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The Holy Grail of Satisfaction


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I killed a bad Merc with Backhand the other night, after facetanking my way up to them through their DPS and electronet, just slowly walking up to their face, then SMACK. Dead. They were down to a sliver.


I don't think I will ever be able to top that, in terms of a satisfying kill.


What's yours?

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My favorites have been killing people with shiv on my sniper or saber strike on my sorc. On mara I sometimes stealth out and wait the full stealth before I finish them.


Also, if it is a 1v1 with someone I don't like, I love to backpedal for a few seconds right before I kill them. Nothing pisses people off like being 1v1'd by a person backpedaling :) .

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Killing a jugg on my OP with basic attack rolling around the platform at ACW and using stuns/slows. I’m not sure he knew how to stay on target, that’s number one.:rak_03:


Then I love to force speed from a tunnel vision-dps chasers being on low health with my sin/shadow then phantom stride back at them when they are passing any ledge and knock them off into abyss. One guy was so pissed recently he whispered me “a***hole” and then put me on ignore when I wanted to reply “I thought you believed you could fly”. Sure prey that slips away will always piss the most.

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Play Healer spec Operative


Drop gas cloud, ticks for like 400, lol... get 2 kbs at almost the same time


Giggle (no seriously the char got a tactical advantage and giggled right along with me)





Oh and to the guy that brought up backpedaling, bruh I LOS pilliars in reverse while hopping just for the sheer lulz (and also to keep people in front of me as i heal all their damage and giggle with great delight at how invincible a healer is in 1v1 usually) Amazes me how tryhard people get when you reverse bunnyhop, its like they flail those dual lightsabers even more angrily. (the asswiggling as they do their stupid strafe thing even though im intentionally keeping them dead center in front of me, just makes me laugh in derision)

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I killed a bad Merc with Backhand the other night, after facetanking my way up to them through their DPS and electronet, just slowly walking up to their face, then SMACK. Dead. They were down to a sliver.


I don't think I will ever be able to top that, in terms of a satisfying kill.


What's yours?

I remember seeing someone on these forums with a link in his signature to a picture of the combat-log-in-chat of his Smuggler killing Skavak with Dirty Kick.


That must have been satisfying.

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1v1 against good snipers is my current favourite. Takes all my DCD's, good use of CC and medpack/adrenals but really satisfying to pull it off as a sentinel.


In a 4v4 last night i spent two round chasing down 1 merc DPS just because I'm sick of seeing them. Got him cornered and showed him the difference between knowing a performing class and re-rolling a fotm class. Anyway, once he was dead i get some chats pop up in /say ...apparently i hurt his feelings as he proceeded to call me a noob and that he "did more dmg". Next round i tunnel'd him ensuring both rounds he died first.


Obviously i laughed, if i was playing an OP ranged merc DPS and didn't have "more dmg" than EVERY. SINGLE. MELEE i would be questioning my own abilities not everyone elses...

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I'm more of a casual pvper (and new) so probably i'm more often the satisfaction of others, but still a few good moments.

Once I killed a Merc with my jugg Reflect :rak_09:

It was one of my firsts wz with my jugg and just hit the reflect as a last measure (no more DCD and practically dead). He was so pissed that got back at me the instant he revived. Still it was funny.

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Force pushing people out the door into the explosion during AH's pylon detonations... Their body fly's out, their corpse hits the ground...


That's one of my faves too.


One time I was in Hypergates and there were three or four Sorcs on my team from <Hated>, kind of rolling as a Sorc-pack. These guys were just awesome for many reasons but one of the funniest was that at the pylon explosions, they would stand on the enemy side in the door, Extricating us in and Overload-blasting the enemy out. It was hilarious.

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On my Merc main, had a Gunslinger jump me on Makeb in that platform area. I was down to about 1/4 health(pulled too many mobs and this was way before they made Comps OP :p), so I LoS'ed behind a shipping container, when he followed me I Jet Boost him off the platform :D Edited by beattlebilly
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Shooting a leaping warrior/knight out of the air with heat seeking missile or rail shot.


Though the two funniest that I've seen was shooting a scoundrel as they rolled and ran away and my HSM followed them from snow and killed them right before they got to the healing station and then knocking a guardian into the flame with Jet Escape while they were in mid jump.

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Giggle (no seriously the char got a tactical advantage and giggled right along with me)


I love getting that on kills, especially with the female Operative voice, and especially with Concealment, because you're usually doing something extremely nasty to the other person (like, severing their tendons) when the Tactical Advantage pops and she giggles like that.

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Murdering a Sorc/Sage before they can get off their barrier is pretty satisfying. Saber reflect on a MM sniper's ambush is up there (although Virulence seems to be the go to spec for snipers now).


I play Mara mostly, so pretty much any time I kill a sniper, it's highly satisfying. Hate those things with a passion. So much knockback / root / snare / roll. :mad::mad::mad: I've never been owned harder than by a sniper. Had an Odessen one time in which I was solo guarding the north control point. Sniper comes in, knocks me out, roots me, then just sits there in cover while I helplessly watch him take the CP (my predation was on CD, didn't have MD root break util). The round ends shortly thereafter, he takes off, I chase (mistake I know, but I was mad). I leap to sniper, he enters cover and uses knockback while I am in the air, I get sent off the edge of the cliff and die. :o Odessen is a very melee unfriendly map anyway.


So yes, death to all snipers. Not even Mercs cause me as much grief.

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In rishi arena match, a sentinel yolo leaped straight to us at the beginning of the match, I was on my sniper with the utility that increase cover pulses knockback, so we stunned him at the crest of the ramp, and proceeded to global him, just before he died I used cover pulse and knocked his dead body in the air, while in midair apparently there sorc helear used the pull ability and it pulled his dead body halfway across the map (clear to the other side of there ramp).


Seeing the dead body fly from spawn ramp to spawn ramp was the most rofl moments I've ever seen in this game, even the other teammates were lolling in chat. Very satisfying.


A close second is killing any merc...just any merc - good or bad, just watching them die always lifts my day.

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Huttball match back on The Fatman - four sets of well known pre-mades...all geared/skilled players.


We fought the entire match without a score. Gets down to 10 seconds left...they kill our ball carrier and drop down to run away. I grapple the ball carrier at the last second, into the fire, Carbonize stun, he uses CC break, I Electro-Dart him in fire....he dies and I get possession, and run the ball in with 2 seconds left for the win.


Pretty amazing. I got all MVP votes.

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