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Please Buff Sorc/Sage DPS


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Buff how? What is your recommendation? You can't just say, buff Sorc DPs without offering a viable way of doing so. Do they increase the damage on Thundering blast?

Do they reduce the cool-down of thundering blast?

or... what?



Both... On all of our lighting abilities..... Yes its that bad...

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I think Sorc/Sage dmg is fine in either DPS spec, you just have to know what you're doing.

You don't always have to be at the top of the charts to play well.


Have you tried taking a dps sorc/sage into ranked pvp?


How effective is sorc/sage vs a merc 1 on 1?


If you are really skilled, you can do reasonably well with a sorc/sage, but you would do a lot better with any other class, due to sorc's single target DPS deficiency. The DoTs and AoEs give sorcs lots of fluff damage. I suspect this is why the class was nerfed, in error, due to misinterpretation of overall damage data. Do a 1 on 1 fight sorc vs merc and see the DPS deficiency for yourself. It's astounding and undisputable.

Edited by ViktorAres
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The only time I take note of being attacked by a sorc is when I am playing my sage.


When I play my merc, I just ignore dps sorcs' attacks and focus on healers/objectives or whatever I was doing before. Their damage is negligible relative to other classes. They are also the easiest and quickest for my merc to kill, with sorcs' light armor and escapes blockable with an electro-net.

Edited by ViktorAres
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Why do people complain about Lightning spec? Friend and I were both playing lightning sorc and he got a 34k hit. so plus additional dmg will proc so numbers aren't going to show up as 43k like the MAX heatseeker. On top of that the utility sorcs have is nothing to scoff at, they have plenty of tools in their belt and highly mobile and force management doesn't exist either. I think lightning is perfectly fine imo. Edited by VixenRawR
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I think Sorc/Sage dmg is fine in either DPS spec, you just have to know what you're doing.

You don't always have to be at the top of the charts to play well.


This makes no sense. Take madness for example. Madness is a dot spread pressure class. Madness dps should be well above single target burst class dps (10-25%) but as it is now it is actually lower than the dps of burst classes. There is no point in having a pressure based dps class if the classes with single target burst actually do higher dps!


Lightning is a hybrid burst/aoe spec that is rather mediocre at both.


The pvp community at large doesn't understand that pressure specs need to do more dps than single target burst specs and so I would be happy if BW just increased the single target dmg of both specs. For madness, if the single target dmg was increased then the current dotspread would be adequate since it would just supplement the single target dmg which would still be lower than that of other classes and sorc would still be squishy.


For lightning I think a little rework is in order. If BW is too lazy though I would suggest a small buff to all single target attacks or a moderate buff to thundering blast and to the single target portion of chain lightning.


Also, to the people posting screenshots of their fluff dmg in regs. Yes all classes can rock the scoreboard in regs. I've had decently over 6k matches on my dps sorc when the stars align. If people are idiots and clump together and there are multiple healer/tanks then sure you can really pump the numbers up there but that doesn't have much to do with what classes are balanced or not.


As someone with two gold dps sorcs this season I've made it work and I don't think sorc is complete trash but I would like to have the class fill the role it is supposed to fill (pressure based dps) or at least provide some nice single target dmg. I have enjoyed being the underdog class this season when on my sorc and so I don't want massive buffs to defensives but to really be a good addition to a solo ranked team sorc dps does need to be increased.

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As a main Sorc that has been playing ranked since 2012, been top 3 and top 5 in the world in seasons 4 and 5. I would highly recommend a damage boost to the Sorc class.


I play madness rather than lightning since it's not a viable option in ranked because nowadays if you're seen playing

that spec everyone is going to focus you. However, if you play either specs you're still going to be focused first. The reason why madness is better than lightning is because it has better chance of surviving.


Sorc vs Merc our only chance of defeating them is very good LOS. Usually when there are more than 2 Mercs on the opposite team I don't even bother trying to pump out as much DPS its mostly healing and surviving at this point. It's really interesting too because every match I find myself doing more heals than DPS since everyone decides to focus Sorcs first.


80% of the time I used to be top of the damage board in solo ranked during those seasons and I know a lot of people are going to say it's because Sorc's were strong and I agree. But I wasn't the only Sorc in those matches and I was always top of the damage boards by 50-80k difference. Now every season, it's like we have been turned into a majority healer class than a DPS class since everyone knows we're weak and decides to focus us.


The only solution I found out for surviving is LOS > kiting at this point since mercs immediately go on us. Prioritizing electro nets is also very important.

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Why do people complain about Lightning spec? Friend and I were both playing lightning sorc and he got a 34k hit. so plus additional dmg will proc so numbers aren't going to show up as 43k like the MAX heatseeker. On top of that the utility sorcs have is nothing to scoff at, they have plenty of tools in their belt and highly mobile and force management doesn't exist either. I think lightning is perfectly fine imo.


They complain because it's the truth. It's been nerfed into the weakest class. Still playable, but the weakest and not viable for ranked PVP.

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Why do people complain about Lightning spec? Friend and I were both playing lightning sorc and he got a 34k hit. so plus additional dmg will proc so numbers aren't going to show up as 43k like the MAX heatseeker. On top of that the utility sorcs have is nothing to scoff at, they have plenty of tools in their belt and highly mobile and force management doesn't exist either. I think lightning is perfectly fine imo.


I am sometimes amazed at the DPS some people are able to out with Lightning spec in PVP sometimes. But thats PVP and PVE is a whole other beast. I think the issue with their DPS is more about PVE where their lower DPS output is more noticable and potentially compromising in HM/NiM Operations.


I don't play one so I really don't want to say to much about the true state of their DPS, most people seem to think their DPS is pretty bad so perhaps these lightning sorcs doing so well in PVP are merely just the creme of the crop, that's certainly possible. All I can say about it is that clearly the potential to do well with it is there, if it weren't you wouldn't see these rare lightning sorcs doing so well in PVP from time to time.


Chances are some amount of a DPS buff is in order, how much I leave to better minds. I'd say in terms of PVE, there is very little doubt that Lighting sorc DPS sucks compared to other rDPS specs. I'd add tp that a small caveat. A dps buff should take into consideration that it's a ranged class and as we have seen, when you make ranged DPS higher than mDPS you create even greater class imbalances between the two. You don't want to create another over performing rDPS like mercs and snipers. But given just how low their dps potential is, you can still buff them without creating that dynamic.


We find ourselves once again in that 'damned if we do,damned if we don't' with regard to the state of class performance in PVE as opposed to PVP. This is can always be a problem. When in one area there are issues, but no so in another, short of separating performance and application in PVE and PVP you can't correct a disparity in one venue without affecting another. This can create a whole new problem in the other venue under present conditions. You can't ever have class balance [or as close to it as possible] if you effect both with one stroke.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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well deception has to smack SOMETHING around doesn't it? same with jugs.


the answer is sorc dps. the redheaded stepchild of sins.


try 1v1ing a decent deception sin as lightning or madness.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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They complain because it's the truth. It's been nerfed into the weakest class. Still playable, but the weakest and not viable for ranked PVP.


Weakest class? I think sorc players act like corruption/madness/lightning are the only specs in the game, just because it isn't up to par to corruption because corruption is the most OP spec in the game at this moment. Madness imo is still the better alternative to lightning...but compared to all specs in game I wouldn't put lightning as the weakest...not when paired with sorc utility which is what makes sorcs strong in general. Give sins phasewalk back, take away the ability to be an almost perma mobile healer...then maybe they could complain.


If mercs didn't hit for 43k, but lets say heatseeker was hitting aoe 26k I am sure people would complain. Lightning is probably the hardest aoe hitting class in the game, besides sustained dps of suppressive fire spam....which imo is probably one of the most broken dmg abilities in this game.


Lightning sorcs have great mobility, range, no energy management issues to think of, great utility and aoe.

People who say AoE is fluff dmg only applies to sorcs who only use force storm, or poison who just spam poison grenade...of course it's fluff dmg because they can be dumping out more dmg. However when aoe is applied at the most opportune moments it isn't fluff dmg. Poison grenade stacked ontop of teammates dps, suppressive fire...it all adds up and creates more work for heals. Makes it easier to bring down single targets when they got dots ticking on them.


Remove h2f, reducing all healing capabilities of every spec in the game, and take taunt from dps and make it a tank only power. People are supposed to die in a game. Idk when people decided that they should become immortal. Even Qui-gon Jinn didn't use endure pain when killed. Palpatine didn't phasewalk...though he did only spam force storm and force lightning....makes me wonder if sorc pvpers RP more than I thought in warzones.


If everyone was dying more often it would end up balancing out again. Dying sucks but both teams would have to endure it equally.


Honestly half the warzones in this game are as bland as watching a corruption sorc fight another corruption sorc. Yay....


I'm not even talking about ranked, people can say what they want about it I don't consider arena real pvp. Just a more compressed version of the fotm/gear issue this game has.


People are convinced healers shouldn't be easily killed, but at the same time it's no issue killing them if focused. The issue when focusing a healer is if the entire team is focusing the healer it leads into multiple problems. 1. The healer also has a team leaving it with the ability to be guarded, taunted, and peeled for. 2. If they really want to get the healer they forget about the actual purpose of the warzone...objectives. Sure I will die on a healer but I did my job by distracting an entire team while my teammates cap, score, plant and grab orbs. It's called teamwork...dying or not dying matters little if your strategy works. It's why I facepalm when I see a bunch of people chasing an op as it rolls off into the sunset. Like it already won even if it dies later.


Point is, objectives pull away from constant focus on a healer allowing it to keep healing and being guarded...it being overtuned and guard being a joke already...without constant focus a healer/tank will never die besides skill gap (including all teammates) A good tank and healer can't support 6 bad dps against a team of 8 good players.


btw when I say healers I always mean sorc. Ops aren't relevant, and though merc is pretty good, and has great dcd...it's still not as team friendly and as mobile as sorc healing.


Healing is an issue across all specs. I will sorc heal a lot and my friend will sin or jugg tank...and it's always a walk in a park...and when its not, it's because we are fighting 5-6 players by ourselves which usually means our team triple capping, scoring, or just planting door after door as their team clusters around us.


So, dps would be relevant, madness and lightning...but because of overtuned healers, dps specs and the like...it's really hard to do any dmg even as a merc and sniper when a sorc healer can make a mockery of them. People act like net is the end all of everything, it's probably the only cc in the game that actually requires proper usage of a cc breaker to be able to do what you need. Everything else can just be used while stunned or have some immunity.


Anyways ill just sum up the replies so people don't have to reply.


"heals are fine, learn to target. I can kill a heal in gore window at 70% life ALWAYS"


"Separate tank and heals...it's easy...all good heals and tanks are instantly separated with triple 40m pt chain pulls from either side."


"Noob probably just mains merc, doesn't even play heals to know that it takes skill to operate sorc heals."


"Lightning is bad because if I don't see 43k hit it must mean I don't hit hard..." (Guess engineering snipers need a buff)


"Dps using guard makes them weak." (Anyone with a sorc healer guarded isn't weak)


"Sorcs have light armor...they get 2 shotted they are weakest class in game."


"People have always played sorc because they have always been the underdog since launch." (For every new power a sorc got an operative lost one)


"You are a bad random." (Guess I need to post screenshots of me doing high dps against a team with 3 heals and no dmg)


Problem with player mentality and balance in this game is players always feel their favorite class has faced Injustice of some kind. So when their favorite class gets buffed thru the roof then it's fair. They had suffered for so long, so the obvious solution is to make everyone else suffer in turn by facing the wrath of the new FoTM.


So 6.0 will juggs, lightning sorcs, or PT's be the new gods? I'd like to say PT but knowing devs they can't leave sorcs alone for long.



So to stay true to the thread. Sorcs need a 2% dmg boost to affliction.

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Can we all agree that sorc dps is weak? Yes we can! DEVELOPERS PLEASE MAKE SOME CHANGES!


For pve, sure. For pvp, they have plenty of utility and dare I say in situations with 2 or more opponents their dps is quite useful. A major dps buff would only be trouble for pvp.

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For pve, sure. For pvp, they have plenty of utility and dare I say in situations with 2 or more opponents their dps is quite useful. A major dps buff would only be trouble for pvp.


Sorcs can be useful in unranked pvp, when they free-cast on sidelines. Sorcs defensive utilities are still inferior to mercs defenses and sniper defenses, in addition to sorc's inferior dps and inferior armor.


DPS sorcs are not a good option for ranked PVP, where they get focused very quickly. All classes should be viable for ALL content. Devs, please make it happen.

Edited by ViktorAres
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Sorcs can be useful in unranked pvp, when they free-cast on sidelines. Sorcs defensive utilities are still inferior to mercs defenses and sniper defenses, in addition to sorc's inferior dps and inferior armor.


DPS sorcs are not a good option for ranked PVP, where they get focused very quickly. All classes should be viable for ALL content. Devs, please make it happen.


well comparing to sniper and merc, yeah they look bad. Everything does, just like a couple years ago sorc dps were at the top. no doubt the devs are well aware of the current imbalance in unranked and yolos.


For unranked it's not just freecasting. you have great utility, handy offheals, good aoe. the rest is positioning... why should you be able to facetank as a sorc and not get shredded?


If you play it right, you should be able to last much longer in ranked than jugg and pt, as well as mara, sin and op unless the other team lets them stealth and heal to full. Of course the current meta means more mercs, which means that bad sorcs get netted and globaled. But let's cater classes to the top players rather than the bottom... otherwise all classes are gonna be mercs.

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well comparing to sniper and merc, yeah they look bad. Everything does, just like a couple years ago sorc dps were at the top. no doubt the devs are well aware of the current imbalance in unranked and yolos.


For unranked it's not just freecasting. you have great utility, handy offheals, good aoe. the rest is positioning... why should you be able to facetank as a sorc and not get shredded?


If you play it right, you should be able to last much longer in ranked than jugg and pt, as well as mara, sin and op unless the other team lets them stealth and heal to full. Of course the current meta means more mercs, which means that bad sorcs get netted and globaled. But let's cater classes to the top players rather than the bottom... otherwise all classes are gonna be mercs.


offheals that heals for almost nothing now and you could use that time to actual kill the opponent...

Aoe is fluff dmg in PvP

Utility doesent mean crap if you have the worst dmg from almost all the classes.......

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Sorc has always been my main since launch and it has been a constant frustration having to deal with the issues! when 5.0 came out i had enough. the demolish and force lightning bug that doesnt give you the proc..affliction doesnt always spread with deathfield i mean the lits goes on....not even including there terrible damage and even worse defensive cd's.


one thing i dont understand..oh and BTW this is STAR WARS!!! how can agents/bounty hunter (NON FORCE USERS)

be stronger than sorcer/jugg (FORCE USER) that right there is why ppl are leaving this game...the pure logic behind the classes DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!


Serious changes need to be made fast or why the hell should we pay for this game, which at this point might as well be CALL OF DUTY!

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one thing i dont understand..oh and BTW this is STAR WARS!!! how can agents/bounty hunter (NON FORCE USERS)

be stronger than sorcer/jugg (FORCE USER) that right there is why ppl are leaving this game...the pure logic behind the classes DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!


Try not to think about it, it'll just make your head hurt.

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Sorc has always been my main since launch and it has been a constant frustration having to deal with the issues! when 5.0 came out i had enough. the demolish and force lightning bug that doesnt give you the proc..affliction doesnt always spread with deathfield i mean the lits goes on....not even including there terrible damage and even worse defensive cd's.


one thing i dont understand..oh and BTW this is STAR WARS!!! how can agents/bounty hunter (NON FORCE USERS)

be stronger than sorcer/jugg (FORCE USER) that right there is why ppl are leaving this game...the pure logic behind the classes DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!


Serious changes need to be made fast or why the hell should we pay for this game, which at this point might as well be CALL OF DUTY!


Exactly mate.. Devs should start reading forums to improve the game. Since 5.0 it seems like devs ignore us and do everything they can to destroy the game.


This game would be good if

1. Sorcs dps and pt's tanking buff

2. Dead servers merge like JC and The Shadowlands (ranked pvp is dead, gsf is dead on these servers) or bring cross server que to the game


Devs please stop killing the game and listen to customers' feedback

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Exactly mate.. Devs should start reading forums to improve the game. Since 5.0 it seems like devs ignore us and do everything they can to destroy the game.


This game would be good if

1. Sorcs dps and pt's tanking buff

2. Dead servers merge like JC and The Shadowlands (ranked pvp is dead, gsf is dead on these servers) or bring cross server que to the game


Devs please stop killing the game and listen to customers' feedback


I keep hearing their class balance devs are on vacation. Whether that's true or not I have no idea. But it would go a long way for a dev to pop in and at least say "yes, we know both the Sorc dps specs are in a really bad spot right now. But in house testing takes time" blah blah blah blah. I mean it's not like the very few remaining players who theorycraft the class haven't left tons of feedback about what's wrong with the class already >.> (hint: they have)

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Just in case you forgot, here is a Link to the other thread you started about the same topic 6 days ago.

I'm guessing opinions haven't changed and Devs still dont read the PVP forums.


heh you got him there :)


Now seriously, the dmg output corresponds to the defensive and evasive abilities they have. You dot your enemy with everything and just PW away to let him die, while you selfheal.


You dot your oponnet fully and bubble and laugh how your dots tick on him while you are invincible for a while. I would say its not badly managed now.

Edited by merovejec
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heh you got him there :)


Now seriously, the dmg output corresponds to the defensive and evasive abilities they have. You dot your enemy with everything and just PW away to let him die, while you selfheal.


You dot your oponnet fully and bubble and laugh how your dots tick on him while you are invincible for a while. I would say its not badly managed now.


they have enough mobility,CC,Cap closers to make Sorcs "evasivenes" useless

you wont let him die you will let him laugh on you how worthless your dot dmg is while he farts offheals while casualy fighting someone else.


or your force tickling pisses him off jumps on you and takes down 60% of your HP right at the opening......


soooo much fun to play sorc nowdays...... also sorcs ofheals are worthless you cant use them while a melee sits in your face 24/7 and thx to mobility they have you prety much need to be lucky to be able to get away into a safe spot and heal without help....


but while your doing that ... REAL classes will offheal themself WHILE fighting and actualy killing people with their dmg and superior mobility and bucket of Def CDs.....


also what i noticed is that the Side with the more DPS speced Sorcs/sages loses most of the time.

Edited by Zolxtren
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Sorcs madness spec needs to be buffed as soon as possible. The dps is weak, defensive abilities are weak. 5.0 destroyed the class in nim pve and ranked pvp content.


What is your rotation like? What is your gear and stats like?


If Hoppinator on TSL can run his Madness Sorc in regs and dominate with pretty solid dps. I'm thinking this is just a lack of skill on your part.


DCDs weak? How weak is a bubble that makes you immune to all damage?

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