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Pvp Quitters


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#1: Give us an exclude wartypes list of checkboxes to exclude the ones we do not like, list is for each char.

#2: Add some queue balance, not a real queue but smart queue, no 4+4 man premades against a team of solos.

#3: Balance the issue where 70 pubs are hopelessly outmatched by 70 imps.


Then a deserter flag or something like it for 15 minute sit down may be fine.

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#1: Give us an exclude wartypes list of checkboxes to exclude the ones we do not like, list is for each char.

#2: Add some queue balance, not a real queue but smart queue, no 4+4 man premades against a team of solos.

#3: Balance the issue where 70 pubs are hopelessly outmatched by 70 imps.


Then a deserter flag or something like it for 15 minute sit down may be fine.


That first one is all I'd need ;)

"Absolutely no Huttball ever"

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I don't mind the ones that quit after pop because they don't like arena or HB. But quit in the middle should have a penalty. Lets say, 15 second "safe" quit.


The silver lining is when the quitters leave and make room for better players.


I particularly hate those that quit after a "bad move". Yesterday in Voidstar i saw a team that started VERY bad win the game. Before start in my team(attack) the Op leader ask to everyone except stealth to go right, i was the only steath(hatred sin). So i go left, mezz(MT) the only one guarding, unstealth and start installing the bomb. I was really the only one that went left so without backup i'm should be interrupted; but just before the mezz wares off a teammate apears and stun the guard. By that moment i don't know why he did't break CC, but the bomb gets installed without interruption and explodes. Only seconds of the Match and a bomb explodes usually means several quitters. Well, If they had quitters and got better replacements i don't know; but after that moment it was like a completly different team. Activating the bridge took us some time and the next door was imposible, they had 2 fixed in each door and 4 moving from one to the other very fast as needed. On second round they got to blast the second door and won.

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Why not? Half the reason people quit is because it's not a quick arena and they don't want to play for 15 mins to get their quick cxp. Bad luck, either play what you are given or play ranked.


Probably because there's no server browser or any other method to say "I don't want to play Huttball". I like warzones, but I can't stand Huttball and am generally mad when it comes up. I don't quit the match but I wish I could queue only for certain game modes.

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I've quit, yup and I'll do it again, I am not fond of certain maps and dont want to play them over and over. However I quit as soon as I load. It would be great if I could filter what I want to queue for, but I bet that would leave certain maps empty or cause very long queue times.
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I subscribe to your characterization of PvP, but not to your conclusion.


It is a game, people play for fun. If - for whatever reason - it sucks for you, it is better to quit and have the team hope for a good substitute, than e.g. standing in a corner or even doing other stuff.

As long as BW put completely different types of games into one queue (Huttball, Arena and 8vs8) you can't blame people for quitting maps they don't like. If you are stuck with the same bunch of people you dislike repeatedly - well, who will judge you on that?


I definitely dislike quitting - I try to avoid it myself. But if people don't want to play the map I guess everyone is better off with them leaving. Penalties won't help there.


I play all Warzones and have never quit one since beta, and all i do is Warzones.

People think that i like all WZs, i dont, it took me years to not hate Huttball, and i wasnt liking OPGs at first.

But i play the game out because its like a raffle,a different field, different people, different chances.

So what if i can see i will lose? I see that often sadly due to WZ problems more suited to another thread.

If i can see that our team doesnt have what it takes to win, even from the start i just go into training mode and try new things, hone skills , or just simply do as much damage or healing that i can.

Afterall, its not always about me and what i want, there are either 7 or 15, if full, other people in there also, they count aswell, i'm not 14 and prone to throwing a tantrum or think its all about me, its a game, play, try hard, make it fun, move on.

I would love it if they made many happy and brought in a filter system so people didnt have to play maps they dont like, but until they bring it in, the option isnt there.

So think about others people, i know its a me , me , me generation or society, but try to think of others too, it would be cool of you :)

And for those that suggest if they leave people who might be better could replace them, yes, underline could, sometimes they do, sometimes no one replaces them and we are stuck with low numbers, or sometimes it starts an exodus where once 1 leaves others whine and whinge, or give up and more leave, not to be replaced.

Then its not a war, where we really fight, its too uneven then, and its hard to glean much fun in a 4 or 5 v 8 because the numbers are so varied that the 8 kill you instantly, so is even hard to train.

So, it might not be a perfect game of 8v8 or 4v4 where the other side is going to whoop your butt, but at least you have an even number of people to "have a go".

You know, a bit of spirit, some spine, or some courage to fight when the odds are against you.


Penalise deserters to encourage them to stay and fight, they might surprise themselves and improve their skills, or shock horror, get used to a map they once loathed.

Yes it does happen.

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If they let people choose which WZs they want, it's a slippery slope in terms of teams Qing with cheese builds for specific WZs.


It's nice not knowing which of the objective based WZs you'll get (or an arena) because it forces you to use a rounded / comprehensive set of utilities.


I'd compromise with this...


If they add a new Huttball map, they ~could break down WZs into:



Team Objective


Edited by Lionflash
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people need to understand that a deserter debuff won't work. other games allready tried it and it does nothing to prevent players from quitting. all they do is tab out for the duration of the debuff(or worse in the match)


either way you'll likely see them in the next match again.




A deserter debuff will most likely make it worse. Those who would quit, for whatever reason, to avoid this debuff will stay and do nothing at best, probably sabotage the match somehow to speed it up.

If they leave, at least there's the chance of a backfill that wants to stay.


Quitters suck, but unwilling participants in a match suck more. If they don't want to be there, I'm sure as hell I don't want them there

Edited by wainot-keel
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Agree. I don't quit them but I really dislike arenas, totally understand quitting out.

Until they allow us to opt out arenas I'll also keep quitting them.


I just don't enjoy them and don't want to be forced into playing something I don't like.

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I play all Warzones and have never quit one since beta, and all i do is Warzones.

People think that i like all WZs, i dont, it took me years to not hate Huttball, and i wasnt liking OPGs at first.

But i play the game out because its like a raffle,a different field, different people, different chances.

So what if i can see i will lose? I see that often sadly due to WZ problems more suited to another thread.

If i can see that our team doesnt have what it takes to win, even from the start i just go into training mode and try new things, hone skills , or just simply do as much damage or healing that i can.

Afterall, its not always about me and what i want, there are either 7 or 15, if full, other people in there also, they count aswell, i'm not 14 and prone to throwing a tantrum or think its all about me, its a game, play, try hard, make it fun, move on.

I would love it if they made many happy and brought in a filter system so people didnt have to play maps they dont like, but until they bring it in, the option isnt there.

So think about others people, i know its a me , me , me generation or society, but try to think of others too, it would be cool of you :)

And for those that suggest if they leave people who might be better could replace them, yes, underline could, sometimes they do, sometimes no one replaces them and we are stuck with low numbers, or sometimes it starts an exodus where once 1 leaves others whine and whinge, or give up and more leave, not to be replaced.

Then its not a war, where we really fight, its too uneven then, and its hard to glean much fun in a 4 or 5 v 8 because the numbers are so varied that the 8 kill you instantly, so is even hard to train.

So, it might not be a perfect game of 8v8 or 4v4 where the other side is going to whoop your butt, but at least you have an even number of people to "have a go".

You know, a bit of spirit, some spine, or some courage to fight when the odds are against you.


Penalise deserters to encourage them to stay and fight, they might surprise themselves and improve their skills, or shock horror, get used to a map they once loathed.

Yes it does happen.

I might not like pvping, but when I do (because of certain alert -_- ), my perspective is kind of the same as yours. :D

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one day the deserter debuff will lock out people for 15min like it should BW felt the need to do this for people that leave Groupfinder, yet cant be bother to do it for wz, they also need to make voted to kick work in wz so people that decided to afk can be kicked out vote.
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one day the deserter debuff will lock out people for 15min like it should BW felt the need to do this for people that leave Groupfinder, yet cant be bother to do it for wz, they also need to make voted to kick work in wz so people that decided to afk can be kicked out vote.


When you can queue for the warzones you want and see who is in the group before you accept the WZ pop, then it would be fair to have the same lockout as GF.


How exactly would you fix being able to kick AFK people?

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