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Light Alignment Tier reset from V to 0!!


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Update: Did The Dread Guard plus bonus mission and handed them in before doing any other mission, though I did pick all others up. Then I logged out and logged back in. Nothing happened to my alignment.


So it possibly is having The Dread Guard in your log and logging out / leaving the area, even though I know there are a multitude of other variables here that this test didn't account for.

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Update: Did The Dread Guard plus bonus mission and handed them in before doing any other mission, though I did pick all others up. Then I logged out and logged back in. Nothing happened to my alignment.


So it possibly is having The Dread Guard in your log and logging out / leaving the area, even though I know there are a multitude of other variables here that this test didn't account for.


Like I mentioned above, I definitely did not have the bonus mission "The dread guard" in my mission list, nor had I completed it.


I had done the "Destroy weapons cache" + "Bonus: Escaped Prisoners", "Terraforming Machines", and "[AREA] : Key to Decryption" + Bonus "Destroy Haywire Droids". I had not made my way over to the prisons area, and logged out immediately following killing the final Champion Droid in "Key to Decryption".


So it must have many triggers or one big general trigger that underlies the whole thing that is just too buried in code to easily identify.

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Like I mentioned above, I definitely did not have the bonus mission "The dread guard" in my mission list, nor had I completed it.


Interesting. Did you have the mission itself in your log? Without the bonus? Because when I was reset, I definitely also did not have the bonus, just the main mission. Even though I didn't look at my alignment before coming back and doing the bonus, so I can't say for sure whether just having the main mission in your log is the trigger or anything to do with the bonus.


Did you do the bonus before? This might also have something to do with this since there is the weird autocomplete bug that might be related. Or it's something completely different.


It's probably as you said and this has more than one trigger and we'll never know what exactly all of them are.

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This is what I get 3 days after submitting a ticket:

Thank you for contacting Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support.

We wanted to let you know that we identified the problem you ran into as a bug. We’ll fix it in a future game update.

Keep an eye on http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for details on bug fixes included in each game update.

A bug that will be fixed in some unknown future game update without ANY FIX RIGHT NOW.

Customer is always right? Not if you are an EA-Bioware customer.


Guys, since game masters won't do anything about it and Bioware is unlikely to fix it in YEARS, stay the hell away from Section X on Belsavis. Otherwise, you will get brain plague just like EA-Bioware has.

Edited by Sonotoru
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The longer I play this game, the more bugs I encounter.

Just teleported to my ship, talked to a quest NPC, exited the ship and ... out of the blue... I cannot use quick travel or target anyone else -- players and NPCs alike.

Control U reloads the user interface, folks. Just like /reloadui in WoW.

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Hey guys, the same thing just happened to me... Wish I'd have read this forum earlier -doh! I had all the missions, hadn't started any of them, logged out and back in again - lo and behold, I'm suddenly neutral alignment!! Not a happy bunny at all - have written to customer service and will let you know what they say. If its the usual generic nonsense, I'll be very, very displeased - especially after all the recent issues we've had to deal with :confused:
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I went again just now, went and did a FP came out but my allignment is still where it was. Just like all the other times!

I guess we're safe on the red eclipse.:rak_03::rak_02:


I don't think we're safe on the Red Eclipse at all... Its where it happened to me!! :eek:

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Some quest removes reputation? This is how bugs like this are supposed to be fixed:


  • Quests

“Commander's Downfall” and “Felfire Shattering” should no longer remove Army of the Light Reputation.

This is how Blizzard deals with such bugs. The bug was hotfixed within ONE WEEK after the content was released. Not in some "future game update" six months+ down the road!

Edited by Sonotoru
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So many people are hitting this bug, perhaps more than ever due to the insane CXP rewards happening right now. What's worse, Customer Service told me that they cannot fix our Alignment. I'm really upset because I don't want to continue the storyline until my Alignment is restored, as it will affect the dialog and outcome. Edited by Xina_LA
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Hit me pretty much as soon as I got the mission (auto-skipped stage one, alignment went bye-bye) but the guildmate I was grouped with was doing all the missions for the first time and she had no bug.

So, yeah. Just another reason to only do Section X on my Imperials (I find it's more fun anyway).

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Does this affect Dark Side points also, or just Light Side? I have been avoiding Section X with all toons to be safe, but was wondering if it is only one alignment being affected?


Pretty sure it's just Republic toons though, which leads me to believe it's one of the quests unique to them causing it.

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For reseting alignment from Ligth V to neutral , can be problem with mission {[DAILY] The Dread Guard} when is on screen appear {Stage 2 - Ancient Prison Suppression} , most can be reset when start with droid's , logoff / relog and transfer to Stronghold / Guild ship then go back to Section X.


Here is video from youtube

Edited by bdamir
Adding link with video
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Hit me pretty much as soon as I got the mission (auto-skipped stage one, alignment went bye-bye) but the guildmate I was grouped with was doing all the missions for the first time and she had no bug.

So, yeah. Just another reason to only do Section X on my Imperials (I find it's more fun anyway).


It reset my Sorceress Dark alignment as well so imperials can get the bug just as well.

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As I promised, here's an update on the response I've just received from customer service, along with my response! Fingers crossed they can escalate things and begin to get this one sorted out :) ... Maybe Keith or Eric will read this and look into it as well :rolleyes::D


Greetings O'de,


Hello! My name is Gian. Thank you for contacting Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service regarding the issue on your alignment that was reset. I apologize on how long it took for us to address the issue.


The issue that you have been experiencing is known to us and our development team are in the process of investigating it further. Apparently, I did everything I could in my power to help you resolve this. You did the right thing to report this as a bug because currently, there are no workarounds present. We regret that we will be unable to provide you with further updates on this issue. I hope you don't see this as a standard generic response. But please I assure you that our specialists are doing their best to resolve this issue.


I also like to thank you for keeping us up with updates and additional information. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


May the Force be with you!





Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


Hi Gxxx


Many thanks for your response, although its not overly what I wanted to hear, I have to confess! This has, according to the forums, been something of an issue since January - if this is the case, then surely players should have been forewarned and the team have sorted out a fix for this by now? It feels as if things are slipping somewhat where you are, and perhaps your parent company is losing interest in the game? A terrible shame if it is 😞


I wonder if its possible for you to escalate this further up the chain of command, so that they take a little more notice of it? Its not good finding yourself going from V LS to Neutral as quick as a flash, especially having spent so long with a character and geared it up accordingly! It also means that LS tokens are now completely useless on the character, as they're unusable (It makes it all the more frustrating, as O'de is my LS main char on Rep side). I also know that I'm not alone in this (I'll be pasting the response into the forums, for others to do - as I promised them I would)


I appreciate all you've done though, and thank you for your looking into this matter and not giving the usual generic response! 😊 In the meantime - I'd really appreciate you having another attempt with the team to see if they can get moving on a fix for this - not just for my sake, but the others affected by it as well - and perhaps warning people NOT to do section X until its sorted out (so it doesn't happen to other unsuspecting people - a lot of your customers don't read the forums, so will have no idea).


I look forward to hearing from you again in due course!


All best wishes,



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