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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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malavai quinn is a traitor, *spoiler* and should never be trusted again.

trow him in the airlock lol.

oh sorry a love thread. well i love peaches.


That's so original, lol :p

But seriously, peaches are pretty good.


Yeahhh they weren't too pleased with my picture, apparently, you're not allowed to link to adult stuff lol. I'd say I'll let Quinn spank me for that one but ... :rolleyes::p


I hope you didn't get in trouble? :jawa_confused:

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Sorry for the non-Quinn squee'ing, but I really have to squee about this...the overloaded-with-joy squeals will not contain themselves. So, remember the stray kitty I was worried about, a month ago? Well, final update on him after he was adopted. Spoiler'd for length alone.



He's living like a king. :D His new owners adore him, and he adores them in return. He's a cuddle-muffin - or so one of his owners described him. XD He'll run right up to them and jump on their laps and snuggle down and purr himself to sleep. He loves his new home, his new playmates (two other cats; they get along great, they're playing and cuddling together), his new owners... He's healthy now (he's fixed and has all his shots), perfectly safe, and loved. He's looking at a long, happy, comfortable (spoiled! :p) life.


That literally could not have had a better ending. :D


malavai quinn is a traitor, *spoiler* and should never be trusted again.

trow him in the airlock lol.

oh sorry a love thread. well i love peaches.

If I said that Quinn loves peaches, would you hate them now? :p

Edited by Jagaimee
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malavai quinn is a traitor, *spoiler* and should never be trusted again.

trow him in the airlock lol.

oh sorry a love thread. well i love peaches.

He saw the picture!! ;) Also, the devs are aware of our thread :eek:

Edited by Sarova
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Sorry for the non-Quinn squee'ing, but I really have to squee about this...the overloaded-with-joy squeals will not contain themselves. So, remember the stray kitty I was worried about, a month ago? Well, final update on him after he was adopted. Spoiler'd for length alone.



He's living like a king. :D His new owners adore him, and he adores them in return. He's a cuddle-muffin - or so one of his owners described him. XD He'll run right up to them and jump on their laps and snuggle down and purr himself to sleep. He loves his new home, his new playmates (two other cats; they get along great, they're playing and cuddling together), his new owners... He's healthy now (he's fixed and has all his shots), perfectly safe, and loved. He's looking at a long, happy, comfortable (spoiled! :p) life.


That literally could not have had a better ending. :D

Awww that is so wonderful, I'm happy for you and little kitty! A lovely ending & new beginning! :D


He saw the picture!! ;) Also, the devs are aware of our thread :eek:

I suspect someone did a little jealous or petty reporting, everything else always flies under their radar it seems but if they ARE taking notice... Sup devy devils, check Darth Lunafox's demand list plox.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Awww that is so wonderful, I'm happy for you and little kitty! A lovely ending & new beginning! :D



I suspect someone did a little jealous or petty reporting, everything else always flies under their radar it seems but if they ARE taking notice... Sup devy devils, check Darth Lunafox's demand list plox.


Ssssh, don't rat out the demand list lol. I'm liable to get permabanned lol. I've told them a few too many times what I think of them.

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He saw the picture!! ;) Also, the devs are aware of our thread :eek:


Dang, I guess the jig's up. We might actually have to behave. :eek:



@The Grand Admiral. Thanks for the kitteh update. I'm so glad the wee boo is getting on well and happy with his new family. ^^



Not really Quinn related but I've gotten through the new flashpoint, took me most of the afternoon to do it but got there :)


Yay! Gzz OD! I haven't returned to it since I did it the other day. The experience annoyed me beyond measure and I just haven't worked up the will to 'go again.'

Edited by Lunafox
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Aside from my story postings, I'm going to be taking a break from the forums. I tried to make a joke, was in a good mood, but have discovered that apparently one is not permitted to make jokes about St. Lana. So yeah, I'm not dead or anything, just tired. And oh yeah, Lana sucks. :mad:


Cya guys soon. :(

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Aside from my story postings, I'm going to be taking a break from the forums. I tried to make a joke, was in a good mood, but have discovered that apparently one is not permitted to make jokes about St. Lana. So yeah, I'm not dead or anything, just tired. And oh yeah, Lana sucks. :mad:


Cya guys soon. :(


Some people haven’t had their hides thickened by years of people describing in grafic detail how they want to torture and murder their favorite character.

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Okay, I initially hated Copera, but now I'm starting to really, really like it. They really need to put a SH there. it would be the perfect getaway hideout for Hyperia and Quinn. They already enjoyed something of a second honeymoon there....nothing more romantic than killing people together while taking in the beauty of the planet. :rolleyes:



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Aside from my story postings, I'm going to be taking a break from the forums. I tried to make a joke, was in a good mood, but have discovered that apparently one is not permitted to make jokes about St. Lana. So yeah, I'm not dead or anything, just tired. And oh yeah, Lana sucks. :mad:


Cya guys soon. :(

No leavings! *sits Quinn on your lap* There.


People just need to suck it up. The amount of times I've seen someone grasp at ANY straw just to throw Quinn, Theron or even Scourge hatred out there is ridiculous. It's not fun but it happens and you said nothing wrong. ♥

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Some people haven’t had their hides thickened by years of people describing in grafic detail how they want to torture and murder their favorite character.


This is true. As Quinn fans, we've had years to toughen our shells, I guess. It just bugs me, cause I was honestly in a nice chipper mood and tried to be funny and of course I should know better than to show my real self on these boards. I guess people don't 'get' my sense of humour. :/



No leavings! *sits Quinn on your lap* There.


People just need to suck it up. The amount of times I've seen someone grasp at ANY straw just to throw Quinn, Theron or even Scourge hatred out there is ridiculous. It's not fun but it happens and you said nothing wrong. ♥


He he, he looks a bit awkward there...um, it's ok Major, you can tend to your duties now, I'm fine lol. Thanks for the support. It was a bit of a set back for me. I started feeling better about things, you know I struggle and just for one second I let my 'true face' show here and made a joke and wow. It'll be a while before I do that again. Lovely chapter btw, I left you a comment. :)



Okay, I initially hated Copera, but now I'm starting to really, really like it. They really need to put a SH there. it would be the perfect getaway hideout for Hyperia and Quinn. They already enjoyed something of a second honeymoon there....nothing more romantic than killing people together while taking in the beauty of the planet. :rolleyes:


That's a beautiful screenie, I love that Chiss uniform on him. I hated Copera too, but I think it was mostly because of the mix up between the solo/story mode stuff. It's a beautiful world. I just go frustrated that after struggling through all that stuff, I didn't even get a cut scene or anything and I went through it twice, thinking it was bugged. I finally saw everything cutscene wise, so I think if they tweek the difficulty a bit, or if I go through with a better companion than Raina, it'll be fine. :)

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He he, he looks a bit awkward there...um, it's ok Major, you can tend to your duties now, I'm fine lol. Thanks for the support. It was a bit of a set back for me. I started feeling better about things, you know I struggle and just for one second I let my 'true face' show here and made a joke and wow. It'll be a while before I do that again. Lovely chapter btw, I left you a comment. :)

Heh I saw, thank you!! ♥ I do know you struggle but there's nothing wrong with your 'true face' or your humor. It's someone else's loss if they don't get it, don't let it beat you down because you're awesome. Or do we need Purple Quinn to sit you down and lecture you on your awesomeness? :p

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Aside from my story postings, I'm going to be taking a break from the forums. I tried to make a joke, was in a good mood, but have discovered that apparently one is not permitted to make jokes about St. Lana. So yeah, I'm not dead or anything, just tired. And oh yeah, Lana sucks. :mad:


Cya guys soon. :(

As the creator of this and the muse of all subsequent love threads, I forbid you to leave. Be like me - wallow in the glory of our Quinn forum (which you created and I am grateful for :) ) ignore everyone who doesn't get you and just assume that Lana is untouchable everywhere but this thread. In real life I've grown a very thick skin over many decades and I don't let that guard down in here. Don't be chased away by those who worship she-who-is-the-writers-fave (or the moment anyway). Let's face it she far from a saint; she's is just a clueless and useless bimbet created for a certain type of player to ogle at which in turn makes them throw more money at the game ;) If it wasn't for the shallow of mind making a beeline for Lana swtor would have gone down the toilet and we'd have no Quinn and no future Scourge, Vector or even Arcann. Also, your jokes are welcome in here :)

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Forums are just so uhgg sometimes, I thought your post was fab and perfect, so much so I needed to have my own dumb grievance that only affects me and no one else cares about included. Which you graciously did. Thank you.


I feel like it wouldn't hurt me to take a small break too, we'll see how long it sticks. Keep the fires burning. <3

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Heh I saw, thank you!! ♥ I do know you struggle but there's nothing wrong with your 'true face' or your humor. It's someone else's loss if they don't get it, don't let it beat you down because you're awesome. Or do we need Purple Quinn to sit you down and lecture you on your awesomeness? :p


Thanks, Jenny :D *hugs* It means a lot to hear that. Though, the idea of added purple Quinn time is always a temptation :D


As the creator of this and the muse of all subsequent love threads, I forbid you to leave. Be like me - wallow in the glory of our Quinn forum (which you created and I am grateful for :) ) ignore everyone who doesn't get you and just assume that Lana is untouchable everywhere but this thread. In real life I've grown a very thick skin over many decades and I don't let that guard down in here. Don't be chased away by those who worship she-who-is-the-writers-fave (or the moment anyway). Let's face it she far from a saint; she's is just a clueless and useless bimbet created for a certain type of player to ogle at which in turn makes them throw more money at the game ;) If it wasn't for the shallow of mind making a beeline for Lana swtor would have gone down the toilet and we'd have no Quinn and no future Scourge, Vector or even Arcann. Also, your jokes are welcome in here :)


*hugs* SC Sarova! Thanks for this. :o You're right, I shouldn't let anyone chase me off. I'd miss you guys too much anyway. As it is my 'break' lasted about 20 hours lol. But the lure of stories and Quinnmancing drew me back like a magnet. I'm glad that you guys get my sense of humour. The future of the game is important...we need to get all our beloved comps back and I can't wait. ^^


Forums are just so uhgg sometimes, I thought your post was fab and perfect, so much so I needed to have my own dumb grievance that only affects me and no one else cares about included. Which you graciously did. Thank you.


I feel like it wouldn't hurt me to take a small break too, we'll see how long it sticks. Keep the fires burning. <3


*hugs Grania* They really are. But you know, there is too much good here to stay away for long. I'm so grateful that you guys get me and my weird sense of humour. And I was all too happy to add to my list of ransom demands lol. I guess we shouldn't tell anyone that I fed her to Khem...*whistles innocently* :p Will definitely keep the braziers burning, there will probably even be marshmellows and unicorn hot chocolates for all (so stay!) :D



Here we go... he looks so handsome in his New Jacket


He looks awesome in that outfit! I'm going to have grind money again for that one lol. And if you haven't already, (everyone) fluff up your Quinns with cheap purple gifts. Get him to 50! :D

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