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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: Well, I-- *waits for the inevitable interruption* .................Shan?

*muffled sounds of blaster fire from Copero, along with Theron yelling "THAT'S NOT A DEAD WOMPRAT, THAT'S MY HAIR"*

Quinn: *double-take at the calendar* It's the 28th...oh sweet relief, I'm free of him.

For now.

Quinn: *grumbles something about a killjoy* Ahem. If I may offer advise, I would simply say - be calm. Have confidence. Present yourself openly and honestly. Represent the Empire well. You--

Vector: And the nest.

Quinn: ...what?

Vector: Represent the nest well, too.

Quinn: I...was unaware Cowoline was a Joiner?

Vector: She is a LoveBug. We assumed that was close enough.

Quinn: A what? *checks the forums* ...there's a thread dedicated to YOU, too!?

Vector: Indeed. Its harmonies are like silver stars.

Quinn: *groans*


Lmao this was awesome! Thank you and thank you to those who wished me luck :D

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Quinn: Well, I-- *waits for the inevitable interruption* .................Shan?

*muffled sounds of blaster fire from Copero, along with Theron yelling "THAT'S NOT A DEAD WOMPRAT, THAT'S MY HAIR"*

Quinn: *double-take at the calendar* It's the 28th...oh sweet relief, I'm free of him.

For now.

Quinn: *grumbles something about a killjoy* Ahem. If I may offer advise, I would simply say - be calm. Have confidence. Present yourself openly and honestly. Represent the Empire well. You--

Vector: And the nest.

Quinn: ...what?

Vector: Represent the nest well, too.

Quinn: I...was unaware Cowoline was a Joiner?

Vector: She is a LoveBug. We assumed that was close enough.

Quinn: A what? *checks the forums* ...there's a thread dedicated to YOU, too!?

Vector: Indeed. Its harmonies are like silver stars.

Quinn: *groans*

This cracked me up! :D Vector the space hippy :) gotta love him.


Anyone start the flashpoint yet? So fun, with a level 1 companion.


"Well I think we both survived." What am I doing with this dimwit?

Agreed. I read all the spoilers and I was not expecting to have to suffer that level 1 dimwit :mad: Plus I did story instead of solo by mistake and then had to do it again using the solo option to "progress" the story

there is absolutely no progression what-so-ever. The story doesn't make much sense - did the writers not know the Chiss were part of the class stories on Hoth? It's like the devs have given up & decided any nonsense will do

. I don't think I can face repeating it as I'm not sure we will be able to take our preferred Malavai erm I mean companion and I really don't know if I will bother taking any alts through it.


I'm so glad the class stories are still available - back to levelling warriors for me.

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Anyone start the flashpoint yet? So fun, with a level 1 companion.


"Well I think we both survived." What am I doing with this dimwit?


Raina kept dying and I kept getting 2-3 groups on me at once due to how close to each other they were... It was not fun in any way. mega-hp-number bosses do not a fun fp make... 1-1/2 hrs it took me, which was far too long for one run but I'm not some hardcore player...

Edited by Asmodesu
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This cracked me up! :D Vector the space hippy :) gotta love him.



Agreed. I read all the spoilers and I was not expecting to have to suffer that level 1 dimwit :mad: Plus I did story instead of solo by mistake and then had to do it again using the solo option to "progress" the story

there is absolutely no progression what-so-ever. The story doesn't make much sense - did the writers not know the Chiss were part of the class stories on Hoth? It's like the devs have given up & decided any nonsense will do

. I don't think I can face repeating it as I'm not sure we will be able to take our preferred Malavai erm I mean companion and I really don't know if I will bother taking any alts through it.


I'm so glad the class stories are still available - back to levelling warriors for me.


Are chiss recognized as chiss? I mean, is there any mention of their race? "Oh hey, good to see you again/welcome home."

...because I *really* want somebody to do a wild double-take at my sage and sputter "A chiss JEDI!? H-how the heck..." But that is way too much to ask, I know. XD

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I don't think I can face repeating it as I'm not sure we will be able to take our preferred Malavai erm I mean companion and I really don't know if I will bother taking any alts through it.


I'm so glad the class stories are still available - back to levelling warriors for me.


This. I am both - no interest whatsoever going through that headache again, and if I play it'll be leveling even more alts, likely warriors since that's my favourite class.

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Are chiss recognized as chiss? I mean, is there any mention of their race? "Oh hey, good to see you again/welcome home."

...because I *really* want somebody to do a wild double-take at my sage and sputter "A chiss JEDI!? H-how the heck..." But that is way too much to ask, I know. XD

Kinda doubt it. Saganu sticks you with Temple because normally outsiders aren't welcome on Copero, but under her watchful eye you're allowed. Unless they play it as "you're the Outlander in the Alliance, you're not a member of the Ascendancy" in which case I guess the Raina thing makes more sense.


Not played it as Chiss though, just speculating and assuming the worst. :D

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This. I am both - no interest whatsoever going through that headache again, and if I play it'll be leveling even more alts, likely warriors since that's my favourite class.

I hate to clog up our Malavai thread with my non-Malavai moans, however I think that FP would have been far better with more Theron story. The only interesting part of the FP was right at the end when

Theron is in his ship talking to the Zildrog guy and he presses a button just as they begin their conversation. I think this was a deliberate move by Theron to broadcast what was said so the alliance techies would pick it up. I thought this even more given Hylo's letter

The other minor decent things were they changed Theron's eye colour (I love them) and his new outfit. Is it available? If not it should be. His hair still sucks though :( Even so, it was a huge let down as far as story progress goes. I wonder if they have anything better planned for 5.6.1? Probably best not to get my hopes up.


As I said back to Quinn and levelling warriors for me (and troopers) and the lovely Quinn fan fiction you're all so good at :)


EDIT: I just remembered - to cheer us all up it's December soon - bring on the Christmas themed Quinn love :D

Edited by Sarova
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I hate to clog up our Malavai thread with my non-Malavai moans, however I think that FP would have been far better with more Theron story. The only interesting part of the FP was right at the end when

Theron is in his ship talking to the Zildrog guy and he presses a button just as they begin their conversation. I think this was a deliberate move by Theron to broadcast what was said so the alliance techies would pick it up. I thought this even more given Hylo's letter

The other minor decent things were they changed Theron's eye colour (I love them) and his new outfit. Is it available? If not it should be. His hair still sucks though :( Even so, it was a huge let down as far as story progress goes. I wonder if they have anything better planned for 5.6.1? Probably best not to get my hopes up.


As I said back to Quinn and levelling warriors for me (and troopers) and the lovely Quinn fan fiction you're all so good at :)


EDIT: I just remembered - to cheer us all up it's December soon - bring on the Christmas themed Quinn love :D


They changed his eye color?


I have a Life Day chapter that I am writing. The presents are going to be great. Something useful from Quinn and Jaesa, something pretty from Emmynn, and something totally silly from Vette. :)

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Random stuff based on numerous posts.


- I read the transcripts of an interview with Boyd where he said the idea for Copero was from awhile ago and they had been looking for a way to "integrate" it into the story. Sounds like they just wedged it in. Kind of like I had heard the whole Valkorion plot was from someone's pnp game and they adapted it for us :rolleyes:


- Someone on another thread recommended loading up on Temple's favorite companion gifts before you go in. I'm still updating (and I'm not ready for Copero anyway yet) so I don't know if that would work.


- I had seen a silly photoshop of Quinn in a Santa hat, so of course I can't find it now that I'm looking for it. Found these. I don't remember if they've been shared here or not. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7d/15/49/7d15497ad38aadc1370d23724be66e31.jpg http://www.adhemlenei.com/illinia/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/quinnfanservice2sig.jpg

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I think his eye color looks different because that insane gloss is now gone and whatever they did to fix that, altered the way the eyes look. More matte and vibrant.


My JK who's eyes appeared dark blue before now has more turquoise eyes with green hints instead.


My twi'lek knight's brown eyes are now a bizarre greenish-yellow. My mirialan's purple-gray eyes are now greenish white. Zabrak's soft brown eyes are now a blazing yellow, which brings up some questions of how he fell to the dark side when he's very definitely not Force-sensitive. :p


...oh hoooly crud, just checked my other mirialan. This guy originally had red eyes. Now his eyes are two-toned Sith eyes, red around the rims and flaming gold in the middle.

What the heck.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Many eye colours, if not then all of them, got changed. It felt weird seeing my 'main' character's eyes being different colour completely then what she's had for 4+ years.


Also Lana's letter to her about Theron (that characetr's LI) gave me yet another reason not to like Lana much, for that character -.-'

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Also Lana's letter to her about Theron (that characetr's LI) gave me yet another reason not to like Lana much, for that character -.-'


I just ranted about that in another thread;


Her letter pissed me off, the way she speaks of Theron is uncalled for. And interrogating him? That's MY call to make, not hers. How far such interrogation goes, is MY call, not hers. Pretty sure *I* am still the Commander and that is MY boyfriend she's talking about. Her implication she was weak to trust him basically says I am weak too, because I trusted him so much I began a relationship with him so thanks for that Lana. Witch. :mad:


K, I feel better now.


Letter for those wondering;


I've received a report from Dr. Oggurobb. Repairs on the holomap Theron used are progressing well and we should be able to extract its data soon. I'm overseeing the project day and night to ensure we don't fall behind schedule.

I will eliminate the weakness I showed when I trusted Theron. It was foolish of me to be so lenient with a former Republic spy. I assure you, my interrogation of him will be thorough. When I'm finished, he'll wish we'd killed him back on Umbara.

My days of mercy are over, Commander. I'm prepared to be much stronger--for you, and for the Alliance.


Seriously, fu.ck her. No offense to the Lana-lovers here but that really vexed me.

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- Someone on another thread recommended loading up on Temple's favorite companion gifts before you go in. I'm still updating (and I'm not ready for Copero anyway yet) so I don't know if that would work.

I was very lucky that I did the first (and possibly only for a long while) run (accidentally twice) on my main (a Sith lightning sorc) who has a full set of 248 gear & heal spells. I also have the 8 ability heroic moment or I would have rage quit. I think these were the only reasons I survived and got it finished. The bosses are ridiculously OP in solo and story mode - one of them has an unkillable add :mad: I'm not even going to bother if it comes up as an option in group flashpoints. Also, the Copero city is a complete jumbled mess - it's like they took every decoration and just shoved them in wherever there was a space - meticulous Quinn would not approve. The numerous mobs in there are worse than skytroopers.

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I was very lucky that I did the first (and possibly only for a long while) run (accidentally twice) on my main (a Sith lightning sorc) who has a full set of 248 gear & heal spells. I also have the 8 ability heroic moment or I would have rage quit. I think these were the only reasons I survived and got it finished. The bosses are ridiculously OP in solo and story mode - one of them has an unkillable add :mad: I'm not even going to bother if it comes up as an option in group flashpoints. Also, the Copero city is a complete jumbled mess - it's like they took every decoration and just shoved them in wherever there was a space - meticulous Quinn would not approve. The numerous mobs in there are worse than skytroopers.


Just a bit of advice since I've done it three times now, when you're fighting the big robot it seems best to ignore the tank droid adds and kill the security droids whenever they pop up. I hope that helps people that are still going through it.

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Also Lana's letter to her about Theron (that characetr's LI) gave me yet another reason not to like Lana much, for that character -.-'


I just ranted about that in another thread;

Seriously, fu.ck her. No offense to the Lana-lovers here but that really vexed me.

+1 and offence to all Lana-lovers. That letter was rage deleted by me the second I finished reading it. I was starting to try to like Lana, however if she is allowed to interrogate Theron, I want the option to kill her :mad: I'm still of the opinion that Theron is deep undercover of his own volition to save the woman he loves (or the alliance if he's not romanced). How hard would it have been for them to have that letter for the Theron haters (and judging by Twitter there are a lot of them) and a more supportive letter from Lana for those of us who romanced Theron? Don't tell me Lana has forgotten about the Sith and passion. It's as bad as them allowing Vette to comment on the Quinncident during her return chapter even though in my class story, no-one knew but Quinn and the Warrior.

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Just a bit of advice since I've done it three times now, when you're fighting the big robot it seems best to ignore the tank droid adds and kill the security droids whenever they pop up. I hope that helps people that are still going through it.

There's a platform with a Strike Team Walker that has an unkillable add plus strike team 6 mobs that appear frequently - this is the boss that is hardest. I did not see it in story mode but did in solo mode. It might be an optional boss. It took me ages to take it down. I might try your tactic on the big droid you mention - that one is the first boss I think? I only killed the tank droids because they were doing too much damage to Temple.


I feel I am ruining the thread moaning about Copero. To balance things out we need

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Hey, Quinnmancers, a question from a friend for you :D

Where does Quinn hang out on Odessen once you get him back?


In actuality he's nowhere :( But hypothetically, he's in that little room with the bed working quietly on the computer there :) He's such an introvert. <3


There's a platform with a Strike Team Walker that has an unkillable add plus strike team 6 mobs that appear frequently - this is the boss that is hardest. I did not see it in story mode but did in solo mode. It might be an optional boss. It took me ages to take it down. I might try your tactic on the big droid you mention - that one is the first boss I think? I only killed the tank droids because they were doing too much damage to Temple.


I feel I am ruining the thread moaning about Copero. To balance things out we need



Thanks for the giggle, that voice is like balm even though the line is cringey :o


And yeah the fire patches the other robot did was bad. I don't know what up with the mob that couldn't be killed so I ignored it.


Random stuff based on numerous posts.


- I read the transcripts of an interview with Boyd where he said the idea for Copero was from awhile ago and they had been looking for a way to "integrate" it into the story. Sounds like they just wedged it in. Kind of like I had heard the whole Valkorion plot was from someone's pnp game and they adapted it for us :rolleyes:


- Someone on another thread recommended loading up on Temple's favorite companion gifts before you go in. I'm still updating (and I'm not ready for Copero anyway yet) so I don't know if that would work.


- I had seen a silly photoshop of Quinn in a Santa hat, so of course I can't find it now that I'm looking for it. Found these. I don't remember if they've been shared here or not. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7d/15/49/7d15497ad38aadc1370d23724be66e31.jpg http://www.adhemlenei.com/illinia/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/quinnfanservice2sig.jpg


Can't say I've ever seen those before, but I approve :cool:

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Quinn: I, for one, am glad that Theron isn't here any longer. He--

*terrified screaming from Copero*

Quinn: ...he looked into a mirror again, didn't he.

*Theron comes crashing into the thread in a full-blown panic*

Quinn: Shan. Did I not just say "I'm GLAD you AREN'T here"? Because it feels like I didn't say that.


Quinn: *blankly* Eyes?

Theron: *yanks Quinn right up close* LOOK.

Quinn: HANDS. OFF. I--*double-take* .....oh.

Theron: I'M NOT A SITH

Quinn: Stop talking in capital letters. ...and let me go.


Quinn: . . . Really. I couldn't tell. :mad:

Theron: *abruptly lets him go* Now what!? What are they going to screw up next!? Am I going to have cybernetics plastered across half my face!? Am I--*pff* ACK *falls over*

Quinn: *holsters blow-dart gun* Now calm down. It will be fixed. And then someone can get to fixing *my* eyes, which have gone from ice blue to...a jaundiced, misty, opaque blue. *sigh*

Theron: *paralyzed on the floor* ...ihh i aihh oayy, ah eahh? [is my hair okay, at least?]

Quinn: It looks like a dead womprat. It's fine.

Theron: eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh [screaming's hard when you can't move your mouth]

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