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3 members of my pvp guild have just left playing TES:O thanks to your "exciting" changes. To be fair when you implemented rng gearing system people started to return back to swtor but when you made this new patch pvp gearing progression became awful, these components farming takes months just to collect 4-5 pieces while pve guilds are running operations and getting gear pieces without any problems (of course they do you didn't implemented many new operations and everyone who plays in pve guilds already knows tactics for veteran mode operations). Pvp players are just giving up with these components and leaving swtor or playing much less than before. And it's not only my guild, other pvp guilds are in same position, people are playing pvp less and rather running ops or leaving to other mmo games.



Edited by omaan
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I feel your pain.


Tried to build a new OPS team for what we hoped would be interesting news from the live stream.


We had 4 and built it up to 8 waiting on the stream. A nice full team. After seeing it we're back to 4 as half the team quit the game.



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3 members of my pvp guild have just left playing TES:O thanks to your "exciting" changes. To be fair when you implemented rng gearing system people started to return back to swtor but when you made this new patch pvp gearing progression became awful, these components farming takes months just to collect 4-5 pieces while pve guilds are running operations and getting gear pieces without any problems (of course they do you didn't implemented many new operations and everyone who plays in pve guilds already knows tactics for veteran mode operations). Pvp players are just giving up with these components and leaving swtor or playing much less than before. And it's not only my guild, other pvp guilds are in same position, people are playing pvp less and rather running ops or leaving to other mmo games.



Why do PVPers all think that raiders are rolling in gear when it's simply not true? The way we get gear is the same way everyone else does, via grinding for Galactic Command crates, crafting, and only occasionally from a raid since only the last boss is guaranteed to drop 2 of the same known slot unassembled armor tokens - then 8-16 people get to fight for it via rolling for it. Every other boss has only a 30-35% chance to drop one of anything and once again 8-16 people fight for it- most ops bosses never drop a thing. About 97% of the raids I've run since 5.1 have had only the last boss dropping the unassembled armor token with no other tokens being dropped. In fact about half of my current Operations group now runs PVP so they can actually gear to raid which is quite the opposite reality of what you said above.

Edited by RagnarAugustus
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Why do PVPers all think that raiders are rolling in gear when it's simply not true? The way we get gear is the same way everyone else does, via grinding for Galactic Command crates, crafting, and only occasionally from a raid since only the last boss is guaranteed to drop 2 of the same known slot unassembled armor tokens - then 8-16 people get to fight for it via rolling for it. Every other boss has only a 30-35% chance to drop one of anything and once again 8-16 people fight for it- most ops bosses never drop a thing. About 97% of the raids I've run since 5.1 have had only the last boss dropping the unassembled armor token with no other tokens being dropped. In fact about half of my current Operations group now runs PVP so they can actually gear to raid which is quite the opposite reality of what you said above.


Because there are many example and threads where people wrote that they got 236/242 gear pieces thanks to PVE while farming components takes ages! You can find many posts of those who tried both pvp,and pve gearing and you will see that pvp gearing sucks at the moment, for example:



I think for pve 5.1 did make things significantly better.

In terms of hours played, I spend more time pvping than pveing. With my guild we only raid twice on the weekends, for about 2 and a half hours. With the harmodes we cleared this weekend, we all got two 236 pieces, and two got 3. Yes, we were lucky with bosses dropping tokens but when they do, they drop 2 of them.

I got implant and head so that translate to 450 Unassemble components with the pvp route. No way I can farm that many components in 5 hours of WZs. It's certainly not 4.0 but at this rate (with a bit of luck , yes) we will be funneling 236 gear to alts or offspecs in a rather short term


Yes, I am fully aware this is not what OP asked, in fact the opposite, but the question itself implies this is better and I strongly disagree. Specially if we're talking about pvp


Especially considering there are many pve guilds which are not failing, not ninja looting and sharing out pieces fairly. So yeah pve gearing is much better now

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Pretty much any change starting with 5.X has been a disaster and hurt the game. I don't know anyone who's happy with this system or the status of the game now.


Well in my opinion gearing proggression needed to be made more difficult because before 4.0 Appeared it was damn easy and fast to gear up, people were leaving swtor just because they didn't had any motivation to play further but when 5.0. was impelemnted... these components are a disaster, many pvp players just stopped playing warzones and went running ops to gear up and it's horrible.

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I wish we had only lost 3...instead we've lost 20+...but most left well before 5.0 dropped for FF14.


Yep TUXs, my 2 progression raid teams in the guild were two of them. People on my teams didn't go to FF14 like many of the other raiders in the guild. My teams seemed to just quit playing altogether. I think one or two went to WoW and I see that my team leader, through Discord, plays Mass Effect some times. I am the only one from my teams that still play SWTOR. I think during the first week of 5.0, a couple team members logged on to play the new story. In 5.0, Solo playing sucks, especially with the awful RNG. Also, I refuse to pug OPS, even SM, due to baddies and ninja looters. The only thing I pug now are FPs and uprisings (SM and VM) through GF. I still get plenty of baddies in those with numerous wipes. Spent over an hour yesterday with a GF pug group in Trial And Error SM Uprising. Unbelievable. The VM uprisings that pop (few and far between) go much smoothly with very few wipes compared to the SM uprisings. Problem is the frequency of the pops, otherwise I would just queue for VM all the time. It's getting to the point where I don't know what to do when logged on. Soloing Heroics/Dailies gets boring and playing the same couple of toons over an over again stinks. I refuse to grind for just one toon. I am an altaholic with many toons on multiple servers, but even many of my alts that I used to play are still level 65. My highest command rank on any of my level 70s is just command rank 25. Though, most now have command rank in the mid-upper teens. Getting sick of getting green and blue trash gear in drops. I still don't have at least a 4-piece set bonus (purple 230) on any toon. The most I have is 3 pieces on a couple of toons. Most have 1 or none. Most of my toons are still using their 224 set bonus armorings and mods with blue 230 enhancements. Most of the implants, earpieces and relics are either still 224s or ones I crafted the new 228s that were learned from REing the Skill Vendor blue 220s. Only got a couple purple 230 drops amongst all my toons for implants, earpieces and relics. Most of the relic drops are either the junk relics or clicky relics that you should never use. Hardly ever get Serendipitous Assault relic drops or Focused Retribution relic drops.

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Because there are many example and threads where people wrote that they got 236/242 gear pieces thanks to PVE while farming components takes ages! You can find many posts of those who tried both pvp,and pve gearing and you will see that pvp gearing sucks at the moment, for example:




Especially considering there are many pve guilds which are not failing, not ninja looting and sharing out pieces fairly. So yeah pve gearing is much better now


many of the 242 pieces via NiM ops are out of reach for most players. I've run probably 12-15 HM raids since 5.1 and got roughly 3 pieces of 236. Not saying I'm the norm, but it's difficult to believe people are rolling in 236/242 now strictly from ops. I don't PVP, so I'll defer to your expertise on that. But while it may take longer, PVP is a at least a more realistic path to 242 outside of GC because of the upgrade feature.

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