear from the sniper. It seems that Operative is very mobile, has a lot of rotations, skills, some self sustain.


but he is afraid of some things:

-Does it have enough damage to pressure healers, their heals, mercenaryu bubbles, etc in PvP. or it doesn't do any really good damage?


-PvE wise, does it have enough dps to keep up with other classes like snipers, marauders, etc. or is it bad in pve dps? he is more of a pvp player, but he want to be able to run the content too to gear up faster, and for the fun of it.


PVE wise, operatives have the top theoritical DPS with lethality, scrapper is also one of the good burst specs right now. If the player is good at dealing with being a melee DPS, then he can pull some crazy numbers on most fights, and certainly pull his weight and keep up with mercs/snipers/mara.

PVP wise stealth is really fun, and both specs can be interesting to play and do good pressure damage (lethality with dot spread) or burst (scrapper). Survivability can be tricky at first, but good operatives are hard to kill and can be very annoying to deal with (they have lots of defensive tools, esp rolls, and good offheals).

Edited by Eloi_BG
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Operatives are not so hot right now. They are excellent node guard in normal warzones, and they can easily steal a node from a bad guard. They can, however, not steal a node from a guard that calls incoming, as their TTK is too slow. In ranked, operatives often gets focused by mercs.


To quote myself:

Go play an Operative in ranked before commenting, then tell me how epic their survival truly is when focused.


  • Can't roll when netted.
  • Only 1 stun breaker and saving it for net can be a death sentence when hard stunned and focused.
  • No DCD that can be used while stunned.
  • Evasion is short lived and on a relatively long cool down
  • Keeping probes up for heal and DR takes 1-2 GCD
  • Curative Agent is great, but does far too little healing if focused by 2 people. Even with Curative Agent + Probe + DR on Stim Boost you will not survive being focused.
  • Lack luster damage compared to mara, sins, merc, sniper.
  • You basically need to save Evasion for Cloaking Screen to have any chance of escaping in stealth
  • Would gladly trade Volatile Substance for something that did direct (instant) damage


In normal warzones you can better run away from the fight, but in ranked you kinda have to be in there, and, well, then you will probably be focused.


So yeah... "nerf operatives" ha ha ha....


And I posted a bit about ranked here:


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Operatives are not so hot right now. They are excellent node guard in normal warzones, and they can easily steal a node from a bad guard. They can, however, not steal a node from a guard that calls incoming, as their TTK is too slow. In ranked, operatives often gets focused by mercs.


To quote myself:



And I posted a bit about ranked here:



This. I've been playing Ruffian Scoundrel lately, and I feel like all I do is tickle people in pvp. Scoundrel damage in pvp is very, very low. So bad, in fact, that I've found more success playing a dps Vanguard in pvp, and everyone knows how terrible they are right now.

Edited by Vember
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It's like all classes, if you can play the class they are fine, if you can't they aren't fine.

I'm no expert on an operative and only mediocre at best, but they seem fine when I'm playing mine.

I have come up against some in matches on my other classes that I'm pretty good on and operatives are a complete pain in my butt. Even if they don't kill me, they distract me enough and stop my other attacks.

A operative in the hands of someone who understands the class is hard, in the hands of someone good they can be deadly,

One thing you should probably ask is, what is the best performing spec.

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Have a look at this is you are only interested in the biggest dps spec


DPS Ranking for Iokath MK-5, Tier 3: Legendary (242 ilvl)


Rank - DPS+-StdDev - vs Average (9303) DPS --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 10016+-290 - +7.67% --- Operative-Lethality || Scoundrel-Ruffian

02 - 9748+-144 - +4.79% --- Sniper-Virulence || Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

03 - 9722+-243 - +4.50% --- Sniper-Engineering || Gunslinger-Saboteur

04 - 9698+-373 - +4.25% --- Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance || Commando-Assault Specialist

05 - 9626+-256 - +3.47% --- Marauder-Annihilation || Sentinel-Watchman

06 - 9461+-475 - +1.70% --- Operative-Concealment || Scoundrel-Scrapper

07 - 9459+-525 - +1.68% --- Assassin-Deception || Shadow-Infiltration

08 - 9453+-269 - +1.61% --- Marauder-Carnage || Sentinel-Combat

09 - 9359+-466 - +0.61% --- Mercenary-Arsenal || Commando-Gunnery

10 - 9339+-334 - +0.39% --- Juggernaut-Vengeance || Guardian-Vigilance

11 - 9179+-439 - -1.33% --- Juggernaut-Rage || Guardian-Focus

12 - 9152+-316 - -1.62% --- Marauder-Fury || Sentinel-Concentration

13 - 9013+-455 - -3.12% --- Powertech-Advanced Prototype || Vanguard-Tactics

14 - 8973+-312 - -3.55% --- Assassin-Hatred || Shadow-Serenity

15 - 8896+-345 - -4.37% --- Powertech-Pyrotech || Vanguard-Plasmatech

16 - 8870+-241 - -4.65% --- Sorcerer-Madness || Sage-Balance

17 - 8796+-416 - -5.45% --- Sniper-Marksman || Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

18 - 8692+-273 - -6.57% --- Sorcerer-Lightning || Sage-Telekinetics



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so i got two different responses. people saying basically it is bad, and some taht can put a lot of damage lol.


They do put out a lot of damage, over time, but they have no burst whatsoever, from a lethality/ruffian perspective. Burst is king in pvp, and that particular spec doesn't have any.


At 70, my biggest hits are 8k in full augmented 230/236. I will, on occasion, see a 9k or 10k hit, but those are rare. Meanwhile, people have 113k+ hp, it takes a long time to wear that down when 8k is the best you can muster on your hardest hitting ability.

Edited by Vember
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so i got two different responses. people saying basically it is bad, and some that can put out a lot of damage lol.


In theory they can put out a quite a bit of damage i.e. I can parse +9k on dummy in a simple rotation. Problem is they can not remain in a fight for long, as their DCD are simply not good enough for this meta:


20% DR on stim: Great, but when do you activate it? Preferably prior to incoming damage, but that can be really darn hard to time. Good luck with being focused without having it activated.


6% DR from probes: Great, but it will cost you 1-2 GCD to keep them up


Evasion: Very good DCD, but it lasts too short and with too long CD.


Shield Probe: Lol...


Curative Agent: Nice enough, but the healing is often too little / slow if you are focused.


Roll: Your number 1 offensive and defensive ability. Fantastic ability, but rolling around does not cause a heck of a lot of damage. And with mercs being the bane of operatives (electro net), the current meta does not favor us.


Again, the problem is that we can not really stay in a fight. You can not focus that healer if their tank and merc decides to peel. You can not really remain in open battle, as you are dead without the use of LoS.

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Lethality is terri-bad for me in pvp because it just doesn't burst. Conceal op does bursts decently hard. It's not uncommon for my op to have top or near top dps in ranked if I stay up, and it's respectable in unranked depending on the team make up. Your pal won't come close to the turrets with amazing defenses and massive aoe in unranked, but that doesn't always matter. I also had a skank tank immortal jug put me to shame the other day, but that a-hole had a pocket healer. LOL


Someone mentioned slow TTK for taking nodes, but honestly, outside of a deception assassin, you won't find one with quicker burst and roots for taking nodes. Frankly, it's because they don't see me coming. I hit em with a sleep dart first, and for 10 seconds they do 50% less damage to me. Most are down to quarter HP before I take much of any damage. If they're stupid enough to break my soft stun or my initial mez because they're afraid to get beat on, the node is mine because they're getting knocked out for 8 seconds, and I'll kill them after I have it. The fact that you may not have much luck if the guarder calls out isn't a operative isolated issue--it's true for every class. No class will take a node easily if it's competently guarded and the enemy responds to call out.


That being said, your friend will be nice and pissed off when that slinger knocks em back every few seconds in ranked. He might get mad at the constant bubble stun from the sages in ranked too. Yeah, he'll get his arse beat while netted. Don't get me started on nets Ok, yeah, I've had three nets on me back to back to back in more than one ranked match. Sometimes I think the devs simply gave every other class insane abilities and defenses to stop the crying about Ops. As hard as the devs try, they can't make other classes dismiss Ops as pushovers though. Ask any player if they find Ops to be easy solos. If they say "yes," they're full of excrement. I'd venture to say that most would rather not have a 1v1 engagement with a competent concealment op. Tell him to shut up and roll one already.

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Operatives when compared to the current top performers, feel rough. Snipers/Mercs/Juggs/Maras can all hang in the pocket with their DCDs and dish out their damage. Operatives have to waste GCD's to perform their defensives and not be able to put out their optimal dmg rotation during these times.


Because of the high potential for mercs and snipers, it makes operative life hell in game modes like solo ranked. However, they're a class that can still perform well in solo ranked, given you're not just trying to parse on the focus target. Simply put, there are better classes to parse on focus targets with. Operatives have great CC/control and that should be priority number uno in solo ranked. If you're the focus target, great. Because you have enough to survive the initial barrage and make a team chase you. Granted, the more mercs on the opposing team, the shorter your life span becomes with off set nets.


Group ranked, operative dps is a non factor. Being melee, with little mobility from tank slows staying on target is a challenge, and there are just light year better choices for DPS and ANY situtation. Operative healing can be done, but it's just so much easier to play a sorc. Half the effort, with higher HPS possibility.


Operatives still excel at long drawn out 1v1s, which really...isn't a situation that arises very often except at the occasional node in a WZ where no one answers the plea for help.


Bottom line: Regs, you can drag out fights and be very trolly without dying, but your DPS suffers due to using GCD's to stay alive. Solo ranked, doable but if you play on a server like harb where everyone and their brother queues as a merc or sniper, your chances of being an asset drastically decrease by the number of mercs on the other team. Group ranked: non factor.


All in all, it's still my favorite class to play. But I don't go in the with expectation to be a top DPS.

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