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Why all the hate?


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Yeah but what people would be complaining about is akin to buying a bag of apples then opening it and finding oranges. It's not what you paid for.

No. A more apt comparison would be to say it's akin to buying a bag of mixed fruit, which is what the label says, and then complaining that there isn't enough of one fruit and too much of the other.


That's an MMO in a nutshell.


The games that are successful market themselves as being primarily a game about apples while having some oranges and bananas mixed in as well. But if you like apples, this is the game for you.


The games that fail try to cram as many fruits as they can into the bag, which usually just ends up upsetting everyone. Because inevitably, there won't be enough of the kind of fruit you like in the bag.

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The problem is that Bioware was getting rid of fruit or making it inaccessible. This MMO didn't always have the balance it has now. Further, people were willing to accept the ratios that they found when they first got the game. Now, stuff has been removed or made harder to access to put players on rails. It's like Bioware pushing bananas and oranges only to take a significant chunk of them them later.


There will always people unhappy with the game, but let's not pretend the current levels of discontent are normal for the game. There were more content players in the game beforehand because the content they liked was more or less intact. Now there are more discontented players because things have been changed so dramatically. Even former defenders have had to rethink their positions. That's not business as usual.


People aren't just raging in the forums when they happen to be upset, they are also walking out the door. It used to only be threats to walk. Bioware tried too hard to make the bag mostly apples and pretend little was changing. Now customers are losing their patience as a result.

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The problem is that Bioware was getting rid of fruit or making it inaccessible. This MMO didn't always have the balance it has now. Further, people were willing to accept the ratios that they found when they first got the game. Now, stuff has been removed or made harder to access to put players on rails. It's like Bioware pushing bananas and oranges only to take a significant chunk of them them later.


There will always people unhappy with the game, but let's not pretend the current levels of discontent are normal for the game. There were more content players in the game beforehand because the content they liked was more or less intact. Now there are more discontented players because things have been changed so dramatically. Even former defenders have had to rethink their positions. That's not business as usual.


People aren't just raging in the forums when they happen to be upset, they are also walking out the door. It used to only be threats to walk. Bioware tried too hard to make the bag mostly apples and pretend little was changing. Now customers are losing their patience as a result.


Most importent is the lack of new content. I gotta say: KOTET was very nice! But the game has to continue to innovate and produce new content (Warzones, OPS!!!, Flashpoints etc.) on a regular basis.

I welcome the storytelling but an MMO needs more then just a good story ;)

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Most importent is the lack of new content. I gotta say: KOTET was very nice! But the game has to continue to innovate and produce new content (Warzones, OPS!!!, Flashpoints etc.) on a regular basis.

I welcome the storytelling but an MMO needs more then just a good story ;)


The game need a constant feed of content... Thats why we pay each month!

I can even pay from time to time the BIG expansions, if they came with 6 month cadence...


But at least monthly new content must appear... This is a service on demand... We pay,... we demand...

There is nothing for free on my end... i purchased the collectors edition 5 years ago and i have been paying ever since...


So BW get you crap together, because the PAYING ones will go elsewhere and this game is finish.


Ppl will pay to get more of the good stuff, so not making or just milking with crappy modifications, is just plain... stupid?


The lack of vision of EA and BW, is just killing this game off...

Screw the MMO part if you must, but if want a subscribers based game, the game must have a steady stream of new content each month.


I don´t care about groups, i don´t care about space crappy mini games, i don´t care about pvp...

I care about good story, good player development, and some from time to time interactions with other players, with some activities... some group quests and some flashpoints... Im a true PVE and i like to be left alone with my life on the SW verse.


But even those ones... the ones that pay and play not that much, are thinking about leaving...

Reflect on this EA/BW... No new content... no reason for those base to be around... Alts can delay for the light and dark variations, but after that part is done... no more replaybility...


Its your move now... More Content... or shut down the servers...


Best Regards,



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Most importent is the lack of new content. I gotta say: KOTET was very nice! But the game has to continue to innovate and produce new content (Warzones, OPS!!!, Flashpoints etc.) on a regular basis.

I welcome the storytelling but an MMO needs more then just a good story ;)

Actually they need to cut down on "innovating". There's too much effort spent on the Good Idea Fairy™ not enough attention paid to anything they've done before.


These are the features that have been neglected or outright abandoned by the studio. Arguably some of these things should be retired. Others need a rethink (eg. remove the EC story gating).



  • Class stories
  • Companion stories
  • Faction stories
  • On rails Space PVE
  • Operations
  • PvP
  • Flashpoints
  • Macrobinoc/Seeker Droid
  • GSF
  • GSH
  • Eternal Championship
  • Star Fortresses
  • Weapon tunings


Somebody pointed out a dev comment that they only work on things that get played. That's completely backwards. Things aren't getting played because the studio abandoned the players not the other way around.

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Most importent is the lack of new content. I gotta say: KOTET was very nice! But the game has to continue to innovate and produce new content (Warzones, OPS!!!, Flashpoints etc.) on a regular basis.

I welcome the storytelling but an MMO needs more then just a good story ;)


Fewer people would be complaining if more people thought we got a good story. They changed up their story telling style quite a bit for FE/ET and based on the feedback I've seen at least half of the story players didn't like the results. (Personally, I'd rather play any planetary arc for the 15th time than play ET for a second). So they catered to one play style and only one play style and still managed to screw that up :rolleyes:

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Actually they need to cut down on "innovating". There's too much effort spent on the Good Idea Fairy™ not enough attention paid to anything they've done before.


These are the features that have been neglected or outright abandoned by the studio. Arguably some of these things should be retired. Others need a rethink (eg. remove the EC story gating).



  • Class stories
  • Companion stories
  • Faction stories
  • On rails Space PVE
  • Operations
  • PvP
  • Flashpoints
  • Macrobinoc/Seeker Droid
  • GSF
  • GSH
  • Eternal Championship
  • Star Fortresses
  • Weapon tunings


Somebody pointed out a dev comment that they only work on things that get played. That's completely backwards. Things aren't getting played because the studio abandoned the players not the other way around.


Well... To me some resize of the game is needed...

Some refocus on what really does matters...


They should remove or retire this parts:


On rails Space PVE

Operations (need rework for casuals)

Macrobinoc/Seeker Droid (need rework)



Eternal Championship

Star Fortresses


Also not, that the Housing part should be also removed and players get they CC back.


Best Regards,



Edited by LordPaulusCobris
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The problem might not be the lack of content but the way the game is set up.


I was considering what SWG had compared to SWTOR


We had about 6-7 heroic instances (where you need more than 4 people)




Exar Kun

Lost Destroyer


Tusken Army


Then we had some places on Mustafar and the DWB but we didn't get any after they added all those heroics but the think is we had other things we could do, such as going Kryat hunting.


We had a crafting system that you actually had to do and then we had the entertainer profession.


The funny thing you hardly heard anyone say we needed more heroic instances (raids) but it might be due to the fact we had a more open area so to do a little more.


I hear we need more raids here but I look at all the raids and even flashpoints we have and see that it has more than SWG ever had but what is missing is the open world feel where you could go krayt hunting or other types of activities. We have tattoine so I never understood none of those krayt Dragons being here.


While Tor has some nice housing I believe the implemented it wrong. They should have given a better decorating freedom. I understand they were trying to make it easier for new players but they actually restricted it. While there was difficulty in having houses in the world, as it could be a problem, they should have implemented the way people can see someone's house.


Anyways my opinion.

Edited by casirabit
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Fewer people would be complaining if more people thought we got a good story. They changed up their story telling style quite a bit for FE/ET and based on the feedback I've seen at least half of the story players didn't like the results. (Personally, I'd rather play any planetary arc for the 15th time than play ET for a second). So they catered to one play style and only one play style and still managed to screw that up :rolleyes:


The FE/ET is just too linear and on rails...

Also the endless grind of hack and slash the same crappy foes didn´t help...

The story was OK, a bit convoluted on the first expansion, more balanced on this second...


The "break" on the first expansion, and the stupid missions to get the "alliance companions", didn´t help also...

I hated the Odessen HUB, and the enormous nonsense part of the missions that are there...


The montly cadence of 20 minutes story didn´t help too... they should have done the chapter diferent, like a planet arc, where we need to go to various parts to advance... do some side quests like vanilla...


Story is good, but they must learn to do it properly... We now have super companions, so more challenge will be nice...


Lets hope they listen this time...

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Innovation is where MMOs go to die. We've proven time and again we don't reward innovation or creativity. We want familiarity with some wrinkles.


But aside from that, I agree that this game needs more content. Would love to see more class stories. I feel like that should have been the backbone of the game. I wasn't a big fan of ROTHC but I liked the fact you could go through it with any class and it didn't feel out of place. I also liked the fact that each faction had their own storyline. The Republic was trying to evacuate Makeb. The Empire was trying to save it.


At some point after ROTHC the direction of the game changed. Starting with Forged Alliances, everyone was doing the exact same story. The only difference was who you were getting your missions from. As a result, the non-Force users started feeling out of place. By the time we got to KOTFE, playing a non-Force user bordered on the absurd. I love my commando and gunslinger, but I'm not taking either through the last two expansions.


I suspect the current direction of the game is due to a lack of funds and resources.

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The devs abandoned a large chunk of the game to focus on the story...


You know, I loved the story but it could have been much better if your class made a big difference. More then a few nods here and there. What we have now is not enough to make me want to reply it. It's also kind of cringey on non-FS.

Edited by Radzkie
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