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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Welcome back, grania!


I agree, Malavai is likely Lawful Neutral. There are times when he'll throw the book out the window (the Battle of Druckenwell comes to mind) but it has to be an extreme circumstance.


I think Nightfrogger and feylyndiira are currently working on fan fics. There has been some art posted as well.


Thanks! I'll have some catching up to do later then, it will be happy work :)


YOU'RE BACK :D *hug*

Quinn: My lord Grania. *bows* Welcome home. :) .... *smile fades* I should inform you that we evidently have a new guest--

Theron Shan: Hey. *waves from an office chair in the background, where he's reading Spacebook*

Quinn: *growl* .......and he is extremely annoying by virtue of existing.

Theron: I'm temporarily hanging out here. As for why, uh...careful of spoilers from the newest story update.

Quinn: We played a chess game, I won, that settles things. This is still *my* thread.

Theron: I did say "temporarily," didn't I?

Quinn: Don't. Forget. That.


...on a more serious note, I'm sorry your summer was so miserable. :( That sucks. Here's hoping the rest of the year gets significantly better for you.


Hi Jagaimee, hi purple Quinn! Hi.. Theron :p (Quinn I suppose you can't just deal with him the way you dealt with with Doc that time he showed up here? >.>)


And things are improving greatly, thank you. I don't mean to be mysterious about it, it's just one of my kids got sick over the summer and it's not the easiest thing to talk about :o


We can do WHATEVER we want. Or shall I say WHOEVER. :o:p;):D
I need a t shirt of this line:D



Glad to have you back :)


Thank you, and thanks for the links, I was hoping for that! Lol@Disantia passed out in the barracks while Quinn waits patiently nearby.. he's such a dear :D


Hello! I don't know if I know you, but welcome to our Gratuitous Quinn Worship thread! :) I just *knew* there was a reason I liked Hux. ;-)

Oh, and new fanfic....see my link below. Lots of Quinny goodness! I'm about to post up a new chapter later today in fact.


Hi there! I'm so excited about all the reading I get to do this week, meanwhile the book by my bed that I'm supposed to be reading will gather dust ;)


As for purple: my Attira fully approves of it being her hubby's colour! :D





Yesss purple is my thing *looks at screenshots* wait what is that, Mike Quinn? Hehe

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Real quick, I just stepped into this Umbara thing though I'm not sure I'm awake enough yet to complete it.. and of course Quinn got swapped with Lana and Theron, but I noticed this https://i.imgur.com/gQl05CZ.png and got a bit nervous.


Is this a known thing? This is on my warrior who romanced Theron and never got the chance to break up with him. I most certainly didn't decide to part ways with Quinn:(




It's back to normal when I leave the instance, so I guess it's just one of those things, one of those many, many things, swtor sure does like to **** with my head.

Edited by grania
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Yesss purple is my thing *looks at screenshots* wait what is that, Mike Quinn? Hehe


Yup. My friend and guildie's toon with her Malavai companion. My Malavai was observing them, unimpressed*



(*that's what he claims, he was simply jealous)


Real quick, I just stepped into this Umbara thing though I'm not sure I'm awake enough yet to complete it.. and of course Quinn got swapped with Lana and Theron, but I noticed this https://i.imgur.com/gQl05CZ.png and got a bit nervous.


Is this a known thing? This is on my warrior who romanced Theron and never got the chance to break up with him. I most certainly didn't decide to part ways with Quinn:(




It's back to normal when I leave the instance, so I guess it's just one of those things, one of those many, many things, swtor sure does like to **** with my head.


They messed up with that, and scared many people. Even toons that didn't romance him (my friend's Jedi Consular) had that line there!


It's just another result of "half-ars.ed" return in Iokath: the story itself is so confused it doesn't know what it's doing. You never broke up with either, so you're romancing both. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point the game choses for you who you stick with. :eek:

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They messed up with that, and scared many people. Even toons that didn't romance him (my friend's Jedi Consular) had that line there!


It's just another result of "half-ars.ed" return in Iokath: the story itself is so confused it doesn't know what it's doing. You never broke up with either, so you're romancing both. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point the game choses for you who you stick with. :eek:


Not that I'm glad many people were scared but I'm glad it's not, well, unknown. As far as the game choosing for me, sorta seems like it has already, hasn't it? -_-

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It's been 6 days since his last betrayal. He's got something brewing, I know it.


He schemes while I play my other toons, I know it. He will not have my throne, I just had it upholstered the way I like it.


Don't worry. The only way he'll have your throne is if he's sitting on your lap.

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Not that I'm glad many people were scared but I'm glad it's not, well, unknown. As far as the game choosing for me, sorta seems like it has already, hasn't it? -_-


I'm glad I was never even tempted to cheat on Malavai, and have a dedicated Theron romance. Spares me this "unintended story drama". And yeah, the game seems to have chosen: you tell Theron "I love you" right after finding your husband; are broken off with hubby when story is in progress (as this case). Who knows what else?:confused:

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That would be quite the thing, to have all these Quinns doing the healing for all these amazing and lovely Sith. :D


Interesting notion Theron...the peanut butter I can understand, the anvil...well...*teeters hand* not quite what I'd have in mind. Better yet, whipped cream rather than peanut butter, I enjoy the taste of it far more. And perhaps some pumpkin spice, t'is the season after all, we could have pumpkin spiced Quinn and pumpkin spiced Theron. Yum yum. *resumes gazing dreamily*


Still wish everybody was on the same server. XD That'd be fun, to form an OPS group with a bunch of Quinns trailing after us (even if we couldn't go inside OPS themselves.) Which servers are y'all on, again? I know several people are on Shadowlands... My warrior's on Begeren Colony.


Theron: Whipped cream? Not sure I--*suddenly gets it* :eek:

Quinn: I'm very surprised it took you THAT long to figure out where you were leading that conversation.

Guys, come on, even I realized that.

Theron: *turning very pale* Uhhhhh...did not mean it like that.

Quinn: You had better not.


If you never do Ops, I understand the annoyance at not being able to finish the story to remove all from the log, but those Ops are actually fantastic :)


As for purple: my Attira fully approves of it being her hubby's colour! :D





Yeah, I don't do OPS. Mostly because I like to play at my own rate, and I frequently take breaks from the computer/log on and off sporadically to other characters/footle about and marvel at the scenery. All very annoying behaviour to deal with in an OPS, I'm sure. :o

...if I ever do get the chance, however, I would love to do those OPS. I've heard nothing but good things about them, and I'm intensely curious. Maybe after I get my glasses fixed...


PURPLE :D Beautiful purple. Your character looks NICE. Love her hair! Oh - that second picture, where she's wearing Visas Marr's shirt - what are the lower robes called? That looks beautiful.

The only one of my characters with purple as a main color anywhere is my male inquisitor. He *is* purple. Well, a sort of light purple-gray (he's a togruta). His main outfit is a dark purple-gray lab coat, most of his Force-powers as a healer are colored purple, and at some point in headcanon, he gets a purple lightsaber (for now he still has a vibrosword).

Unfortunately, he won't be going through KOTFE/KOTET, Iokath, or Umbara, so I can't take a screenshot of him and Quinn walking along, the very short Inquisitor gazing up at Quinn with a big grin on his face. "You actually know the Wrath? Like, talked to her in person?? Wow! [idol worship]" ...........he's that kind of guy. Everything is full of wonder to him.


Hi Jagaimee, hi purple Quinn! Hi.. Theron :p (Quinn I suppose you can't just deal with him the way you dealt with with Doc that time he showed up here? >.>)


And things are improving greatly, thank you. I don't mean to be mysterious about it, it's just one of my kids got sick over the summer and it's not the easiest thing to talk about :o

Quinn: I tried. I'm not sure what prevented me, though...possibly fangirl interference.

Theron: He settled for kicking my rear to the Void and back in a game of chess. *rubs forehead* Never living that down...

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

Theron: THAT - that right there - that's that look he wore when said rear-kicking happened. I've learned to be very afraid of that look.

Quinn: And it was glorious.

Theron: My backside's still smarting. So's my pride.

Quinn: As it should be.

(I have the chess game posts written down somewhere. If you want I can go find them again. :D)


Oh... so sorry to hear that. :( But here's hoping that things continue to improve, yeah? Godspeed to you and your family.

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Still wish everybody was on the same server. XD That'd be fun, to form an OPS group with a bunch of Quinns trailing after us (even if we couldn't go inside OPS themselves.) Which servers are y'all on, again? I know several people are on Shadowlands... My warrior's on Begeren Colony.


The Red Eclipse. I have some characters on Harbinger (including two copies of my warrior, and original Milivai agent), but I rarely play there. Due to time difference, my guild does things 2-4 am my time.


PURPLE :D Beautiful purple. Your character looks NICE. Love her hair! Oh - that second picture, where she's wearing Visas Marr's shirt - what are the lower robes called? That looks beautiful.


Thank you :) I'll have to check. Got it from a friend ages ago when I started playing, and it's still a part of many of my outfits.

If I don't give you the answer tomorrow, poke me. I tend to forget things :o

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Still wish everybody was on the same server. XD That'd be fun, to form an OPS group with a bunch of Quinns trailing after us (even if we couldn't go inside OPS themselves.) Which servers are y'all on, again? I know several people are on Shadowlands... My warrior's on Begeren Colony.


Harbinger here, sadly. but I can't transfer anywhere. not losing my stuff.

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Still wish everybody was on the same server. XD That'd be fun, to form an OPS group with a bunch of Quinns trailing after us (even if we couldn't go inside OPS themselves.) Which servers are y'all on, again? I know several people are on Shadowlands... My warrior's on Begeren Colony.


Theron: Whipped cream? Not sure I--*suddenly gets it* :eek:

Quinn: I'm very surprised it took you THAT long to figure out where you were leading that conversation.

Guys, come on, even I realized that.

Theron: *turning very pale* Uhhhhh...did not mean it like that.

Quinn: You had better not.


Quinn: I tried. I'm not sure what prevented me, though...possibly fangirl interference.

Theron: He settled for kicking my rear to the Void and back in a game of chess. *rubs forehead* Never living that down...

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

Theron: THAT - that right there - that's that look he wore when said rear-kicking happened. I've learned to be very afraid of that look.

Quinn: And it was glorious.

Theron: My backside's still smarting. So's my pride.

Quinn: As it should be.

(I have the chess game posts written down somewhere. If you want I can go find them again. :D)


It would be fun wouldn't it :D We could have Quinn parades through the fleet. I'm sure people would love that lol. :cool: I'm on Shadowlands. Who knows what can happen though. And these conversations...I just love love love them all so much. I want to huggle them up and give them all the goodies--wait that sounds wrong doesn't it...I mean in a darkside cookies and pumpkin spice latte sort of way :o And I especially love Purple Quinn's gloating evil Jawa face. *smooches* <3

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Harbinger (x4), Shadowlands (x3), Begeren Colony, The Progenitor, Red Eclipse.


... we are quite diverse, aren't we? :D All across the world. Heh, proxy Quinn cults and Quinn parades... That'd be fun! Any time I see somebody with Quinn out on fleet, I usually stop and stare and silently fangirl. Haven't quite worked up the nerve to /hug or blow a kiss to him. :p

I've become a tad bit worried about taking my consular/inquisitor and their Theron onto the fleet or Odessen. I don't want to get angry whispers detailing all the spoilers, or people /spitting or /stabbing or /HULK SMASHing or anything on poor Theron. o_e Guys, if I have Theron out, I haven't gone through that part of the story yet. *facepalm* Duh? ...right? After Umbara, Theron's gone from your companions list, yeah? ...though I guess there's still the almighty COMPANION TERMINAL (which I'm still hesitant to use for Quinn...)

Theron: Whatever story thing I did, I didn't do it.

Quinn: ...I cannot even begin to follow that logic.

Theron: Well, if I didn't do whatever I did, then I'm innocent. But if I did do whatever I did, that I didn't really do what I didn't do and did do it, then I'm guilty.

Quinn: :confused: That...doesn't--

Theron: If I did do whatever I didn't say I did do that I didn't do if I did, I--

Quinn: JUST STOP *holding his head in pain*

...you were just putting random words together, weren't you?

Theron: Of course. :cool:

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Omg Quinn is in the cinematic at the end of the Umbara fp, I mean the second time going through, he doesn't go invisible or get swapped or anything, he's actually there! And he looks all serious! I just about fainted I swear. And you all probably knew this already :o Well now I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few weeks - grinding thingadoos for the Umbara stronghold :)


I'm on Shadowlands too, I have stuff but not really that much stuff, I dunno, lol :) If anyone needs me for anything I'll be on my warrior Ijsje, say that name 5 times fast~! (Can you do storymode flashpoints with more than one person? I don't really know how that works anymore)

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Omg Quinn is in the cinematic at the end of the Umbara fp, I mean the second time going through, he doesn't go invisible or get swapped or anything, he's actually there! And he looks all serious! I just about fainted I swear. And you all probably knew this already :o Well now I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few weeks - grinding thingadoos for the Umbara stronghold :)


I'm on Shadowlands too, I have stuff but not really that much stuff, I dunno, lol :) If anyone needs me for anything I'll be on my warrior Ijsje, say that name 5 times fast~! (Can you do storymode flashpoints with more than one person? I don't really know how that works anymore)


You can do story mode flashpoints with more than one person. My sister, her friend, and I all found that out the accidental way... we bulldozed through Black Talon with three god-mode droids trailing behind us, plus one companion.

My operative's a healer. I didn't get to do much healing. :p


Eeeeee so glad Quinn's there - or any companion, right? :D Can't wait to get there and get a ton of screenshots with everybody.


The Quinn uprising must begin.


Now if only I could break into the servers and make Quinn the only available companion. May impact the playerbase somewhat but I can deal.


Theron: ...hey.

Quinn: :cool:

Theron: What about me?

Or Kira or Nadia or Mako or Torian or Vector or Talos or Jorgan or L--

Quinn and Theron: DO NOT SAY HER NAME.


Theron: Oh. >_>

Quinn: Lokin!?

What? I like Lokin.

Theron: ...oh dear stars, he's not going to join us in here, is he?


Theron: Good. I don't like being rakghoul food.

Hm? Oh, right, right, but the main reason is I couldn't find a good text color for him.


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Hi Quinn thread :) I've just had the most wretched summer ever, so I'm going to celebrate the end of it with a cider(s) and a visit with my man-pet, I mean pretend husband Quinn. Decided to resub after watching Force Awakens the other night. That General Hux, so adorbs you know what I mean? Made me miss Quinn lol.


I love the alignment topic. I'm so obsessed with the d&d alignment system I know what my, my husband, my kids, my characters and Quinn's alignments are. He's lawful neutral obv.


Did I miss anything good? There some new art or fanfic or anything for me to catch up on? I love that stuff. Someone really needs to write some Quinn/Hux/Wrath fanfiction.:D

o/ nice to see you back :D A while back I asked if anyone had heard from you but no-one had, so its good to see you here again. If you have the patience, have a look at all the lovely Quinn goodies that have been posted in the thread whilst you've been away. Devs have been quite talkative and a few of us have had positive responses to our pms about the future of companions (including Quinn) so there is some hope.


Omg Quinn is in the cinematic at the end of the Umbara fp, I mean the second time going through, he doesn't go invisible or get swapped or anything, he's actually there! And he looks all serious! I just about fainted I swear. And you all probably knew this already :o Well now I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few weeks - grinding thingadoos for the Umbara stronghold :)

:eek: No I didn't know! I hadn't taken any of my warriors through yet as I wanted to take my main (a sith inq who is with Theron) and did the grind for the stronghold with her. I must do this with my warriors asap (well much later today as I'm about to go to bed - it's 1.38am in the UK). Can't wait to see this :D

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Oh fine, Vector and Kira can stay too. Well, maybe not Vector due to Agent bugginess striking me at every turn preventing me from getting that far. Stupid garbage tier laptop.....


Not Theron, he can't stand up to the manliness of the Quinster. Now, I'm a hetero male but Quinn makes questions happen. Much like Johnny Depp before he became a degenerate.


Oh and Elara can stay around solely for the purpose of Quinners shooting her.

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You can do story mode flashpoints with more than one person. My sister, her friend, and I all found that out the accidental way... we bulldozed through Black Talon with three god-mode droids trailing behind us, plus one companion.

My operative's a healer. I didn't get to do much healing. :p


Oh that's good to know, thank you, it's confusing with like, solo mode and story mode and, ..solo mode.. and, whatever anyway now I know :o


Eeeeee so glad Quinn's there - or any companion, right? :D Can't wait to get there and get a ton of screenshots with everybody.


Yeah, anybody, I assume they all react the same way but I don't mind, Quinn came to life for a few seconds and I'm so giddy


o/ nice to see you back :D A while back I asked if anyone had heard from you but no-one had, so its good to see you here again. If you have the patience, have a look at all the lovely Quinn goodies that have been posted in the thread whilst you've been away. Devs have been quite talkative and a few of us have had positive responses to our pms about the future of companions (including Quinn) so there is some hope.


Hi Sarova thank you for welcoming me back :) Tomorrow will be a quiet day so I'll start reading the thread backwards, in between Umbara runs haha!


And yeah like I was saying to Jagaimee, (you have to do it w/ Theron and Lana first) but after that you can take anyone and they move and react and stuff at the end, I was so surprised, I was like :eek:


Not Theron, he can't stand up to the manliness of the Quinster. Now, I'm a hetero male but Quinn makes questions happen. Much like Johnny Depp before he became a degenerate.


Oh and Elara can stay around solely for the purpose of Quinners shooting her.




Reminds me of the time my light V republic patriot trooper had a brain aneurysm and and picked Quinn over Elara and then threatened to kill her, just because I wanted to see what would happen, and because I wanted to skew the numbers in Quinn's favor :p

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Still wish everybody was on the same server. XD That'd be fun, to form an OPS group with a bunch of Quinns trailing after us (even if we couldn't go inside OPS themselves.) Which servers are y'all on, again? I know several people are on Shadowlands... My warrior's on Begeren Colony.


I'm currently on TRE, but also have about a dozen toons on TEH. Don't play much there though since I moved to Italy because of the time difference.


Yeah, I don't do OPS. Mostly because I like to play at my own rate, and I frequently take breaks from the computer/log on and off sporadically to other characters/footle about and marvel at the scenery. All very annoying behaviour to deal with in an OPS, I'm sure. :o

...if I ever do get the chance, however, I would love to do those OPS. I've heard nothing but good things about them, and I'm intensely curious. Maybe after I get my glasses fixed...


Ditto. it's funny the looks I get when I tell people that I've been playing for 4 years and have never done a single Op. I'd love to do them...it's just...usually not convenient for me.

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Ditto. it's funny the looks I get when I tell people that I've been playing for 4 years and have never done a single Op. I'd love to do them...it's just...usually not convenient for me.


I haven't been able to run as many ops since my move back to nights, but my guild does still take me occasionally. Been meaning to level my Quinn look-alike and run him through an op or two for pictures. My main raider is an agent healer and that is what my Quinn double is ;) But need some free time...which I am sad to say has been very hard to come by as of late :(

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Ditto. it's funny the looks I get when I tell people that I've been playing for 4 years and have never done a single Op. I'd love to do them...it's just...usually not convenient for me.


I've never even done a hard mode flashpoint. ...or tanked a flashpoint. Or done a warzone. Sigh. I don't like PVP, and I'm not confident enough to do flashpoints like that...would like to get back into tacticals one day, though. Er, veteran mode. *facepalm* TACTICAL.

But yeah - ops sound really, really fun. I want to know more about the Gree stuff - about the Dread Masters on Darvannis and Denova and Oricon - about the pirate gang running Rishi - about the monster unleashed in the Eternity Vault.... But it's never been convenient for me, I don't have a guild and am hesitant to get into one, and so I'll probably never get a chance to do them. There's youtube to watch the cutscenes and/or fights, but it's just not the same. Oh well. :/


...oh look i found a quinn romance compilation video on youtube

*watches happily* I always forget just how awesome his introduction scene is.

Also, his voice seems a little deeper in vanilla than in expansions.

...it is one in the morning. Wow. Heh. Oops. *skedaddles off to bed* Eh heheh...Quinn dreams. Hopefully.

Quinn: I believe I'll retire for the night--er, morning--as well.

Theron: Yeah, I'm off to bed. ...wait, do we even have rooms in this thread?

Quinn: Yes.

Theron: Great. Do I have one, or...?

Quinn: At the far end of the hallway. Take a left, then the first right you come to.

Theron: Thanks. See you. *wanders off*

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

Theron: Take a left, and...oh, here's the first right. *opens door* So, it's--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Quinn: :eek: THAT wasn't supposed to happen! *runs to investigate* If there's some sort of monster in here, I'd like to--*rounds the corner and promptly gets a giant bucket of water in the face*

Theron: Did you really think I'd fall for the old "bucket of water balanced on the door" trick?

Quinn: *soaking wet* :mad:

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I've never even done a hard mode flashpoint. ...or tanked a flashpoint. Or done a warzone. Sigh. I don't like PVP, and I'm not confident enough to do flashpoints like that...would like to get back into tacticals one day, though. Er, veteran mode. *facepalm* TACTICAL.

But yeah - ops sound really, really fun. I want to know more about the Gree stuff - about the Dread Masters on Darvannis and Denova and Oricon - about the pirate gang running Rishi - about the monster unleashed in the Eternity Vault.... But it's never been convenient for me, I don't have a guild and am hesitant to get into one, and so I'll probably never get a chance to do them. There's youtube to watch the cutscenes and/or fights, but it's just not the same. Oh well. :/


...oh look i found a quinn romance compilation video on youtube

*watches happily* I always forget just how awesome his introduction scene is.

Also, his voice seems a little deeper in vanilla than in expansions.

...it is one in the morning. Wow. Heh. Oops. *skedaddles off to bed* Eh heheh...Quinn dreams. Hopefully.

Quinn: I believe I'll retire for the night--er, morning--as well.

Theron: Yeah, I'm off to bed. ...wait, do we even have rooms in this thread?

Quinn: Yes.

Theron: Great. Do I have one, or...?

Quinn: At the far end of the hallway. Take a left, then the first right you come to.

Theron: Thanks. See you. *wanders off*

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

Theron: Take a left, and...oh, here's the first right. *opens door* So, it's--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Quinn: :eek: THAT wasn't supposed to happen! *runs to investigate* If there's some sort of monster in here, I'd like to--*rounds the corner and promptly gets a giant bucket of water in the face*

Theron: Did you really think I'd fall for the old "bucket of water balanced on the door" trick?

Quinn: *soaking wet* :mad:


I laughed out loud as soon as I saw that evil jawa face :D Nighty nite, Grand Admiral, Purple Quinn and Silver Theron. See you later in the day. It's 6am here and in another hour I get to go to bed lol.

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