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Powertechs Are Useless


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I don't see any reason to play a Powertech right now. Damage is mediocre, survivability is probably the worst in game right now.


If they hit hard, I could completely understand dying instantly. But they don't.


Bioware - can you please give us any indication that you understand the problem with Powertechs and will fix it? If so, how do you plan on fixing it?


Please let us know. At this point I don't feel like I have an option to play PvP, and that's the only reason I'm subscribed right now. Thanks in advance.

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I don't agree. My main is a PT, she is just lvl 65 in 220 set, but does a great job as a heroics farmer. In Belsavis at least she hits like a tank, i am very pleased with her.

In pvp, i don't know, never been interested in pvp at all.


Considering that we don't balance this game to pve as it is irrelevent becuase you could take a class that's for the lack of a better term "garbage" like pyro pt and still do well, so how well a class is at doing heroics is irellevent


Even then why would I want to take a pt in a grp for pve stuff when I would take a class like a merc

Who what's as good burst, better sustained dmg, better st and better aoe easier energy management, better range and defenses? And no sonic rebounder is not the awnser, I've seen many grps do just fine without it.



PTs ARE bad atm with their weak dcd's, gutted range and miserable energy management only shank tank spec pt seems to do "ok", ap pt is supposed to be a burst class but their burst is tired to the 1min cd of explosive fuel but other classes like maras and mercs have comparable levels of burst with higher uptime


And pyro spec is still trash

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A big issue is the bugs that plague PTs/VGs


Harpoon seems to have a bug that won't let it fire unless you're in combat


And most importantly, their leap has a bug where it can fire (going on cool down) but doesn't actually leap.



It's a large issue when I can't reliably leap or pull. Pull is tied to a stun, leap is tied to an interrupt and my mobility.

Edited by Lionflash
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I dunno, mine feel fine in PVP, both Pyro and AP, other than the fact that Pyro relies too much on dots, I find their damage aqueduct, they just need a reflect and heal like the Merc skill "Responsive Safeguards", that would basically fix the class, in fact they should just remove that skill from Mercs and give it to PTs and it would fix and bring both classes in line. Edited by x_Boots_x
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Considering that we don't balance this game to pve as it is irrelevent becuase you could take a class that's for the lack of a better term "garbage" like pyro pt and still do well, so how well a class is at doing heroics is irellevent


"We"? Are you on the dev team at Austin? :rolleyes:


You know what else the studio does not do? They do not balance classes for solo PvP either. ;)


PvP is balanced to be a team effort for maximum effecitiveness... just like end game group PvE. And perfect balance of classes in MMOs is complete fantasy. There are always imperfections in balancing a cast of classes in an MMO. And some classes are always a bit better then others. It's the nature of MMOs.


Now.. if the OP has specific context for making such sweeping claims... he/she did not share it, nor any specifics as to specifically why they feel PTs are "useless".


Hate to throw the old meme here.. but given the very limited information presented, coupled with a sweeping condemnation of the class...... it "sounds like somebody got rolled in PvP, and is just bad at their class".


The OP has pursued shoddy threadsmanship here.

Edited by Andryah
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I like how many crabs run to say "I'm 65lvl, do story and i'm fine" /spit


I told many times here, PT pyrotech is a bottom of the game, both in pve and pvp.


1. Low dps. Look parsely.io

2. Low survivable.


Let's compare with range! classes - merc and sniper. PT have lower dps and terrible survivable in both specs.

Edited by Mega_Fallos
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A big issue is the bugs that plague PTs/VGs


Harpoon seems to have a bug that won't let it fire unless you're in combat


And most importantly, their leap has a bug where it can fire (going on cool down) but doesn't actually leap.



It's a large issue when I can't reliably leap or pull. Pull is tied to a stun, leap is tied to an interrupt and my mobility.


Yeah, I'm seeing the same problems. A lot of Vanguard/PT tank procs don't seem to work right, for PvE and PvP both.

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PT Tanks are still viable in ranked and NiM.

AP is decent enough for NiM but easy prey in Ranked compared to a Merc

Pyro is just terrible in both as they neutered most of the damage from FT when it became instant and defensively one of the squishiest DPS.


All 3 deserve some sort of varying buffs and changes.

Edited by FerkWork
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PT Tanks are still viable in ranked and NiM.


I really think they need either another defensive or a shorter cooldown on at least one of them. It would be nice if we got something even in the same universe as the Sin Force Speed talent.


I would love to see EF drop it's duration and cooldown in half and change its defensive function to a cheese or 50-60% flat damage mitigation.


Or maybe Kolto just needs to also be more of a mitigation buff or something. I'm not sure exactly what but I just feel they need a small boost in the active mitigation department.

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I don't agree. My main is a PT, she is just lvl 65 in 220 set, but does a great job as a heroics farmer. In Belsavis at least she hits like a tank, i am very pleased with her.

In pvp, i don't know, never been interested in pvp at all.


Put the name of your class here <class> and doing heroics will make you feel very pleased. It is super easy content that requires zero skill and/or gear. It is irrelevant.


This post clearly takes about level 70 content, primarily PvP. And yes, all PT specs range from mediocre to useless in all game modes.

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I really think they need either another defensive or a shorter cooldown on at least one of them. It would be nice if we got something even in the same universe as the Sin Force Speed talent.


I would love to see EF drop it's duration and cooldown in half and change its defensive function to a cheese or 50-60% flat damage mitigation.


Or maybe Kolto just needs to also be more of a mitigation buff or something. I'm not sure exactly what but I just feel they need a small boost in the active mitigation department.


Most important to me is the need a ignore damage button like Saber Reflect or Shroud. Final burn phase of Brontes is harder without a clean up the Orbs ability. PT is only Tank that doesn't have a passive or active ability like that.

Edited by FerkWork
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Powertechs are useless in unskilled hands. Since I regularly get destroyed buy Powertechs in PvP, you must be doing something wrong.


I see very few of those it requires a very skilled player. Without support: An average player with a Merc can tank two or three average+ or good players. A very skilled Merc can tank 4+ equally skilled players. A very skilled PT can survive 2 or 3 at best for as half the time a Merc can. Burst dmg is true to be high for some PT, but after that they usually run for help if you survived, other burst clases get 3 or even 4 bursts in the time a PT can do a second. Or course, With support PTs/VGs are fantastic, but hey, every class looks fantastic with the proper support.


On top of that there is very few new people even trying to play PT because leveling one is a PITA. I was playing class story with one at the end of 4.X and i was having a lot of fun. 5.0 hit and i was no longer a ranged class and no longer could even close gap to mobs. Playing became a torture and got extreamly difficult to undertand the class and rotation when your healer companion that has three times your best range can kill or almost kill over half of the mobs before you are in a position to start doing some damage.

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I don't agree. My main is a PT, she is just lvl 65 in 220 set, but does a great job as a heroics farmer. In Belsavis at least she hits like a tank, i am very pleased with her.

In pvp, i don't know, never been interested in pvp at all.


heroics farmer...


Yeah, then all is fine of course.

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Powertechs and Vanguards are indeed worthless right now. Pyro discipline (and the corresponding Vanguard spec) is perhaps the worst discipline in the game at the moment.


I was playing on Hoth the other day with my Vanguard, who was a few levels higher than the planet and wearing at-level blue heroic gear. Trying to take down a group of non-elite trash mobs felt like slapping a brick wall with a wet noodle and took forever (I mained a Powertech for a solid 2 years when I first started playing, so this isn't a L2P issue). For comparison, I took my lower level and lower gear mercenary to hoth to see how he did....and he wiped those same groups of trash mobs in a second and a half with a single AOE attack and no effort whatsoever.


PTs and VGs were in a great spot in 4.0. They did great damage (decent tanking) and had balanced defensive abilities. There really isn't any reason to play them at all now in 5.0. They don't do a single thing as good as, or better than any other advanced class in the game. Not sure what the motive behind the major nerf was.

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They aren't useless, they are HIGHLY annoying, if they're the ones responsible for that blasted flame shower that lasts for AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS (That's ages). I hate it. And I strongly suspect that it's some powertech ability. It tends to bug out on me occasionally and stay on my head forever, slowing down my computer, until...well until my toon dies and respawns. So annoying. So there you go, that's apparently one use for them. :p


I'm pretty sure it's not a merc ability (thankfully!!!!!) Who else has fire besides BH?

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In Starparse the PT DPS didn't get over 3.8k compared to the mercs getting 6-7k dps on a boss fight.


Best thing to do is stick moth balls in his gear and put him in the long term storage closet with the sorc dps. If the game survives another year one of them might get to be fotm.

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