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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I hope we get a moment to do some good natured screwing with him upon meeting him. Acting like we're still mad at him and ready to execute him, only to break into a laugh while he's growing a small sewage plant in his pants.


"Looks like we have some... Unfinished business, Quinn. Thought you could sell me out to Baras and get away with it, ey, worm!?"

"B-but, y Lord. I thought yo-"

"You thought wrong"

"I made it up to you!"

"I still require a very 'special' apology"

"No, plea-"

*Warrior hugs Quinn*

"It's good to see you alive, Cap- I mean, it's Major now, isn't it?"

"I see you never lost your sense of humour, Mi'lord..."

"And you still have none"

"I would make a quest to join you side yet again, but it seems I'm about to have a heart attack... May I just say 'You glorious, rat bastard' "


You big meanie!!


I wouldn't be able to try and punk him, I'd be far too busy running into his arms and kissing his face off. <3

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Oh, indeed! How could I have forgotten that? :confused: I enjoyed that a lot. :rak_01:

Did you record by any chance the evil laugh of the Inquisitor when he dumped Ashara? I can't find that on the net. People only uploaded full romance or no romance conversations, but nothing like this. I'm curious about it. :)


Unfortunately, I only wish it happened. It didn't in game. :(


Strangely, after he tells her that he wouldn't marry, they snuggle some :confused: I mean... what?


I don't get the Elara hate though, especially in this thread. She's basically a female Quinn! I got a kick out of her, and she meshed very well with my male Pureblood trooper.


My remark could be construed as hate, but it really wasn't. :) I like her a lot. One of my fav trooper comps together with Forex.


I'm just annoyed we get only her in teasers, and he's kind of interrupted before he even started a sentence.


Another thing is that people want to murder Quinn for being forced to betray one Sith. ONE. Elara is a true traitor: she betrayed the Empire, and defected to the enemy side. Still works for them. By her own will.

But I guess it wasn't personal enough for players to hate her. Still, objectively, she's "worse", so to speak.


So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.





He sounds awesome in the commercials and stuff, I wish he read more books on dvd, I'd listen to them all :D


I have my eye on a SW book that is read by our male Inquisitor. The guy doesn't get as much love as male agent, warrior or Quinn, but I love his voice to bits.


I hope we get a moment to do some good natured screwing with him upon meeting him. Acting like we're still mad at him and ready to execute him, only to break into a laugh while he's growing a small sewage plant in his pants.


"Looks like we have some... Unfinished business, Quinn. Thought you could sell me out to Baras and get away with it, ey, worm!?"

"B-but, y Lord. I thought yo-"

"You thought wrong"

"I made it up to you!"

"I still require a very 'special' apology"

"No, plea-"

*Warrior hugs Quinn*

"It's good to see you alive, Cap- I mean, it's Major now, isn't it?"

"I see you never lost your sense of humour, Mi'lord..."

"And you still have none"

"I would make a quest to join you side yet again, but it seems I'm about to have a heart attack... May I just say 'You glorious, rat bastard' "


Mine would just facepalm, and maybe play around, but he'd know the truth. She was never angry with him about that. She always blamed Baras.


And... spoiler alert a bit? ;)

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Bah, that's what the Theronmancers say to scare me. I won't be deterred from my evil plans :D I'll beg Quinn for forgiveness if I must, and if that doesn't work - there's always force persuade~!



lol wot. Quinn should be begging *your* forgiveness. Where the hell was he while you've been fighting for your life against Valkorion? Theron's been with you the whole time.


Poor Theron, getting tossed aside for a blue eyed hottie in a tight uniform. If Theron had any sense, he'd trade in that red jacket. ;)


Yup saw that, it's something anyway :) They leave our thread here too which is nice.



tbh, they really need a positive thread on the front page. They'd be crazy to move it.

Edited by Ralei
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lol wot. Quinn should be begging *your* forgiveness. Where the hell was he while you've been fighting for your life against Valkorion? Theron's been with you the whole time.


No spoilers but if after you learn, and still blame him, you don't deserve him, you meannie! :p



I listened to those voice clips. Awesome. Also, puts at ease my worry about returning Quinn's voice. A lot. Clearly, he does some regular VO work, so why would he reject this project? It's not like he does it once in a while, when there's nothing better to do, so why bother with something he last time did years ago?


Right? Riiiiiight???

Edited by Lammia
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lol wot. Quinn should be begging *your* forgiveness. Where the hell was he while you've been fighting for your life against Valkorion? Theron's been with you the whole time.


*poker face*

*eats cough drop*

*leaves thread*

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No spoilers but if after you learn, and still blame him, you don't deserve him, you meannie! :p




Thank you for not spoiling me. I'm hoping for a good excuse. I really don't wan't it to be an easy choice. Actually, I'd be fine with " 5.2: The Battle for Iokath and the Polyamorous Companion Experience". :D

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To be fair, his explanation can be taken as a bit *****...


I'm not sure what word your censoring there, just be careful because a couple people who look at this thread regularly really really want to be surprised and I've been good about it! And it's been hard!

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i'm not sure what word your censoring there, just be careful because a couple people who look at this thread regularly really really want to be surprised and i've been good about it! And it's been hard!


<3 <3 <3

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I'm not sure what word your censoring there, just be careful because a couple people who look at this thread regularly really really want to be surprised and I've been good about it! And it's been hard!


I'm not saying anything spoiler heavy :D


And the word censored was simply a swear.

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I've talked to you before, I know you're not jerk :) But I also remember you like spoilers (like me lol)


Then you obviously haven't talked to me before.


And I only spoil in PMs... Because Bioware Thought-police rub out public spoilers. I lost a good few fish to those bastards!:D

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I was thinking about running around with other companions from now until the reunion for extra torture but I'm not sure I can do it >.>


I'm running around only with my hubby. Not only because I can't live without "Didn't lose you", but also because he's level 50 and almost indestructible ;) Squishy Mara needs her hubby to live!

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I'm running around only with my hubby. Not only because I can't live without "Didn't lose you", but also because he's level 50 and almost indestructible ;) Squishy Mara needs her hubby to live!



D'aww. I've only got jugg (still haven't figured out that symbol) so not quite as squishy but I do really like that I can walk away from the computer and come back, at full health, with a bunch of corpses to loot :D

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D'aww. I've only got jugg (still haven't figured out that symbol) so not quite as squishy but I do really like that I can walk away from the computer and come back, at full health, with a bunch of corpses to loot :D


Mine are a match made in Sith heaven (or Jedi hell). She Force chokes them, while he shoots them dead: http://imgur.com/IKcijDm

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Ah, so many pages in so little time!


So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.

I can't stop thinking about Quinn's dramatic, swaggery turn-around in that cutscene (before Elara talks x_o)... I'm just imagining that now he turns around and says, "Gucci by Gucci" and I can't stop laughing. Or the Quinncident. Oh, gosh. "It's not me or you. It's... Gucci."



As for the reason behind his absence, I haven't looked into the spoilers but I think there's only one thing that would be both plausible (given that out of all the companions, he is probably the most capable of finding the Warrior!Outlander -- for a variety of reasons) AND still leave him as a sympathetic enough character (which they kind of need him to be, imo). If it's anything else, I'd better have the option to yell at him like I did with Vette. (Because what the crap, Vette, you were like my warrior's sister and you abandoned her legacy?! GTHO. But not really, because yay <3 )


Mine are a match made in Sith heaven (or Jedi hell). She Force chokes them, while he shoots them dead: http://imgur.com/IKcijDm

This is love.

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still leave him as a sympathetic enough character (which they kind of need him to be, imo).


Honestly, I think -- if anything -- they'd want to make him another Koth: a punching bag. Given their comments from the steam he was announced, I see very little will to make him anything positive. And given loud haters, they probably think all players want to just kill him. So they can write him as a total jerk, let everyone kill him off, and be done with another comp that wouldn't require any future cutscenes.


All this ^ is the only reason why I bothered with spoilers (usually I avoid such stuff as much as I can). I just desperately needed to know if it's going to be Koth v.2 or truly in-character Malavai I adore.

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Honestly, I think -- if anything -- they'd want to make him another Koth: a punching bag. Given their comments from the steam he was announced, I see very little will to make him anything positive. And given loud haters, they probably think all players want to just kill him. So they can write him as a total jerk, let everyone kill him off, and be done with another comp that wouldn't require any future cutscenes.


All this ^ is the only reason why I bothered with spoilers (usually I avoid such stuff as much as I can). I just desperately needed to know if it's going to be Koth v.2 or truly in-character Malavai I adore.

He's in-character as far as I can see, but that can change depending on how the VA portrays it...

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Honestly, I think -- if anything -- they'd want to make him another Koth: a punching bag. Given their comments from the steam he was announced, I see very little will to make him anything positive. And given loud haters, they probably think all players want to just kill him. So they can write him as a total jerk, let everyone kill him off, and be done with another comp that wouldn't require any future cutscenes.


All this ^ is the only reason why I bothered with spoilers (usually I avoid such stuff as much as I can). I just desperately needed to know if it's going to be Koth v.2 or truly in-character Malavai I adore.


I hope they read more than just twitter comments.


I was just reading through the old "Sith warrior story fail, Malavai Quinn" thread, and a couple things stand out to me: people have been writing pages and pages of nuanced opinions about this character since the very beginning. Has any other companion caused as much upset? Answer is no, and the devs would gain an awful lot of insight by taking a look at their own forums. (I'm not saying they do or don't, just that they should.)


And the second thing that stands out to me is that rational people have mellowed out about the whole thing over time, including myself. Makes me wonder if the murderQuinn crowd are mostly newer players. So I certainly hope they aren't writing in favor of people who played the story three months ago and may not be around in another three. That would be ..reckless and unfortunate.

Edited by grania
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I can't stop thinking about Quinn's dramatic, swaggery turn-around in that cutscene (before Elara talks x_o)... I'm just imagining that now he turns around and says, "Gucci by Gucci" and I can't stop laughing. Or the Quinncident. Oh, gosh. "It's not me or you. It's... Gucci."


You're making me laugh and I don't want to! :D I don't want to think about Quinn shilling fancy handbags!


/sigh I give up, I'm going to listen to those audio clips :o

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I can't stop thinking about Quinn's dramatic, swaggery turn-around in that cutscene (before Elara talks x_o)... I'm just imagining that now he turns around and says, "Gucci by Gucci" and I can't stop laughing. Or the Quinncident. Oh, gosh. "It's not me or you. It's... Gucci."



That's, priceless :D I've got a giggle fit now

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Ah, so many pages in so little time!



I can't stop thinking about Quinn's dramatic, swaggery turn-around in that cutscene (before Elara talks x_o)... I'm just imagining that now he turns around and says, "Gucci by Gucci" and I can't stop laughing. Or the Quinncident. Oh, gosh. "It's not me or you. It's... Gucci."


All I thought, when he turned around, was... *Solas voice* "I suspect you have questions."

Quinn fangirls: WELL YEAH--waaaaaaaait...

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On the subject matter of why Elera got two clips and Quinn none (at the risk of having this post deleted). It is because Bioware is heavily sexist. Lana got more attention than Theron just as Elera is getting more attention than Quinn.


It doesn't logically make sense for them to do it this way. Most players feel strongly about Quinn whether they want him back as a LI or to finally be able to say...I lied I don't forgive you...*cue balmoreaan battle axe * To ignore such a character would be a mistake.


I know people who are renewing their subscription just for Quinn and whoever said anything about him bring Koth v2 goodness forbid, Senya was enough of a v2 for me. I didn't kill Koth because I didn't want to hurt Lana and because he DID break me out of carbonite, a fact that saved him multiple times.

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