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Checking 1st page on this board:

Lot's of complaints, people saying they are unsubbing or even uninstalling the game. As usual off course.

Checking page 2: More of the same. Not a single positive thread.

Anyways quiet a few negative threads about 5.1, some also about 5.0


So here I am bringing a positive thread.


On my main toon, for the 1st time since I play this game, I have a 6 piece set.

I did enough gsf matches yesterday to get 100 unassembled components, won most, lost some. Off course, this wasn't on (for me) overpopulated harbinger either. No it was on Jedi Covenant.


I like the game atm. I have things to do. Most of my "non gsf" alts are now in gsf as well. I am going to play this game for a while. And you know, I think the non-vocal majority agrees with me since I see a lot of new names on the server. Gsf popping a lot. Thanks bioware for doing this for us :)

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I think the non-vocal majority agrees with me since I see a lot of new names on the server. Gsf popping a lot. Thanks bioware for doing this for us :)


I think anytime you claim to have the support of an unknown and unknowable majority you loose all credibility.

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I think anytime you claim to have the support of an unknown and unknowable majority you loose all credibility.


Come on, MCB and the like have been using that magic demographic to support their claims that the game is dying for weeks now.

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Come on, MCB and the like have been using that magic demographic to support their claims that the game is dying for weeks now.


So are you saying they are right? If your point is making up facts and making claims regarding the numbers on your side is valid, I strongly disagree.

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There have always been and will always be complaints. But "as usual"? I have never seen it this bad, where the complaints don't die down to a minimum after a week, where new people chime in every day.


Some of these people have been threatening to leave for months.


While there are a few trolls that are getting too much attention from both sides of the fence, I would like to point out that some of the more vocal complainers have been people who have been here a very long time and have had no intention of ever quitting this game, and being stuck with their 180-day subs, because they never believed things would get this bad.


I know I didn't expect to cancel my sub or uninstall the game, but I did. And the reason I am vocal about it is not because I hate the game, but because I want to come back and enjoy it again. I am waiting for any kind of excuse they can give me to renew my sub, even if it's not something that makes me completely happy.


Took a screenshot when I unsubbed. I had 137 days of sub left on that day. I will be using that time to continue to voice my concerns here, again, not because of hate, but because of love for the game, and a desire to have it be fun for me again.


I don't mind people making positive threads, I don't begrudge anyone their fun, but when it becomes more about trivializing criticism than about the actual positive aspects, then.. well.. I will speak up again. It's all that I can do anymore.

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Come on, MCB and the like have been using that magic demographic to support their claims that the game is dying for weeks now.


This bugs me a lot. I appear to be on the opposite side of the fence than you are, but.. you think 'MCB' is on the same side as I am? And your "and the like"? There's a huge troll and maybe one or two minor ones that appear to get a huge kick out of stirring up trouble and getting a lot of attention. There are a lot of people with legitimate complaints, but yeah, please focus on the troll and imply that everyone with criticism on the game is like that. :o



edit: Maybe I should use my last two or so months of sub to start making a lot of noise, actually. I try to carefully choose my words to convey my issues as well as I can, to counter points others make, and find myself largely ignored, while the person spamming bait gets dozens if not hundreds of responses.. while there's no way they're interested in a discussion in the first place.....

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I think the issue is that people can see the potential the game has, but over the years they've also seen BW fumble their way through terrible ideas and bad decisions one after another and never really meet that potential at all.


I can't speak for everyone else, but I have absolutely unsubbed/unsubscribed (as a founder) and this is the last week I'll ever be on these boards. I'll probably watch their stream on thursday just for a laugh then I'll forget this game even exists - five years of empty promises and mind numbingly idiotic decisions from BW is enough IMO.

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There have always been and will always be complaints. But "as usual"? I have never seen it this bad, where the complaints don't die down to a minimum after a week, where new people chime in every day.


It was this bad once before. In about the two to six month time frame after launch.... when 1.8 million of the initial 2 million people left the game. As BW later admitted, they were in "serious trouble". I guess that's why today when we used to have 180+ heavy to full servers, we now have 17 servers where four of them might see standard loads for two weeks after an expansion launch.


History my not repeat itself, but it has a funny way of rhyming.

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So are you saying they are right? If your point is making up facts and making claims regarding the numbers on your side is valid, I strongly disagree.


Nope, I'm saying I haven't once seen you point that out to them. Then again, you generally tend to agree with them.


What's good for the goose, as they say.



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This bugs me a lot. I appear to be on the opposite side of the fence than you are, but.. you think 'MCB' is on the same side as I am? And your "and the like"? There's a huge troll and maybe one or two minor ones that appear to get a huge kick out of stirring up trouble and getting a lot of attention. There are a lot of people with legitimate complaints, but yeah, please focus on the troll and imply that everyone with criticism on the game is like that. :o


While the number of deliberate trouble makers is small.... they are quite effective in getting others who are usually more objective in their criticisms to jump on the hate train. This is a problem in this forum, and honestly the community support team does not do enough in my view to reign in the really nasty nonsense.


And frankly, it's no worse with 5.0 then it was with 4.0 and 3.0 either..... just some of the really passionate negative narrative players have different names, some of which are obvious spoof accounts as well.


Here's the thing.... it does not matter if any given player thinks the state of the game is good, bad, or in between. What matters is if a player is having fun doing what they are doing. If yes.. play on. If no.. reassess your priorities and probably go with a different MMO that better fits your needs. But some players actually do want to extract a few pounds of flesh as they exit.. and a smaller number want to perpetually extract a few pounds of flesh while continuing to subscribe.


As is common with negative expressions by humans.... the upset want to raise a mob to attack the fortress with their pitchforks and torches. They want to slay that which offends them, and they need numbers to make them feel validated in their actions.

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Some of these people have been threatening to leave for months.


I agree with you. I'd make some changes myself, but overall I'm still having a lot of fun.


And many still have left. Go to a lot of those in the Off-Topic unsubscribe threads who listed X number of days left that we are now past that time, click on their name to see their post history and you will notice a lot of them have NO posts after the date they said they were unsubscribed.


I would also say four livestreams with a month and a half of 5.0 launch, all with changes to the GC system, a big patch of even worse changes with 5.1, a survey from EA, and the sudden desire to actually start communicating with the players this week is a very good indication that things are not going well. They are suddenly following the same damage control plan that they did with the guild summit - and we all know how that turned out.


I am one that has 18 days left then done. My sub actually had lapsed near Christmas but I had to purchase one month more just to do some guild transfer items.

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Here's the thing.... it does not matter if any given player thinks the state of the game is good, bad, or in between. What matters is if a player is having fun doing what they are doing. If yes.. play on. If no.. reassess your priorities and probably go with a different MMO that better fits your needs. But some players actually do want to extract a few pounds of flesh as they exit.. and a smaller number want to perpetually extract a few pounds of flesh while continuing to subscribe.


I wonder, though.


I myself want little more than to come back. I've canceled my swtor sub and have since started paying for eso plus. I've been enjoying that game a lot more than I would've expected, and I suspect that I will not cancel my sub there if swtor changes for the better.... but I would resub back here in a heartbeat if I thought there was a chance that I could continue to play the way I did from shortly before 2.0 all the way throughout 4.0, even if it wasn't exactly the way that I'd want it.


So.. what does that mean? It means that I find myself in the awkward situation of actually hoping swtor loses a lot of subs, as that's the only thing that will cause them to change direction, while also desperately hoping that it will not kill off the game, because I was not ready to give up on it. I just physically could not continue to have fun like I did before. I realize I might not be the majority, having over a hundred characters and having played (a varying degree of) challenging content on over 30 of those in the last year. I can't do it like this.


All the content I still want to enjoy is still there, the characters that I am absolutely in love with are all still there..


Am hoping against my better judgment that the next stream will actually convince me to come back. Feeling repetitive.. but.. I miss my favorite game and I'm tired of being trivialized for wanting it back.

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Nope, I'm saying I haven't once seen you point that out to them. Then again, you generally tend to agree with them.


What's good for the goose, as they say.




So your defense is .... well nothing. See claiming that I did or didn't do something in the past doesn't make doing something wrong now ok. But hey its all you have go with it.

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So your defense is .... well nothing. See claiming that I did or didn't do something in the past doesn't make doing something wrong now ok. But hey its all you have go with it.


I was calling you a hypocrite, I don't know why you need to overthink it so much.

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While the number of deliberate trouble makers is small.... they are quite effective in getting others who are usually more objective in their criticisms to jump on the hate train. This is a problem in this forum, and honestly the community support team does not do enough in my view to reign in the really nasty nonsense.


And frankly, it's no worse with 5.0 then it was with 4.0 and 3.0 either..... just some of the really passionate negative narrative players have different names, some of which are obvious spoof accounts as well.


Here's the thing.... it does not matter if any given player thinks the state of the game is good, bad, or in between. What matters is if a player is having fun doing what they are doing. If yes.. play on. If no.. reassess your priorities and probably go with a different MMO that better fits your needs. But some players actually do want to extract a few pounds of flesh as they exit.. and a smaller number want to perpetually extract a few pounds of flesh while continuing to subscribe.


As is common with negative expressions by humans.... the upset want to raise a mob to attack the fortress with their pitchforks and torches. They want to slay that which offends them, and they need numbers to make them feel validated in their actions.


While you do make some good points in your post, I respectfully have to disagree that 5.0 forum uproar is no different than 4.0 and 3.0. It isn't even close.


With 4.0 the biggest uproar was about the level scaling. However, first, there were probably about 10% of the threads on that than there have been on the GC system. Secondly, there were no where near the number of unsubscirbe threads and third, those threads tended to have an equal balance of those against the change and those supporting the change. I, for one, supported it because I saw how well it worked in GW2. In addition, there were not four emergency live streams from the devs talking about major changes to the expansion, nor a survey from EA specifically on the expansion. This time around, those supporting the GC system in the forums are clearly in the minority.


With 5.0, there are a ton more threads of complaints and unsubscribes that is more reminiscent of the first six months after the game launched and 1.8 million (of the initial 2 million) left the game. There have been major changes already introduced (none to the benefit of the player base) along with live streams and surveys.


Remember when they stealth nerfed companions and heroic credits? Remember the uproar (which still wan't even close to what it is now on the GC system)? Remember how they fixed both of those in the very next patches and communicated that they were doing it less than a week after the uproar? So one has to wonder, with the uproar being bigger now than it ever has been, why are they completely ignoring the majority of the feedback if it is larger now than it was with the companion and heroic credit nerfs?


But, as they say, the proof is in the pudding and none of us are going to know the true effect until EA, sometime in May, reports on their Q1 earnings.

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So your defense is name calling? Excellent, your really stepping up your game.


I'll make this simple for you, because...obviously it's needed:


Don't call her out for doing what your buddies do, unless you're going to call them out too.


Does that make it easier for you?

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So.. what does that mean? It means that I find myself in the awkward situation of actually hoping swtor loses a lot of subs, as that's the only thing that will cause them to change direction, while also desperately hoping that it will not kill off the game, because I was not ready to give up on it.


What will happen is they will look at ALL of their data, and from that data will apply resources to best serve their ongoing population. They certainly are not going to deliberately chase people who left the game, simply because it is more effective to continue to make game entry easy and to attract newer players.


Sure.. some of the more hardcore players (not in terms of content, but in terms of how hard they push the envelope of play, and binging in play) will not be happy and leave. These could number in the thousands and still not materially affect the profitability and ongoing operations of this MMO. And it certainly does not affect those that remain.


Personally, when I leave an MMO, it's for me and my reasons, and I certainly do not wish ill will on the game, or it's remaining players. People that do so, in my opinion, have a false understanding of market dynamics and a biased outlook as to what is important for a studio to focus on.


Always remember.. all MMOs are imperfect, simply because they have to serve a broad set of player tastes, and that means some people are always upset.. because not all players accept or recognize the nature of compromise in game design.

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I guess it depends on your outlook and what you want to do. If you consider gear the most important aspect of a game, then people are going to be disappointed. Sure gear is needed but to put that above your fun I don't think so. Yes I have heard I need this gear to do this and that. There are ways to work around it for now. Not the best solution, but a solution.


I don't like the RNG point of the command boxes but I worked around it and made mods for me and my boyfriend until we could get the stuff we really needed.


When this game gets too much I will take a break and go play another Star Wars game I like and enjoy it and then come here. Even in SWG there will be things I don't like and I need a break so I play them both but then again I don't spend a lot of time on the game. I limit my time and then do other things like walking, etc to have other things to do, and yes walking in the winter is not always the greatest but it gets me out and clears my head.

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What will happen is they will look at ALL of their data, and from that data will apply resources to best serve their ongoing population. They certainly are not going to deliberately chase people who left the game, simply because it is more effective to continue to make game entry easy and to attract newer players.


Actually, it is easier - and less expensive - to work on keeping your existing customers than attracting new ones. CAB (churn and burn) business models NEVER work out in the long run.


Be honest, if you were in charge of this title, made an announcement (but still hadn't implemented the change) of a major change to a product and saw the uproar and negativity that happened on your forums, two of the biggest MMO newsites, one of your most popular fansites, on reddit and in many social media channels - would you still blindly go ahead and implement it or would you use a little common sense and say maybe this is not the right way to do it? Or would you just do it and say, oh well, we can just go after more customers to replace the old ones with our 5+ year old game?


While they may not deliberately chase people who left the game, why would you deliberately do something to push them out of the game in the first place? Especially when you had something similar before (with a different color lipstick) in the 1.0-1.6 era and it chased away 1.8 million of your 2 million subscribers?

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