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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Yay! I love your adventures with Purple Quinn and Silver Theron. Poor Theron, he has no idea what Bioware has in store for him. For that matter, neither do we. I think he'd be utterly mortified if he knew they're having votes on social media to decide whether or not to stick him with that ghastly do. :eek:


Where can I vote? I need his hair back. I need him back!


Oh, and I just started a new warrior, cause you know...I don't have a problem, I swear.

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I need his hair back. I need him back!


Theron: *clamps hands down on his hair* I LIKE my fauxhawk! What'd they want to change it for?

Quinn: Yes, it's better than that terrible...whatever hairstyle that was...when you were a teenager. Marginally better...

Theron: *grumbles* Far better than the roadkill-by-tractor Copero hairstyle...

Quinn: Now, I believe we were headed to Taris?

Theron: Oh, with all the giant irradiated man-eating zomb--I mean, rakghoul horde. Hurray. Perfect for a Sith honeymoon, y'know?

Quinn: ...if you are insinuating that my wife, [sith Warrior], is an irradiated man-eating zombie...

Theron: Well...typical Sith, right...?

Quinn: You need to think VERY CAREFULLY about the next words out of your mouth, Theron Shan.

Theron: ... *wilts a bit under Quinn's death glare* ...heh...


Theron: GAH!! ...what the...where is this? *looks around at the shadow-darkened landscape*

[it's in the dead of night. Wisps of ghostly moonlit clouds float in the starry sky...beyond the broken silhouettes of what were once towering starscrapers: ancient monuments to a world long since dead and decaying in its grave. Mist weaves through the shadows, and in the distance, dark shapes waver between phantom and reality. Lights float out of the sprawling swamplands like will-o-the-wisps. Far away, an eerie howl wails through the air...]

Theron: ...this is revenge for that zombie comment, isn't it.

Quinn: Welcome to Taris, Shan. :jawa_evil:

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Where can I vote? I need his hair back. I need him back!


Oh, and I just started a new warrior, cause you know...I don't have a problem, I swear.


You can vote on the links below. Just make sure for the Twitter one, that you retweet, not like. A like is a vote for hideous new hair. It's ok, none of us have a problem. :D




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Theron: *clamps hands down on his hair* I LIKE my fauxhawk! What'd they want to change it for?

Quinn: Yes, it's better than that terrible...whatever hairstyle that was...when you were a teenager. Marginally better...

Theron: *grumbles* Far better than the roadkill-by-tractor Copero hairstyle...

Quinn: Now, I believe we were headed to Taris?

Theron: Oh, with all the giant irradiated man-eating zomb--I mean, rakghoul horde. Hurray. Perfect for a Sith honeymoon, y'know?

Quinn: ...if you are insinuating that my wife, [sith Warrior], is an irradiated man-eating zombie...

Theron: Well...typical Sith, right...?

Quinn: You need to think VERY CAREFULLY about the next words out of your mouth, Theron Shan.

Theron: ... *wilts a bit under Quinn's death glare* ...heh...


Theron: GAH!! ...what the...where is this? *looks around at the shadow-darkened landscape*

[it's in the dead of night. Wisps of ghostly moonlit clouds float in the starry sky...beyond the broken silhouettes of what were once towering starscrapers: ancient monuments to a world long since dead and decaying in its grave. Mist weaves through the shadows, and in the distance, dark shapes waver between phantom and reality. Lights float out of the sprawling swamplands like will-o-the-wisps. Far away, an eerie howl wails through the air...]

Theron: ...this is revenge for that zombie comment, isn't it.

Quinn: Welcome to Taris, Shan. :jawa_evil:


Hilarious! And beautiful! That is such a lovely introduction, far better than that icky planet deserves. I just love the flow and choice of words there. It's swoon worthy. *loves on Taris description like a cat on nip*

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Theron: *clamps hands down on his hair* I LIKE my fauxhawk! What'd they want to change it for?

Quinn: Yes, it's better than that terrible...whatever hairstyle that was...when you were a teenager. Marginally better...

Theron: *grumbles* Far better than the roadkill-by-tractor Copero hairstyle...

Quinn: Now, I believe we were headed to Taris?

Theron: Oh, with all the giant irradiated man-eating zomb--I mean, rakghoul horde. Hurray. Perfect for a Sith honeymoon, y'know?

Quinn: ...if you are insinuating that my wife, [sith Warrior], is an irradiated man-eating zombie...

Theron: Well...typical Sith, right...?

Quinn: You need to think VERY CAREFULLY about the next words out of your mouth, Theron Shan.

Theron: ... *wilts a bit under Quinn's death glare* ...heh...


Theron: GAH!! ...what the...where is this? *looks around at the shadow-darkened landscape*

[it's in the dead of night. Wisps of ghostly moonlit clouds float in the starry sky...beyond the broken silhouettes of what were once towering starscrapers: ancient monuments to a world long since dead and decaying in its grave. Mist weaves through the shadows, and in the distance, dark shapes waver between phantom and reality. Lights float out of the sprawling swamplands like will-o-the-wisps. Far away, an eerie howl wails through the air...]

Theron: ...this is revenge for that zombie comment, isn't it.

Quinn: Welcome to Taris, Shan. :jawa_evil:


I can totally picture that conversation happening between them.

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Which is why I am not qouting them. This thread is our happy corner of the forum away from the negativity of the rest of the community. Sometimes we gripe but we always get back on track to fangirling over our lovely Quinn. ❤

Thanks - that's really appreciated :)

I would like to help bring us back to fangirling :) So hopefully I got all of you lovely ladies favorites in here ;)

Quinn Elf Customization 3

Quinn elf Customization 5

Quinn elf Customization 8

Quinn elf Original Customization

Love all of these. I bet Quinn in all his various guises spent the entire time moaning about the cold & being dragged there without his thermals :D


Would Quinn, if he were real (as much as a fictional character, in a fictional universe can be) fall in love with a non human fem warrior?

Yes I think he would & no-one would dare question him on it. I got the impression playing through the class stories that Quinn's character is very good at seeing past the Empire's xenophobia for the benefit of his personal growth and what that person or group can offer the empire as well as his own needs.


Just waiting on him to get his own set of customizations for his normal hair... and (what I think is) that hair style that some blind, drunken barber dreamed up that some people find attractive.

Having bought the recent hairstyle deely I fail to understand why Theron's new hair looks so awful on him yet so brilliant on all of my characters I've tried it on. It is because we're now all brainwashed to see Theron in a certain way? Is it because we've never been able to customise him and this option has been forced on us so the new hairstyle has no chance regardless? I don't know but I hate it on Theron.

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Having bought the recent hairstyle deely I fail to understand why Theron's new hair looks so awful on him yet so brilliant on all of my characters I've tried it on. It is because we're now all brainwashed to see Theron in a certain way? Is it because we've never been able to customise him and this option has been forced on us so the new hairstyle has no chance regardless? I don't know but I hate it on Theron.


I think I have the answer. Take Jensen Ackles, my real life equivalent to Theron.



Jensen - 10 Inch Hero



We see Theron with the new hair, and we know how much better he used to look. I am sure that when he comes back he will have customization options for those that like his new hair, and for those that love his old hair.

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Aww that's cool! I didn't know that train existed in the game. Is it from reputation, or cartel/gtn? I must have one! Choo choo! All aboard! :D


Put in today in one of the holiday packs on the cartel market, wait until tomorrow to see if it is added to the life day vender first though.


And yes it does make train noises while it circles around the holotree :)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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[On Taris, the boys are rightfully scared out of their wits. Er, well, Theron is. Though he doesn't show it, he keeps Quinn ahead of him at all times so if a rakghoul jumps them, he can shove Quinn to the wolves and run--]

Theron: Knock it off! I can handle myself here.

Quinn: *leans toward Theron and whispers, with a perfectly straight face:* OooOOOooo--

Theron: It's probably a bad idea to strangle my guide, but I am sorely tempted right now...

Quinn: Hmph. A few shadows are nothing to what horrors await on Taris.

Theron: I thought we were going to the Imperial base?

Quinn: We are. We seem to have landed far outside of it, however, in which case--

Theron: We're legging it through the swamp. At night. With rakghouls all around. Oh joy.

[Far off in the distance, an odd rumbling noise shivers through the night mists.]

Theron: ...the "horrors" that await, I assume?

Quinn: Don't give me that murderous look. It's not my fault we were spontaneously transported to a place far outside of what any rational person would consider "safe."

Theron: *mutters something that sounds suspicously like "safe" - says the man who married a Sith Lord*

Quinn: Purely because it would be near-suicidal to get into a fist-fight in the toxic swamps, I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

Theron: What's that noise, anyway? It's getting louder.

Quinn: It's not...biological.

Theron: ...mechanical? Uh...what the heck could possibly be that loud?

[As they talk, a light begins shining out of the shadows. It's obscured by fog, but as the rumbling noise gets louder and louder, the light gets closer and closer until it's distinguishable as a single searchlight...]

Theron: ... :eek: GET DOWN!!!

[Theron and Quinn hit the ground as a thunderous roar shakes the ground and the spotlight grows to unendurable intensity!]

[...very long pause, during which the rumbling and roaring has died down considerably, and there are odd little whistling noises along with it. Choo choooooo!]

Theron: [cautiously looks up] ...what.

Quinn: [looks up] :eek:

[A model Umbara train is circling in mid-air around their heads, merrily choo-choo'ing its little engine heart out. There is a note attached to one of the freight cars, along with a purple and silver bow. Quinn stands up and snatches it away to read.]

Merry Life Day, handsome space husband/boyfriend!

- Love, the Quinnmancers

Quinn: ... *FACEPALM*

Theron: *daring to stand up* What, don't I get a message from the Theronmancers? *gets a silver bow plastered to his face, courtesy of Quinn*

Quinn: That's the UMBARA train! That's...that's where you--

Theron: :(


Theron: *finally gets the bow untangled from his nose* I wonder what BioWare thinks I'm doing this Life Day.



Far away, on an unknown world in an elaborate underground base - complete with lava pools, acid-breathing sharks, death traps galore, and the occasional bottomless pit - Theron Shan gleefully rubs his hands together as he looks at the presents under the Life Day tree.

"Oh, but all I want for Life Daaaayyy," he sings, "iiiiis...YOUR DEATH." He unleashes an impressive(ly pathetic) evil laugh. On cue, the little toy train around the tree starts up, playing a cheesy assortment of Life Day tunes - from Deck the Starship Halls to Hark the Herald Jedi Sing. The train is, of course, a model Umbara freight train. Reliving the scene of his horrible terrible awful did-we-mention-bad betrayal, Theron laughs another (hilariously terrible) eeeevil laugh. "Me and my I'm-definitely-not-trying-to-relive-teenage-superspy-fantasies AWESOME HAIRSTYLE will rule the galaxy! MWAHAHA--"

A BioWare writer pokes his head in the room. "Psst. Theron. That's not your goal."

"It's not? ...oh, right, right, sorry, got mixed up with the generic bad guys. Which I'm obviously not. Because reasons." The BioWare writer disappears and Theron gazes back at the presents under the Life Day tree. Because Theron is a horrible terrible awful did-we-mention-bad person, he's already opened one of the presents. Inside is a doll of the Alliance Commander, stuck through with more needles than the unholy hybrid of a pin cushion and a porcupine. Yet another (cringe-worthy) evil laugh as the scene fades out...


Theron: . . . *staring straight ahead with a traumatized expression; the model Umbara train keeps chugging around his head in the meantime, tooting its tiny horn* . . . wow. Uh. C-can we get going to the Imperial base already?

Quinn: And cut short this moment of dawning horror for you? How sad. Yet cut it short, we must. Onwards.

[The Umbara train toots out a blip that sounds suspiciously like Me too?]

Quinn: *facepalm* Yes, you too. Come along.

[And so the boys head off into the mists...with a levitating model train weaving behind them, cheerfully playing tinny electronic versions of well-known Life Day carols.]


So I came home today and caught Quinn Playing with his new train set It was adorable :)


I couldn't resist. :D That is utterly adorable, by the way.

Edited by Jagaimee
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[On Taris, the boys are rightfully scared out of their wits. Er, well, Theron is. Though he doesn't show it, he keeps Quinn ahead of him at all times so if a rakghoul jumps them, he can shove Quinn to the wolves and run--]

Theron: Knock it off! I can handle myself here.

Quinn: *leans toward Theron and whispers, with a perfectly straight face:* OooOOOooo--

Theron: It's probably a bad idea to strangle my guide, but I am sorely tempted right now...

Quinn: Hmph. A few shadows are nothing to what horrors await on Taris.

Theron: I thought we were going to the Imperial base?

Quinn: We are. We seem to have landed far outside of it, however, in which case--

Theron: We're legging it through the swamp. At night. With rakghouls all around. Oh joy.

[Far off in the distance, an odd rumbling noise shivers through the night mists.]

Theron: ...the "horrors" that await, I assume?

Quinn: Don't give me that murderous look. It's not my fault we were spontaneously transported to a place far outside of what any rational person would consider "safe."

Theron: *mutters something that sounds suspicously like "safe" - says the man who married a Sith Lord*

Quinn: Purely because it would be near-suicidal to get into a fist-fight in the toxic swamps, I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

Theron: What's that noise, anyway? It's getting louder.

Quinn: It's not...biological.

Theron: ...mechanical? Uh...what the heck could possibly be that loud?

[As they talk, a light begins shining out of the shadows. It's obscured by fog, but as the rumbling noise gets louder and louder, the light gets closer and closer until it's distinguishable as a single searchlight...]

Theron: ... :eek: GET DOWN!!!

[Theron and Quinn hit the ground as a thunderous roar shakes the ground and the spotlight grows to unendurable intensity!]

[...very long pause, during which the rumbling and roaring has died down considerably, and there are odd little whistling noises along with it. Choo choooooo!]

Theron: [cautiously looks up] ...what.

Quinn: [looks up] :eek:

[A model Umbara train is circling in mid-air around their heads, merrily choo-choo'ing its little engine heart out. There is a note attached to one of the freight cars, along with a purple and silver bow. Quinn stands up and snatches it away to read.]

Merry Life Day, handsome space husband/boyfriend!

- Love, the Quinnmancers

Quinn: ... *FACEPALM*

Theron: *daring to stand up* What, don't I get a message from the Theronmancers? *gets a silver bow plastered to his face, courtesy of Quinn*

Quinn: That's the UMBARA train! That's...that's where you--

Theron: :(


Theron: *finally gets the bow untangled from his nose* I wonder what BioWare thinks I'm doing this Life Day.



Far away, on an unknown world in an elaborate underground base - complete with lava pools, acid-breathing sharks, death traps galore, and the occasional bottomless pit - Theron Shan gleefully rubs his hands together as he looks at the presents under the Life Day tree.

"Oh, but all I want for Life Daaaayyy," he sings, "iiiiis...YOUR DEATH." He unleashes an impressive(ly pathetic) evil laugh. On cue, the little toy train around the tree starts up, playing a cheesy assortment of Life Day tunes - from Deck the Starship Halls to Hark the Herald Jedi Sing. The train is, of course, a model Umbara freight train. Reliving the scene of his horrible terrible awful did-we-mention-bad betrayal, Theron laughs another (hilariously terrible) eeeevil laugh. "Me and my I'm-definitely-not-trying-to-relive-teenage-superspy-fantasies AWESOME HAIRSTYLE will rule the galaxy! MWAHAHA--"

A BioWare writer pokes his head in the room. "Psst. Theron. That's not your goal."

"It's not? ...oh, right, right, sorry, got mixed up with the generic bad guys. Which I'm obviously not. Because reasons." The BioWare writer disappears and Theron gazes back at the presents under the Life Day tree. Because Theron is a horrible terrible awful did-we-mention-bad person, he's already opened one of the presents. Inside is a doll of the Alliance Commander, stuck through with more needles than the unholy hybrid of a pin cushion and a porcupine. Yet another (cringe-worthy) evil laugh as the scene fades out...


Theron: . . . *staring straight ahead with a traumatized expression; the model Umbara train keeps chugging around his head in the meantime, tooting its tiny horn* . . . wow. Uh. C-can we get going to the Imperial base already?

Quinn: And cut short this moment of dawning horror for you? How sad. Yet cut it short, we must. Onwards.

[The Umbara train toots out a blip that sounds suspiciously like Me too?]

Quinn: *facepalm* Yes, you too. Come along.

[And so the boys head off into the mists...with a levitating model train weaving behind them, cheerfully playing tinny electronic versions of well-known Life Day carols.]




I couldn't resist. :D That is utterly adorable, by the way.


Oooh! New story, I loves it! *snuggles it along with the wee train* I need to acquire a train now. Somehow. I can't wait to see what happens next. :D

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Put in today in one of the holiday packs on the cartel market, wait until tomorrow to see if it is added to the life day vender first though.


And yes it does make train noises while it circles around the holotree :)




What's it called, exactly? I hope it's going to pop on GTN at some point, if not at the vendor.

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What's it called, exactly? I hope it's going to pop on GTN at some point, if not at the vendor.

It's called Model Umbaran Train. It's in the new 2017 Life Day Bundle that's in the Cartel Market, so unless all the buyers are mad decorators, it's likely to be on the GTN for extortionate prices. In the worldwide tradition of being broke after Christmas, I bought one and I'm very pleased I did. It's one of the best decorations they've made - it even makes choo-choo noises :D


Lammia Edition brown-eyed Quinn is back to his lovely brown eyes! :D


...default!Quinn has dead, stone-gray/blue eyes with a bad case of jaundice.


I need to take a look in-game, however your screen shot looks like the colour I always see on default Quinn.

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I'm like 350CC short for the Life Day thingemajiggy pack with the choochoo and my as.s is broke. :mad: But I'll find a way and if the pack is still up by actual X-mas time I'll be good lol.


Also just averted a near panic attack. Booked tickets for The Last Jedi like, two months back and didn't realize Pathe now has two theatres in my city. The one I booked with is pretty far away and difficult to reach right now due to construction, and if I hadn't noticed in time (decided to check online ticket sales to get an idea of how crowded it'll be) I would have shown up at the wrong theater tomorrow and missed the show entirely. Customer service was closing at 10.30pm, I managed to get a CS webchat going at freaking 10.29pm and after some back and forth they e-mailed me vouchers to let me book with the theater that's much closer and more accessible (for my mom's sake as she's going with me) so now, thankfully, I'll still be going to see TLJ tomorrow. Big phew. Yeah, first life issues. :rolleyes:


I'm gonna go hug my imaginary Quinn now and chill out.

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Also just averted a near panic attack. Booked tickets for The Last Jedi like, two months back and didn't realize Pathe now has two theatres in my city. The one I booked with is pretty far away and difficult to reach right now due to construction, and if I hadn't noticed in time (decided to check online ticket sales to get an idea of how crowded it'll be) I would have shown up at the wrong theater tomorrow and missed the show entirely. Customer service was closing at 10.30pm, I managed to get a CS webchat going at freaking 10.29pm and after some back and forth they e-mailed me vouchers to let me book with the theater that's much closer and more accessible (for my mom's sake as she's going with me) so now, thankfully, I'll still be going to see TLJ tomorrow. Big phew. Yeah, first life issues. :rolleyes:


I'm gonna go hug my imaginary Quinn now and chill out.

That is a massive first world nightmare!! I got our tickets back in October and had a mad panic at the weekend that I'd lost the booking reference. Found it fortunately. It opens here in the UK on Thurs so we have a day to wait. I know absolutely nothing as I've avoided trailers and spoilers.

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Since this thread needs a definite boost and I'm a shameless plugger, I am absolutely re-posting my comment here now that I have visited Darth Lunafox's Strongholds (go cheek it out!!) with my favorite squeeze and had a bit of funnanigans!


So, Quinn and I went on a little tour across your Manaan, Nar Shaddaa, Yavin, Tatooine and Dromund Kaas Strongholds...


On Manaan, which was absolutely gorgeous by the way, we found a half nekkid Theron the Poser.


On Nar Shaddaa, your glorious party center it seems and so beautifully done, we had a party with Quinn's double and once again a half nekkid Theron.


On Dromund Kaas, Quinn was stunned to once more find his double though it appears Theron's antics have rubbed off on him... but the apartment is divine. Also, we got lost a few times.


On Yavin, one of my favorite Strongholds personally and yours is decorated so nicely, we had a little karaoke fun... while Theron still hasn't learned.


Last, on Tatooine, we decided to party like it's 3638 BBY with the Twi'lek crowd. What a wonderful place and I *love* that speeder that flies you back to the main balcony.


We had an absolutely wonderful time though, thank you for the open house Luna! I enjoy your creative mind and everything you've done with these places, happy times!


Also, thank you Sarova! What a nightmare it must have been for you thinking you'd lost the reservations!! I've seen the movie now, it's absolutely brilliant, well worth it and I had a blast! :)

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I'm glad you guys got your tickets sorted out, I can imagine that'd be panic-inducing to misplace them. Whew. I'm going to try and go see it on Friday hopefully, maybe Saturday, have to see how things go. *cross fingers*


And thanks Jenny for sharing your adventures at the Open Houses tonight. I hope we can get all the Quinnmancers together. I also have to get my Lunafox joined up! :)

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Since this thread needs a definite boost and I'm a shameless plugger, I am absolutely re-posting my comment here now that I have visited Darth Lunafox's Strongholds (go cheek it out!!) with my favorite squeeze and had a bit of funnanigans!

I loved looking through your screenies of the funnanigans™ in Darth Lunafox's Open House (@ Lunafox - brilliant idea by the way :) - maybe the devs will pop in if only to see the half-naked companion holos and realise what they've done!). Also, I am stealing your word funnanigans™ for real life use :D


Off to watch SW VIII - can't wait! I booked us those big comfy recliner seats. In my defence my bones are old - I need them!

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