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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Well, GA, it's not so much that I despise Lana, I resent her.


That was well said, yup pretty much all this. There's nothing in particular to hate about Lana because that's how her personality is written - not to offend. I'd love having Lana as a sithy pal for my character, that would be great. The problem is we're joined at the hip.


Well now that I am home with the laundry monster appeased, fed and in my computer chair I will attempt to clear out some of these quests that have been int Disantia's log for way to long. So here goes trying to solo a heroic star fortress. This ought to be entertaining :)


I guess they did not get the memo that the Empress of Zakuul was coming to visit... and boy is she pissed at their welcome party.


Rats, I wish I could go with but my kid closed the game and now I can't seem get back in.


I won't even attempt to do one again.


That's a shame, it doesn't take much for a couple people to knock them out.

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That's a shame, it doesn't take much for a couple people to knock them out.


Yeah they go pretty quick with 2 people, but solo they're a slog. I usually help people that ask in Odessan chat, but that's if I'm there which is very rare these days.

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That stray cat I've been talking about? HAPPY ENDING!! Spoiler'd purely for length, I tend to ramble. XD TL;DR he's being adopted by a good, loving owner.



Mom took him to the vet today to find out if he's chipped or not. He's not. He's not fixed, either - no collar - so if he had an owner, they a) didn't take good care of him, b) are not looking for him in any way. There are no "lost cat" fliers around the neighborhood - nothing online (I've checked facebook and several other websites for lost cats in my area, and found nothing), nobody's come looking... Nothing.

Yesterday, Mom went to the pet store to get some more food for our dog, and she took along a few pictures of the cat. The lady at the register gushed over the cat for a while, and allowed Mom to put the pictures on the edge of the counter - they're very visible to anybody passing by. It's safer to do it that way, since people who shop at that pet store...well, you know they're pet lovers. :p


This morning, we got a call from that lady. She said that she has a few cats of her own - and her roommate is hoping to get a cat, too. The lady says she's known this roommate for about ten years, they're more like sisters than friends, and she knows she would take very, VERY good care of the cat. They would love to adopt him!


...I'm pretty much trembling right out of my chair from happiness right now :D Kitty will be okay! He'll be safe and happy and loved and...and...! :D :D It all worked out!! Thank God... All that's left is to get him fixed - and the people adopting him will take care of that.



...okay sorry for rambling, I'm just so overjoyed. I adore that cat, and he'll get a good home!



As for everything that's actually on-topic...


Oof, Star Fortresses. Solo mode is pretty fun, but Heroic mode...I've only tried that once. Got all the way to the final few hallways before the Exarch's room - and then had to stop because I'd lost track of time and it was way past when I should have gone to bed. XD Haven't attempted one since...I had a blast with the "going to jail" mini-game, though! A whole fanfiction story popped out of that one.

Did the rewards really get nerfed into oblivion? Do they still drop from solo mode, or...? I like those decorations, especially the beautiful standing lamps. Easily one of my favorite decorations in the whole game.

Also - whoo, nice job, guys! :D

Quinn: HAHA! EAT OUR SPACE DUST, ZAKUULAN MISCREANTS! ... *cough* I mean, hurrah. Well done, my lords.

Oh come on, it's definitely a celebration. :D

Quinn: Enemy down. :jawa_evil:


And y'all have good points about Lana. Yeah, maybe "despise" is a strong word - I don't hate her, but she does deeply irritate me because of her prominence in the story. It was okay in SoR, because we had Theron and Darth Marr and Satele and Jakarro and our character, front and center. Lana was part of a balanced cast. Now though she just seems like she's being shoved in our faces while Satele and Marr trip out on rootleaf stew in the wilderness, Jakarro's vanished, Theron's...you know, and our character feels like a chess piece being moved about by Lana and Zakuul. :/ So yeah...I guess I don't hate her, but I do resent her.

I think I'd resent Quinn if, from the moment you get him, you heard little from all other companions and he was automatically your go-to guy for EVERYTHING and was really the one running the show while the warrior goes out and Hulk Smashes things into oblivion. ...oof, run-on sentence...and I call myself a copyeditor... XD Anyway. I'd resent Theron if he took over the same role. Or Marr or Kira or T7 or anybody. Mako in the BH's story is mission control, but she a) actually has a personality (she'll get snippy with you if you get snippy with her), b) is quite competent at her job (Lana...need I bring up Agent Kovach again?), c) isn't ordering your character to do anything. Any mission control interference from her (in the form of "Okay, this is our target") is a mutual collaboration between her and the BH - and occasionally other companions. She also takes a backseat role for Torian, Gault, Blizz, etc. as they are each important in their own way.

Lana...doesn't. :/

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I'm so thrilled for the cat, that's wonderful news!! I was making grabby hands myself at your descriptions but you know, to ship the stray all the way to the Netherlands... lol. I'm glad a home's been found for him! :)


And y'all have good points about Lana. Yeah, maybe "despise" is a strong word - I don't hate her, but she does deeply irritate me because of her prominence in the story. It was okay in SoR, because we had Theron and Darth Marr and Satele and Jakarro and our character, front and center. Lana was part of a balanced cast. Now though she just seems like she's being shoved in our faces while Satele and Marr trip out on rootleaf stew in the wilderness, Jakarro's vanished, Theron's...you know, and our character feels like a chess piece being moved about by Lana and Zakuul. :/ So yeah...I guess I don't hate her, but I do resent her.

This is so true and it bothers me endlessly! Though I have to admit, I may not be as fair as you because if they were shoving Quinn in my face left and right as they do Lana... well... hiii... <3 *grabby hands* Or Scourge, or Marr, or Theron but y'know, those are my guys. I'd be more lenient about Lana-like behavior in their case to be honest, and likewise I understand therefor those who love her do not understand our resentment and aggravation but, oh well.


I usually have Quinn out (now that Theron's grrr), and I tend to just pretend we kind of mock her after she's briefed me. ;) Helps me feel less annoyed lol.

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That stray cat I've been talking about? HAPPY ENDING!! Spoiler'd purely for length, I tend to ramble. XD TL;DR he's being adopted by a good, loving owner.


You did a good deed! *high five*


Did the rewards really get nerfed into oblivion? Do they still drop from solo mode, or...? I like those decorations, especially the beautiful standing lamps. Easily one of my favorite decorations in the whole game.

Also - whoo, nice job, guys! :D

Quinn: HAHA! EAT OUR SPACE DUST, ZAKUULAN MISCREANTS! ... *cough* I mean, hurrah. Well done, my lords.

Oh come on, it's definitely a celebration. :D

Quinn: Enemy down. :jawa_evil:


You do more than your share Quinn, we don't last long without you :D


We did one more together, well mostly Disantia did while I swam thru lag and tried to remember the map. All I got was regular old looty loot, no decos or anything this time, why would they change it like that?


This is so true and it bothers me endlessly! Though I have to admit, I may not be as fair as you because if they were shoving Quinn in my face left and right as they do Lana... well... hiii... <3 *grabby hands*


I'm with you on this one~ *GRABBY*

Edited by grania
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That stray cat I've been talking about? HAPPY ENDING!! Spoiler'd purely for length, I tend to ramble. XD TL;DR he's being adopted by a good, loving owner.



Mom took him to the vet today to find out if he's chipped or not. He's not. He's not fixed, either - no collar - so if he had an owner, they a) didn't take good care of him, b) are not looking for him in any way. There are no "lost cat" fliers around the neighborhood - nothing online (I've checked facebook and several other websites for lost cats in my area, and found nothing), nobody's come looking... Nothing.

Yesterday, Mom went to the pet store to get some more food for our dog, and she took along a few pictures of the cat. The lady at the register gushed over the cat for a while, and allowed Mom to put the pictures on the edge of the counter - they're very visible to anybody passing by. It's safer to do it that way, since people who shop at that pet store...well, you know they're pet lovers. :p


This morning, we got a call from that lady. She said that she has a few cats of her own - and her roommate is hoping to get a cat, too. The lady says she's known this roommate for about ten years, they're more like sisters than friends, and she knows she would take very, VERY good care of the cat. They would love to adopt him!


...I'm pretty much trembling right out of my chair from happiness right now :D Kitty will be okay! He'll be safe and happy and loved and...and...! :D :D It all worked out!! Thank God... All that's left is to get him fixed - and the people adopting him will take care of that.



...okay sorry for rambling, I'm just so overjoyed. I adore that cat, and he'll get a good home!



As for everything that's actually on-topic...



Quinn: HAHA! EAT OUR SPACE DUST, ZAKUULAN MISCREANTS! ... *cough* I mean, hurrah. Well done, my lords.

Oh come on, it's definitely a celebration. :D

Quinn: Enemy down. :jawa_evil:


...she's being shoved in our faces while Satele and Marr trip out on rootleaf stew in the wilderness,


I'm so glad that you found the kitty a nice home. That sounds like the ideal situation and I'm happy for you and the kitty and the ladies adopting the kitty :D


And Purple Quinn, your exuberance made me giggle :D And GA your quote about Marr and Satele trippin' made me LOL. Thanks for that :D

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Last time I tried to solo a Star Fortress I was sent into a rage spiral. Then I saw it was largely pointless to do so anyway, so I was sent further into a rage spiral.


I won't even attempt to do one again.


Story mode Star Fortresses still drop tonnes of stuff but for some reason the heroic versions don't. The weekly can be done via story mode which are quick to complete. I mostly run the Heroic Star Fortresses for challenge or change since I worked how to do them with just me and a companion. Initially I did them with a friend for the (pointless) new companions on my main, however no-one wants to do SFs more than once and I wanted the achievements so had to learn to do them on my own. You do need a high influence companion in heal mode; I usually take Scorpio and now that I have him, Quinn (since Theron is rendered obsolete for SFs) with my Sith Inq main since they seem to be the best healers in there (I generally only do achievements and such on her) melee companions like Lana are pretty useless healers on heroic mode.

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:rak_03:Well dont't know Quinn is ok but Elara Dorne is just gorgeus , vote me down or anything, but if youd meet a girl like Elara is real life You'll fall for her for sure, well atleast i would :D:cool:


I doubt it, I'm a straight female lol. Welcome to the thread. Quinn is more than ok though, he's awesome. :cool:

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The stray cat goes home with his new owners on Saturday. Now I just spend the rest of the week worrying about him and hoping he'll be okay until then. XD After that, though, everything will be all right.


:rak_03:Well dont't know Quinn is ok but Elara Dorne is just gorgeus , vote me down or anything, but if youd meet a girl like Elara is real life You'll fall for her for sure, well atleast i would :D:cool:


I'm a woman and not interested in romance either way (at least at this point in my life; and in the past I've only had crushes on guys, so...). So nope, I wouldn't fall for her. :p Actually, I doubt we'd even get along in real life. I'm a stickler for rules, too......when they suit me. :cool: Elara would have a fit.

My trooper(s) don't get along well with Elara, either. Male trooper just hates her wound-tight RULES REGULATIONS IMPERIAL ACCENT IN YOUR FACE all the time, and really wishes she could lighten up just a little. Female trooper just hates her, period. They both have had...bad experiences...with Imperials in the past, though. :/ That would probably explain a lot of their hostility. Kind of feel bad for her, though. I might have liked her, or at least tolerated her a bit more, if the story had done a better job of introducing her. Instead, it's "Hi, I'm a person with a suspiciously Imperial accent helping you attempt to find traitors who defected to the Imperials, now I'm on your team because Garza said so and you have no say in it, enjoy my presence." ... *twitch*


On that note, though, I don't think I'd get along well with Quinn in real life, either. Our personalities would clash. I'd be tempted to yell "Stop being so uptight and PROFESSIONAL all the time, dang it!" ...but in-game, his personality works quite well with my warrior's, who's equally stoic and proper.

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On that note, though, I don't think I'd get along well with Quinn in real life, either. Our personalities would clash. I'd be tempted to yell "Stop being so uptight and PROFESSIONAL all the time, dang it!" ...but in-game, his personality works quite well with my warrior's, who's equally stoic and proper.


It's the opposite for me. I'm loud, easy going and relaxed, often 'do first think later' and out-going. Or well my SW is (and my inner self but she's trapped within an introvert person so). But it works out nicely actually. My SW loosens Quinn up a bit, breaks him out of that harsh exterior in their more private life while in turn he sort of grounds her more when necessary so they balance each other out and it's nice.

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On that note, though, I don't think I'd get along well with Quinn in real life, either. Our personalities would clash. I'd be tempted to yell "Stop being so uptight and PROFESSIONAL all the time, dang it!" ...but in-game, his personality works quite well with my warrior's, who's equally stoic and proper.


The big difference to me is that Quinn's quests hint at a passionate person with at least a little sense of humor under the cool, professional exterior, where as Dorne doesn't seem to have depth under the surface. I could be doing her an injustice since I don't pay that much attention to her. :o

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I am totally married to Quinn in real life. My husband doesn't like pet names, he is uptight, always reminding me of all adult stuff that needs to be done, that sleeping passion just below the surface, oh and I pursue him relentlessly. :p


While he compares me to Vette. Bubbly, always talking, happy go lucky, would love nothing better than to spend all my time with him and hope the universe will take care of all the adulty crap.

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I am totally married to Quinn in real life. My husband doesn't like pet names, he is uptight, always reminding me of all adult stuff that needs to be done, that sleeping passion just below the surface, oh and I pursue him relentlessly. :p


While he compares me to Vette. Bubbly, always talking, happy go lucky, would love nothing better than to spend all my time with him and hope the universe will take care of all the adulty crap.


I can relate, my hubby is a Quinn sort as well, in that he's very logical, controlled, he likes statistics and strategy. The best part is that if I get mad at something or someone and start cursing and swearing vengeance and what I'd love to do to who/whatever...I can always count on him suggesting something far more rotten and devious than I'd thought of. I'm like my SW, quiet and dignified most of the time, but when I rage, I rage...and the hubby, like Quinn, takes that rage to the next level.


As an example...our neighbors like draining their pool into our yard...it kills my trees and plants. I say I'm going to complain to the city about their drainage. The hubby then says, we should take down our fence on that side, because city bylaw states a yard with a pool must be fenced on all sides...and after that...then call the city, so they have to reroute their draining, pay the fine for no fence and have to build a fence where the other was. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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I can relate, my hubby is a Quinn sort as well, in that he's very logical, controlled, he likes statistics and strategy. The best part is that if I get mad at something or someone and start cursing and swearing vengeance and what I'd love to do to who/whatever...I can always count on him suggesting something far more rotten and devious than I'd thought of. I'm like my SW, quiet and dignified most of the time, but when I rage, I rage...and the hubby, like Quinn, takes that rage to the next level.


As an example...our neighbors like draining their pool into our yard...it kills my trees and plants. I say I'm going to complain to the city about their drainage. The hubby then says, we should take down our fence on that side, because city bylaw states a yard with a pool must be fenced on all sides...and after that...then call the city, so they have to reroute their draining, pay the fine for no fence and have to build a fence where the other was. :D


Kind of low-key in love with that devious mind.

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I can relate, my hubby is a Quinn sort as well, in that he's very logical, controlled, he likes statistics and strategy. The best part is that if I get mad at something or someone and start cursing and swearing vengeance and what I'd love to do to who/whatever...I can always count on him suggesting something far more rotten and devious than I'd thought of. I'm like my SW, quiet and dignified most of the time, but when I rage, I rage...and the hubby, like Quinn, takes that rage to the next level.


As an example...our neighbors like draining their pool into our yard...it kills my trees and plants. I say I'm going to complain to the city about their drainage. The hubby then says, we should take down our fence on that side, because city bylaw states a yard with a pool must be fenced on all sides...and after that...then call the city, so they have to reroute their draining, pay the fine for no fence and have to build a fence where the other was. :D


Hubby-fox sounds like he has the right idea LOL! I do admire a cunning little plan like that, how very Quinn of him.

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Kind of low-key in love with that devious mind.


Hubby-fox sounds like he has the right idea LOL! I do admire a cunning little plan like that, how very Quinn of him.


He hee, I know right? It makes me think of that moment when SW threw Draahg into the flames and Malavai smiles this devious smug little smile and says, "No less than he deserved."

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I had to pop in real quick to say how cool you and your husband sound in rl :) (And neighbors, bleh!)


Now I have to get back to grinding for my new outfit, got a little sidetracked when I bought the Dread Mystic's Vestments on a whim and realized I could make a pretty decent fairy princess costume out of it for Halloween!

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I had to pop in real quick to say how cool you and your husband sound in rl :) (And neighbors, bleh!)


Now I have to get back to grinding for my new outfit, got a little sidetracked when I bought the Dread Mystic's Vestments on a whim and realized I could make a pretty decent fairy princess costume out of it for Halloween!


*blushes* Aw thanks :D


Hey! Halloween, that's what we should do next for our screenies, dress up our Quinns...or dress ourselves up with our Quinns... :D

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