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Swtor - Is it worth returning?


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I am a long term player of Swtor, having been an on and off subscriber since launch. I was very much looking forward to Knights of the Eternal Throne.


My primary reason for playing Swtor is my enjoyment of the Star Wars universe and the stories within it, and was extremely pleased with Biowares redirection towards story oriented gameplay.


My most enjoyable experiences predominantly are within the rich story games previously created by Bioware such as Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect Trilogy and Dragon Age Origins, however Swtor does have interesting lore regarding the old republic era.


However I have been put off returning due to the noticeable fallout with the new expansion, I understand they have implemented a new system for gearing that is dominated by RNG.


I would be grateful to know whether or not this new system inhibits my ability to experience the story oriented content of this new expansion, and whether the streamlined class stories are still in place? For I find grinding for gear etc. to be a dull experience.

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If all you want is the story, sub for 30 days, play the story and then move on until they come out with more story. Then you don't have to worry about the abomination that is the new gearing system. Your class doesn't matter so it's only worth doing the story once or twice (maybe a light and a dark.) Some people really liked the story, I found it ok, but it doesn't really feel like SW to me. The devs basically painted themselves into a corner with where they went with it. So, spend $15 if you want the story, play it and then come back when and if they do new story again.
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I am a long term player of Swtor, having been an on and off subscriber since launch. I was very much looking forward to Knights of the Eternal Throne.


My primary reason for playing Swtor is my enjoyment of the Star Wars universe and the stories within it, and was extremely pleased with Biowares redirection towards story oriented gameplay.


My most enjoyable experiences predominantly are within the rich story games previously created by Bioware such as Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect Trilogy and Dragon Age Origins, however Swtor does have interesting lore regarding the old republic era.


However I have been put off returning due to the noticeable fallout with the new expansion, I understand they have implemented a new system for gearing that is dominated by RNG.


I would be grateful to know whether or not this new system inhibits my ability to experience the story oriented content of this new expansion, and whether the streamlined class stories are still in place? For I find grinding for gear etc. to be a dull experience.


Not really worth it.


There are no new class stories. The only story is a one size fits all that focuses on the NPCs. Your character is basically a vehicle to tell the Valkorian family story.


There are not even not flashpoints with additional stories.

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Only you can make that decision OP.. as it is your money and time, and you are the one playing the game.


All you are going to get here is biased input from players who for their particular needs/wants are unhappy with this MMO.


Best advice it to sub for a month or two and see for yourself.

Edited by Andryah
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To echo the previous posters, the story won't be enough to bring you back long term. Although personally I enjoyed it. In some ways it's interesting, like killing off companions, and in some ways it's awful like pandering only to force users yet sometimes trying not too and forcing you to use military weapons to kill certain bosses so u end up with a mess from an RP standpoint. But they've added added so much QoL that as an MMO its pretty solid. People on forums are very quick to gripe and ***** but those very people would probably admit that it's still pretty fun despite its flaws. There's a lot I disagree with here, but at the end of the day if you wanna attach to an MMO. This, GW2 and WoW are really your best options IMO. Especially as a star wars fan. Edited by jaytdasme
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If you want to play the story this is a alright Single player game. Sub a month and you the don't have to sub again too keep all the story currently released. If you want an MMO WoW, FFXIV, or ESO are your options. Although they maybe release another SP Star Wars game in the coming years. Edited by FerkWork
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Play find out!


I mean you would of had to sub for a minimal of one month to post on the forums. As such you may as well play. Not that there is not a free with some restrictions you can do without a months sub, as a returning player I am sure you already know.


. Theses forums are the most toxic forums I have ever been a member of. As such you be far better finding out for yourself than listen to anyone here. I enjoy the game very much but if I had read these forums first, I would not have started playing. I hope you enjoy the new xpac's that you had not done previously but if not then hope you find what you will enjoy.


Best wishes.

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Hey OP, I'll echo what a couple others have said already -- it really depends on what you want out of the game and only you can decide that.


As far as the current state of the game everyone has their opinion, and they vary greatly. Here are a few of my thoughts:


If your primary interest is in experiencing the story, it is probably worth at least one month's sub to check it out. The story in KotET, IMHO, was a definite improvement over the story in KotFE, which seemed forced and disjointed in many ways. There were a few new mechanics introduced, like piloting a walker or controlling a mouse droid, that were kind of interesting too.


If you are considering coming back for the long-term, there are a number of things you should be aware of:

1. End game gearing is currently based on a fairly unforgiving RNG that many, myself included find terribad. They are introducing a few tweaks to the system next week, but it will remain primarily RNG-based.

2. There has been a dearth of quality repeatable content introduced in the past couple expansions. Much of the repeatable content that people are playing is 2-5 years old.

3. They have not released any new FP or OPs in years, so if you have interest in doing these, plan on doing the same ones you've always done.


I've had a lot of fun with this game, but my time is probably coming to an end soon. They just seem to offer less and less with each expansion, and the new stuff generally doesn't appeal to me the way the old stuff did. If you do come back, I hope you enjoy it as much as I once did.

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My wife and I resubbed three weeks ago and were enjoying the story immensely, until the climax of the final act, which I cannot beat, even after obtaining very high level gear. It was the most anti-climactic event of my gaming career. It was harder than getting my Legendary Cloak in Mists of Pandaria in WoW. at least I was finally able to outgear that event. Can't do that here.


So...leaving the story UNfinished, I have been doing ship battles, galactic starfighter and PVP while catching up on some quetsts I hadn't done. My failure in the story and being unable to see the story to its conclusion leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but that hasn't made me unsub.


I would recommend resubbing for at least a month and see how you like it, then decide at the end of 30 days.

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But.......if you're posting here, doesn't that mean you already subscribed? :confused:


Thank you all for your responses. Used a referral link quickly this morning so I could post, so hope to use the small time I have to make a quick go of it and will see how it pans out.


Should be nice too see how the chapters are story wise, as have played exhaustively the class stories :)

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Thank you all for your responses. Used a referral link quickly this morning so I could post, so hope to use the small time I have to make a quick go of it and will see how it pans out.


Should be nice too see how the chapters are story wise, as have played exhaustively the class stories :)


So, it's a good time to see if you like it so much.


Honestly, if I were starting out today, I would just enjoy the class stories and play one character through the expansions, then call it a day.

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The stories are easily doable using the 210 green mods from the level 65 mod vendor on fleet. Mechanically some classes work better than others. I struggled on my TK Sage and stomped it with my Guardian. My IO Merc trivialized several of the harder fights.


I've done KotET exactly once and have no intention of ever replaying it again thanks to an unavoidable no-win choice. Utter contempt for the audience. I've run through KotFE 3.5 times due to the Summer DvL event. The 0.5th time was to get an Imperial toon to Ch.9 to get at some story gated content (oooh, there's that contempt for the players again).


I have plans for a couple more partial playthru's to see a couple of love interest reunions. Still waiting for the KotET stink to subside before I start though.

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I'm someone who plays solely for the story (and ok decorating my strongholds) and I LOVED the story of KOtET, IMO it's definitely worth playing and it flows really nicely as a story vs the more disjointed KotFE. There isn't any double XP or 12x class XP anymore but they changed it to where you only have to do the class story and the planetary storyline to be the correct level (or you could do different stuff if you want but those two things equal the perfect amount). Very helpful for alt addicts like me. The SP expansions also don't require any special gear. I just use the gear that doing the storyline gives me and I'm fine and before that I use adaptive armor and the basic green mods/armorings/etc...
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