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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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If we're sharing some of our favorite Quinn moments, one of mine's from SoR when you head out on Yavin and Quinn comments not only about his Sith ancestry but wanting to be an Imperial Guard when he was little. It gave me the mental image of him as a kid playing Guard like how we play astronaut.


...... I can't believe I missed THAT.

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If we're sharing some of our favorite Quinn moments, one of mine's from SoR when you head out on Yavin and Quinn comments not only about his Sith ancestry but wanting to be an Imperial Guard when he was little. It gave me the mental image of him as a kid playing Guard like how we play astronaut.


...time to power my new SW to SoR!


And I just read in another thread that it's probably 13 years from the start of Vanilla to the end of KotET. That would make Quinn 50 and now I'm like O_O <_< >_>;


BW pls give us a customisation option for grey hair at Quinn's temples

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I was just looking at the twitter picture since someone commented on his uniform and I realized I couldn't see his moles. I have never been particularly fond of his moles, but they are rather iconic. Surely they didn't remove his moles?


I think maybe it's just a bad angle. On Twitter, Quinn's pic is mirrored, so the left side of his face is actually the right and his hair appears to be parted the wrong way: Twitter


On Facebook, the image is correct, but the angle is such that maybe you just can't see the mole area: Facebook

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Me too, I've never heard that, do you remember where he says that?


On Yavin IV, in the Imperial Guard training grounds, I believe.


...thirteen years from vanilla to the end of KOTET?? I...wha. I've...always thought it was six or seven years, at the most... Three for the whole vanilla story. Two/two-and-a-half for Makeb, Shadow of Revan, Ziost, beginning of KOTFE. One year for the rest of KOTFE/KOTET (including the time-skip between them). What did I miss. o_o

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...thirteen years from vanilla to the end of KOTET?? I...wha. I've...always thought it was six or seven years, at the most... Three for the whole vanilla story. Two/two-and-a-half for Makeb, Shadow of Revan, Ziost, beginning of KOTFE. One year for the rest of KOTFE/KOTET (including the time-skip between them). What did I miss. o_o


I was just as surprised! I had no idea that much time was supposed to have elapsed! But if we go with what you said, that's 3 + 2.5 + 5 for the time skip + 1 = 11.5 years.


Personally I don't mind AT ALL having Quinn be in the Don Draper age range -cough- <_<; Nooooo problem at all

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I'm sorry but i have no idea who Malavai is, according to Ben his name is "ma-lah-veeeeh" must be his twin brother


That...was atrocious. It makes me wonder if he's even played the storyline out, if he can't pronounce one of the main companion's names right. :eek:

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That...was atrocious. It makes me wonder if he's even played the storyline out, if he can't pronounce one of the main companion's names right. :eek:


Oh I don't know... I've been pronouncing Esseles as Essels for five years before I noticed, and I often watch the cut-scenes 🙄

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If we're sharing some of our favorite Quinn moments, one of mine's from SoR when you head out on Yavin and Quinn comments not only about his Sith ancestry but wanting to be an Imperial Guard when he was little. It gave me the mental image of him as a kid playing Guard like how we play astronaut.


Really? I've never picked up on this.. damn. Guess I'll have to head back to SoR again soon on another SW. :D


But for now, movie time! Since I wanna gush and playing through it myself will take too long. :o

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That...was atrocious. It makes me wonder if he's even played the storyline out, if he can't pronounce one of the main companion's names right. :eek:


That's my thought as well unless he played the story (or however devs experience content created before they arrived) with the sound turned off the entire time. :confused:

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Alright thanks I'm on Yavin, going to see if I can get him to say those lines. Not sure where the imperial training area is but I'll just walk all over til I find it (:


/sigh it doesn't help he lags so far behind, he just said the thing about being with imperial forces yadda yadda but was far far behind me I only heard the last few words


"As a child, I idolized the guard. To serve the Emperor as they did was the greatest honor a non-Sith could achieve. Now.. look at them. Look at us."


The way he said "Look at us" was very angsty lol. Ok I do remember this one:


"There are carvings of the Massasi in the Heritage Museum in Kaas City. Their savagery is great, but their blood is far purer than mine."

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If we're sharing some of our favorite Quinn moments, one of mine's from SoR when you head out on Yavin and Quinn comments not only about his Sith ancestry but wanting to be an Imperial Guard when he was little. It gave me the mental image of him as a kid playing Guard like how we play astronaut.

I can't believe I missed this too -that's what I get for going everywhere mounted. I definitely won't be skipping SoR on my newly made Quinn-girl!


This talk about our characters aging is kinda making me feel sad, they're going to be too old to ever use that infant contingency plan Quinn had :(

I don't care if Quinn is theoretically 50 - it's space years! Things can still happen. Everyone lives for ages in SW so anything can happen - 50 is probably like our 30!

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I am STOKED he's coming back (hopefully with the same VA as others have said). I'm hoping this is a prelude to getting all our other LIs, too.


Does anyone know if they're going to do another expansion type thing, where there's a new chapter every month? Or is this a sort of ops quest that you can just pick up? I'm asking because I play for story, and I'm hoping this next update is bringing a new story as well as Quinn... and hopefully more of the old companions.


I don't care if Quinn is theoretically 50 - it's space years! Things can still happen. Everyone lives for ages in SW so anything can happen - 50 is probably like our 30!

Actually you're more right than you think- they've said that the average age for a human in Star Wars is around 150- and that s WITHOUT extensive medical aid. They age a lot slower, too. So a human probably wouldn't start looking all that old until they hit their early 100's.

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