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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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So you don't want to hear the bit about the Hutt go-go dancers?:p


...I just ate breakf--nevermind


Talos: Most of my dreams are about flesh-eating Jawas or Hutts in bikinis.

Andronikos: ...Hutts in bikinis would be an improvement.

My inquisitor at that moment: *desperately needing brain bleach and wondering just how innocent Talos actually is*




Back on whatever topic we were on... :p I like how, in the Quinn romance, you can have your warrior be a textbook case of harrassment...OR...by *not* choosing some of the flirt options, you can have her be fully aware of Quinn's boundaries ("I'm in love with a SITH!? That's ridiculously dangerous and unhealthy and possibly lethal for me and I'm not sure of this...") and respect them, backing off when he's uncomfortable. It made the whole thing go from potentially cringe-worthy to utterly adorable. Here's this woman who steamrolls her way to her goals, obliterating any obstacle in her way (whether you're playing light OR dark)...and then is incredibly gentle and understanding with the man she loves. She even says, given the right dialogue options (paraphrased), "If you're not comfortable with this, I'll back off." Just...d'awwww. Yay. :D

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Definitely don't tell her the part where Quinn has to go undercover as a go-go dancer himself. Oops, did I say that?


*looks at every Matt Bomer Magic Mike gif on the internet*


I'm gonna be real upset with you if that doesn't happen. :mad:

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We'll have a lot to talk about once the reunion drops! In the meantime I'm just making sure all my warriors are ready and finding other projects to pass the time.


The only thing I have to say at the moment is how much I <3 my rl husband. The fact I have such a crush on Quinn makes my husband actually like him more. Delightfully pervy, he is :D


This is true! I can hardly wait. April seems so far away. I have to get my warrior ready too, there are still a few things I need to get done with her to catch her up to my Sorc and my JK. You're lucky, my rl hubby can't stand Quinn...he loathes him lol. So you, are very lucky! :D



I'm going to offer up the subject of Quinnshiping. Over the years I've read many fanfics that have Wraths that either neglect or abuse their Quinns, so in my head I make up an alternate story that moves their Quinn into a more appreciative situation. I'm very excited to get Quinn on other classes, even though I'm sure they won't be able to flirt with him.


I think Quinn would be a good fit with the Inquisitor's more intellectual crew. He and Talos would surely be good friends, and I'm sure he would love to talk with Khem about Yn and Chabosh.


He would make a fantastic recruit for Sith Intelligence and he surely would do everyone a favor and kill Kaliyo for being the traitor that she is. Again, I think he, Vector & Lokin could easily become friends, and he would enjoy talking with Scorpio. Or he could go undercover as a Republic smuggler. The down side of that is having to have Quinn use a Pub accent...


If he chose to run away, his skill set would allow him to be a top notch bounty hunter. I don't see him being particularly friendly with any of the crew, but he would enjoy hunting down the miscreants much like he did with Voloren.


I have also shipped him with many and diverse NPCs, but I can save those for later. April is a long way away.


That's interesting, considering how he'd fit with the other classes. I agree with your assessments of how he'd fit with the Imperial crews. In all honesty, I think the warrior's crew is one of the ones where he'd fit in the least. I can see it being one of those crews, where the SW and Quinn spend most of their time together socially and in duty. Like Picard and Riker in a way. The rest just don't have much in common with Quinn.


I'm thinking that the JK crew, once they were all back again, would be difficult for Quinn too. I can't see him and Kira getting along, because she's a bit of a smart ***, like Vette. And So is Doc, though intellectually I could see they'd have a few things to talk about, given they both have healing skills and I could see Quinn being interested in the sorts of things that he did in the resistance on Balmorra. Or Quinn would shut down around him, because he was resistance. Tough call. I can't see Rusk liking him because he's an Imperial. T7 seems to like people well enough, though Quinn might just use him as a tool :D


JC crew...I don't see him getting along...maybe with Cedrax. And the Smug and Trooper crews...he wouldn't get on with them either. Trooper crew, I could see him getting along better with Dorne, because similar backgrounds.


Quinn as a bounty hunter...that is an intriguing idea. Not sure how that would work out, but it's very cool, trying to imagine him dealing with some of the 'roughs' that they come in contact with.

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Here's something I want to know.


Do you all like that you need to fill in the gaps with Quinn and your warrior's story? There are a LOT of different interpretations of what Quinn was doing with the Betrayal. Is that lazy writing? Or genius? Or are we all just living in denial? :(


It is fun to speculate a little, but I really would like him to just explain himself once and for all. No generic statements of loyalty or love. Just him say "yes, I really tried hard to kill you because I picked loyalty to the Empire over my love for you" OR " Yes, I knew you'd forgive me so I put on a nice show for Baras". I just need to know. I can't stand all this ambiguity!

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Here's something I want to know.


Do you all like that you need to fill in the gaps with Quinn and your warrior's story? There are a LOT of different interpretations of what Quinn was doing with the Betrayal. Is that lazy writing? Or genius? Or are we all just living in denial? :(


It is fun to speculate a little, but I really would like him to just explain himself once and for all. No generic statements of loyalty or love. Just him say "yes, I really tried hard to kill you because I picked loyalty to the Empire over my love for you" OR " Yes, I knew you'd forgive me so I put on a nice show for Baras". I just need to know. I can't stand all this ambiguity!


I'd like it to be a bit more defined. SW and Quinn really do need to have a good long chat about everything. :)

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lazy writing


I mentioned earlier in the thread that it was my pessimistic view that the warrior story (and probably most/all of the other stories too) were written to be played from a male perspective and that would explain the ridiculousness of Quinn's betrayal of his own wife.


It was pointed out soon after that it doesn't really make much sense for male warriors either, which is cold comfort. Anyway it isn't so much the betrayal that ever bothered me, but the fact that no matter what you say you can't talk him out of it. Sure it's nice to edit the story to our own whims but based on what we are given.. there really isn't any good explanation for it. It just sucks.


Quinn does something that just plain sucks. And that's why I go with the "I love him more than he loves me" rationale. It's the only thing that makes sense to me based on what we are given.


In any case, I hope there's plenty of new topics of conversation in the upcoming content, I'd hate it if the whole thing revolved around something that happened a lifetime ago. I'm farkin over it.


(Omg that last paragraph reminded me - we're getting new stuff with Quinn, he's going to TALK, and it will be stuff that we never heard before, I'm dying..!)

Edited by grania
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Here's something I want to know.


Do you all like that you need to fill in the gaps with Quinn and your warrior's story? There are a LOT of different interpretations of what Quinn was doing with the Betrayal. Is that lazy writing? Or genius? Or are we all just living in denial? :(


It is fun to speculate a little, but I really would like him to just explain himself once and for all. No generic statements of loyalty or love. Just him say "yes, I really tried hard to kill you because I picked loyalty to the Empire over my love for you" OR " Yes, I knew you'd forgive me so I put on a nice show for Baras". I just need to know. I can't stand all this ambiguity!


In all honesty, going from the decades I've been involved with a variety of fandoms in my life, I don't think that any degree of in depth explanations would effect the amount of 'headcanoning' we do. It's like no matter what we shift into a Professor Emeritus level of critical analysis and still find ways to examine motivations and such.


As for me, I like filling in the gaps. Part of it's keeping my mind flexible for when I work on a creative writing project so I'm making sure to avoid gaps like that in my own work, and part of it's to put a doofy smile on my face for a while.

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So, I've seen spoilers for 5.2. I will only say, it's both sad and ***-y for both sides but more so for Quinn. (He still comes along if you don't kill him) like we all figured.




I do believe Bioware prefers people being full on light sided.

As mild as this is, you should have used SPOILER TAGS! I don't want to have to avoid the rest of the lovely Quinn thread because of posts like this (with even when they are just the mildest of spoilers). I want to see all of the return for myself.

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As mild as this is, you should have used SPOILER TAGS! I don't want to have to avoid the rest of the lovely Quinn thread because of posts like this (with even when they are just the mildest of spoilers). I want to see all of the return for myself.


Next time I mention the Hutt go-go dancers and the all Wookie conga line dancing to the Star Wars version of Cuban Pete, I'll use spoiler tags. :p

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As mild as this is, you should have used SPOILER TAGS! I don't want to have to avoid the rest of the lovely Quinn thread because of posts like this (with even when they are just the mildest of spoilers). I want to see all of the return for myself.


True. But at least I didn't tell you that a Band of Jawas came in and gave everyone party favors that when activated, cause everyone to get atomic wedgies. So make sure your female characters aren't wearing thongs or they may be cut in two! :p

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Next time I mention the Hutt go-go dancers and the all Wookie conga line dancing to the Star Wars version of Cuban Pete, I'll use spoiler tags. :p


True. But at least I didn't tell you that a Band of Jawas came in and gave everyone party favors that when activated, cause everyone to get atomic wedgies. So make sure your female characters aren't wearing thongs or they may be cut in two! :p


the images running through my head right now... :eek: *SCANDALIZED*


Quinn: *jaw dropped, turning purple, and completely unable to stop staring*

Oh, you're back...just in time for all this.

Quinn: I should have stayed away. Far, far away.

But not a long time ago?

Quinn: ...what?


Quinn: Coming back to this thread and seeing Hutts in bikinis and Wookies doing the can-can... I am not sure I shall ever recover.

So...does that mean...

Quinn: ...you want me to say it, don't you.


Quinn: *sigh* I could have planned this better.


Quinn: Memories of Forced Companions Daycare are still scarring me.

Well then, you'll get scarred on top of scars from...all this. Have fun, Quinnie!

Quinn: ...it's Quinn. Just Quinn.

Okay, Just--

Quinn: NO!



I wish Forced Companions Daycare was still around. *sigh* Where's the link to that glorious thread in fan fiction... Edit: I FOUND IT!!

Edited by Jagaimee
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True. But at least I didn't tell you that a Band of Jawas came in and gave everyone party favors that when activated, cause everyone to get atomic wedgies. So make sure your female characters aren't wearing thongs or they may be cut in two! :p


Hm I should be safe then, I doubt any of my warriors would even know what part of their body a thong belonged on :p


My best femwarrior impression: "What exactly is this supposed to be?" *shoots thong into the distance like a rubber band*

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Hm I should be safe then, I doubt any of my warriors would even know what part of their body a thong belonged on :p


My best femwarrior impression: "What exactly is this supposed to be?" *shoots thong into the distant like a rubber band*


For my Warrior it'd be: *holds skimpy undergarment warily* "I was unaware my posterior was flossing area." *tosses thong to her pet womprat to play with*

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I'd like it to be a bit more defined. SW and Quinn really do need to have a good long chat about everything. :)


I wouldn't. It's too late for that. My couple put it past behind them *years* ago. Digging it up and beating a long dead horse? To what end?


Well, I RPed they did have long conversations afterwards, so maybe that's why it's closed for me.


And I have little faith in the storyteller to give it justice. Would it even be the same person who wrote the original, or someone who'd just glance at Wookieepedia?

No, thanks.

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I wouldn't. It's too late for that. My couple put it past behind them *years* ago. Digging it up and beating a long dead horse? To what end?


Well, I RPed they did have long conversations afterwards, so maybe that's why it's closed for me.


And I have little faith in the storyteller to give it justice. Would it even be the same person who wrote the original, or someone who'd just glance at Wookieepedia?

No, thanks.


I feel the same way. For my Warrior since it was only her and him, and she did say she'd keep it between the two of them, I figured they had plenty of discussion behind closed doors since they'd still keep sharing quarters as the others would get nosy if Quinn had to suddenly go bunk with them.

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I just love how Quinn has two types of fans, the Lovers and the Haters. Means he was so well written, enough to get people passionate from both camps, proven by the fact both are howling and giddy excitement all over social media and the two threads here. If you want to kill a companion so much, then he was definitely an amazingly written companion, to the point they're on the forums howling for his death.. if they really didn't care about him in any way and want him gone solely because of one thing, they wouldn't be bothering mentioning it more then once and it wouldn't be a hurricane of people going on about it, he did push a button.. many buttons.. to get these reactions, amazing character.

of course there's this camp here I prefer hanging with that are all love, rainbows and happiness excitement over it :p


I fully expect this to go on well past April and release of the content... you really think it'll just stop once he gets back? oh no.. it won't.

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I just love how Quinn has two types of fans, the Lovers and the Haters. Means he was so well written, enough to get people passionate from both camps, proven by the fact both are howling and giddy excitement all over social media and the two threads here. If you want to kill a companion so much, then he was definitely an amazingly written companion, to the point they're on the forums howling for his death.. if they really didn't care about him in any way and want him gone solely because of one thing, they wouldn't be bothering mentioning it more then once and it wouldn't be a hurricane of people going on about it, he did push a button.. many buttons.. to get these reactions, amazing character.

of course there's this camp here I prefer hanging with that are all love, rainbows and happiness excitement over it :p


I fully expect this to go on well past April and release of the content... you really think it'll just stop once he gets back? oh no.. it won't.


I knew bringing Quinn back would be good for subs and I know they're going to cater to the haters but I hope they take care of the rest of us too.. it's my pretend husband we're talking about here. And it really has been years, in game and in real life, since we even got a conversation with the guy. When I first started playing this game I couldn't have guessed how sparse our personal (class/companion) stories would become.


Eh.. it'll probably be awesome and looking back on all this hand-wringing will seem silly in hindsight. Right..?

Edited by grania
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I knew bringing Quinn back would be good for subs and I know they're going to cater to the haters but I hope they take care of the rest of us too.. it's my pretend husband we're talking about here. And it really has been years, in game and in real life, since we even got a conversation with the guy. When I first started playing this game I couldn't have guessed how sparse our personal (class/companion) stories would become.


Eh.. it'll probably be awesome and looking back on all this hand-wringing will seem silly in hindsight. Right..?


I am expecting there's going to be a lot of out of character fanservice for the haters of Quinn. But like you, I hope they've got the same amount of fanservice for those who "love" the character also.

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I fully expect this to go on well past April and release of the content... you really think it'll just stop once he gets back? oh no.. it won't.


Going from how revitalized the few Quinn fansites I lurk on have been since just the announcement, I can easily see every other fannish thing ramping up all the way to April and going totally wild afterwards.

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I knew bringing Quinn back would be good for subs and I know they're going to cater to the haters but I hope they take care of the rest of us too.. it's my pretend husband we're talking about here. And it really has been years, in game and in real life, since we even got a conversation with the guy. When I first started playing this game I couldn't have guessed how sparse our personal (class/companion) stories would become.


Eh.. it'll probably be awesome and looking back on all this hand-wringing will seem silly in hindsight. Right..?


I hope you're right about the LI story being just as profound as the 'hater' one, I do fear that the reunion will be heavily weighted toward the hater side. I'm not sure that BW has any love for Quinn either, but I hope they prove us wrong. I assume there will be the cursory kiss and fade to black, but the dialogue needs to be stellar. It's all in the words and the voice, I hope some of the lines will be memorable at least.

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I hope you're right about the LI story being just as profound as the 'hater' one, I do fear that the reunion will be heavily weighted toward the hater side. I'm not sure that BW has any love for Quinn either, but I hope they prove us wrong. I assume there will be the cursory kiss and fade to black, but the dialogue needs to be stellar. It's all in the words and the voice, I hope some of the lines will be memorable at least.


It's an understandable concern to have. I think we've all read the assorted fantheories on Canon Romances for Bioware games which are apparently the ones most favored by the devs and so get the preferred writing and attention such as Liara for Mass Effect, Leliana for Dragon Age, Silk Fox for Jade Empire, and for SWTOR it's apparently Lana. These are the characters that will always have some form of plot armor or handwaved rational to return regardless of what happened to them in game. I don't know how much of these are actually legit or just fandom nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking, but they do raise that little voice in the back of our heads to wonder if we aren't slighted to some degree because we chose who we chose.

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I don't want to be a wet blanket but my faith in Bioware is at this point pretty much none existent. if the Quinnmacers get so much as a 'I love you' from Quinn I'd very surprised. We'll see in April I guess.


Ehh, it's not so much being a wet blanket, but setting expectations low so you avoid dissappointment and can be happy if it exceeds them.

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