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Which faction will you choose?


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Do you have a toon that's a come from behind traitor? Will your double agent finally make his/her move?


I know I'm a bit on the fence with my Inquisitor. On one hand she's going dark during the expansion, and Empress title is calling her name. So, Empire seems the way to go. Strong, rational, leadership, and all that.


On the other hand, taking the Republic side means taking advantage of the in fighting of the left over Sith to take over the Empire.

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That's going to depend on how Bioware makes it.


If it's going to make my character defect, I'll just have them stick to their faction. If it's a diplomacy thing, i.e., especially after the Saresh incident, then my characters will have to consider the situation.

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My Jedi Knight was Light V and ridiculously loyal to the Republic until KOTET and dealing with Saresh. Of course, she just imprisoned her instead of outright killed her.


My Sith Sorceror is light side to gray-ish but doesn't have much loyalty to the Empire or the Sith for that matter. (So much for being a Dark Council member.) She's more pragmatic minded, like Lana and from what she's seen of Empress Acina. But not so sure that she'd side with the Republic either.

Edited by Temprienne
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My Warrior is super-LS but stil, has some loyalty to the Empire and sees in Acina the possibility for change she worked for so hard, so she will go with Empire. After all the hardships and fighting she did to see a better future it's hard to truly abandon her role as Empire's Wrath. Also, she didn't romance Quinn, but his presence will encourage her even more to help Imperial forces on Iokath.


My Inq is mostly LS and also worked hard to reform the Empire, but most of all he despises the Republic and think of the Jedi as slaves to dogma and emotionless drones. He'll support the Empire mostly out of respect for Acina and because for him the Republic might just as well burn - maybe not as people, but as a system and along with the Jedi Order.


I didn't play with any republic toons past SoR because they are boring... But none of them would defect I think. Not sure about the bounty hunter and Agent, though my cipher also had some bad memories with the Republic and could see Acina as a valuable ally.

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I know my Smugglers will cross over to the other side, and my Sith will stay loyal. The rest, it'll depend on where things are with them when I take them through the content. I doubt I'll have any Imperial characters cross over to the Republic.
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My JK will for sure be "defecting" to the Empire. The rest will probably pick their original factions...unless siding with the Empire means Theron breaks up with my Sin in which case she will have to pick the Republic and just take it over from within <_<;


I agree. My agent is neutral, so he didn't get the double agent offer. Still, he's not loyal to the Empire, especially with what they did to him during the class story. He's also romancing Theron. Agents need to stick together. :D

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My characters will all probably go with their original factions- except possibly for my Agent, who is now a ghost. She'd prefer to be independent. I wonder if 'Independent' will be an option...


My Bounty Hunter might actually have been interested in joining the Republic at a point, but they aren't friendly towards Mandelorians... not without reason, of course. And not only is she married to one, she IS a Mandelorian now. But she's only 'Imperial" in the sense that they hire her for jobs instead of the Republic. She has no real allegiance to them.


My Smuggler is like the Bounty Hunter in the sense that she herself is not particularly political- but she supports the Republic because she thinks it's better than the Empire. But if the Empire was under better leadership (i.e., not so racist or murder-y) she'd probably be a lot more neutral.

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It would be cool for my agent to finally show his true colors and join the Republic openly since he's no longer embedded in the Empire. My Inquisitor would also drop the Empire (who enslaved him) like a hot potato if given the chance. :D
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It would be cool for my agent to finally show his true colors and join the Republic openly since he's no longer embedded in the Empire. My Inquisitor would also drop the Empire (who enslaved him) like a hot potato if given the chance. :D




Warrior is light sided and while against all the Empire really stands for, is one more likely to still hold out hope.


Hunter would consider them both pretty equal really :p The real question is, romancing Torian (Empire) or Theron (Republic). Not that I think Torian cares for Empire or Republic at all.

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I'm having a tough time deciding on my Knight and Consular. Everyone else will choose their original faction (except my BH, who may choose Republic, and maybe my Agent, because he declined the opportunity to work for SIS but he doesn't particularly care for the Empire either after everything they did to him), but my Knight sort of likes Acina and can't stand what Saresh made of the Republic...but he's a Republic loyalist at heart. I can't decide which way to take him. My Consular's less of a Republic loyalist and so would more likely lean away from them now that they've shown corruption, but he also can't stand Sith. So...not sure what either of them will do.
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I'm having a tough time deciding on my Knight and Consular. Everyone else will choose their original faction (except my BH, who may choose Republic, and maybe my Agent, because he declined the opportunity to work for SIS but he doesn't particularly care for the Empire either after everything they did to him), but my Knight sort of likes Acina and can't stand what Saresh made of the Republic...but he's a Republic loyalist at heart. I can't decide which way to take him. My Consular's less of a Republic loyalist and so would more likely lean away from them now that they've shown corruption, but he also can't stand Sith. So...not sure what either of them will do.


Every side has shown corruption. :p


Empire? For sure! They're the worst of the worst when it comes to people. This doesn't mean there aren't good people, just that most are, well, scum. :p


Republic? Yup. While they are the good side, there are those looking out for number one and willing to screw others over just for themselves. Will happen in the best of societies.


Sith? Totally!


Jedi? Even the Jedi has a bit and they're the least likely to be corrupted.


The Alliance? Well, it's made up of Empire, Sith, Jedi and Republic. So of course there's some there.

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Well I main warriors and it's very easy to feel pro-empire when you play those a lot. Ls or ds, you're like their paladin.


Very similar to the only pub character I play and like, which is trooper. It would feel very strange to suddenly change allegiance. Thinking on it more, I think of the trooper as the most normal (for lack of a better word) playable character, she's probably got grandparents on Coruscant, nieces and nephews and such. She wouldn't turn her back on things like that.


Perhaps if I was more invested in a smuggler or bh or even agent I might make more nuanced decisions regarding faction allegiance. If I ever finish leveling my ls inquisitor I might try picking republic just to see what happens.

Edited by grania
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My republic characters will stay with the Republic even though the Republic isn't perfect in their eyes but they rather stay there then go to the Empire, especially some of them due to them being aliens and knowing the history of the Empire and aliens.


Now my sith characters it would depend, my agent will leave the empire in a heart beat after the situation in the class story. She doesn't trust them and since she can't trust the empire she will go work with the Republic.


My sorceress no love for the empire but not a big fan of the republic either so it would depend on how the story goes.


My warrior she probably stay with the empire and my bounty hunter again it would depend.

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The majority of my characters are pretty set on either being Pub or Imp, however some of my neutral characters I can see this being a hard choice. Some of my neutral characters are out for themselves so will go with which ever side offers them something more than the other eg: more power, more toys. Some of my other neutral characters are quite happy to remain neutral and would rather stay that way as the Alliance leader being neutral to both sides rather than having to choose what side to join which means if we're forced into a choice I don't know what they'll do. :eek:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really sure. My sith warrior will more than likely go for the Empire side since her hubby is on the Imperial side. Same, maybe, with my Trooper, since her third in command, Dorne, is on the pub side. The others I just don't know because I have no way of knowing what would happen with future husbands/wives.


I made a list of POSSIBLE future companions, ie our husbands/wives, and which side they would probably be on.




Quinn (of course, they just said he's on that side)




Khem Val




Dorne (of course, they just said she's on that side)






Tharan Cedrax


Not 100% sure about






LS Jaesa

DS Jaesa



Vik (IF one didn't kill him and he's still out there)


No, there are no spoilers or datamined info about everyone in my list. This is just what I THINK they might side with. So, for me, getting my husband/wife back depends heavily on which side they'd be on in the future.


Like, I have light side Jaesa. But would she be sitting on the pub side or would she be sitting on the imp side. I've no idea. So, I might wait.


Now, IF they're doing what I think MIGHT happen...it won't really and truly matter which side you choose, you'll still be able to grab your companions back, but depends on if you're a light sider, dark sider, if you killed your old companions belonging to that class, etc.


Like, would I still be able to obtain Dorne on my light side 5 trooper if I decided to help the Imps instead of the Pubs, or will she be killable, my prisoner, go with me unhappily, etc.


I don't know which way Bioware is going with this, and I want to be sure I choose correctly because I don't want to do something like choose Imps, if that means Corso will hate and despise me and want a divorce.


As it is, is Quinn or Dorne going to know what we did in KOTFE and KOTET? Do they prefer us light side, dark side, neutral? Does it matter if we're married to them or just a team mate of theirs? There's a lot of info I personally just don't know.


Now, if it was up to me, and I could still get all my original toons back, I'd probably go Empire side with everyone since my main 8 are related. Trooper, Inquisitor, Warrior, Bounty Hunter and Agent are sisters (only one in that list a pub toon). They're kids, my smuggler, consular and knight are pub toons with imperial parents. So I would naturally side with the Empire. But I'm worried about what their spouses will think. Will Vector come back if I side with the Republic? Will Doc come back if I side with the Empire? And so forth.

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Spoilers for character stories :)



He has no ties within the Empire or Republic, I imagine him not wanting to show his face on Coruscant,

being a deserter and all

but I can't see him clinging to the Empire either.



You are not the first person claiming Doc is pro-Republic and while I am sure he prefers it there...he is a doctor, first and foremost, if given the chance to save lives he would do it - no matter if asked by the Supreme Chancellor or Acina herself :p



I'm sure he wouldn't willingly work with the Republic on a larger scale. He is a driven man

he only agreed to work with the JK because of his visions, so unless he gets a vision of the Republic furthering his goals I don't see him shaking hand with them anytime soon ;)




100% neutral

and besides, she is probably Queen of Dubrillion and probably staying away from the conflict at hand



LS Jaesa

DS Jaesa

Her loyalty is to the SW than any faction but I somehow doubt we will be seeing DS Jaesa near the Republic space :p



Well, not the Empire, that is for sure ;)


Vik (IF one didn't kill him and he's still out there)

I doubt we will be seeing him again.

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Imperial Agent - My agent will go Imperial again. She never hated the Empire, in fact she loved it. The only people she ever hated were the Sith, but she recognizes that leaving the Empire would still be betraying all the Imperials she loved and got brainwashed for. The Republic brainwashed her too, and she hated those guys even before Act II. But it's ok now, she can blackmail everyone, so she's in control and is the top chance for the Empire's utter protection.


Sith Warrior - Empire. His lineage is Sith and he's become the greatest of them as the Empire's Wrath. He must uphold the Sith's legacy of power and destroy the Jedi, which he can't do while on their side. If there's anything he hates more than the Emperor it's the Jedi, that bunch of hypocrites- fake Sith. Other than all that, he's also become an icon for the Empire and he's not about to disillusion his people or his duty as a warrior of Dark Side.


Bounty Hunter - He's going to go where the Mandalorians go, which'll probably be with the Empire. He's not going to betray his family.


Sith Inquisitor - The Republic doesn't allow random killings for fun, so of course she's going to go back to her hometown. All she's ever wanted was to enjoy the death of others regularly, to achieve immense power in the Dark Side, and to stomp on other Sith who've decided it was a good idea to play with her. You can't do this in the Republic.


Jedi Knight - Depends on whether or not Kira dies. If she's killed, he'll fall to the Dark Side and become Sith for sure. If not, then her light will straighten his lust for vengeance out, as she helped with before, and he'll remain a Jedi.


Trooper - Republic. He loves his people and misses them dearly. Besides, his wife Elara is on the Republic side and he really wants kids before he gets killed.


Smuggler - If he can keep on undercutting the Republic without repercussions, he's not going to fix what's not broken.


Jedi Consular - She was born a Jedi prodigy, there's no way she's going to devote her life to anyone but the Order. The Republic, too, stands for everything she does- freedom, kindness, and hope- so she'll protect it for as long as the Jedi do.

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I somehow think Vector is neutral. I know what he was but I'll guess he left to do killik stuff not imperial stuff when the agent disappears.




will both choose republic. My IA is a double agent.


SW will choose Empire


JK yet to be decided.


The rest I've yet to take through kotfe/kotet

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Imperial Agent - My agent will go Imperial again. She never hated the Empire, in fact she loved it. The only people she ever hated were the Sith, but she recognizes that leaving the Empire would still be betraying all the Imperials she loved and got brainwashed for. The Republic brainwashed her too, and she hated those guys even before Act II. But it's ok now, she can blackmail everyone, so she's in control and is the top chance for the Empire's utter protection.


At least when the Republic brainwashes you, you're enemies. It makes sense. You'd both do it to each other given the chance.


When the Empire does it, they do it to you because you followed orders. The group that was supposed to have your back, went and said "Hey, let's kill that Agent." until Keeper went "Wait. Maybe brainwash the agent instead?"

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At least when the Republic brainwashes you, you're enemies. It makes sense. You'd both do it to each other given the chance.


When the Empire does it, they do it to you because you followed orders. The group that was supposed to have your back, went and said "Hey, let's kill that Agent." until Keeper went "Wait. Maybe brainwash the agent instead?"


The group that was supposed to have my back? The Sith were the ones that wanted the agent dead, not Imperial Intelligence. Imperial Intelligence saves you from getting gutted for defying Jadus. I mean, I don't know, I'd rather be brainwashed than killed if I'm still serving my country (if I was in my agent's shoes, of course).


But yeah, the Minister of Intelligence basically saves your life because he had no choice. He actually cares for the agent. He could've just let you die, and he didn't just brainwash you 'cause you did your job well. I mean, by the end of the story I got the impression that he might've only liked you for your skills before, but now he changed his mind and actually wants to see you alive and well. Keeper (as in the former Watcher 2) is obviously a close friend of the agent by the end of the story, with certain dialog choices you can choose when conversing with her, so the whole thing ended up feeling like a family by Act III.

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