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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I thought we would get to complete the chapter with Quinn, instead I get the Theron and Lana show. Even Elara had more impact on the story than my long lost companion. Feel a little mislead by the advertisement for this chapter depicting a sith with Quinn.
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In my head-canon, she gets force-choked the minute she first opens her mouth after my SW sees her husband back. Why in the ruddy **** would my SW even care one whit about what this Pub wench has to say when her long-lost husband of 6 years is suddenly standing right there in front of her?! "Meet with the leaders of each faction to decide whose side to pick?"...not necessary, save the prattle, I need a few hours or so to reunite with the Major here. Lana, Theron....deal with this....the Empress and her Consort need to get it on...



So underwhelmed right now. Meet Quinn for the first time in 6 years, and....promptly ignore him? To talk to Elara? Then ignore him more for another hour to run off with Theron? And get several cutscenes showing Elara in that time, and nothing with Quinn?


yes :(


I thought we would get to complete the chapter with Quinn, instead I get the Theron and Lana show. Even Elara had more impact on the story than my long lost companion. Feel a little mislead by the advertisement for this chapter depicting a sith with Quinn.


yeah. No coffee, still brain dead, these quotes speak for me. I might do this on one more character, but not a whole bunch like I sort of had planned. I don't want a bunch of corpsey Quinns following all my warriors around, it's too sad.



wonderful as always (:



And yes I have two Quinns in the stronghold >.>

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Well one thing that I guess I can be glad about. My speculations on The Empty Ship were not to far off the mark. So it will stand unchanged :) So that is now my cannon. Will first fix the mess I made a few days ago then do my version of the reunion next week.
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Well one thing that I guess I can be glad about. My speculations on The Empty Ship were not to far off the mark. So it will stand unchanged :) So that is now my cannon. Will first fix the mess I made a few days ago then do my version of the reunion next week.


Looking forward to it :)


Btw the bugs people are reporting are kind of scary. I may not like Quorpse but I'll take him over Dorne, or no Quinn at all :confused:


The only buggy thing I encountered was after the story finished, Quorpse desummoned himself a few times but that seems to have stopped. (I mean other than having both a Quinn and a Malavai Quinn in my stronghold but they really don't need to fix this particular bug..)

Edited by grania
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Btw these are lovely :)


wonderful as always (:


Thank you both :)


The only buggy thing I encountered was after the story finished, Quorpse desummoned himself a few times but that seems to have stopped. (I mean other than having both a Quinn and a Malavai Quinn in my stronghold but they really don't need to fix this particular bug..)


I noticed that too. Didn't leave Iokath with my warrior after finishing the story, logged into her twice since, and both times he immediately told me he'd go to his quarters.


Didn't happen on my Agent or Inquisitor at all, but they weren't on Iokath, so I assumed it's the place, not a general bug.


On a bit positive note, when I was feeding Malavai gifts on my Agent and Inquisitor (and got him to 50 on both :D), they removed "my lord" kind rumblings on the agent (and I assume all non-Sith classes) but he kept addressing my Inq as "my lord" and had his usual rumblings. I was glad to see that instead of making him so generic for all that he'd stop calling my warrior "my lord" they kept Sith addressing unique. :)

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On a bit positive note, when I was feeding Malavai gifts on my Agent and Inquisitor (and got him to 50 on both ), they removed "my lord" kind rumblings on the agent (and I assume all non-Sith classes) but he kept addressing my Inq as "my lord" and had his usual rumblings. I was glad to see that instead of making him so generic for all that he'd stop calling my warrior "my lord" they kept Sith addressing unique.


Interesting, I was wondering about this, thanks :) I guess warrior can still be "my love" or wife in private. As much as I enjoyed the love letter he sent afterwards, I would have liked to see him refer to himself as husband again, he can stuff the "partner" thing :D (By the way, does this make Quinn an emperor now..? muhahaha)

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(By the way, does this make Quinn an emperor now..? muhahaha)


In my head canon, he's Consort of the Eternal Alliance Empress. No more of this silly Sith Empire ranking for him. He's now the second most powerful person in the Alliance, next to my SW, as far as she's concerned. (Which I know is giving Pierce serious fits....mwahahaha!) Another reason I'm miffed about the companion bug....I had a rather nice "Imperial Consort" outfit all planned out for his return...and I can't use it until I actually get him back as a companion! Argh!

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Interesting, I was wondering about this, thanks :) I guess warrior can still be "my love" or wife in private. As much as I enjoyed the love letter he sent afterwards, I would have liked to see him refer to himself as husband again, he can stuff the "partner" thing :D (By the way, does this make Quinn an emperor now..? muhahaha)


I was very happy to see the letter was signed with his given name, not surname. They seem to have forgotten he had a given name! :cool:

The partner thing did sound weird, but maybe they were covering cases when you didn't marry him but kept him as boyfriend.


Ok, a spoiler-y story time; something I already mentioned. It works better in my headcanon then official SWTOR story, really LOL It's about what happens in Chapter 2 of KOTET. Only for those who played through Iokath, since it contains a major spoiler.



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I did the Iokath SP story with my "main" (a trooper romancing Theron, sided with the Republic) but it was just so brief and anticlimactic that I'm not going to bother taking my other characters through it. Maybe if we get a lot more chapters and they're released regularly but for now...not worth it. I was excited for my characters who married Quinn and Elara to get a reunion but I might as well watch it on youtube rather than play through KotFE/KotET for 5 seconds of content. Edited by Nefla
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And I just have to say LLLLLLEWWWWLLLLL at Lana hovering over you AGAIN as you wake up. We're being trolled. :D

Indeed. Surely they knew Quinn and the warrior were married (if you did marry him)? Theron spied on the empire -

he must have known. Before KOTFE even the War Ministry knew and sent their congratulations/pressies, so you would think Lana would have known. Given all that they should have immediately summoned our "loyal captain and dutiful husband" to be with us when we woke up and NOT had Lana's snotty nose hovering over my warrior's face.


I'm just hoping for more Quinn appearances as they release more updates (are you reading this devs)?. I do wonder if they made some quick alterations to avoid Quinnmancers getting really angry as some of the things said by Quinn and written in his (rather-lovely-even-though-it-was-a-dev-cop-out) letter have been take right out of this thread.


Now I need to take all my other warriors through IOKATH to see/hear more Quinn. For science.


EDIT: Did anyone else notice how many times Quinn called us "my Lord"? :D

Edited by Sarova
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Indeed. Surely they knew Quinn and the warrior were married (if you did marry him)? Theron spied on the empire -

he must have known. Before KOTFE even the War Ministry knew and sent their congratulations/pressies, so you would think Lana would have known. Given all that they should have immediately summoned our "loyal captain and dutiful husband" to be with us when we woke up and NOT had Lana's snotty nose hovering over my warrior's face.


OMG....that annoyed me to no end! Here I am, lying in the medical center after being shocked into unconsciousness whilst trying to save Iokath from certain obliteration and I wake up to see the concerned face of.....LANA....hovering over me....NOT my husband?! GTFOH with that! Even if no one knew they were married, it's pretty damn obvious from the initial conversation (like "saving the displays of affection for private") that they were more than just casual acquaintances. The only reason I can see that he wouldn't rush to her side would be if no one told him what happened to her. And, if that's the case.....well, I wouldn't want to be in that someone's shoes.

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Hmmm. Only taken my smuggler main through so far. Some scenes are odd. Quinn appears twice, once when you meet him, and a second time in the throne room with Acina. But then he simply disappears and is never mentioned again. No explanation given as to how he walked out of the room without me noticing. No chance for my character to be like,

"So, now that your beloved Empress Acina is dead, will--err...where did that advisor guy go? Someone track him down!" Nope. He's just on the loose now on Iokath.



Elara gets even less screen time if you choose Republic (guess it's the same for Quinn if you choose opposite.) Already heard some horror story on Reddit of a trooper who had Elara break up with him on Iokath in some bug, claiming he had done all these awful things when he was lightsided. Not feeling all that keen on taking my trooper (my warrior's son) through KOTFE and KOTET.


Feeling nervous too about hearing people who are getting no breakup scene with Lana. I had my warrior romance Theron entirely because I wanted to see and record the breakup scene with him. I have no desire to be married to Malavai with a Theron on the side. Has anyone gotten a Theron breakup scene yet?


I was pleased that much of Iokath is a real, open world place. My smuggler was able to summon Corso and do some basic questing with him (up until I had to enter a green door for a cut scene) and that felt good. Am wondering now if warriors who got a returned Quinn from the terminal will be able to do this too, allowing them to sort of have Quinn at their side like he should be until he officially comes back at the end of the Iokath story line.


Not happy about Quinn getting his name shortened. Feels lazy.

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Feeling nervous too about hearing people who are getting no breakup scene with Lana. I had my warrior romance Theron entirely because I wanted to see and record the breakup scene with him. I have no desire to be married to Malavai with a Theron on the side. Has anyone gotten a Theron breakup scene yet?


I'm going to see about this as soon as I have time. Though it seems like maybe they forgot to add the break up scene for 5.2. Which is just as well - perfect time for them to add a scene where I throw Theron (and Lana) into some Iokath machinery so I never have to talk to them again. These devs are making me despise those characters more with every release.


Not happy about Quinn getting his name shortened. Feels lazy.


It's bad and all you can do is try not to think about it. They are separate people even in the stronghold so why not just let us have the old Malavai Quinn and everyone else have the new Quinn?

Edited by grania
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Speaking of which, I was sorry to hear of Vette's untimely passing. The two of us rarely saw eye to eye, but I always respected her role in your rise to prominence. She will be missed.


I know you mean well, Quinn. But bugger off! The mourning husband does not want to hear this from YOU of all people, you might remind him of how giddy you were for a chance to kill Vette way back when

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Ok, I have saved my rant for today. Yesterday, it was a relief that things could have been much worse, so I was kind of happy. But there are things which I don't like. :p


First, I strongly disagree with this whole "Let's defect" idea. We chose our faction for a reason! If you don't like it, roll a character on the opposite side. The only classes I can imagine defecting are the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, because they are somewhat neutral or independent within their factions. (my DS Smugglers have never cared for the Republic, they see them as corrupt and hypocratic, they think the Empire can offer them more opportunities and credits, and they don't have to pretend they are goodies either) Encouraging people to be traitors...well...it's not nice.


It is a surprise how your companions react if you choose to defect...they are not even surprised, angry, sad, etc. They kind of just shrug it off. Who cares?


Lana and Theron are walking on thin ice, implying Quinn might be a traitor. I think Theron is just jealous. :p Some of you mentioned that it is later revealed he isn't, so I'm glad. :)


As for the killing (I didn't watch it, I don't want to):

imprisoning/killing him after all the things he has been through, is heartless and cruel beyond imagination. He suffered for you!! They warned him not to look for you, but he still continued. This proves he couldn't be a traitor again, he could have just let it go and that's it. If you repay his "sacrifice" with such cruelty, that makes DS Inquisitors look tame, it's just sick. :mad:

And bringing up the Baras topic again is just pathetic and ridiculous, but we have already discussed this before.

When I first read about his imprisonment (before and after) and the killing I got a shock. It was extremely depressing.



As for the happy reunion.

Yes, it was strange you spoke to Elara first, when you clearly noticed Quinn as well. I expected a hug at minimum! And when you want to kiss him, he says it's not the time, which is alright, we know, but it has been years, my dear! :p And Elara's comment on that...she said yes, save that later I've got a job to do. Excuse me?! Who are you to decide when I kiss my husband, b*tch?! Seriously! :mad::p I have never got a problem with Elara (aside from defecting from the Empire) but now she crossed the line. :p


When you can finally speak with him alone, the whole thing feels rushed and he acts strange. He is so distant and rigid, he hardly turns to you. I understand he was anxious and unsure about your feelings, but still...Hugging, kissing more? I NEED that hug!

The facial expressions were also hilarious, I actually laughed out loud at them. Quinn's puppy face and the smile....it was a bit creepy! :D Short, small smiles suit him better I think. :)

He quickly summed up what happened to him, and I couldn't even comfort him or ask him anything. He talked about his imprisonment as if it was nothing special, big deal. :confused:

Then, after the kiss he kind of ran away when the others appeared. I was like, Where are you going, hey!! Don't leave me! I wouldn't let him go for a minute now, that's sure. I would hug him all day, stay next to him, and I wouldn't give a damn about what the others think. :p Not to mention that as my husband and my Major, he also should be by my side when we discuss battle and politics! He has all the right to participate in the conversations with Theron, Lana, and Acina!



By the way, Acina is very sympathetic, and she helped Quinn, so she has become one of my favorite characters now. :D:cool: The Empire needs strong, determined leaders like her.

Edited by Dylinrae
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I forgot to mention some positivity last night... I was really glad to hear the original VA and I thought he did a great job. Quinn just wouldn't have been Quinn without him.


I know, it's pretty much the only thing left that still makes Quinn, well, Quinn.


And yes, why my character had absolutely nothing to say about the

imprisonment (where?! On Nar Shaddaa?! Barefoot like Watcher X? By god someone is going to pay)

meanwhile wasting time with lonnng full on friendship scenes with "those two" whom I can barely stand anymore..

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And yes, why my character had absolutely nothing to say about the

imprisonment (where?! On Nar Shaddaa?! Barefoot like Watcher X? By god someone is going to pay)

LOOOL XD I think he was on Dromund Kaas.

Yes, yes! There MUST be a witch-hunt! Whoever was involved in that shameful, unforgivable act should be killed immediately! :rak_01: *crazy, evil laughter*

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My heart has been officially broken right now.


The customisations don't work in cutscenes. My Malavai looks like a stranger, not MY Malavai. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Wait, the customizations that your warrior uses didn't work?? I can see why - for game mechanics reasons - you wouldn't be able to use customizations for Quinn on non-warrior characters until he was officially in your alliance, but for warriors? That either sounds buggy or a terrible oversight. My customization for Aric worked for my trooper when he came back during KOTFE and my customization for Vette worked on my warrior.


This bothers me. I have been using a customization on Corso since 2011. If some other Corso returns, then I would be very upset too.

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Quinn's puppy face and the smile...


Oh, that sad-eyed stretchy puppy face is hilarious. This is the first time I'd seen it and it made Quinn look more like a Loony Tunes character rather than an Imperial officer lol I just couldn't take it seriously. Quinn even served puppy face to my husband's fully-romanced SW when he told him their relationship is over... right before he turned Quinn into a Quorpse. Inappropriate as it was, I laughed then as well at that ridiculous puppy face. :D

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Wait, the customizations that your warrior uses didn't work?? I can see why - for game mechanics reasons - you wouldn't be able to use customizations for Quinn on non-warrior characters until he was officially in your alliance, but for warriors? That either sounds buggy or a terrible oversight. My customization for Aric worked for my trooper when he came back during KOTFE and my customization for Vette worked on my warrior.


This bothers me. I have been using a customization on Corso since 2011. If some other Corso returns, then I would be very upset too.


Dropping by, I can speak to this. I posted a screenshot earlier of the new and old Quinns standing next to each other:



It didn't work for this like it did in the chapters. First thing I did when I started the mission was check my inventory for Quinn's stuff to show up there but it didn't, and then I checked if I could still summon Quinn, which I could. Because "Malavai Quinn" and Quinn" are two separate entities. (Hey remember the walker scene where we had to fight the other walker bosses? My poor Quinn was still there, healing as hard as he could. He almost died but I saved him :o)


Maybe it was a bug or maybe it was intentional that we would still have access to the old one after the new one was (re?)introduced, I just don't know.




Omg the sad face, lol, man I just went with it I don't care, I was so happy to see him :o

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Maybe a wrong place to ask - but can we finally kill Quinn?


I don't want any discussions or "fights" over this, just a simple Yes/No would be sufficient :)


Yes, but only Sith Warriors can do so. Because it doesn't make sense for the other 7 classes to off him when from their point of view (not yours) they don't know him from Adam. The Sith Warrior has history with him, the other 7 classes don't.

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