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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Don't be shocked, but yah I glomp onto any Scourge I see outside the Jedi Council chambers too lol.


You're nice to everyone really. Some of the haters are cute or funny about it, and that doesn't bug me much, but then you get your right proper weirdos, and I worry that when they're not playing Swtor that they're maiming hamsters or something. :eek:

Well I think we scare people too some times, in the opposite way. With all the love for certain bad boys with sharp looks...


what was I saying? :o

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Female Warrior: So, Quinn, what shall we do today?

Quinn: I believe we--

*random woman runs up, hugs Quinn, then runs off giggling*

Quinn: ............................exCUSE me!?

Female Warrior: ...is there something I should know about...?

Quinn: I have no idea who that was.

*another woman runs up and blows a kiss at Quinn*

Female Warrior: o_O

Quinn: Is the Force itself devising a plot to torment me? Who are these...miscreants? That conduct is highly unbecoming of Imperial citizens--

*two more women run past and blow kisses*

Quinn: *turning a fine shade of dark red* What. Is going. On.

Female Warrior: *shifty-eyed*

*horde of squealing fangirls descend on Quinn*

Quinn: AUGH-- *disappeares beneath said horde of fangirls*

Female Warrior: HEY-- *is shoved off to the side and drowned out by the squealing*

Quinn: *surfaces for air* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *pulled back down*--help me please--*surfaces*--HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED--*pulled back down*--excuse me that tickles--*surfaces*--COMMENCE ORBITAL STRIKE--*pulled back down*


Thanks for a good laugh :D


I have a friend who always bows to others' Quinns. I send him a kiss if on a girl toon, if I'm fast enough to click him.


I also like to "troll" people on the fleet when I'm on my warrior using the emote to "love" him, which shows in the chat for all to see :D I like to imagine someone gets annoyed by this and runs around the fleet looking for a/my Quinn to spit on for good measure. I'm evil, I know (but I'm a Sith, so what did you expect!).

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Thanks for a good laugh :D


I have a friend who always bows to others' Quinns. I send him a kiss if on a girl toon, if I'm fast enough to click him.


I also like to "troll" people on the fleet when I'm on my warrior using the emote to "love" him, which shows in the chat for all to see :D I like to imagine someone gets annoyed by this and runs around the fleet looking for a/my Quinn to spit on for good measure. I'm evil, I know (but I'm a Sith, so what did you expect!).


I'm not brave enough to do that lol. I do club dance with him on elevators though, I've had a few unexpected guests appear for that :o

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Congrats! *pins medal on you* You win the internetz today! THAT was AWESOME!!!! :D


Mission accomplished. :cool: *ninja-somersaults out of the thread*

Quinn: ...what are you doing.

Somersaulting. You should try it sometime. I used to be able to do it easily when I was in gymnastics as a kid, but now it just makes me dizzy...

Quinn: You...still are a kid...

Hey! I am a legal adult!

Quinn: I find that hard to believe, given your...immaturity.

What immaturity!?

Quinn: You sicced a pack of rabid fangirls on me in your last post and implied that it ended in an orbital bombardment of the infection--I mean, "Quinn-love."

....yeah, so?

Quinn: *silent air of long-suffering*


...I get carried away writing things like that. :p On a different note, does anyone else occasionally go up to Quinn on the bridge of their ship and click on him a lot to hear his random responses? *raises hand*

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Once I waited for PvP to pop up with a friend and someone "slapped" him. My friend and I spammed the chat with kisses for him in turn :D


On a different note, does anyone else occasionally go up to Quinn on the bridge of their ship and click on him a lot to hear his random responses? *raises hand*


All. The. Time. I LOVE his voice. Especially "Didn't lose you" (:::melts into a puddle:::).


Don't know what I'll do when he's not on the bridge any more. Fortunately, I usually spend my off time in my SH, so I can poke him all I want there.

Edited by Lammia
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On a different note, does anyone else occasionally go up to Quinn on the bridge of their ship and click on him a lot to hear his random responses? *raises hand*


Of course! And sometimes when I'm doing missions and stuff I'll say out loud "ya ready?" and click him and he'll say "I'm ready, my lord." Love it when that happens. Of course, sometimes he says like "There'll be time to update you later, my lord." And I'm like -_-

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Mission accomplished. :cool: *ninja-somersaults out of the thread*

Quinn: ...what are you doing.

Somersaulting. You should try it sometime. I used to be able to do it easily when I was in gymnastics as a kid, but now it just makes me dizzy...

Quinn: You...still are a kid...

Hey! I am a legal adult!

Quinn: I find that hard to believe, given your...immaturity.

What immaturity!?

Quinn: You sicced a pack of rabid fangirls on me in your last post and implied that it ended in an orbital bombardment of the infection--I mean, "Quinn-love."

....yeah, so?

Quinn: *silent air of long-suffering*


...I get carried away writing things like that. :p On a different note, does anyone else occasionally go up to Quinn on the bridge of their ship and click on him a lot to hear his random responses? *raises hand*


I'm ok with you rping with Quinn in every thread tbh. I'd like to hear his take on those other topics.

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Mission accomplished. :cool: *ninja-somersaults out of the thread*


...I get carried away writing things like that. :p On a different note, does anyone else occasionally go up to Quinn on the bridge of their ship and click on him a lot to hear his random responses? *raises hand*



I do that all the time. I love to hear him talk. I do it with all the ones I love. I just need to hear their voices. I wish there were random pop surprise romance chats that come up for the heck of it and it's just a nice moment you can spent with your romance comp. :)


That would be so much better than getting to 'play as a rakghoul' lol.

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Mission accomplished. :cool: *ninja-somersaults out of the thread*

Quinn: ...what are you doing.

Somersaulting. You should try it sometime. I used to be able to do it easily when I was in gymnastics as a kid, but now it just makes me dizzy...

Quinn: You...still are a kid...

Hey! I am a legal adult!

Quinn: I find that hard to believe, given your...immaturity.

What immaturity!?

Quinn: You sicced a pack of rabid fangirls on me in your last post and implied that it ended in an orbital bombardment of the infection--I mean, "Quinn-love."

....yeah, so?

Quinn: *silent air of long-suffering*


...I get carried away writing things like that. :p On a different note, does anyone else occasionally go up to Quinn on the bridge of their ship and click on him a lot to hear his random responses? *raises hand*


Please keep at it, I enjoy reading this!! And I click Quinn wherever and whenever I can just to hear him talk, it's totally normal. :D

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Yes! Bring it on Jagaimee! Bring on the Quinn <3


Quinn: "Bring on the Quinn?" I object to that...objectification...

Don't know what you're so upset about. You have a bunch of fangirls adoring you. How bad is that?

Quinn: ...fan...girls?


Oi vey, not you.

Quinn: I have no concept of "fan girls." Do girls sit around and wave fans at me?

If you asked us to, we probably would.

Quinn: "Us."

Yes. Us. We are everywhere.

Quinn: *shifty eyes*

We haunt your dreams. Actually, you haunt our dreams.

Quinn: *backing away*

We want you baaaaaaaack.

Quinn: *backing away faster*

Hey, what's the problem? Seriously. We don't bite. We just...smother a bit.

Quinn: I DON'T WANT TO BE SMOTHERED! *fleeing for his life*



Might have to make a thread in fanfiction about this. :p Quinn Reacts - post a weird situation and Quinn will comment on it.

Quinn: Or run screaming from the indignities I shall inevitably be subjected to.

But of course, my dear Malavai. That's part of the fun.

Quinn: *air of long-suffering intensifies*

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I really really do NOT get why the Quinn hate is so strong. Yes, he betrayed the Sith Warrior, boo hoo but there's other companions who aren't flawless, who've done worse namely Kaliyo in my eyes but I'd never harass or berate another player for enjoying her. Why do people, and mostly guys, feel so extremely compelled to give us crap for enjoying Quinn? 'Hating' him is one thing but whispering others for using Quinn as a companion or /spit emoting at another person's Quinn seems like a whole new level of pathetic. :rolleyes:


Maybe they really are jealous, I can't see any other logic reason for going that far in your hatred of a fictional character.


They probably cut Kaliyo slack because she's a romanceable who's a woman. I guess b**bs can invoke a lot of forgiveness.

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Might have to make a thread in fanfiction about this. :p Quinn Reacts - post a weird situation and Quinn will comment on it.


There was a really fun Q&A with Quinn on Tumblr awhile ago. I was trying to find it and got lost in Tumblr land. "F**k Yeah Malavai Quinn" has grown quite a bit and I couldn't find it, but so many other fun things!


Ah, found it!

Edited by Damask_Rose
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They probably cut Kaliyo slack because she's a romanceable who's a woman. I guess b**bs can invoke a lot of forgiveness.


Y'know... I often do wonder about that. Kaliyo does arguably worse - she not only betrays you but THE ENTIRE EMPIRE because...why? Money. Because she can. It's fun. Etc.

Quinn betrays the warrior because he's under a heck of a lot of pressure, his career and even his life are at risk and he feels like he has no other choice (either go up against one powerful Sith or another powerful Sith, pick your poison)...as has already been detailed extensively earlier in this thread.

And yet Kaliyo's forgiven and Quinn somehow isn't. o_O Is it really because of gender alone? ...that's just sad.

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There was a really fun Q&A with Quinn on Tumblr awhile ago. I was trying to find it and got lost in Tumblr land. "F**k Yeah Malavai Quinn" has grown quite a bit and I couldn't find it, but so many other fun things!


Ah, found it!


Oooh, neat. I don't have a Tumblr account (...I'm...honestly not even sure what Tumblr even is - yes, I swear, I'm a teenager/young adult in this day and age! :p), but I'm curious about this now... thanks for the link!

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Y'know... I often do wonder about that. Kaliyo does arguably worse - she not only betrays you but THE ENTIRE EMPIRE because...why? Money. Because she can. It's fun. Etc.

Quinn betrays the warrior because he's under a heck of a lot of pressure, his career and even his life are at risk and he feels like he has no other choice (either go up against one powerful Sith or another powerful Sith, pick your poison)...as has already been detailed extensively earlier in this thread.

And yet Kaliyo's forgiven and Quinn somehow isn't. o_O Is it really because of gender alone? ...that's just sad.


If anyone has a different theory, I'd love to hear it. But seeing how so many go nuts over DS Jaesa or Vaylin who both do some very messed up stuff, it's the only thing I can think of.

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If anyone has a different theory, I'd love to hear it. But seeing how so many go nuts over DS Jaesa or Vaylin who both do some very messed up stuff, it's the only thing I can think of.


Yes, and add Thana Vesh to that list too. The same people that adore these characters are the same ones to condemn Quinn it seems. I think it's because:





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Sorry, but I don't think so.


Kaliyo, Thana, and Vaylin were all ******* from the start. Kaliyo insists from the beginning that you shouldn't trust her. It's like the cornerstone of her character. Thana and Vaylin both tell you they hate you from the beginning.


You watch Baras tell Quinn that his debt has been repaid and that he can choose to serve anywhere. Quinn actually kneels and pledges himself to you, then he proceeds to support you every step of the way. You can romance him or bromance him, either way, he's never anything but a loyal friend to your face. Then, BAM. I can't think of anyone else in the game like that. They're either all sleazy, antagonistic, or telegraph their betrayal a mile away.

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They probably cut Kaliyo slack because she's a romanceable who's a woman. I guess b**bs can invoke a lot of forgiveness.


As a male, I can say that I loathe both quinn and Kaliyo. But Kaliyo more so beacuse she lies to you all the time. But I guess I can see why people like and even want to romance Quinn.

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Sorry, but I don't think so.


Kaliyo, Thana, and Vaylin were all ******* from the start. Kaliyo insists from the beginning that you shouldn't trust her. It's like the cornerstone of her character. Thana and Vaylin both tell you they hate you from the beginning.


You watch Baras tell Quinn that his debt has been repaid and that he can choose to serve anywhere. Quinn actually kneels and pledges himself to you, then he proceeds to support you every step of the way. You can romance him or bromance him, either way, he's never anything but a loyal friend to your face. Then, BAM. I can't think of anyone else in the game like that. They're either all sleazy, antagonistic, or telegraph their betrayal a mile away.


That's true, they are all pretty nasty from the start. Still there is a forgiveness factor...I suppose it rises from the fact that those who involve themselves were warned and did so anyway. But I suppose, if I can invoke the law of 'bewbs' for those who loved the nasty girls, I'll invoke the corresponding law for male characters. :p

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And voice, why won't that actor be in more things I can watch on netflix?! I find the male agent everywhere and he's great but I need more Quinn voice.


Agreed. Mr Teverson did an amazing job with Quinn. I love it that his vaice is always just above whisper and yet you can clearly hear when he is alarmed or disturbed with something.


I'm guilty of clicking on Quinn for as long as I filled my need for his voice for the moment :p

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And voice, why won't that actor be in more things I can watch on netflix?! I find the male agent everywhere and he's great but I need more Quinn voice.


Mmm yeah his voice too. All that stuff matters a lot more than his, well male equivalent of bewbies. Although that part helps in producing mini-Quinns. :o

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