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This game launched with its graphics in a broken state.


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I get flickering foliage, sheets of light in the air, strange shadows in boxes of light, low quality textures in the gear preview window. Sometimes the floor turns black or disappears after hours of play. I'd say it's somewhat borked, yep. It's all just happening occassionally but looks sloppy tbh.
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The game looks great on my machine. Have you updated your drivers?



No, you just don't know any better. The OP is right.


The fact that you don't mind, and subjectivly, find it " great" in its current state is, irrelevant to the facts.


Low res textures, pop in on certain objects, horrible rendering distance on foliage, mesh tiling...

The graphics are very underwhelming.

Edited by Your_dominus
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I am dismayed to report that after a 6-hour reformatting process (redownloading the game, antivirus software, Windows Update, etc.), the issue with my textures persists.








Reporting for duty from the Blur Republic.


I am really quite out of options.


It seems I am just the odd one out. I wish I knew what the problem was. It might make me a superficial jerk, but I simply don't want to play when the game looks like this. I'm worried that since my case seems so rare, it will never get fixed. I really wanted to experience this game.


Your graphics are fail get a new Card, that simple. You cant come on a new game with a card from 7 years ago... Sorry to say. I have a 2 year old graphics card and I have to turn the shadows to low because it messes with my FPS.

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Your graphics are fail get a new Card, that simple. You cant come on a new game with a card from 7 years ago... Sorry to say. I have a 2 year old graphics card and I have to turn the shadows to low because it messes with my FPS.


I play with everything on max. inlcuding shadows, with 4x AA, and 16x AF, and that doesnt remedy the low res textures, mesh tiling, and horrible foliage rendering distance.

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More power to people who don't care about graphics!


Some of us just have an eye for detail and when a game looks awful, we don't like it.


It's just how I am. When something looks bad because something's wrong with it, and I know it can look ten times better, I get upset.


I'm with you and the people saying nothing is wrong is because they have not looked. Or they're just so in love with the star wars nostalgia there couldnt possibly be anything wrong with the game to them. Even with acknowledgment of the issue by bioware themselves, nope, nothing wrong here.


Open zones look exactly like warhammer. Same clusters, same twitchy movements, same ugly.

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My above post goes for you too.


Lulz at these fan boys with blinders on. You dont know good graphics from your rear end.


I'm with you and the people saying nothing is wrong is because they have not looked. Or they're just so in love with the star wars nostalgia there couldnt possibly be anything wrong with the game to them.



Grab a clue Mr wise azz.( Newsinz)

In 2012, I expect foliage not to literally grow as I approach it's piss poor rendering distance, when I set far clip, and grass quality to max.

Lemme guess? must be my drivers?:rolleyes:

Lemme guess, you don't notice the foliage, and the low res textures are in our imagination.


What is the deal with you people?

Edited by Your_dominus
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Lulz at these fan boys with blinders on. You dont know good graphics from your rear end.



This, Mr wise azz. Grab a clue.



Confused as to if thats directed at me, Im agreeing with you.

Edited by Maduece
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Most people their responses are just to sad for words.

You do understand that if high res textures are not in game no rig will make them magically appear.

Neither will a high end graphic card fix glitches.



Don't try to be smart if you have no idea what you're talking about.

Go be a fanboy in some other topic.

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All drivers are up to date. To boot, I've tried out multiple drivers, including pre-release beta drivers and the five most recent drivers for my machine.


I've doubled my RAM, tried two different machines with two different processors, and swapped in three different video cards.


Some people are more attentive to detail than others, which is perfectly fine. I have a big eye for it and I can't help but noticing that many of the graphics settings are broken or nonexistant.

The graphics issue is not a machine based thing. EVERYONE I talk to gets the same problem as you. I'm running this game with a near brand new machine, that can run Skyrim on almost ultra.

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How can you literally not see the diffrence between medium and highres textures?

Go highest setting, then checkout the textures in and out of cinematic.

Devs even admitted the issues themselfs, just not as openly.

Edited by Ommm
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The graphics issue is not a machine based thing. EVERYONE I talk to gets the same problem as you. I'm running this game with a near brand new machine, that can run Skyrim on almost ultra.


There's a known high res issue they're having. For anyone that has a bit of logic it would be best to wait a month or 2 before taking all these experts advice in "buy moar ram", "get new rig rah rah" stuff and see if they fix things. Dont go buying new crap for what is crap right now.

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There are some things that are indeed not what they should be, some shadows are ugly, some textures as well, there's no antialiasing, but overall I gladly accept that as long as the performance of the game is ok for now. I'm sure they will fix that in the months coming.
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There are some things that are indeed not what they should be, some shadows are ugly, some textures as well, there's no antialiasing, but overall I gladly accept that as long as the performance of the game is ok for now. I'm sure they will fix that in the months coming.


What does AA have to do with it? Simply force it in driver.

Too bad we can't force in driver a graphics engine that doesn't look 5 + years old.


We can thank all the PC illiterates and cheap skates on P4's, and 9500gs's asking " can my PC play TOR guz?" for this.


The rest of us are waiting for at least some word, and aknowledgment that they are working to improve things.

Edited by Your_dominus
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What does AA have to do with it? Simply force it in driver.

Too bad we can't force in driver a graphics engine that doesn't look 5 + years old.


We can thank all the PC illiterates and cheap skates on P4's, and 9500gs's asking " can my PC play TOR guz?" for this.


The rest of us are waiting for at least some word, and aknowledgment that they are working to improve things.


Just think of what performance would be like if the entire game was not instanced. That should be a huge indicator as to how bad it is.

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What does AA have to do with it? Simply force it in driver.

Too bad we can't force in driver a graphics engine that doesn't look 5 + years old.


We can thank all the PC illiterates and cheap skates on P4's, and 9500gs's asking " can my PC play TOR guz?" for this.


The rest of us are waiting for at least some word, and aknowledgment that they are working to improve things.


Sorry, but I forced it into my driver, but it didn't give the result I wanted yet. Besides I'm really not playing on an old rig or pc illiterate as you state. If you read my post well, I rather have they fix those issues over time instead of rushing them now in the game at the sake of of performance.


Besides you can't expect that in an online game everyone has a high end pc's, the game should run well at the mininum specs they advertized.

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Originally Posted by Spankyjnco

2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?


It's a bug, and we are working on rolling out a fix.


Dev said this a bit ago.. so quit QQing already

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>Tries to help OP

>Gets insulted


Awesome community we have here.

Come in with good intentions and get treated like dirt.



Maybe if your advice was related to the problem at hand but since you were so off base and 100% wrong then yeah. Everyone knows that medium textures setting uses the same pack as high, meaning nothing is changed, hence a problem.


Plus you are treating the OP like he doesn't know a thing about his PC with his well written post that is obviously not the case. You gave advice on something you don't know anything about and got shot down for it, move along.


Edit: I guess vsync not working means I should upgrade my pc and update drivers too, huh? Better go buy a 580 because my 5870 isn't enough.

Edited by Swirly
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Maybe if your advice was related to the problem at hand but since you were so off base and 100% wrong then yeah. Everyone knows that medium textures setting uses the same pack as high, meaning nothing is changed, hence a problem.


Plus you are treating the OP like he doesn't know a thing about his PC with his well written post that is obviously not the case. You gave advice on something you don't know anything about and got shot down for it, move along.


Seriously though. If they know the problem's fix is in the works then why get on here and ***** about it some more. They are working on it. What do you want them to do? Fix it now. It's pretty obvious that none of those complaining work in the industry. They have a huge to do list. Then they come on the forums and read more bugs etc etc that need to be fixed and then they have to sift through all of the bazillion threads on the same topic and decipher what is legit and what is actually someone just trolling to get attention and being an idiot.


Not saying the OP is an idiot just saying its been stated that there is an issue that needs fixing and that they are indeed working on rolling something out. Personally, The graphics aren't horrible.


There are a million more "Game Breaking" issues that need fixed over the graphics. 1. I personally have had to deal with sense launch and that is not being able to chat within a party or talk in guild chat. But Im not complaining about it because I know its going to be fixed soon. Prolly When they take the servers down again on Tuesday.


But I get it... I understand the graphics are not up to PAR according to some people standards I guess. I mean I know for a fact they are better then SWG's and WoW's Graphics. I think people tend to Exaggerate the problem making it sound worse then it actually is because they feel it will get more attention that way.


I just hope the orginal poster ( which I thought did a good job of showing examples of whats wrong via his/her photos ) took as much time to shoot the Devs a message with what he is talking about so they know what exactly is going on. Because in all reality with all the complaint threads on the forums its more then likely not going to get seen.

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My graphics are working fine. I'm running on an unlocked 960T with a Sapphire 6870 (not the vapor-X) and I'm generally getting 50-60 fps (damn vertical sync has to be on due to horizontal tearing). It's stable like that and the game looks better than advertised. Warzones are no problem, flashpoints run perfectly and general performance is top notch. I do get the occasional green flashing thing but that's one asset being a problem. It's those weird spires with the green flashing lightbar in the middle that's the problem. Idk, I'm assuming they'll fix that.


Tuning my settings in the drivers rather than the game helped a lot. Triple buffering ofc made a big difference. I don't get drops to sub 30 fps anymore except when zoning into the fleet with about 50 people on my screen.


I'm thinking they'll bring performance up, it takes a little while to improve an engine to be used on this many different configurations.


On low the game looks weird and all my characters get a bald patch. No thanks. It also doesn't improve my fps, it gets the same dips and stuff :p

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Maybe if your advice was related to the problem at hand but since you were so off base and 100% wrong then yeah. Everyone knows that medium textures setting uses the same pack as high, meaning nothing is changed, hence a problem.


Plus you are treating the OP like he doesn't know a thing about his PC with his well written post that is obviously not the case. You gave advice on something you don't know anything about and got shot down for it, move along.


Edit: I guess vsync not working means I should upgrade my pc and update drivers too, huh? Better go buy a 580 because my 5870 isn't enough.


Well if the OP had just been commenting on the bug with no high textures then maybe you'd be correct about the advice being offbase and 100% wrong.


But since they were also commenting on a number of medium quality textures also being broken and appearing to be low quality or worse that's not the case is it.


Even if someone's wrong it's still no excuse to be rude and attack them

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Settle down, guys. No need to fight in my thread!


I have indeed submitted a couple of tickets about my issue - one before the last patch and one afterward. I got the same reply both times: "Thank you for reporting this issue. Have fun!"


I've spent the morning tinkering with the INI file, mostly the MeshLODQuality setting, which looked promising since my issue is with objects only loading into their most distant and simple quality, but unfortunately it did nothing.


There's nothing to do now but wait and hope it gets fixed. Thank you to all those who helped or at least were polite.

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