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Light Alignment Tier reset from V to 0!!


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Has Bioware ever made an official post, informing people about the risk of running Section X?

I read all the Developer Tracker posts (since I started playing SWTOR) and I don't remember seeing it.

I would have avoided Section X if I'd seen an official post about this.

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Has Bioware ever made an official post, informing people about the risk of running Section X?

I read all the Developer Tracker posts (since I started playing SWTOR) and I don't remember seeing it.

I would have avoided Section X if I'd seen an official post about this.


Not quite but Keith tried to reproduce it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9400153#edit9400153


Edit: Just realized that was a reply to you, so you probably already knew that and were looking for something older.

Edited by MrLuigiEW
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So this just happened to me, back from Section X.


Was at light V = am ZERO now. And I was waiting for my faction to win to redeem my quests!


I notice there's a bug with the Dread Guard daily. I did not do that one.

However it starts RIGHT AWAY at STAGE 2.


Perhaps this is the culprit?


I was also beyond the max limit of light tokens, perhaps it plays a part too?

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I also ran in to this Bug. I was under the impression that it was triggered if you exited the game while in Section X but my Alignment points were wiped out all the same. Not sure at what time it occurred as I don’t wear Alignment locked gear but I do remember once getting to Stage 2 of the mentioned Bonus mission before ever getting to the area. Since the toon’s Alignment is shot I’ll keep playing in the area until I max out the reputation but afterwards Section X will be Off-limits for all my other toons until they come out and specifically address the issue.


And if by any chance Eric or Keith are reading this thread: How about creating a Bind on Pick-Up Consumable that gives the equivalent Dark/Light points of a single level so CS can at least help with this issue while you guys find the Root Cause and fix the bug once and for all?


This way if a player is dropped from Alignment 3 back to 0 at least CS can mail 3 of the consumables to the player to regain the lost points. Sounds a lot better than “Hmm, yeah that sucks, make a Bug report”

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And if by any chance Eric or Keith are reading this thread: How about creating a Bind on Pick-Up Consumable that gives the equivalent Dark/Light points of a single level so CS can at least help with this issue while you guys find the Root Cause and fix the bug once and for all?


This way if a player is dropped from Alignment 3 back to 0 at least CS can mail 3 of the consumables to the player to regain the lost points. Sounds a lot better than “Hmm, yeah that sucks, make a Bug report”


Smart !

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So this just happened to me, back from Section X.


Was at light V = am ZERO now. And I was waiting for my faction to win to redeem my quests!


I notice there's a bug with the Dread Guard daily. I did not do that one.

However it starts RIGHT AWAY at STAGE 2.


Perhaps this is the culprit?


I was also beyond the max limit of light tokens, perhaps it plays a part too?


The bug with the bonus mission starting at Stage 2 was around as long as i remember, at least from 2012. And i never had any problems with alignment resets before 5.0.

Now, already had this problem twice, on the same toon. V to zero, and then IV to zero.

Tried contacting support, got the same response as everyone else here - "it's a documented bug, sucks to be you, we'll fix this someday".


My guess is the reset bug went mostly unnoticed for this long simply because almost no-one bothered with Sec X dailies until it started giving out huge CXP rewards.

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Can somene please tell me what is going on? Why or what happened that my Light alignment has been reset from tier V to 0?


Now I can't even use my Light Tokens. I wanted to purchase a speeder. Wow.. this is shocking and a horrible bug.




Update: Ancient Prison Suppression is the bonus mission for this Republic-side Section X mission: [DAILY] The Dread Guard. You can safely do the quests for Section X as long as you do not accept this bonus mission. It is dropped by one of the mobs and you will notice because it will have a gold beacon. Just do not loot the mobs for the mission [DAILY] The Dread Guard and you will be fine.


you were a naughty person lately :D:D

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The bug with the bonus mission starting at Stage 2 was around as long as i remember, at least from 2012. And i never had any problems with alignment resets before 5.0.

Now, already had this problem twice, on the same toon. V to zero, and then IV to zero.


Ah, interesting.


Tried contacting support, got the same response as everyone else here - "it's a documented bug, sucks to be you, we'll fix this someday".



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Yes, a fix that Customer Service could implement would be a good interim solution to this problem. If they can't just give us Alignment points, perhaps they could apply some kind of Alignment gain bonus. Anything that makes grinding back to Light 5 less of a miserable slog...
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i have resorted to simply completing all quests in section x; using the shuttle to go to the orbital station; heading to my ship; traveling to tatooine to get to my SH, then, before doing anything else, doing any other set of heroics/quests...literally anything. so far so good and for the fourth time on my way back up to V.
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Looks like I got hit by this bug this week on my 'Light V' Jedi Guardian: Tired to buy a mount when I capped my LS tokens, but I'm apparently 'Light I' now. Based on my last purchase and my LS tokens earned this week, it must have been a fairly recent occurrence (maybe 60 missions ago, based on my current alignment, and I've been grinding the 'enhanced' Daily missions like crazy) and I did log out while in Section X not too long ago (the GC alignment changed so I stopped grinding dailies for a little while), so I guess I should have been paying closer attention to this forum thread...


Luckily, I'm not using any gear that requires an alignment, but I am stuck with a full stack of LS tokens that I can't actually spend, which is annoying but not really really bad (I've already purchased everything of actual interest).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just happened to me over the weekend, or at least within the last week or so. Friday evening, I defeated Central Network Guardian, the final boss of The Dread Guard, then logged out before leaving the instance (I was in a hurry to head out). I logged in Sunday evening, but was stuck in place, inside the instance where I had logged out. The running animation was fine, but my character didn't move. All I could do was jump straight up and rotate the camera. The /stuck command didn't work either. I used the fleet pass to bail out, then used the planetary bonus mission transport to get back to the dailies terminal. I finished up the rest of the Section X dailies as well as those from The Black Hole, Oricon, and CZ-198. It wasn't until I hit the fleet to spend 50 LS tokens on a new mount that I noticed my alignment had been reset. I dropped from 100k LS points to just 13k.


I've been doing these dailies for the last two weeks, so it's possible this happened earlier. I don't remember how many alignment points you get as a reward, but when I log back in to find out, I can do the math to get an idea if this actually happened over the weekend or if earlier in the week. I just thought logging in whilst stuck in place inside the boss' instance might have had something to do with this.


I'm doubtful we'll get our alignment points back, based on all the generic CS responses people have been receiving. Just sucks that it happened on my "collector" toon, and that the LS mounts will have to wait until I re-grind the rest of my 87k LS points. Ugh...

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I was avoiding Section X as I find it slower than CZ, Zoist and Yavin but really wanted some more CXP so did it. I finished then went to my SH and logged out. When I logged back in again I was no longer Light V and was neutral. Hilarious that I was on 96 light tokens and couldn't buy anything from the LvD vendor.
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Just to add--I've watched this bug for a while now because it makes me leery of doing dailies in Section X. From every thread I've ever read it appears to ONLY affect Light-side characters. I have yet to see someone say it took away their Dark-side points. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen it.
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Just to add--I've watched this bug for a while now because it makes me leery of doing dailies in Section X. From every thread I've ever read it appears to ONLY affect Light-side characters. I have yet to see someone say it took away their Dark-side points. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen it.


True dat.


Well, there are a few dread seeds there...

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Not happened to me yet thankfully. I have been going there most days to take advantage of the extra GC points you get from the dailies. I read that it can happen if you log out while there but seems many have not logged out so must be something else. It does seem somewhat random. :confused:




......and no, just because I take advantage of extra GC points when given, does not equal me wanting GC to be legacy-wide before some mentions my other post in that thread.

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Just to add--I've watched this bug for a while now because it makes me leery of doing dailies in Section X. From every thread I've ever read it appears to ONLY affect Light-side characters. I have yet to see someone say it took away their Dark-side points. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen it.


I had that happen on my Commando several times after running Section X dailies. It only affects Pub characters due to the Section X mission "Imminent Threat" causing the reset. I verified this as my alignment never reset when I did not take and complete that mission in Section X. None of my Imp side toons ever reset in Section X either so it seems to be limited to Pub side toons.

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I've been running Section X every day on a Light V Imp character and she's never been reset. *knock on wood* It sounds as though, as someone else said, this only affects Republic-side characters.


I also never log out in Section X; I either go back to a SH or use the red and black console to port to another daily area.

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