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Sneaky Patch Notes Added


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Keep in mind it's because they exploited and got away with it.... BW made empty threats as usual when it comes to cheating..


I see... so pvp'ers, naturally more experienced and skilled with pvp content, are getting defeated by players who exploited the franctured uprising bug to earn gear faster, even though PVErs who cheat are often just not good at pvp unless they cheat?


So, to be clear, in a general sense, players who have earned better gear legitimately should not do better, assuming equal skill levels? Because if you bolster to 242, gear is irrelevant. And maybe that's ok but it certainly hasn't been the paradigm for the last five years. Exploited gear or not, it wasn't working as intended.

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Hey folks,


We have tracked down a number of notes that were missing. They have been added to the notes, but they are listed below so you don't have to hunt them down:


  • Arenas that popup in the regular Warzone queue now reward less CXP than a Warzone.
  • Matches that last less than 2 minutes no longer reward CXP.
  • It is no longer possible to change Shae Vizla's armor.
  • Curative Agent and Sly Surrender no longer provide more healing than intended.
  • Cosmetic gear gained through Galactic Command can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network.
  • Warzone Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).




As other players have already pointed out in this thread, you are still missing a bunch of patch notes for changes/nerfs you made. So EAWare's employees are either unbelievably incompetent across the board, or just flat out lying to us again (as you were when you said things like the PvP bolster nerf were 'accidentally' left out of the patch notes in the first place; just like the KP mobs nerf got 'accidentally' left out, or the heroic credits nerf got 'accidentally' left out, and so on and so forth...).

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Still no mention of the nerf to Shadow/Assassin utility Intangible Spirit /Formless Phantom. It used to reduce damage while stunned by 30% and AOE damage by 30%. Now just while stunned. Horrible for tanks, and there's nothing anywhere covering it...So long as we're on the changing things that aren't in the patch notes rant :D


This. I noticed it almost immediately. I can live with it although annoying, at least an acknowledgement would be nice

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Hey folks!


I want to confirm that there were patch notes which were missed when we initially posted them. Tait and I are looking into how this happened. We have already added in any missing notes which we have caught up to this point. Before the end of the day today we will make sure to post a follow-up and list all of the notes we have added.


As for your question of the Bolster changes in Warzones, I am talking with the team today to get more information.




I'm not surprised that patch notes are missing when you can't even queue for the "latest content" being delivered and the current pvp bolster fiasco. Seriously, your talking to the team, what does the team not know what they have done in this patch??? . It's not that hard to complete a checklist for a patch produced and to make sure all is CHECKED OFF BEFORE DEPLOYING IT!!! Maybe use the PTS that's what it's there for...........

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I would just like to know why it was thought to be a good change to nerf RANKED PVP. You already have to wait long enough to get a pop as it is so those who want to do ranked are actually penalized for doing ranked over non-ranked. Seems slightly unfair
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Hey folks,


We have tracked down a number of notes that were missing. They have been added to the notes, but they are listed below so you don't have to hunt them down:


  • Arenas that popup in the regular Warzone queue now reward less CXP than a Warzone.




Quick question, if they are going to give less, how do we chose to not go into them? On a related note, can we set it up to only pop in the ones that are enjoyable? I can't stand the Odessan proving ground, and leave it every time it comes up as a PvP pop for me.

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Quick question, if they are going to give less, how do we chose to not go into them? On a related note, can we set it up to only pop in the ones that are enjoyable? I can't stand the Odessan proving ground, and leave it every time it comes up as a PvP pop for me.


But RNG is EXCITING!!!! Don't you like THE THRILL OF THE HUNT?!

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But RNG is EXCITING!!!! Don't you like THE THRILL OF THE HUNT?!


Ummm, no. I hated the crappy pvp warbags, or whatever they were called, way back when and then BW discovered, "Hey, people seem to hate RNG as a way to get gear, let's get rid of it." Now we seem to have a group that thinks that's the way to go again. Can't figure them out, don't they have the intelligence to learn from history?

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Ummm, no. I hated the crappy pvp warbags, or whatever they were called, way back when and then BW discovered, "Hey, people seem to hate RNG as a way to get gear, let's get rid of it." Now we seem to have a group that thinks that's the way to go again. Can't figure them out, don't they have the intelligence to learn from history?


Oh, I completely agree with you. I'm just quoting this game's out-of-touch, incompetent lead producer, Ben Irving.

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Oh, I completely agree with you. I'm just quoting this game's out-of-touch, incompetent lead producer, Ben Irving.


I see. Well, in that case, lets give him 5 envelopes, 1 has his paycheck in it. He can RNG for his check, he has to do tasks to get more chances to get the one he wants. But, he has to spend over 40 hours doing these tasks to get a single chance, in addition to doing the work he's supposed to be doing anyway. Now he can experience the thrill of the hunt.

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Oh, I completely agree with you. I'm just quoting this game's out-of-touch, incompetent lead producer, Ben Irving.


Is Ben even in charge anymore or is there some unknown person now pulling the strings. Either that or Ben has a bad case of alzheimer's with a smattering of schizophrenia thrown in.

He must know the history of the game and what has worked and what hasn't considering he seemed to be incharge of all the improvements to pvp gearing up to 4.0.

My only assumption is he isn't ultimately in charge of the game content direction and there is someone else with their own agenda pulling the strings and poor Ben has been left as a scape goat.

It's the only thing that makes sense or he has completely lost his mind and the ability to reason logically.

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They failed us then promised cross server lied lied lied some more this is the last straw i can see bolstering to 242 gear level not 250 but they keep screwing pvpers with gear bolster with lack of content............... the list goes on i rather not play a game then continue to give them money for this crap


As you can see with one of my previous posts I've just unsubbed and it is truely emotional for me because I love pvp in this game.

I've always scoffed at people saying they are unsubbing because of certain reasons. I've also been of the opinion that if only a few people unsub over big period of time, then it won't even blip on their radar.

But I've now formed the opinion that the only way these guys will listen is if people were to unsub on mass.

Im not saying you all should, but if you were to all unsub on mass, that blip in their meta data would be noticeable.

You don't even need to unsub for long, just a few weeks or a month.

Remember even when you unsub it still needs to run out. I think if over the course of a month they saw lots of people not renewing they might realise there was an urgent problem.

Once they acknowledge the problem or announce real change, we can resub. Even if you were planning to stick it out and not unsub, just cancelling the sub and letting it run out and not resuming for a few days or weeks will show something in the data and if you don't play all week anyway, it wouldn't affect your game time.


Anyway, just my thoughts on unsubbing.



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I would really love to know how important patch notes got missed. Really. I don't buy that it was simply overlooked. Not that big of a change.


They get conveniently left out of almost every patch now. It's always notes that pertain to something they have either nerfed, or removed. And each time the devs give same responses like Eric gave earlier in this thread. At this point it is just comical, and everyone knows that a new patch will bring some new screw job.

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They get conveniently left out of almost every patch now. It's always notes that pertain to something they have either nerfed, or removed. And each time the devs give same responses like Eric gave earlier in this thread. At this point it is just comical, and everyone knows that a new patch will bring some new screw job.


What is stupid is those changes never go unnoticed by us. They never learn and it just makes it look worse.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I personally only PvP from time to time because I find I get bored with it within a couple of weeks each time. I'm not the best pvp'er but I can hold my own alright in unranked. I do have some observations I would like to add here on the topic of PvP.


1) One queue to rule them all is one of the problems for me. I often get warzones I do not want to play and not nearly often enough get the ones I do like. The 4v4 warzones are part of the group I don't enjoy as much so I agree with the sentiment that I would want to filter them out. As well as the cap warzones because I hate just standing around defending a point the whole match at a capped point and getting punished for doing so.


2) I guess there are people who are negatively affected by this bolster change and it also means that if you get 234+ gear you are actually geared better than bolster. This creates a gear inequality and therefore adds a PvE element to PvP because it's stats that are part of the equation now rather than just player skill.


3) Since 5.0 it just seems that when you have teams with healers on both sides, the matches are drawn out into lengthy stalemates. You may say this was already the case before, but it just seems to've gotten worse and it makes warzones even less fun to play for me. I play a healer myself but here's the thing: because of the new set up and gearing alts is more difficult and the new bolster added to that, it just means I don't want to play other alts because they are undergeared now or they are not the alts I want to progress through CXP as it takes too much time off gearing my mains. There is a temporary element to that for me however because I have to admit that the big surprise for me in 5.1 is that when bosses do drop tokens in ops, they drop two. This move actually made gearing alts viable for me again. Still not as much as before but enough to be ok with the new gearing situation in ops.



Most matches I've been playing the last week and a half on a daily basis have either turned into a stalemate or seeing after the first exchange our team will lose because I happened on a clueless pug. There are certainly matches where I am on the winning side but they are still at the tail end of long stalemates. I suppose with all the damage reflection and defensive cooldowns and guard being available to melee dps, it just can take forever to kill someone. And as much as I can feel cool for being able to pin down 3 enemies by myself for sometimes entire matches, it's not good for the warzone dynamic I feel.


And coming back to the patch notes, I don't think this new bolster is a good idea because it makes gear a part of whether you win or not. If you're bolstered around 232 and someone is geared in 242 there is a difference. Particularly dedicated/hardcore players will get this gear faster and so they are essentially more skilled and geared better and often play in premades and thereby are given an additional tool to create a negative experience in unranked.


So BWA, please tell me, where do the people go who just want to have fun in PvP a bit without being "terrorised" by bored hardcore PvP'ers who are apparently too bored in ranked to stay there?


I mean, I'm fine because I only PvP from time to time, but I really have to wonder how many people enjoy this situation...

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I would really love to know how important patch notes got missed. Really. I don't buy that it was simply overlooked. Not that big of a change.


They weren't missed. They were deliberately left out to try to put off the backlash they knew would result. They've done this many times in the past with class changes, heroic credit rewards, ops mobs CXP nerfs, etc. Sometimes they don't even go back to the patch notes to sneak in what they left out originally, if they don't get called out loud enough on the forums (I'm looking at you stealth change to Watchman Force Leap in 4.0).

Edited by AscendingSky
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3) Since 5.0 it just seems that when you have teams with healers on both sides, the matches are drawn out into lengthy stalemates. You may say this was already the case before, but it just seems to've gotten worse and it makes warzones even less fun to play for me. I play a healer myself but here's the thing: because of the new set up and gearing alts is more difficult and the new bolster added to that, it just means I don't want to play other alts because they are undergeared now or they are not the alts I want to progress through CXP as it takes too much time off gearing my mains. There is a temporary element to that for me however because I have to admit that the big surprise for me in 5.1 is that when bosses do drop tokens in ops, they drop two. This move actually made gearing alts viable for me again. Still not as much as before but enough to be ok with the new gearing situation in ops.


Just one question. How is gearing alts more difficult? I dinged 70 on my alt yesterday and gearing him up took me an hour. I returned all the planetary quests, finished 9 chapters to get more companions (it's a crafting alt, so I need 9), got to around command level 12, got two set pieces, moved all my stashed 230 pieces from my other chars, augmented everything and BANG! all I'm missing is an earpiece and one relic. I'm all violet/blue 230. I mean c'mon, was it even easier before that? :)


Best regards,


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Dedicated and passionate swtor pvper, now unsubscribed due to 5.0/5.1. If you can drive people who are as passionate as me away, what hope do you have of keeping the game a float.


Same here!


5.1 is the FINAL NAIL in the coffin!

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Is Ben even in charge anymore or is there some unknown person now pulling the strings. Either that or Ben has a bad case of alzheimer's with a smattering of schizophrenia thrown in.

He must know the history of the game and what has worked and what hasn't considering he seemed to be incharge of all the improvements to pvp gearing up to 4.0.

My only assumption is he isn't ultimately in charge of the game content direction and there is someone else with their own agenda pulling the strings and poor Ben has been left as a scape goat.

It's the only thing that makes sense or he has completely lost his mind and the ability to reason logically.


Let me show you a tell tale story:



  • slowly removed community manager
  • stopped answering in game tickets
  • stopped chasing and banning cheaters and exploiters
  • stopped rebalancing classes
  • new content delivery slowed to a crawl and then stopped completely
  • new content was made with copy and paste of previous content
  • the last patches were about making the grind longer and more annoying: the less content they made, the higher the sense-less grind they impose, because it's way cheaper to make you grind 1 + 1 + 1 + 1.... forever than creating actual, enjoyable new content.
  • slowly they merged all the servers until they had to switch off the last lights


At this point you'll wonder why I am telling you SWTOR's story.

No, I am not talking about SWTOR.

This is what they did to their other MMO (which I played from beta to shutdown), Warhammer.


Now, look at the points above and you read SWTOR's future.

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Hey folks,


We have tracked down a number of notes that were missing. They have been added to the notes, but they are listed below so you don't have to hunt them down:


  • Arenas that popup in the regular Warzone queue now reward less CXP than a Warzone.
  • Matches that last less than 2 minutes no longer reward CXP.
  • It is no longer possible to change Shae Vizla's armor.
  • Curative Agent and Sly Surrender no longer provide more healing than intended.
  • Cosmetic gear gained through Galactic Command can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network.
  • Warzone Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).




Seriously Tait?


How hard can it be? I mean not like a zillion things are being changed in the game or do you have some Devs doing what they want without telling anyone?? Geeez you guys are like our government, totally incompetent but sadly they are in power!

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They weren't missed. They were deliberately left out to try to put off the backlash they knew would result. They've done this many times in the past with class changes, heroic credit rewards, ops mobs CXP nerfs, etc. Sometimes they don't even go back to the patch notes to sneak in what they left out originally, if they don't get called out loud enough on the forums (I'm looking at you stealth change to Watchman Force Leap in 4.0).


Leaving it out isn't going to make things better. In fact, it makes things worse. I agree that it has to be deliberate.

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