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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I know it is heresy to ask, but has anyone tried it on Theron? XD


Or Treek? I don't have Treek, unfortunately.


I don't have a Sith with Theron yet. Treek does the cheek holding animation.


And about those evil Ewoks:

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All I know is, when I came home with Treek, Quinn said nothing. Which was smart because he all but forced me to take Broonmark. He gets a dirty look from me every time I see a tumbleweed of white hair blow past my boots. Couples really need to agree on the subject of pets :p
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All I know is, when I came home with Treek, Quinn said nothing. Which was smart because he all but forced me to take Broonmark. He gets a dirty look from me every time I see a tumbleweed of white hair blow past my boots. Couples really need to agree on the subject of pets :p


My Treek and Broonmark are best buds, go on hunting trips and bring us back trophies :)

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On the subject of Purebloods smacking their companions... :p (Unfortunately, Kaliyo's...gone...for my warrior going through KOTFE, so I can't smack her. :()


Treek vs. Darth Marr? Normally I'd root for Marr. But after Chapter Twelve of KOTFE, I'd rather run through the entire Odessen wildlands than listen to another word he says. :( Therefore, Treek vs. ghost!Marr? I'm rooting for Treek. Even though I hate ewoks. XD

Edited by Jagaimee
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Treek vs. Darth Marr? Normally I'd root for Marr. But after Chapter Twelve of KOTFE, I'd rather run through the entire Odessen wildlands than listen to another word he says. :( Therefore, Treek vs. ghost!Marr? I'm rooting for Treek. Even though I hate ewoks. XD

Both of these would be grounds for me to stop playing! I have no desire to get Treek (in the fantasy-sci-fi world, Ewoks and Hobbits are annoyances to me) and chapter-12-ghost-Marr needs to be brought to the attention of the Ghostbusters! He's just awful.


Back to the subject of Malavai Quinn - has anyone else noticed an additional problem with him in your strongholds since getting the "new version" of him? In mine, Quinn stays a hologram the whole time but none of my other companions do and neither does original Quinn. For instance, if I send original Quinn (or any of the others) on a mission, their hologram becomes solid, but this does not happen to new Quinn :( In addition, new stronghold Quinn remains in his military uniform the whole time too and there does not seem to be any way to replace this new Quinn with the old version for my characters who have done Iokath. I know many dozens of pages ago people mentioned issues with Quinn as a stronghold decoration but I'm not sure this issue was mentioned. All the more reason we need a statue.

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Both of these would be grounds for me to stop playing! I have no desire to get Treek (in the fantasy-sci-fi world, Ewoks and Hobbits are annoyances to me) and chapter-12-ghost-Marr needs to be brought to the attention of the Ghostbusters! He's just awful.


Back to the subject of Malavai Quinn - has anyone else noticed an additional problem with him in your strongholds since getting the "new version" of him? In mine, Quinn stays a hologram the whole time but none of my other companions do and neither does original Quinn. For instance, if I send original Quinn (or any of the others) on a mission, their hologram becomes solid, but this does not happen to new Quinn :( In addition, new stronghold Quinn remains in his military uniform the whole time too and there does not seem to be any way to replace this new Quinn with the old version for my characters who have done Iokath. I know many dozens of pages ago people mentioned issues with Quinn as a stronghold decoration but I'm not sure this issue was mentioned. All the more reason we need a statue.


Regarding chapter 12 Darth Marr, I'm asking out of curiosity, y'know in the name of science, since I've devoted an entire year of my life writing his story...what is so bad about chapter 12 Marr? And this is open to anyone who feels up to giving me a thought or two.


And yes, we most definitely need a statue for Quinn. All the other comps get them. Gault gets one, Kaliyoyuck gets one...why not dear Malavai? <3

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Regarding chapter 12 Darth Marr, I'm asking out of curiosity, y'know in the name of science, since I've devoted an entire year of my life writing his story...what is so bad about chapter 12 Marr? And this is open to anyone who feels up to giving me a thought or two.


And yes, we most definitely need a statue for Quinn. All the other comps get them. Gault gets one, Kaliyoyuck gets one...why not dear Malavai? <3


Well, as for Marr...


... he always used to be the voice of pragmatism. A Sith Lord who wasn't so entrenched in the Dark Side that he was off-the-rails bloodthirsty, flat-out insane, or so lost in his own pride/arrogance/power that he was insufferable. He was focused on defending the Empire, on securing its safety before throwing it against the Republic once more. He didn't care about power. He could have easily taken the Emperor's title and throne - and didn't. It wasn't in his interests, and it wasn't in the best interests for the Empire.


Come Chapter Twelve, however, and suddenly he's saying things like "You must anchor yourself to power" and "In life, I dismissed the Jedi Code. I was wrong. There is no death. There is only the Force, and it has a plan."

Either dying really does change one's mind on things (as any Sith Inquisitor can tell you :p) or Marr's just...off. He then says (yes, I wrote everything down.......) "I once thought it enough to be the unstoppable force beween my people and the enemy. I faced Valkorion and refused to bend. That choice broke me – and doomed the worlds I sought to defend." ...so he essentially says "Yeah, I should've bowed before Valkorion." So he could...what? Lead the Empire in bowing before Valkorion? Marr the bastion of strength in the Empire would rather kneel before a demon than die with his morals intact, a symbol of hope and courage to his people? :confused:

Chapter Twelve Marr just seems very out of character compared to what we've seen before. Before, in-game and in various books (like the short time he appears in Annihilation), Marr never really talked about the Force. He seemed firmly grounded in reality. Here, however, he just seems like the mildly dark-side equivalent to Yoda. Add that to the fact that he and Satele just up and toodle off at the end, instead of adding their strength and teachings (such as they are...) to the Alliance... because, yeah, obviously we can't use AN UNKILLABLE FORCE-GHOST ON OUR SIDE. One who can appear and disappear at will, walk through walls, etc. He sure would be valuable for recon. XD And Satele... well, this isn't about Satele, I have a whole 'nother rant on her, nevermind. XD


That, and he's always had respect for the Wrath, or at least it seemed that way to me. Ghost!Marr suddenly spouts off with, "As the Wrath, you were always forced to stand alone. You planned and executed…[his voice takes on a distinct tinge of distaste]…without regard for others." He sounded rather disgusted, honestly. :/


One thing that struck me recently is the fact that Satele disappeared off to Odessen, it's implied, shortly after the Eternal Empire stomped all over the Republic - so, maybe four and a half years ago by the time of Chapter Twelve. She never thought to bring the remnants of the Jedi Order there. Similarly, Marr apparently never thought to gather the reasonable/pragmatic Sith who are still left to Odessen. So together, Jedi and Sith, they could regroup, figure out where to go from there, be relatively safe from Arcann for the time being, etc. Instead, Marr spent all of five years basically just sitting and talking to Satele. He did nothing to help his Empire that he supposedly loves. He just gave it all up for lost, while still saying "I care only to defend my Empire" or something like that (forgot to write THAT part down...), and went on a friendly camping trip with the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.


My head is spinning.


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Well, as for Marr...


... he always used to be the voice of pragmatism. A Sith Lord who wasn't so entrenched in the Dark Side that he was off-the-rails bloodthirsty, flat-out insane, or so lost in his own pride/arrogance/power that he was insufferable. He was focused on defending the Empire, on securing its safety before throwing it against the Republic once more. He didn't care about power. He could have easily taken the Emperor's title and throne - and didn't. It wasn't in his interests, and it wasn't in the best interests for the Empire.


Come Chapter Twelve, however, and suddenly he's saying things like "You must anchor yourself to power" and "In life, I dismissed the Jedi Code. I was wrong. There is no death. There is only the Force, and it has a plan."

Either dying really does change one's mind on things (as any Sith Inquisitor can tell you :p) or Marr's just...off. He then says (yes, I wrote everything down.......) "I once thought it enough to be the unstoppable force beween my people and the enemy. I faced Valkorion and refused to bend. That choice broke me – and doomed the worlds I sought to defend." ...so he essentially says "Yeah, I should've bowed before Valkorion." So he could...what? Lead the Empire in bowing before Valkorion? Marr the bastion of strength in the Empire would rather kneel before a demon than die with his morals intact, a symbol of hope and courage to his people? :confused:

Chapter Twelve Marr just seems very out of character compared to what we've seen before. Before, in-game and in various books (like the short time he appears in Annihilation), Marr never really talked about the Force. He seemed firmly grounded in reality. Here, however, he just seems like the mildly dark-side equivalent to Yoda. Add that to the fact that he and Satele just up and toodle off at the end, instead of adding their strength and teachings (such as they are...) to the Alliance... because, yeah, obviously we can't use AN UNKILLABLE FORCE-GHOST ON OUR SIDE. One who can appear and disappear at will, walk through walls, etc. He sure would be valuable for recon. XD And Satele... well, this isn't about Satele, I have a whole 'nother rant on her, nevermind. XD


That, and he's always had respect for the Wrath, or at least it seemed that way to me. Ghost!Marr suddenly spouts off with, "As the Wrath, you were always forced to stand alone. You planned and executed…[his voice takes on a distinct tinge of distaste]…without regard for others." He sounded rather disgusted, honestly. :/


One thing that struck me recently is the fact that Satele disappeared off to Odessen, it's implied, shortly after the Eternal Empire stomped all over the Republic - so, maybe four and a half years ago by the time of Chapter Twelve. She never thought to bring the remnants of the Jedi Order there. Similarly, Marr apparently never thought to gather the reasonable/pragmatic Sith who are still left to Odessen. So together, Jedi and Sith, they could regroup, figure out where to go from there, be relatively safe from Arcann for the time being, etc. Instead, Marr spent all of five years basically just sitting and talking to Satele. He did nothing to help his Empire that he supposedly loves. He just gave it all up for lost, while still saying "I care only to defend my Empire" or something like that (forgot to write THAT part down...), and went on a friendly camping trip with the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.


My head is spinning.


I appreciate that you took the time to put all that down. It does seem to me he's a bit off in Chapter 12, but it didn't bother me all that much, I didn't dig it, but I didn't hate it. It's useful to know this stuff, because I'd like to be as accurate and thoughtful as I can in my depiction of him, and while I can see that death would change a person's perspectives after revisiting their life after they'd died, I don't really see him hanging about with Satele while she camps either. That disappointed me a whole bunch. And that he would consider HER his equal in all the galaxy. Puhleeeze she's no where close to being his equal. I shouldn't get started because I could rant about her all day too. I hate the woman.


Thanks for listing your reasons, it gives me food for thought. :)

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I appreciate that you took the time to put all that down. It does seem to me he's a bit off in Chapter 12, but it didn't bother me all that much, I didn't dig it, but I didn't hate it. It's useful to know this stuff, because I'd like to be as accurate and thoughtful as I can in my depiction of him, and while I can see that death would change a person's perspectives after revisiting their life after they'd died, I don't really see him hanging about with Satele while she camps either. That disappointed me a whole bunch. And that he would consider HER his equal in all the galaxy. Puhleeeze she's no where close to being his equal. I shouldn't get started because I could rant about her all day too. I hate the woman.


Thanks for listing your reasons, it gives me food for thought. :)


Hey, sure! :) I'm glad you didn't think it was the ramblings of a crazy woman. And - yeah, SATELE SHAN, his only equal in the galaxy? ...whaaaat. No. No, no way. I...can't actually think of any Jedi who's Marr's equal, to be honest. None of them seemed grounded in reality the way he is...er, was. *sigh*


I have a theory regarding Marr's odd depiction in chapter twelve, though. A totally insane, crazy, haha-yeah-right, only in headcanon theory, but...anyways.


It's Valkorion impersonating Marr. The real Marr is either dead and truly gone, or frozen in carbonite somewhere. Valkorion, in the guise of Darth Marr, visited Satele Shan and gradually got her to accept his views of the Force, started grooming her to pass on her now-twisted ideas to the Outlander. Because, hey, if the Outlander didn't seem to accept Valkorion's views, then they should take it a little better if it's coming from someone they at least know (smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent) and explicitly trust (warrior, knight, consular, inquisitor). And if the Outlander was all very willing to bow the knee, to accept Valkorion's power, etc. Then having backup in the form of Satele and "Darth Marr" would only cement their allegiance. Because hey, if Satele and Darth Marr are telling me what Valkorion's already said...ha! He WAS right! And these fools are only just now realizing it! Hahaha, I DON'T need them!

How was Valkorion able to merrily walk off and talk to Satele while the Outlander's still frozen in carbonite? ... I have no idea! :D But...it's Valkorion. The person who can eat planets. Footling about while technically locked in a substance that should completely block the Force might be small potatoes for him. XD



Like I said. Crazy stupid insane theory. XD But a gal can dream.

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And yes, we most definitely need a statue for Quinn. All the other comps get them. Gault gets one, Kaliyoyuck gets one...why not dear Malavai? <3


I don't know... I worry what kind of statue the devs think people would want. Might end up with a statue of Quinn with a lightsaber through him.

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I feel really bad when hitting my companions, but some of them has indeed hilarious reactions. XD I have just found out they can have multiple ones too.


I have a Pureblood Jedi Knight and those reactions are funny too. :D

Doc - childish tantrum-like crying. Well, I didn't expect anything else from him. :D Love you, Doc. :D

T7-01- it's funny and cute, like it's saying Oooooohhh

Sergeant Rusk is like - 1. version having an asthma attack XD, 2. crying but rather giggling 3. having a stomach ache

Lord Scourge - nothing special

Kira - nothing special


Anyone else has tried it on classes which are not SW or SI?


By the way I went to a deserted place to test these voices, so people won't think I'm some crazy psycho who loves to torture her companions. XD

Oh, and when I finished with them and sent Doc away he said: "Let's do this again, huh?" It cracked me up soo much. XD


Um, you inspired me to roll a 65 pureblood jedi so that I could slap the **** out of Doc. It did not disappoint. :D


And Theron's is completely generic, btw, not the same VA, so I didn't feel so bad.


Lord Scourge should hit back, imo. :cool:


edit: oh yeah, the only one that made me feel bad was Vector. OOOMMGGG Im soooo sorry!!! He just sobs quietly. :jawa_frown:

Edited by Ralei
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Hey, sure! :) I'm glad you didn't think it was the ramblings of a crazy woman. And - yeah, SATELE SHAN, his only equal in the galaxy? ...whaaaat. No. No, no way. I...can't actually think of any Jedi who's Marr's equal, to be honest. None of them seemed grounded in reality the way he is...er, was. *sigh*


I have a theory regarding Marr's odd depiction in chapter twelve, though. A totally insane, crazy, haha-yeah-right, only in headcanon theory, but...anyways.


It's Valkorion impersonating Marr. The real Marr is either dead and truly gone, or frozen in carbonite somewhere. Valkorion, in the guise of Darth Marr, visited Satele Shan and gradually got her to accept his views of the Force, started grooming her to pass on her now-twisted ideas to the Outlander. Because, hey, if the Outlander didn't seem to accept Valkorion's views, then they should take it a little better if it's coming from someone they at least know (smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent) and explicitly trust (warrior, knight, consular, inquisitor). And if the Outlander was all very willing to bow the knee, to accept Valkorion's power, etc. Then having backup in the form of Satele and "Darth Marr" would only cement their allegiance. Because hey, if Satele and Darth Marr are telling me what Valkorion's already said...ha! He WAS right! And these fools are only just now realizing it! Hahaha, I DON'T need them!

How was Valkorion able to merrily walk off and talk to Satele while the Outlander's still frozen in carbonite? ... I have no idea! :D But...it's Valkorion. The person who can eat planets. Footling about while technically locked in a substance that should completely block the Force might be small potatoes for him. XD



Like I said. Crazy stupid insane theory. XD But a gal can dream.


The theory isn't as crazy as you'd think, I'd thought something similar myself, that it was a trick of Valkorian's.

One, because it doesn't seem like our man Marr and two, I remember in spoilers a long time ago, they were referred to as 'fake Satele' and 'fake Marr' or something like that. :)



I'll probably do my own take on it anyways, because I think that would be more satisfying at least to me, than what we got. :)

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I don't know... I worry what kind of statue the devs think people would want. Might end up with a statue of Quinn with a lightsaber through him.


True...instead of giving us a nice dignified 'at attention' pose that we might expect from Malavai, I could see them doing something like that. :(


Why oh why devs, don't you love us? :p

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True...instead of giving us a nice dignified 'at attention' pose that we might expect from Malavai, I could see them doing something like that. :(


Why oh why devs, don't you love us? :p


If they did give us an 'at attention' pose Quinn statue....I would have to rethink my decorating scheme in my stronghold...they would be all over the place lol

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Ok where to start. If you're on Shadowlands I'd be happy to help you finish that last chapter, just let me know.


I wish! That particular character is on TRE. I switch off between TEH and there. TEH was my original server, but since we moved to Italy last year, I transferred a couple of toons to TRE just so I could play on a server that's active when I'm on. (Which reminds me that I need to update/make a new sig for in here. I disabled it since it's really out of date as far as what characters are where and level, etc)


Second - it's better to start Iokath with no fe/et chapters open. I don't know if that's what's causing your problem but better safe than sorry. I know that you can ditch one chapter without finishing it by taking a different (easy) chapter and finishing that, but I don't know if the same is true for a chapter that was never completed in the first place. You'll have to play around with it a bit to find out.


Yeah, it's what jacked up the whole Quinn reunion for my SW because I did one chapter for GCX, but for some reason, it automatically started the next chapter after I was done. So I had an open chapter and didn't realize it until it was too late. :mad::(

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I did Iokath on a toon that didn't do KOTFE/ET at all fine. My smuggler, who switching to Imps.


Keep in mind that if you try to do Iokath with an unfinished chapter before the patch in tomorrow, you won't get Malavai either! And they don't know how to fix that yet for those who didn't get their comps.


What I did was go to my ship, pick the Iokath mission from the console, launch it. Worked.


Well, now I feel dumb. I didn't even think to go check my ship console. :-P

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If they did give us an 'at attention' pose Quinn statue....I would have to rethink my decorating scheme in my stronghold...they would be all over the place lol


Me too, Malavai would be honoured at all my strong holds lol. Purple Malavai would definitely blush and stammer at the sight of all the statues lol. :o

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Me too, Malavai would be honoured at all my strong holds lol. Purple Malavai would definitely blush and stammer at the sight of all the statues lol. :o


Quinn: *walks into home* I'm home, my love-- :eek: ...wh...statues? ...of me? :o:eek::rak_02::tran_eek::i_embarrassed::t_rolleyes::mon_eek:


Quinn: ......................:jawa_eek:

One last emoticon before you're all out, huh?

Quinn: *faints*

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Quinn: *walks into home* I'm home, my love-- :eek: ...wh...statues? ...of me? :o:eek::rak_02::tran_eek::i_embarrassed::t_rolleyes::mon_eek:


Quinn: ......................:jawa_eek:

One last emoticon before you're all out, huh?

Quinn: *faints*


Me thinks we might need to put a fainting couch in our strongholds too....

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Quinn: *walks into home* I'm home, my love-- :eek: ...wh...statues? ...of me? :o:eek::rak_02::tran_eek::i_embarrassed::t_rolleyes::mon_eek:


Quinn: ......................:jawa_eek:

One last emoticon before you're all out, huh?

Quinn: *faints*


Oh poor Malavai. I totally called it. *fans madly at him* Don't make me throw water on you, it would ruin your lovely uniform...:p


That fainting counch just might be a plan. Thanks Nightfrogger :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Well, according to Xia (who we miss, set her free Bioware!!!);

Re: Chapter 12 Marr, in my head I just headcannon it's not Marr but Valkorian trying to **** with our heads. Rather then BW pissing all over one of my favorite characters with that stupidity spewed at us after getting high off the fumes from having their heads so far up their asses for so long they started hallucinating that Marr turned into a bad Monty python character


I tend to agree... the tune he suddenly sang does not sound very Marr. Now I'm of two minds on it though. One... it was never Marr. Or, yes it is Marr and there's just something 'profound' in the Force after death that opens your eyes to truths, to ways of thinking you rejected in life. Like it opens up a whole new point of view, a wisdom.


Alas... I just miss Marr. My Marr. Our Marr. :(

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Well, according to Xia (who we miss, set her free Bioware!!!);



I tend to agree... the tune he suddenly sang does not sound very Marr. Now I'm of two minds on it though. One... it was never Marr. Or, yes it is Marr and there's just something 'profound' in the Force after death that opens your eyes to truths, to ways of thinking you rejected in life. Like it opens up a whole new point of view, a wisdom.


Alas... I just miss Marr. My Marr. Our Marr. :(


I agree with you both and yes, Free Xia! Devs are just mad because she doesn't love Lana like they do. :>


I was originally of the mind that it was Valkorian screwing with us, where Marr is concerned, I suppose I can see that death could give someone profound insight into their lives and change them to a degree (that is the main premise of my story after all) but I think they went to far. I hope I can find a better way for him.


I miss Marr too. <3

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Either all that and the above about Marr, or...


Remember that rootleaf stew we inspected as part of Satele's camp? Trying to find clues about who the heck kidnapped us and left us in a ship in the wilderness?


What was in that stuff? Spice? :p ...that'd explain a lot....

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Does anyone know, if you have romanced Malavai Quinn the whole Female Warrior's playthrough, and you suddenly romance Theron Shan as you continue into the DLC/Expansions, will it kill any chances to reconnect with/romance Quinn again? (If he even appears later? Has it been done By now?)

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Does anyone know, if you have romanced Malavai Quinn the whole Female Warrior's playthrough, and you suddenly romance Theron Shan as you continue into the DLC/Expansions, will it kill any chances to reconnect with/romance Quinn again? (If he even appears later? Has it been done By now?)


Oh I can answer this: I romanced Quinn, and also Theron, and then got back together with Quinn, though I haven't yet been able to break up with Theron. I assume this is an oversight unless they are trying to imply that my warrior is just that irresistible!

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