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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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The earlier the better! :cool:


Quinn: Ah...no. The later the better, with you lot.

*sees the horde of ravenous Quinn-haters outside the safety of the thread*

Quinn: Did--did I misspeak!? I meant the earlier the better, of course! :eek:

You know, the earlier you get back, the earlier those same Quinn-haters can just go on hating. And possibly killing, if we have that option, which I hope we don't.

Quinn: ... *defeated hnnrrggghhh*

You can't win.

Quinn: I am...becoming well-aware of that...

Don't worry! We'll keep you safe. And we ask that all unwanted Quinns be donated to the Thanks For Malavai Quinn thread, alive and unharmed.

Quinn: ...wait, what?

What, you've never seen copies of yourself running about the Imperial fleet?

Quinn: I...thought those were hallucinations...

...you must've hallucinated a lot.

Quinn: The implications are becoming worrisome. Very worrisome.

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Quinn: Ah...no. The later the better, with you lot.

*sees the horde of ravenous Quinn-haters outside the safety of the thread*

Quinn: Did--did I misspeak!? I meant the earlier the better, of course! :eek:

You know, the earlier you get back, the earlier those same Quinn-haters can just go on hating. And possibly killing, if we have that option, which I hope we don't.

Quinn: ... *defeated hnnrrggghhh*

You can't win.

Quinn: I am...becoming well-aware of that...

Don't worry! We'll keep you safe. And we ask that all unwanted Quinns be donated to the Thanks For Malavai Quinn thread, alive and unharmed.

Quinn: ...wait, what?

What, you've never seen copies of yourself running about the Imperial fleet?

Quinn: I...thought those were hallucinations...

...you must've hallucinated a lot.

Quinn: The implications are becoming worrisome. Very worrisome.


Methinks your Quinn protests too much, mine has never been so opposed to performing.. duties :p

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...Only my Jedi saved Vette. When I played my warrior I didn't even know she'd die but after her mean Quinn comments my warrior was still very angry and didn't mourn her...


To be fair to Vette's original character, she was never really mean in reagards to Quinn until KOTFE/ET - she just liked to tease him. Even when her slave collar was on, I can't remember her being just straight up cruel. Personally, I just figure whoever is currently writing for Vette never actually played pre-KOTFE/ET Warrior story and is just going off second hand info.

Edited by Edyn
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I've always liked Vette. I mean, surviving as a slave for all those years with your wits and humor intact takes a lot of effort. She's never mean to anyone and her whole storyline involves her trying to help the people she cares about.


Even as a dark warrior, i find myself wanting to help her friends, free her sister and pay for her mother's funeral. :eek: And if you don't choose her over Torian, her objections aren't "whining", more like her being hurt over you not coming to rescue her after all you'd been through together.

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So, I was rather late to the party and discovered the spoiler regarding his betrayal before actually meeting him with my Warrior, and because of that I thought I was going to end up being one of the haters and end up hating his guts...


good god was I wrong. This man <3 one of my favourite companions hands down, and man does my Marauder love messing with him XD

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To be fair to Vette's original character, she was never really mean in reagards to Quinn until KOTFE/ET - she just liked to tease him. Even when her slave collar was on, I can't remember her being just straight up cruel. Personally, I just figure whoever is currently writing for Vette never actually played pre-KOTFE/ET Warrior story and is just going off second hand info.


That's the point, she was never so hostile toward him until KOTET. My warrior had a painful hole in her heart, missing her husband, which Vette brutally poked a finger into and wiggled. My warrior was just too angry to grieve later. Vette destroyed their relationship with all that hostility, because my SW was too vulnerable emotionally to brush it off. She had 2 people close to her before she had been frozen. She found one to her joy, only to get mean toward the other one from her later.


Those lines in KOTET are out of character for them both: nonsensical accusation regarding Quinn, nonsensical hostility shown by Vette.


I've always liked Vette. I mean, surviving as a slave for all those years with your wits and humor intact takes a lot of effort. She's never mean to anyone and her whole storyline involves her trying to help the people she cares about.


That's why her comment about Quinn is so shocking. My first reaction was "where did it come from?!" Uncalled, out of character, ridiculous. Whoever wrote it, messed up big deal in my book.


Even as a dark warrior, i find myself wanting to help her friends, free her sister and pay for her mother's funeral. :eek: And if you don't choose her over Torian, her objections aren't "whining", more like her being hurt over you not coming to rescue her after all you'd been through together.


Maybe the lines are different on a warrior. On a Jedi, she's a whiner. It's especially glaring compared with Torian's bravery.

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good god was I wrong. This man <3 one of my favourite companions hands down, and man does my Marauder love messing with him XD


He is very fun to harass, yes :) I just spent the last 20 minutes restarting one of his conversations just to hear every response and get every line just right. I never used to do this, but I've realized it's sometimes worth it to say things that irk him, heheh.


I'm finding it hard to be mean to Vette so the best I can do is ignore her. Technically I haven't taken off her shock collar? Ok I'm a wuss.

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...Those lines in KOTET are out of character for them both: nonsensical accusation regarding Quinn, nonsensical hostility shown by Vette...


This is a great description of how these interactions came across to me... and also why I'm a bit apprehensive that the current writers are going to return Quinn out of character.

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So, I was rather late to the party and discovered the spoiler regarding his betrayal before actually meeting him with my Warrior, and because of that I thought I was going to end up being one of the haters and end up hating his guts...


good god was I wrong. This man <3 one of my favourite companions hands down, and man does my Marauder love messing with him XD


Heh, you and me both. :) I'd read all about the betrayal before even starting a Warrior, since at the time I didn't think I would ever get this game... then I did, and half-forgot about the inevitable betrayal, and tried to act as though it was a surprise. When it actually came, I was...extremely disappointed. I thought it'd be this huge dramatic drawn-out affair.



Joking spoilers ensue:


Quinn: I love you.

My warrior: I love you, too. Always will, my dear.

Quinn: But I have to kill you.

Warrior: WHAT.

Quinn: Baras's orders. Sorry.

Warrior: Wait, hold on-- *demolishes droids and Quinn* --I'm sorry, did you say BARAS'S orders?

Quinn: *lying dazed on the floor* Yes...

Warrior: Wow. Well, Baras is SO dead. Anyway, I forgive you. *walks away*

Quinn: ...you do!?

*end of discussion*



...yeah, pretty disappointed. XD So now, something like a year and half (in real life) after it happened, I can finally go back and add headcanon-y angst and drama and an estrangement/reconciliation period between my warrior and her husband. Since I know the eventual outcome (even in KOTFE, she has never, EVER given up hope that she will see her beloved husband again), 'tis a bit easier. ...now I just need to work that into the timeline I've got for these people... o.O


Quinn: Why is angst such an important part of my character!? I have never "angsted!" Ever!

You were demoted at Druckenwell.

Quinn: *stoic face*

...um, spent ten years in a war zone.

Quinn: *stoic face*

Under intense pressure from Baras to betray and kill your lover/wife/best friend/Sith master.


WHOA NELLIE *dives into bomb shelter*

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Joking spoilers ensue:


Quinn: I love you.

My warrior: I love you, too. Always will, my dear.

Quinn: But I have to kill you.

Warrior: WHAT.

Quinn: Baras's orders. Sorry.

Warrior: Wait, hold on-- *demolishes droids and Quinn* --I'm sorry, did you say BARAS'S orders?

Quinn: *lying dazed on the floor* Yes...

Warrior: Wow. Well, Baras is SO dead. Anyway, I forgive you. *walks away*

Quinn: ...you do!?

*end of discussion*


This is pretty much how my warrior took it. "Baras forced your hand and turned you against me. He's soooooooooo dead now! Gimme a kiss!" :D


Just mine didn't demolish him. She tired to cheer him up "Your droids pushed me, you did good, don't cry!" :D

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So, I was rather late to the party and discovered the spoiler regarding his betrayal before actually meeting him with my Warrior, and because of that I thought I was going to end up being one of the haters and end up hating his guts...


good god was I wrong. This man <3 one of my favourite companions hands down, and man does my Marauder love messing with him XD


Welcome to the fold. *hugs* Here, have some cookies, and blue milk! Always nice to have one more in the thread! :D

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This is a great description of how these interactions came across to me... and also why I'm a bit apprehensive that the current writers are going to return Quinn out of character.


It does come across like there's a lot of presuming going on in the writing end of things in general. Case in point, when making a new character with this server DvL thing, the alignment toggle's already set to Dark Side if you're playing Imperial as if they figure Imperial = Dark Side player. I'm not sure how many of the original writers are still with the game, but as awful as it sounds, I wouldn't put it past some in a time crunch to just skim somewhere like the forums and figure "everyone hates Character X" or "Character Y has to behave like Z". While that might work in some instances like I think I've only come across maybe 3 people who actually like Skadge in my years with the game, it really doesn't do justice for most.


Granted the problem with presuming things does exist wider than just with the game. According to Wookiepedia, all Sith Inquisitors become Darth Nox and any Darth Imperius' or Darth Occulus' are all apocrypha.

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It does come across like there's a lot of presuming going on in the writing end of things in general. Case in point, when making a new character with this server DvL thing, the alignment toggle's already set to Dark Side if you're playing Imperial as if they figure Imperial = Dark Side player. I'm not sure how many of the original writers are still with the game, but as awful as it sounds, I wouldn't put it past some in a time crunch to just skim somewhere like the forums and figure "everyone hates Character X" or "Character Y has to behave like Z". While that might work in some instances like I think I've only come across maybe 3 people who actually like Skadge in my years with the game, it really doesn't do justice for most.


Granted the problem with presuming things does exist wider than just with the game. According to Wookiepedia, all Sith Inquisitors become Darth Nox and any Darth Imperius' or Darth Occulus' are all apocrypha.

I agree, and those are the kinds of assumptions that lead to my 100% LS snarkmaster Sith Warrior to autodialogue (I don't know about the exact wording) "you can't rule the masses with fear if there are no masses" when risking his life to save the sun generator. Like wut? If you're going to make assumptions about the character at least do it based on alignment.

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So, I was rather late to the party and discovered the spoiler regarding his betrayal before actually meeting him with my Warrior, and because of that I thought I was going to end up being one of the haters and end up hating his guts...


good god was I wrong. This man <3 one of my favourite companions hands down, and man does my Marauder love messing with him XD

This happened to me - I think I mentioned earlier that I actually rage-quit the game because of this (didn't finish the warrior story) and didn't return for 2 years! Quinn is now my equal favourite companion LI (along with Aric).

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I agree, and those are the kinds of assumptions that lead to my 100% LS snarkmaster Sith Warrior to autodialogue (I don't know about the exact wording) "you can't rule the masses with fear if there are no masses" when risking his life to save the sun generator. Like wut? If you're going to make assumptions about the character at least do it based on alignment.


This always annoys me. Like how when you're beginning the Rishi arc and on your ship as a Sith War, Quinn's all like 'omg I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry I overheard this boring conversation, but I'm a geek and I wanted to give you my two cents!' With MY girl, she'd be telling Quinn and Vette what she saw in her vision, not Vette and Broonmark. *smacks not being able to truly RP in the game*


And then with my Sith Inquisitor when Andronikos is all '*SIGH* I really don't wantcha going cause you're my wife and I'd hate to have to destroy the entire planet looking for you' and my girl is all 'I don't give a **** if it's a trap or not, husband butt monkey, we're going and that's final!' I'm all like 'ARG, my girl is a light side 5 marshmallow, she's not a *****!'

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I agree, and those are the kinds of assumptions that lead to my 100% LS snarkmaster Sith Warrior to autodialogue (I don't know about the exact wording) "you can't rule the masses with fear if there are no masses" when risking his life to save the sun generator. Like wut? If you're going to make assumptions about the character at least do it based on alignment.


Ugh! Yep, this is soooo annoying, my Warrior herself is probably about 95% LS, but it always does annoy me how some of the choices aren't actually what my toon would pick herself....but alas we have to work with what we're given:D


I'm kind of interested to roll a second, DS Warrior though, and see if there are any differences with Quinn's romance arc there...particularly since, 'canonically' (for me anyway XD) my first warrior is already taken by my Jedi Shadow and it would make me feel better to do a 'proper' romance with him haha (but Quinn was just so...Quinn, I couldn't not pick the flirt options anyway XD(and making him babble awkwardly every time you try to flirt with him the first times on Balmorra just makes me giggle like a little fangirl every time! :jawa_biggrin: )

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Ugh! Yep, this is soooo annoying, my Warrior herself is probably about 95% LS, but it always does annoy me how some of the choices aren't actually what my toon would pick herself....but alas we have to work with what we're given:D


I'm kind of interested to roll a second, DS Warrior though, and see if there are any differences with Quinn's romance arc there...particularly since, 'canonically' (for me anyway XD) my first warrior is already taken by my Jedi Shadow and it would make me feel better to do a 'proper' romance with him haha (but Quinn was just so...Quinn, I couldn't not pick the flirt options anyway XD(and making him babble awkwardly every time you try to flirt with him the first times on Balmorra just makes me giggle like a little fangirl every time! :jawa_biggrin: )


My warriors are dark. I made one LS to see the difference in the story, but the romance plays pretty much the same. You just miss the additional Alderaan scene where you help wimpy soldiers.

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My warriors are dark. I made one LS to see the difference in the story, but the romance plays pretty much the same. You just miss the additional Alderaan scene where you help wimpy soldiers.


Yeah there's no difference except in how you interpret your character and thus their relationship. He's a good mix of light and dark himself. it's just one of the things I like about him.


Speaking of dark warriors, once I played through as dark I have a hard time playing it/ thinking of her any other way. Be warned :)

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Yeah there's no difference except in how you interpret your character and thus their relationship. He's a good mix of light and dark himself. it's just one of the things I like about him.

Replaying Quinn with different choice options I've really noticed this. Sometimes you get a lot of influence with Quinn for some really dark choices and some quite unexpectedly for a light choice. Having played all of the romances (female character with male LIs), there seems to be a lot less kissing with Quinn. We've been robbed!! 5.2 had better make up for this :D


If I had to be critical about Quinn I don't like that he disapproves when you choose to save women from sexual exploitation or degrading treatment (Alderaan has one example of this). Even as dark side I would never make that choice BUT I guess the writers did not consider the treatment of women OR that women may play the game when they created these types of scenarios.


Something else I noticed a while back that I find silly is if you have Quinn on damage he often shouts "fire at will" who is he saying this too? Is he inspiring himself? Can he not see my lightsabers?!!


One of my funniest Quinn moments is on Balmorra when you return from some quest you meet him in his quarters. Its not the flirt conversation that's funniest, it's

the fact that his quarters has bunk-beds! Just how single is he at that time?


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One of my funniest Quinn moments is on Balmorra when you return from some quest you meet him in his quarters. Its not the flirt conversation that's funniest, it's

the fact that his quarters has bunk-beds! Just how single is he at that time?



There's two shot glasses on his table too! Believe me I looked at all the things in that room, lol.



I'm not sure we need spoiler tags for these things, but eh, why not? :)

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Whenever I see an NPC with default Quinn's face I mentally call them "___ Quinn" ex: blonde Quinn, hat Quinn, Chiss Quinn, Old Quinn (Master Orgus) lol


I see Quinns all over the place, sometimes even in warrior cutscenes with Quinn standing right there. I'm like nooo I don't want to kill your brother, Quinn.

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Something else I noticed a while back that I find silly is if you have Quinn on damage he often shouts "fire at will" who is he saying this to? Is he inspiring himself? Can he not see my lightsabers?!!


One of my funniest Quinn moments is on Balmorra when you return from some quest you meet him in his quarters. Its not the flirt conversation that's funniest, it's

the fact that his quarters has bunk-beds! Just how single is he at that time?


Quinn is used to leading soldiers. I always figured it was an old habit that hasn't faded away yet. He might be pretending he stil has some units and hopes no one notices though.



My Quinn needed that top bunk for his pet monkey-lizard. Not every Quinn has a pet monkey-lizard, so I don't know what yours uses his for.


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My Quinn needed that top bunk for his pet monkey-lizard. Not every Quinn has a pet monkey-lizard, so I don't know what yours uses his for.


Lol I find that hard to picture.. no wait, I see it now :D


I hope the warrior wasn't the first and only woman Quinn was ever with. Maybe we stole him from her! :eek: Or maybe it was for when Darth Lachris went to visit, she's practically a tradition for gentleman imperials.


Jagaimee, little help here? Please? :D

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If I had to be critical about Quinn I don't like that he disapproves when you choose to save women from sexual exploitation or degrading treatment (Alderaan has one example of this). Even as dark side I would never make that choice BUT I guess the writers did not consider the treatment of women OR that women may play the game when they created these types of scenarios.


Yeah, I found it disappointing too. But it's still within his character. He's not a dark or light companion. He's "for the Empire" companion, so whatever serves the Empire, he approves, whatever doesn't, he disapproves. Regardless of dark/light.


I also noticed people (and sometimes me too, when I forget myself) forget he's not that much of a nice guy! The first thing you see when you meet him is him threatening his subordinate with execution. He's not a softie, he wouldn't stop from slaughtering a whole village if it served the Empire. His soft voice, and soft demeanour are very misleading: he's not your friendly neighbour. ;)


My warrior also didn't send another woman to sexual slavery. She's DS, but she's not Jaesa psycho. I see her as a master of the DS, but she's a patriotic Sith with honour. He *made* her this way ("I want to be a Sith my captain thinks I am" ;)).


My last warrior is LS as experiment to see how the story plays out, and I find her bland, boring and dull, so she's going to be deleted as soon as I finish the class story on her and get all Quinn scenes completed. Even LS Inqusitor seems to have more edge than LS warrior.


The bunk bed? He "inherited" the quarters after the previous officer, and never bothered with changing much, because there was no reason to. Practical as always.

The two glasses? His best friend, my Chiss sniper, visited. (They had a fling in the academy times, but it didn't work out and they're just friends now).


My silly imagination is very hard to corner with things like that. It always finds answers :cool:

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