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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Malavai deserted to join the Alliance if republic allies. still a traitor type of thing if someone wishes to see it as such since at the time of Malavai joining the Alliance as prisoner before asking to join properly they are at war with the Empire.


I see your reasoning here...and kind of see it as the Empire taking it as "The friend of my enemy is my enemy". So, if your Alliance allied with the Republic, the Empire is going to see the Alliance...and everyone associated with it...as traitors. Even moreso if the person joining the Alliance was originally an Imperial. No skin off their backs about people like Theron, Aric, or Dorne, since they were already loyal Pubs to begin with....but to have an Imperial joining a Republic-allied faction would definitely be seen as traitorous.

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I see your reasoning here...and kind of see it as the Empire taking it as "The friend of my enemy is my enemy". So, if your Alliance allied with the Republic, the Empire is going to see the Alliance...and everyone associated with it...as traitors. Even moreso if the person joining the Alliance was originally an Imperial. No skin off their backs about people like Theron, Aric, or Dorne, since they were already loyal Pubs to begin with....but to have an Imperial joining a Republic-allied faction would definitely be seen as traitorous.


It's quite an intricate situation in my opinion, and shows when many people are differing in their words and interpretation over the entire situation. sadly being a game it won't go into it much in the future I bet. I did notice Jace Malcolm trip over his words a few times to my Sith (allied with republic, sith warrior), getting worked up over Imperial scum then noticing the commander entered the room in one scene. If we had more detail, I'd expect the republic not to trust, and maybe plot against, an ex-Imperial commanded Alliance ally. Likewise to Empire with a ex-republic commanded ally.


I have so many questions and confusions after the whole Iokath thing, especially with "where's the rest of the companion return for Malavai?" but I doubt anything will ever be cleared up for me.

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Go to Databases and click on Missions or NPCs, then choose what you want to look at. When the page pulls up for the mission/NPC, scroll down and there will be a section called "Conversations". Just click the "Expand All" and it will show all the conversations. Note that sometimes you might have to go digging a bit if you're looking for something specific. Sometimes a particular conversation isn't in a mission, but under the NPC instead. In other cases...especially companion conversations....you can just click on one mission and it will show all of them.


I've found some really interesting stuff there....there's conversations I have never experienced in my 4 years of playing. I'm not sure if I didn't trigger something correctly or they just ended up not getting included.


Ah thanks, that worked a treat. And see what you mean about dialogue we never see in game. Nature of the beast I suppose. Makes for interesting reading.

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Okay now I had a chance to edit it and get those last touches in it here is part 3 of my little story arc. Another direct continuation from my last chapter. Finally introduced her father...So here it is, hope you guys like :) No adult content in this whole mini story arc.


Part 3:Sith Interests Are Complicated


And before any of you get any wrong ideas due to the subject matter...let me state this. I have a fantastic relationship with my own father, he is a really awesome guy and I am proud to call him dad.


If you guys missed them and want it here are part 1 and 2 of my mini arc :)

Part 1: Be Wary Your Master

Part 2: Solaris' Gambit

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Okay...any fanfic writers want to give me suggestions for making my brain shut the $%*$%* up? Usually I have writer's block, but for the past two weeks, I have not been able to stop the flow of ideas. This would normally be a good thing, but I really need to get things done in RL and I can't if I'm spending all day writing all of this down! I honestly thought that I was tapped out after what I wrote yesterday (first part of a new chapter), but then I hopped in the shower this morning, intending to go out and do useful RL things afterward....then a KotFE storyline just asserted itself into my brain. Arrrggghh! Makes me wish I was a cyborg or something where I could just instantly download all of this somewhere to sort through it later.
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Okay...any fanfic writers want to give me suggestions for making my brain shut the $%*$%* up? Usually I have writer's block, but for the past two weeks, I have not been able to stop the flow of ideas. This would normally be a good thing, but I really need to get things done in RL and I can't if I'm spending all day writing all of this down! I honestly thought that I was tapped out after what I wrote yesterday (first part of a new chapter), but then I hopped in the shower this morning, intending to go out and do useful RL things afterward....then a KotFE storyline just asserted itself into my brain. Arrrggghh! Makes me wish I was a cyborg or something where I could just instantly download all of this somewhere to sort through it later.


If you have a smartphone with you, you could get a recording app, and record your ideas as they come to you, verbal notes are faster than written. Failing that, keep notepad with you and jot down the points so you can use them later. :)

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If you have a smartphone with you, you could get a recording app, and record your ideas as they come to you, verbal notes are faster than written. Failing that, keep notepad with you and jot down the points so you can use them later. :)


Good ideas! Well, I just sat down and brain-dumped the first part of what was in my head. Started the events of KotFE...but this first chapter is from Quinn's side of it. It's short, but I think I can hold onto the rest at least until tomorrow....or later this evening.


Through Your Eyes: Chapter One of Charcoal and Gilding

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Good ideas! Well, I just sat down and brain-dumped the first part of what was in my head. Started the events of KotFE...but this first chapter is from Quinn's side of it. It's short, but I think I can hold onto the rest at least until tomorrow....or later this evening.


Through Your Eyes: Chapter One of Charcoal and Gilding


Fun stuff there :D I know how I did that section and is fun seeing how someone else interprets it. Poor Malavai...just want to run over to him and hug him, telling him everything will work out in the end.



Force bond. I approve :D



And as far as what I do the shut off the story ideas...I don't :( Usually end up sleeping horribly those nights I have a story brewing, and am distracted while working trying to figure it out why my hands stay busy with my job. For me my story ideas have always been feast or famine. I either have a million of them at once and just binge write or struggle to get a single paragraph in an evening. No in between for me I am afraid :(

Edited by Nightfrogger
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None of my Imp characters allied themselves with the Republic, and certainly not my warrior, so I don't know what exactly he says. I also never needed to analyse it or care for it, since it's not part of my story. It "didn't happen" for me. ;)


But... I guess he'd keep being referred to as major as a courtesy. Didn't they all lose their ranks after joining the Alliance? Aygo? Jorgan? Pierce? Now Dorne? It looks like everyone is on first-name basis when they talk to each other, but using their ranks is polite, if nothing else.

If/when they fix the companion customisations (I think it's you who has Asian Quinn? I forget - there are so many of us!) it's worth doing the version where you pick alliance for the amount of Quinn Screen Time :D

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Fun stuff there :D I know how I did that section and is fun seeing how someone else interprets it. Poor Malavai...just want to run over to him and hug him, telling him everything will work out in the end.



Force bond. I approve :D


Thank you! :) I honestly had more circulating in my brain, but I was getting hungry and really needed to go grab milk at the store, so I opted to just publish what I had down at the time. Plus, I'm also working at the same time, on the continuation of the vanilla storyline. So, trying to juggle all these ideas in my brain...whew!


And as far as what I do the shut off the story ideas...I don't :( Usually end up sleeping horribly those nights I have a story brewing, and am distracted while working trying to figure it out why my hands stay busy with my job. For me my story ideas have always been feast or famine. I either have a million of them at once and just binge write or struggle to get a single paragraph in an evening. No in between for me I am afraid :(


That seems to be the way with me too. The only other thing I've published on AO3 is two chapters (or really one and a half) of Dragon Age: Inquisition fanfic. I'd meant to do the whole story, but got burnt out really fast and never did it. The fact that I've cranked out 12 chapters in as many days is just unheard of for me. On one hand, I'd like the ideas to slow down a bit so i can keep up...but on the other hand, I'm afraid of getting totally burnt out and never picking it back up again (like I did with my DAI story).

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Fun stuff there :D I know how I did that section and is fun seeing how someone else interprets it. Poor Malavai...just want to run over to him and hug him, telling him everything will work out in the end.



Force bond. I approve :D


How I make some of my plot choices is that I try to resolve the inconsistencies I see in the original storyline. (And I honestly think that's what keeps me going with ideas because there are soooo many) :



Like I had to think of why Quinn wasn't on board/present when she went on Marr's ship. He was conspicuously absent the whole time. I mean, you have Vette piloting...*** is up with that?! Also, it always bugged me that he sent her mail...once....and in the SW universe, there's no way to mail back and say "Hey babe, I'm alive and living on Odessen now!"? So, hence the pendant (where his e-mail recording will be found by her in the next chapter). And yeah, she's going to go nab Acina and hunt him down ASAP...NOT after she deals with the Valkorian family, but before.



This part of it will pretty much be "How I think KotFE/ET SHOULD have been".

Edited by feylyndiira
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I did my version of that scene before Iokath was released. So was speculating what had happened, I had not looked into spoilers so honestly didn't know how Iokath would play out. So after it was released I was surprised to see that my speculations were not to far off of the mark so I kept them there :) Mine was mainly a lead up to what I thought would happen right before he wrote that letter you get from him in chapter 3 right before he pressed send and disappeared.
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Quinn looks rather miffed at you right now.

Sightseeing at the Jedi Temple on Tython.

Inside the Jedi Temple.


Quinn: I would like to ask something.

Jedi passing by: ...uh, sure...all are welcome here... o_O


Jedi: I could not even begin to explain.

Quinn: *pointing at the ceiling* I was not talking to you, Jedi. I was talking to the--oh, nevermind, you wouldn't understand anyway.

Jedi: So, padawans, this is why most Imperials are weird...

Quinn: There's that fabled Jedi tolerance and understanding.

Jedi: When you see someone ranting at the roof asking why they're wearing a gnome hat, it's hard to come to a better conclusion than "you are insane."

Quinn: I am the husband of the Empire's Wrath, was just released from prison after nearly six years, have a horde of invisible fangirls following me around, have multiple clones/alternate universe version of myself tortured and killed on a regular basis by sadists, and am currently serving as the Star Wars equivalent of The Roaming Gnome. Being insane is practically a job requirement.

Jedi: ...point taken.


You owe me a new keyboard for that one.... :rod_tongue_p:


What headgear is that?


Dathomir Shaman, I think?

Edited by Jagaimee
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If/when they fix the companion customisations (I think it's you who has Asian Quinn? I forget - there are so many of us!) it's worth doing the version where you pick alliance for the amount of Quinn Screen Time :D


Yeah, that's me :)


IF Iokath is repeatable, I could replay it in all possible combinations, including the Pub version (I played through my trooper, so I know how much more of him there is for the other side) with no harm coming to my continuity.


However, I doubt this is going to happen. They simply don't care about customisations in Iokath (no answer to so many of our enquiries), and I don't think it'd be repeatable. Maybe... if they finished the story and made it one whole chapter.


For now I just re-drew those scenes (including a few from the Pub side) with my customisation. That's the best I can get of Iokath and "my" reunion.

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Quinn: I would like to ask something.

Jedi passing by: ...uh, sure...all are welcome here... o_O


Jedi: I could not even begin to explain.

Quinn: *pointing at the ceiling* I was not talking to you, Jedi. I was talking to the--oh, nevermind, you wouldn't understand anyway.

Jedi: So, padawans, this is why most Imperials are weird...

Quinn: There's that fabled Jedi tolerance and understanding.

Jedi: When you see someone ranting at the roof asking why they're wearing a gnome hat, it's hard to come to a better conclusion than "you are insane."

Quinn: I am the husband of the Empire's Wrath, was just released from prison after nearly six years, have a horde of invisible fangirls following me around, have multiple clones/alternate universe version of myself tortured and killed on a regular basis by sadists, and am currently serving as the Star Wars equivalent of The Roaming Gnome. Being insane is practically a job requirement.

Jedi: ...point taken.




Dathomir Shaman, I think?


That is brilliant. I love this so much <3 Thank you for the laugh. :D



So I got a bit carried away today...and took way too many pictures...but Malavai wanted to go sight seeing...I couldn't say no...


Quinn Sight Seeing Vacation


Yavin 4




Nar Shaddaa






Dromund Kaas



Enjoy :)


Gorgeous shots Nightfrogger! Loved them all, but was most surprised by Belsavis, I love that you chose to do inside the cave/temple area in the volcano. <3


My Malavai took his son to Nar Shaddaa. The kid got tired a bit, and fell asleep, but his father protected him from aggressive astromechs.






He got a tour of Odessen and Gravestone by his wife.




Love these too! The idea of an adventure is great. <3

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