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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Makes sense to me, sounds similar to what Lordfell described too. I'm starting to get the hang of this headcanon thing, being that BW is good for laying out the very basic structure of the story, but after that, well, you know.


I may also add the said Empreror Nox is his own cousin. And their intelligence guy who works a lot with Theron, my agent, is his own baby brother. Kiddo (my Juggie) doesn't have a job, he's 8 at the time of end of KOTET. :D

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WoW, the Chief takes a few days off the internet (I was binge watching Lucifer :D ) and so much discussion/news/stuff happens. Finally caught up with the roadmap and this thread :D

Purple Quinn was watching The Ghost Breakers. Utterly hilarious 1940 Bob Hope movie...with zombies! :D ....Quinn, you can stop hiding behind the couch now. Which is frankly a miracle, because our couch is shoved up against the wall...

Quinn: *inching out from behind the couch* I was not hiding. >_> I was...checking for dust bunnies. I hear the Quinn and Shan detective agency has a problem with those.


Quinn: *dusts himself off* aHEM. I hear we have another poster to be signed? -_- *signs poster* My lord...LordFell. Darth LordFell?

(Welcome to the Quinnmancers, LordFell! :D)

Why does Purple Quinn sometimes appear to be so (dare I say it) wimpy at times? Granted, he is in awe of his Warrior's power, but in my fantasy, Quinn with those abs and shoulders and a 5 year term in jail is even more of a man than he was before. And he has a prison tattoo (private business for my fan-ficton ;)

So, how are you guys feeling about the roadmap/changes?

Pretty pleased actually. There are some things they need to make clear, such as the character slot numbers if you have under 52 but more than 12 standard slots (are the remainder going to be locked until you pay for the additional unlocks for instance). The rest is very good - they know they need to change the game and make it more like the original. In my opinion the updates/changes between now and November 28th are the initial groundwork. The server merges are a really good thing since the majority have asked and they have delivered. They sorted out the stronghold problem really quickly which I think is brilliant.

My hope is that once they have concluded the Iokath/Umbara/Traitor story-line their will be a whole new chapter, more akin to the original class stories or even Makeb/SoR story-lines with side quests for classes and their companions. As for the Chiss related story-line they have mentions, I really hope we aren't being sent to Hoth! Though it does give my Quinn(s) excused to be dressed like this again :)

The Grossly Unfair and Stupid.

-There was supposed to be a male force using companion coming out...and it's like...'here have a Hexid instead' cause maker knows there isn't enough female force using companions. :mad: Even though I have no use for Space Hitler myself, I don't get their reasoning for bestowing another female. I sometimes think the 'male subscription dollar' is all they care about. I would like Scourge, Vowrawn, Ravage, Ghost Marr...or even Relnex or Praven for the Jedi persuasion. Starting to think we'll never get any of them or anyone cool.


-Also Raina Temple being returned? Seriously who gives a crap about her? I'll be fit to be tied if they give that twirp a whole chapter, or if she gets more airtime than our Malavai.

I don't think they confirmed that a force user companion is coming this year. I think they were getting ideas for a future new companion storyline and I think that force user companion will be male. Something for the new year & new story line I think (and don't discount it being Lord Scourge).


As for Raina Temple, I think she's being brought back because she is the least important of all the missing companions and probably the least used. They've indicated they've listened to people views on companions and I expect their will be more companion story in the future to make up for the lacklustre returns (Malavai/Dorne), companions forced on us and other companion crap (not being part of the story any more for one). My only hope is that Raina Temple is only given to her class & she can be killed off or let go. My Inqs and Warriors certainly don't need her.

I think we should make East Coast and West Coast Quinnmancer guilds so we can all tuck in a warrior or two. I would love to get together with you guys once in a while!

I play primarily on TRE being from Britain, however I do have characters on U.S. Servers, so I would be happy to make another warrior to join a <Quinnmancers> guild, since that is an awesome title :D. Also, a server called “The Hot Prospect”? Surely that is made for the fan girls???

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I may also add the said Empreror Nox is his own cousin. And their intelligence guy who works a lot with Theron, my agent, is his own baby brother. Kiddo (my Juggie) doesn't have a job, he's 8 at the time of end of KOTET. :D


Wouldn't it be neat if you could have them all standing together for a family portrait? I guess you could shop them together but it would be beyond my skills.


No coffee for me here right now either, is bed time :(

I know :( Is there an end in sight? I hope?


Been there, done that. Then stopped posting because I pretty much lost my SWTOR mojo.

Swtor, specifically for some reason, can be very demoralizing. I can't think of any other games that have affected me in quite the same way it tends to do.


Why does Purple Quinn sometimes appear to be so (dare I say it) wimpy at times? Granted, he is in awe of his Warrior's power, but in my fantasy, Quinn with those abs and shoulders and a 5 year term in jail is even more of a man than he was before. And he has a prison tattoo (private business for my fan-ficton ;)


Purple Quinn is his own thing :)


I've been wondering lately about his time in prison. There was zero detail about it in the reunion, but do you think he was treated well? Was he a model prisoner? Was he barefoot and sad in a grimy cell like Watcher x? Was he in some sort of open area place with prison gangs roaming around? Was he a gang leader and a total bad***?! How much did prison change him, if at all? It doesn't seem like it did, except that he's a little more romantic in his letters than he used to be.


Actually I have an ulterior motive for asking these questions because I'm trying to come up with an outfit for my Quinns besides his various uniforms. I feel like he's more than just an imp now. There's a whole prison persona that we know nothing about, plus his new station in life as the spouse of the empress of everything.

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Swtor, specifically for some reason, can be very demoralizing. I can't think of any other games that have affected me in quite the same way it tends to do.

I think the Devs/writers might be spend so much time trying to recreate the angst of the Empire Strikes Back cliffhanger - (Darth Vader is Luke's father, Han somewhere in carbonite , Lando's minor betrayal) - that they have forgotten this is game which needs player immersion and fast resolution of angsty stories, unlike TV or film of the past. People like instant or fast resolution nowadays - have they not realised that ondemand and binge watching is a huge thing? Games are no different. Give people what they want and they will pay, play and engage, rather than having to think about how much hurt something that they thought would give enjoyment is causing them.


Purple Quinn is his own thing :)

I suppose so. I prefer "masculine" men & have always thought of Quinn as such so force use aside, I find the fainting, running and hiding strange :confused:


I've been wondering lately about his time in prison. There was zero detail about it in the reunion, but do you think he was treated well? Was he a model prisoner? Was he barefoot and sad in a grimy cell like Watcher x? Was he in some sort of open area place with prison gangs roaming around? Was he a gang leader and a total bad***?! How much did prison change him, if at all? It doesn't seem like it did, except that he's a little more romantic in his letters than he used to be.


Actually I have an ulterior motive for asking these questions because I'm trying to come up with an outfit for my Quinns besides his various uniforms. I feel like he's more than just an imp now. There's a whole prison persona that we know nothing about, plus his new station in life as the spouse of the empress of everything.

I've wondered that too, however I expect if the devs try to turn Quinn's time in jail into a story now we will all be disappointed as many of us have probably worked out a really good jail-time story for him in our heads/fan-fiction.


In the choice where I sided with the Empire, Quinn has remained in his uniform or similar outfit. Where I sided with the republic, I have Quinn in a much more casual outfit, though I haven't yet found a "perfect" Prince Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress outfit for him yet either. I feel another outfit competition incoming :D

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Why does Purple Quinn sometimes appear to be so (dare I say it) wimpy at times? Granted, he is in awe of his Warrior's power, but in my fantasy, Quinn with those abs and shoulders and a 5 year term in jail is even more of a man than he was before. And he has a prison tattoo (private business for my fan-ficton ;)


Quinn: I am routinely asked - nay, forced - to break character for the sake of hilarity. Definitions of said "hilarity" seem to vary widely.

Rule of Funny is in full effect, Purple Wimpy Quinn! :p

Quinn: I fought and killed a dragon and had my own version of the Skyrim theme song.

And now you're scared of zombies.

Quinn: This would be that "rule of funny," I presume.

You presume correctly. Whatever's amusing at the time, is what you do. Mostly.

Quinn: I also punched out Doc...several times... *eyes computer screen menacingly*

...h-hey, there's a thing called the fourth wall! I'm safe back here!

Quinn: The fourth wall shattered a long time ago.


Quinn: :mad:

OKAY SEE YOU ON THE STAR FORGE *flees back to the safety of homework*


They wouldn't even have to add the replay option. I'm ready to sacrifice one of my Harb "spare" warriors to do this to her for screenshots. But it's not going to happen. More than that, I fully expect Raina's return not be customised, so soon my agent will talk to another stranger, instead of (hopefully) permanently dumping her for breaking his heart, then behaving like they were married or something.


I so wish customizations worked... D: It's utterly insane that they don't. They worked for other returning companions! (I was surprised to see how much I'd come to associate Vette with darker blue skin and jagged black markings on her lekku - not this powder-blue-skinned twi'lek girl who seems to know my warrior. Who was that??) It's just... ugh. Some bugs or glitches you can shrug and accept, but others are totally game-breaking and downright infuriating. Quinn is not the same Caucasian, black-haired, blue-eyed man for everyone, just as Vette's not the same light-blue-skinned twi'lek with brown eyes for everyone. :(

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As playing the actual game is growing tiresome right now I'm going to undertake a project of reading this thread from start to finish over the course of the next few days.





Good luck with that, yeesh. Actually there are some really good posts in there, some funny videos and animations, I may do it myself someday :)


And speak of the devil, I remember the first time we met you, Purple Quinn :D Definitely worth reading again.

Edited by grania
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Good luck with that, yeesh. Actually there are some really good posts in there, some funny videos and animations, I may do it myself someday :)


And speak of the devil, I remember the first time we met you, purple Quinn :D Definitely worth reading again.


It has it's own tab. I've only been around here since page 400 or so so a few hours reading to do. That and reddit is full of morons too.


I'm really too tired to play the game. I log and think stuff it I can't be bothered.

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In the choice where I sided with the Empire, Quinn has remained in his uniform or similar outfit. Where I sided with the republic, I have Quinn in a much more casual outfit, though I haven't yet found a "perfect" Prince Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress outfit for him yet either. I feel another outfit competition incoming :D


Yeah maybe, because I'm absolutely flummoxed. I'd love to get this outfit for (all of) him(s):



But, I only knew how to get that with crystals.

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It has it's own tab. I've only been around here since page 400 or so so a few hours reading to do. That and reddit is full of morons too.


I'm really too tired to play the game. I log and think stuff it I can't be bothered.


Ack you don't sound too good.. I don't want to tell someone I like they might need a break from the game, but, it might help. Reminds me I need to check if the game I played over the summer was updated yet~

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Ack you don't sound too good.. I don't want to tell someone I like they might need a break from the game, but, it might help. Reminds me I need to check if the game I played over the summer was updated yet~


Due to various reasons, at this time of the year I sleep maybe 2-3 hours a night if I'm lucky. Just one of those things.


Might go back to my trusty Total War games for a bit. Might even try modding a couple so I end up with armies of Quinsters battling each other.:)

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Wouldn't it be neat if you could have them all standing together for a family portrait? I guess you could shop them together but it would be beyond my skills.


Already done for my Twitter and Blog with stories and art banner: http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/


(from left to right: Narell (gunslinger, Malavai's cousin); Milivai (Operative, Malavai's brother); Nayel (Sorcerer, Narell's brother and Malavai's cousin); Malavai himself; Nil'awr (Juggernaught, Malavai and my SW's son), Attira (Marauder, Malavai's wifey).

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Due to various reasons, at this time of the year I sleep maybe 2-3 hours a night if I'm lucky. Just one of those things.


Might go back to my trusty Total War games for a bit. Might even try modding a couple so I end up with armies of Quinsters battling each other.:)




Already done for my Twitter and Blog with stories and art banner: http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/


(from left to right: Narell (gunslinger, Malavai's cousin); Milivai (Operative, Malavai's brother); Nayel (Sorcerer, Narell's brother and Malavai's cousin); Malavai himself; Nil'awr (Juggernaught, Malavai and my SW's son), Attira (Marauder, Malavai's wifey).


That just about took my breath away, seriously that picture looks wonderful. Heck I could tell who they were without looking, the only one I wasn't sure about was their son. But of course that's him, he's got his mom's hair :) *mad jealous*


I want a picture like this, only it would be Quinn and his army of wives, lol

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The call was for West Coast and East Coast only ;)


I have 2 copies of my SW and "the brother" on Harbinger, so I'll be able to see some of you there. The mains of my gang are on TRE... Soon to be on Darth Malgus. O.o


Am I the only one who has a picture of dancing on a table Twi'lek ho.oker when seeing the new name for West Coast server?


They wouldn't even have to add the replay option. I'm ready to sacrifice one of my Harb "spare" warriors to do this to her for screenshots. But it's not going to happen. More than that, I fully expect Raina's return not be customised, so soon my agent will talk to another stranger, instead of (hopefully) permanently dumping her for breaking his heart, then behaving like they were married or something.



Well, like a complete dolt I never really asked where people were from, I guess I assumed and that's not something that should be done lol. There is a reason the word is made from as.s and me lol. :D I could probably join my very first SW in the EuroQuinn club, because she'll be on Malgus as well. It didn't really dawn on me, as I spent most of my time on SL. I'm glad though, that I have a EuroSW. :D Then I can visit.


And know, the server name for the West coast server, does sound more than a bit hinky. I suspect instead of 'looking for group' spam they'll have 'looking for ERP' spam lol.


Already done for my Twitter and Blog with stories and art banner: http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/


(from left to right: Narell (gunslinger, Malavai's cousin); Milivai (Operative, Malavai's brother); Nayel (Sorcerer, Narell's brother and Malavai's cousin); Malavai himself; Nil'awr (Juggernaught, Malavai and my SW's son), Attira (Marauder, Malavai's wifey).


That's awesome, I love it! :D Really great page. ^^ I'm going to fully investigate it when I have a bit more time. I'm just sort of passing through atm.


Due to various reasons, at this time of the year I sleep maybe 2-3 hours a night if I'm lucky. Just one of those things.


Might go back to my trusty Total War games for a bit. Might even try modding a couple so I end up with armies of Quinsters battling each other.:)


Urgh, that's awful. I hear you though. Haven't been getting much more than 5 or 6 myself and I'm like a bear, I need 8 or 9 to be functional. Hope things get better for you.

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That just about took my breath away, seriously that picture looks wonderful. Heck I could tell who they were without looking, the only one I wasn't sure about was their son. But of course that's him, he's got his mom's hair :) *mad jealous*


Thanks. :)


Mum's hair and green eyes too :D


I want a picture like this, only it would be Quinn and his army of wives, lol


If you give me pics of them in good light (Manaan cutscenes are perfect for this), "Malavai Quinn and his harem" could be possible ;)



That's awesome, I love it! :D Really great page. ^^ I'm going to fully investigate it when I have a bit more time. I'm just sort of passing through atm.


Thanks :)


I'm just trying to keep all my thingies in one place. Also serves as "info page" for people who are confused about all those family connections between my toons :o

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Already done for my Twitter and Blog with stories and art banner: http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/


(from left to right: Narell (gunslinger, Malavai's cousin); Milivai (Operative, Malavai's brother); Nayel (Sorcerer, Narell's brother and Malavai's cousin); Malavai himself; Nil'awr (Juggernaught, Malavai and my SW's son), Attira (Marauder, Malavai's wifey).


Oooohhhh, they look AMAZING :D ...and I am not just saying that because my desperately-in-need-of-a-haircut bushy head happens to resemble your lovely Quinn's haircut at the moment. >_> Nope. Not saying that at aaaaalll ~

...seriously, though, they all look so cool. They look very similar but not like clones of each other - all distinct. I love seeing them all together like that!

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If you give me pics of them in good light (Manaan cutscenes are perfect for this), "Malavai Quinn and his harem" could be possible ;)


No way..? Ok I'll try. I'll start working on it tonight. Actually, you know what? All my warriors look the same, so I'll just take a screenshot of one of them, and you can just.. fiddle with the hue for each one, and paste her in about 12 times :D


No seriously I'm going to try to do this. Maybe for the 4 most important warriors, with Quinn in the middle. :D


I don't know if you can tell I'm excited. :D



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Yeah maybe, because I'm absolutely flummoxed. I'd love to get this outfit for (all of) him(s):



But, I only knew how to get that with crystals.

I imagine that would look pretty good on Quinn. Is it still in the game as drops? If it is then you might be able to get a set from the GTN. Their looks to be a very similar set crafted from Armormech if you have that or know anyone with it.

Quinn: I am routinely asked - nay, forced - to break character for the sake of hilarity. Definitions of said "hilarity" seem to vary widely.

Rule of Funny is in full effect, Purple Wimpy Quinn! :p

Quinn: I fought and killed a dragon and had my own version of the Skyrim theme song.

And now you're scared of zombies.

Quinn: This would be that "rule of funny," I presume.

You presume correctly. Whatever's amusing at the time, is what you do. Mostly.

Quinn: I also punched out Doc...several times... *eyes computer screen menacingly*

...h-hey, there's a thing called the fourth wall! I'm safe back here!

Quinn: The fourth wall shattered a long time ago.


Quinn: :mad:

OKAY SEE YOU ON THE STAR FORGE *flees back to the safety of homework*

Now it makes sense! Mocking poor Purple Quinn for the hilarity of the thread :D No wonder the 4th wall broke!

As playing the actual game is growing tiresome right now I'm going to undertake a project of reading this thread from start to finish over the course of the next few days.

I suppose it depends on what you do in the game. Once I've finished with the latest update on my main, I turn to my army of alts and do more class stories as their are options I didn't take the first time round. I've also started making videos & taking screenshots of my favourites scenes, re-decorating strongholds and levelling a couple of alts specifically for PvP. I'm very much a solo player so I don't tend to get bored too quickly. If I find SWTOR getting a bit meh (which is not often), I usually leave it for a bit and do something else or play a bit of Hearthstone.

Good luck reading through the forum - prepare to shield your eyes from naked-sun-dancing Quinn cartoon (it is shocking :eek: ). I'm fortunate to have been here from the start. Ah, memories :)

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Good luck reading through the forum - prepare to shield your eyes from naked-sun-dancing Quinn cartoon (it is shocking ). I'm fortunate to have been here from the start. Ah, memories


Oh god who posted that anyway, I think it was ISIS


I imagine that would look pretty good on Quinn. Is it still in the game as drops? If it is then you might be able to get a set from the GTN. Their looks to be a very similar set crafted from Armormech if you have that or know anyone with it.


Oh, I have the chest and pants on one of my Quinns and it looks fab. If it drops from flashpoints I haven't yet seen it for sale *shrug* Plus the armormech version is way too hard for me to make, and it's the wrong color, and whine whine whine :o

Edited by grania
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I imagine that would look pretty good on Quinn. Is it still in the game as drops? If it is then you might be able to get a set from the GTN. Their looks to be a very similar set crafted from Armormech if you have that or know anyone with it.


I think there's a vendor on CZ-198 that sells the set. I haven't checked recently (within the past few months), however, so I'm not entirely sure if that's still accurate or not. :/ I'll check again sometime this evening.

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Oh, I have the chest and pants on one of my Quinns and it looks fab. If it drops from flashpoints I haven't yet seen it for sale *shrug* Plus the armormech version is way too hard for me to make, and it's the wrong color, and whine whine whine :o


it can be dyed :)Vaikan Spacedock 3 Quinn Sight Seeing


If you want one crafted let me know, won't be a problem ;)

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I think there's a vendor on CZ-198 that sells the set. I haven't checked recently (within the past few months), however, so I'm not entirely sure if that's still accurate or not. :/ I'll check again sometime this evening.


I got EXCITED and went to look, but could not find it on CZ-198 vendors. :(

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