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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Biowae did you broke pvp or nerf it?


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Ok so going to pvp my health is lower 114k before 5.1 it was 131k and dps also like forcequake look got nerf again i'ts on at 7.5k before 5.1 it was at 8k or so damage now 7 k in pvp and I don't like the new focequake icon affect and force in balance also sever force was at 10 k now it's at 9 k damage so what going on bioware nerfing us again sage and now we are worst then ever. Edited by ericterminator
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Yep. I was going to use PvP to try to help the gear grind, but grinding for components with the reduced bolster is even worse than the CXP grind, since tier 3 premades just demolish everyone effortlessly. And you only get 2 components per match when you lose--which is another terrible idea, why can't we base components won on medals instead? On the actual effort people put in as opposed to just sitting in a corner? Y'know, how commendation awards used to be? Y'know, that system of comms/crystals that was 'too complicated' allegedly, so they replaced it with this Frankenstein abomination after pure RNG all the time proved (as everyone kriffing told EAWare from the minute GC was announced) to be terrible?


I said I'd give them another month of sub to see if their claimed 'fixes' would do any good. Now it's just worse. Time to cancel.

Edited by AscendingSky
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This is a big ***, casual players, returning players and new players will always be at a large disadvantage due to gear. It's like everyone that works for BW rides the short bus now.


Edit: Not to mention now premades of T3 gear will group together and punish those that are trying to catch up since the losing side gets so many less tokens they will give up. ***?!

Edited by Avicii
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I honestly did not think 5.0 could get worse. But 5.1 my god.. what the hell are they thinking?

They are not thinking, and that is the problem.


What makes me mad is the complaints were not about bolster... It was about procs not working... Pretty sure at release people were saying it was about damn time they got bolster right....


Now what.

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They are not thinking, and that is the problem.


What makes me mad is the complaints were not about bolster... It was about procs not working... Pretty sure at release people were saying it was about damn time they got bolster right....


Now what.


They used 5.1 to pretty much trick us through deception. The devs do not want to decrease the grind, because they are trying to buy time so they can come up with some kind of content (at least a year away). So they lied to us through subterfuge. Acting as if they are listening and addressing the concerns of 5.0, but really giving us smoke and mirrors. They didn't expect the players to call them on it.

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They are not thinking, and that is the problem.


What makes me mad is the complaints were not about bolster... It was about procs not working... Pretty sure at release people were saying it was about damn time they got bolster right....


Now what.


I don't generally cry in warzones... but I was holding back the tears, devastated this morning and our complaints were about relics not proc.

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Dear Eric and Tait,


Since 5.1 last night we have the following issues in PVP.


1. Bolster is now broken. We are not sure what you have done but it is no longer working correctly. Please restore what ever you changed to 5.0 settings. - PLEASE NOTE - this is game changing and will stop people pvping period.


2. CXP Nerf of Bug? CXP is now lower in pvp than it was before. There was nothing in the patch notes about this, so I assume it's a bug. Can you please fix and restore to previous levels.


Eric, you have said in the past that anything not announced in patch notes that is then different after a patch is a bug. You have either failed/forgotten to notify us in the patch notes or this is a bug.


Please guys, can you communicate with the community asap as people are currently uninstalling or ready to cancel subs.

This is especially true for those players who are only subscribing to play pvp. If we can't play pvp where it is skill vs skill and not gear vs gear, most of us will move to other games.


I look forward to hearing from you in the next 24 hours.


PS. I've also PM'd both of you with this issue.



Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I must have missed this in the patch notes unless it was added after? But anyway what a stupid decision that makes pvp elitist and a complete turn off for those just wanting to pvp occasionally. I really doubt players will find it fun to play pvp with being bolstered way underlevelled and get squashed into oblivion every second of a match.


I know it completely removes what little desire to pvp I ever had as i will not consider it fun it's not even a fair match.

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2. CXP Nerf of Bug? CXP is now lower in pvp than it was before. There was nothing in the patch notes about this, so I assume it's a bug. Can you please fix and restore to previous levels.


Yeah noticed this yesterday, bolster too, Bioware never fails to surprise people with such issues every time.

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so they can come up with some kind of content (at least a year away).


Yes that's what the whole GC system about, but look at what they are doing! Even if they do add an operation or what ever the bugs it will have will be unbearable! In this patch they made so many problems that i cannot count them on my two hands.


I really dont know where all this is heading.

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Yeah noticed this yesterday, bolster too, Bioware never fails to surprise people with such issues every time.


They sure are their own worse enemies for making people hate on them. They always try and sneak stuff past people or don't announce stuff or don't communicate properly, if at all.

It's as if they think we're all stupid and won't see or find out what they do. You'd think they would have learned after 5 years that they can never sneak anything past us. But no, they still try it everytime.

Half the time I wonder if they are just trolling us and having a massive laugh in the office when they see everyone get upset. I can imagine a meeting about changes where instead of coming up for ideas to make the game better and more enjoyable for players, they instead sit around saying how can we piss them off this time and won't all the QQ threads be funny.

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We all know what was best gear to use to get best stats. We all know that one of you used 228/230/236/240/242 gear. None.


At least now there's reason to get better gear. And hopefully we don't see lvl70s with 96k hp in pve group content.

Edited by Halinalle
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Yes that's what the whole GC system about, but look at what they are doing! Even if they do add an operation or what ever the bugs it will have will be unbearable! In this patch they made so many problems that i cannot count them on my two hands.


I really dont know where all this is heading.


I think we headed for a crossover point. A point where they have lost enough subs that they will be forced to address it, if not, then we will be getting a cancel date.

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