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Other ways to get fleet commendations that doesn't involve PvP?


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The one type of PvP I'll never touch is an MMORPG multiplayer, I never found it fun because it never gives new players like me an actual chance to do anything or understand what's the best rotation to use, etc.


So when I look at Fleet Commendations and how they can be earned, it says they can be earned in PvP but I also see they're earned from Space Combat missions also. I'm just looking to upgrade my ship but Space Combat takes forever to get enough commendations to buy all the grade 7 upgrades. Are there other ways to get them?

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Maybe the starfighter battles gives you that to but i am nor realy sure. In 5.1 I do lots of regular PVP but i do not gain any fleet com. so it is probably the galactic starfighter battles willbe the best option to earn it. But there is no balance in teams so very annoying.

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You only get Fleet Commendations by doing solo space missions. The PVP Galactic Starfighter gives you Fleet Requisition.


This is incorrect. The Daily and Weekly GSF missions also award Fleet Commendations, along with the Ship and Fleet Requisition consumables.


The daily and weekly on-rails/granted from terminal on your personal starship/solo/pve space battle missions grant fleet comms, but in a much lower quantity than the GSF daily and weekly. The problem is that while GSF awards the fleet comms, they don't award the reputation trophies. However, I think you can randomly get the reputation trophies for the on-rails space missions in the exciting Galactic Command Crates.

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IIRC : GSF daily awards 40 fleet coms and the weekly awards 90 fleet coms.

Daily is 2 matches, but wins count 2

Weekly is 7 matches wins count 2.


If you pick up the daily and weekly at the same time, all matches count toward your daily and weekly target ( i.e. concurrently) . - and earn conquest points as well, and CXP for level 70s and has a CXP bonus day- which I think is Mondays.

And they fixed the payout in credits - which is around ~16K for a win.

If you're new to GSF there's a wealth of help on the GSF forum. Any newcomer that tries hard is welcome.


Otherwise you're stuck with space-on-rails for the mission with daily+ weekly rewards for fleet Comms.

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how exactly can you solo PvP? suicide yourself over and over again?




that being said. GSF has a steep learning curve. but it's not insurmountable, there's lots of really good resources out there, but takes some effort, and patience. GSF daily/weekly pay out fleet coms


if you honestly can not stand GSF then yeah. the on rails... space combat missions obtained on your personal starship, are the only other option


also. you may want to consider finding a cybertech crafter, or making a cybertech alt.


I don't know exactly what ...top end crafted spaceship mods are. vs the fleet com bought ones. but i know i found some 390 recipes from slicing just the other day. So maybe you can save your coms for only the last tier of upgrades for your ship and craft ones that are also pretty good. to let you do most space missions, to earn more fleet coms. faster... etc

Edited by louisfriend
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