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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Me? Hate? :D Whilst he's great in just about everything he appears in, I just do not find Benedict Cumberbatch attractive so linking him to handsome Quinn is just wrong as far as I am concerned. But as we say in England "each to there own" :)


Same, I find him quite unattractive, actually. And he doesn't look like any Quinn customizations I've ever seen.

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What about Vector? I can' think of any actors off the top of my head. Even though they're all the same body type in the game, I picture Vector a little taller and thinner than the others, hm..


(Come to think of it, his actual va would do fine :D)

Edited by grania
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Really stupid question here (because I don't have even the slightest urge to play through the "ruling the galaxy" storyline), but do you think they will come up with a way to skip all those past kotfe/kotet chapters with alts? I would like to get back to Malavai with my alt, but the thought of going through all those chapters for like the 5th time gives me a headache.


I think there's a couple in my guild who are testing this out as far as how the system handles it. I'll have to touch base with them to see how it's going. Most in my guild's experience with skipping content's been with WoW where you can do something like go from Vanilla to a later expansion as long as you're level enough and can go back later to skipped content if you feel like it. I know with the insta-level tokens, it cuts the class story content out and locks you into specific choices with I think assuming you didn't romance anyone.

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My male agent has this outfit, also found it as a green drop ages ago. Then I did KOTET and discovered that Minister Lorman was wearing the exact same outfit (right down to the pants, which I'd also found as a separate green drop!) so that he and my agent looked like twins. Belt, boots and gloves were different though.




Lorman's jacket is shorter than any other Imp uniform I've seen other than the shock dispersing. Maybe we'll get an in game version to better show off Quinn's assets 😳

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The closer it gets to April, the more I fear Quinn won't have the original voice actor, for some reason...

Voice actors are extremely talented so I imagine if the original voice actor can't do it, whoever they get will attempt to copy Malavai's original voice as closely as possible, so I don't think it matters.

I'm more interested in them getting his return right way over his voice. I really hope they don't cheat and send letters like they did with Torian.

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Me? Hate? :D Whilst he's great in just about everything he appears in, I just do not find Benedict Cumberbatch attractive so linking him to handsome Quinn is just wrong as far as I am concerned. But as we say in England "each to there own" :)


Anyone think there will be a Malavai Quinn commemorative statue? I have my credits ready & a place in my stronghold reserved!!


Ok, that's cool :D I just wasn't sure how to take the 'Oh god no definately not!' ;D I find them both handsome, so either works for me. We say that in Canada too, so it's all good, to each their own. :)


I sure hope there is, I'm totally buying a bunch lol. I can just imagine the dialogue Jaigamee will come up with at poor Quinn walking through Darth Lunafox's house where Quinn statues are practically flanking every door way lol. :p

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The closer it gets to April, the more I fear Quinn won't have the original voice actor, for some reason...


I worry it may not be him too, but try not to think about it. Hopefully it's still the same wonderful voice. He returned for all previous expansions, so I hope he can return this time too. And continue to work.


Voice actors are extremely talented so I imagine if the original voice actor can't do it, whoever they get will attempt to copy Malavai's original voice as closely as possible, so I don't think it matters.

I'm more interested in them getting his return right way over his voice. I really hope they don't cheat and send letters like they did with Torian.


Judging by that bit after Alderaan class story, nope! That "replacement" guy sounds different, has a different accent, and it's just NOPE! I don't even know why there's a different actor in those few lines. :confused:


Richard Teverson's voice is one of main reasons why I adore Quinn, so changing this aspect would be terrible for me. It just never would be the same :(

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Judging by that bit after Alderaan class story, nope! That "replacement" guy sounds different, has a different accent, and it's just NOPE! I don't even know why there's a different actor in those few lines. :confused:


Richard Teverson's voice is one of main reasons why I adore Quinn, so changing this aspect would be terrible for me. It just never would be the same :(


Wait, what bit? o_o For who, the bounty hunter...? Torian...? I'm confused.


Quinn's dialogue while going through that statue-filled house would likely consist of horrified stammering and a lot of twitching. A LOT of twitching. And eventually just fleeing for his life.

Quinn: I would never do that.


Quinn: An Imperial officer must be calm and professional at all times. That includes when Sith are trying to kill him, unfortunately, as I would like nothing more than to advance in the opposite direction, I must remain stoic.

Uh-huh. *opens door to statue-filled house*

Quinn: ...

...yes, that's stoic, all right.

Quinn: *twitch*

Called it.

Quinn: *rapidly walks away*


Quinn: This is called, in the common vernacular, "nope'ing the heck away." *nope nope nope just not dealing with this nope*

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Yeah there's a line or two of Quinn's with a different voice - Australian accent. There's a video on youtube where you can hear it but I have no idea how to find it. It wasn't called "Quinn w/ diff voice" or anything, I just noticed it and must've looked up the name of the mission. Actually this is the first time I've ever seen anyone mention it.
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Yeah there's a line or two of Quinn's with a different voice - Australian accent. There's a video on youtube where you can hear it but I have no idea how to find it. It wasn't called "Quinn w/ diff voice" or anything, I just noticed it and must've looked up the name of the mission. Actually this is the first time I've ever seen anyone mention it.


...okay, if Quinn comes back with an Australian accent, we riot. :p


I've never even noticed that before, or heard anyone mention it... wow. So this happens after Alderaan, then? Do you have to have Quinn along with you in a mission? If so, then my second warrior, who's currently on Alderaan, will switch out Vette for Quinn for a little while. Because now I'm really curious. o_o

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I definitely noticed a different voice actor in the class story - I forgot when it was, but I'm pretty sure it was on the ship in front of the holoterminal. It was noticeable enough for me to hit "Esc" for a double-take. It was just a few lines, but the voice sounded almost like Quinn with some Pierce mixed in. Was definitely off and sounded absolutely not Quinn. Edited by Edyn
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It's on the ship, so everyone had to have it. It's a different man's voice, not VA forgetting how he played this character.



... ! ! ! !


Whoa. Okay. That IS someone different. It's not a bad voice, per se, but...it's not Quinn. o_O I wonder what on earth happened there. Did someone else originally come in, do a few lines for Quinn as a rehearsal or audition, and then they forgot to replace those lines with Quinn's actual VA?

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... ! ! ! !


Whoa. Okay. That IS someone different. It's not a bad voice, per se, but...it's not Quinn. o_O I wonder what on earth happened there. Did someone else originally come in, do a few lines for Quinn as a rehearsal or audition, and then they forgot to replace those lines with Quinn's actual VA?


Given Bioware's track record for forgetting to remove cut content and place holders, it's probably something that was a filler to work around while voice acting was being worked on and never got switched over.

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Garbage, wookie poo!


Thanks for finding that, I've never heard those Vette lines before. Never could bring myself to shocking her but I don't recall her being quite so snotty to Quinn either.

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It's on the ship, so everyone had to have it. It's a different man's voice, not VA forgetting how he played this character.



How weird is that? Definitely seems like some sort of mistake.


I think we should be on track to get the real Quinn and his voice back come April. Up until now, no voice actor has ever been full-on replaced except for Tanno Vik and that's only because his VA passed away. (Vik's new actor was good enough that few people notice the difference and he's been voicing Vik since ROTHC on.)

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How weird is that? Definitely seems like some sort of mistake.


I think we should be on track to get the real Quinn and his voice back come April. Up until now, no voice actor has ever been full-on replaced except for Tanno Vik and that's only because his VA passed away. (Vik's new actor was good enough that few people notice the difference and he's been voicing Vik since ROTHC on.)


Random trivia: Vik's new voice actor also voiced Saren from Mass Effect. :D

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It's on the ship, so everyone had to have it. It's a different man's voice, not VA forgetting how he played this character.



Yap - this is what I was thinking of; however, I think my Vette wasn't so snarky because I took her collar off. ;)

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Yeah there's a line or two of Quinn's with a different voice - Australian accent. There's a video on youtube where you can hear it but I have no idea how to find it. It wasn't called "Quinn w/ diff voice" or anything, I just noticed it and must've looked up the name of the mission. Actually this is the first time I've ever seen anyone mention it.


I think it's still him, but he was sick...I think he had a sore throat or something. I think it comes just before the betrayal.

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Wait, what bit? o_o For who, the bounty hunter...? Torian...? I'm confused.


Quinn's dialogue while going through that statue-filled house would likely consist of horrified stammering and a lot of twitching. A LOT of twitching. And eventually just fleeing for his life.

Quinn: I would never do that.


Quinn: An Imperial officer must be calm and professional at all times. That includes when Sith are trying to kill him, unfortunately, as I would like nothing more than to advance in the opposite direction, I must remain stoic.

Uh-huh. *opens door to statue-filled house*

Quinn: ...

...yes, that's stoic, all right.

Quinn: *twitch*

Called it.

Quinn: *rapidly walks away*


Quinn: This is called, in the common vernacular, "nope'ing the heck away." *nope nope nope just not dealing with this nope*


Darth Lunafox: *sniffle* I thought he'd like it. I wanted to honor him...so that he'd say, "My lord, you honor me! Is that so much to ask? I'm a nice Sith. Really."

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I think it's still him, but he was sick...I think he had a sore throat or something. I think it comes just before the betrayal.


No, it's right after Alderaan, getting into the Act I finale. Spoiler tags because why the hey not.


Jaesa tells you to come to her ship, and of course it's a trap because there are two senior Jedi waiting there for you.



Quinn: I--I--I'm...*swallows hard* ...honored, my lord?

*nods expectantly*

Quinn: ...thank you??


Quinn: But...isn't this...just a tad...excessive?


Quinn: Permission to speak freely, my lord Darth Lunafox?

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No, it's right after Alderaan, getting into the Act I finale. Spoiler tags because why the hey not.


Jaesa tells you to come to her ship, and of course it's a trap because there are two senior Jedi waiting there for you.





Quinn: I--I--I'm...*swallows hard* ...honored, my lord?

*nods expectantly*

Quinn: ...thank you??


Quinn: But...isn't this...just a tad...excessive?


Quinn: Permission to speak freely, my lord Darth Lunafox?



That's right, I knew they were standing around the meeting table thingy at the time. I still think it's him though, albeit a bit hoarse. Are you sure it's someone else, cause I know he sounded a bit off, but who doesn't when they have a sore throat or cold?



Darth Lunafox: Granted, Captain. Malavai. *beams* But know this...nothing is too good for you! *slaps his cheek lightly and tugs his chin affectionately*. Captain schnookums. Oh my, did I say that aloud? *clears throat* What were you going to say Captain?

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That's right, I knew they were standing around the meeting table thingy at the time. I still think it's him though, albeit a bit horse. Are you sure it's someone else, cause I know he sounded a bit off, but who doesn't when they have a sore throat or cold?



Darth Lunafox: Granted, Captain. Malavai. *beams* But know this...nothing is too good for you! *slaps his cheek lightly and tugs his chin affectionately*. Captain schnookums. Oh my, did I say that aloud? *clears throat* What were you going to say Captain?


I'm pretty sure it's someone else. Whoever the other VA is, he has a much flatter, lower voice than Quinn's normal VA. The accent is also vaguely off. Quinn's normal VA pronounces every word as if it were its own sentence: very clipped and precise.

*overload of details* My mom is good with recognizing actors. I'm mildly adept with recognizing *voice* actors. XD Or at least peoples' voices in general...ish sort of kind of.


Quinn: ... *blink blink blink* *BLUSH*

Weeeeeeell, don't get shy now...

Quinn: Er. Right. *clears throat* My lord, while I appreciate your...fl-flirtations...*voice squeaks; clears his throat again* You must know that this is all very confusing for me. *You* flirt with me. Other...Sith...fangirls??...seem to want nothing more than to fawn all over me. And yet OTHER Sith Warriors - all of whom seem to share one of two voices - want to kill me in the most excruciatingly painful ways known to man...and several alien races besides. I'm just the slightest bit overwhelmed by all of this. On top of that, going from this "meta"...thing...I apparently am married to various Sith Lords of all different species, treated as anything from a valued slave to a partner in my own right, had affairs with various male characters (which I MUST protest!), father of I don't even know how many children, and in some continuities, DEAD. And existing as a Force-ghost. To be tormented further. And still very much dead. I'm...*deep breath*...perfectly fine with all of this, of course. My lord. If you so will. *more eyelid twitching*


(Edit: whoo that was long :D At this rate, we're going to drive Quinn completely over the edge by April. XD)

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It's likely he changes his voice to deeper etc to act as Malavai, many VA's don't sound like half their characters on a normal non-work day, only for that character.so it very well could be the same actor who had an off day or moment when doing those particular lines. Voice acting requires a 100% well voice and throat, to get specific and consistent voice sound etc. He may very well sound a bit different if same VA for when he returns, because if Quinn's isn't his proper / normal day to day sounding voice he'll have to be mimicking it to get it the same sound, deepness, accent etc. and how long has it been since he last voiced the character.
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