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Star Wars is dying, and how the old republic can save it.


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To me and many, star wars is simply dead. The latest movies are meirly nostalgic backlash of an era that cant seem to evolve or come to terms with its soul. So like most large entities, it uses tricks to keep itself alive even though its era is long since gone, but it keeps coming back each generation like batman or something.


I liken the current ownership of star wars to that of Scientology, or a religion. A large sucker base and lots of cash, but dying none the less.


In part I see star wars going down with how disney did the chronicles of narnia, so many dramatic stunts under the doctrine of status quo, and to many poor directing decisions that only reflect that.


There also seems to be a vast stigma against the higher creativity that george lucas had brought back into the newer trilogy, be it computer graphics, character choices, story etc. This stigma is purely superficial, written by a handful of writers who only seem to have a loud voice, but dont truly speak for as many as they seem, while sheer number of cash flow speaks for how much people really like it.


So what is selling for, the star wars title, and its icons? or the rest of the shaebang? I do think the direction of star wars needed to be taken from george lucas, given his general lack of "enthusiasm" in making new content and rather odd weakness of being so swayed by opinion.


The new direction of making a movie about han solo, and boba fett is also odd. Boba fett is vastly famous, but has had only nominal screen time in the 3 movies he is in. I also dont see why boba fett anyway given how theres so little on him outside of the EU.


And then theres han solo, harrison had been trying to kill him off since the begininng. can there really be anything that interesting to make?


In short, nostalgia is coming to an end, and it will probably be the end of the star wars franchise.


So how can the old republic save it? Its so much more vast and interesting for one. A general lack of old trilogy references and something more creative. Far better art direction.

Edited by Cassowen
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^ don't not give a rat's *** about Leia and Solo, i stopped caring about them after the original trilogy.


The stuff that is being spewed out by Disney seems like milking to me.


For me now more than ever, SW is the Old Republic ''Legends'', in its entirety, not just this game.

Edited by Kaedusz
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^ don't not give a rat's *** about Leia and Solo, i stopped caring about them after the original trilogy.


The stuff that is being spewed out by Disney seems like milking to me.


For me now more than ever, SW is the Old Republic ''Legends'', in its entirety, not just this game.


Oh its milking alright, its being done very wisely, but fan service milking none the less. I will be interested in how sw8 comes out, but a han and fett movie is just kind of annoying...

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Dying, yet making so much money! People are going in droves to see these films!


I hear such questions as "Do we need these movies?" and I ask back "Do we need any movies?"


Epi 7-9 are all taking the universe forward, there's no reason they can't film other movies showing things that happened in the past.


If I had to complain about anything, it would have been they didn't recast Leia and Luke. I don't hate the actors, but I grew up with years of EU and even though the EU was taken away, the two actors do not match how they depicted Luke and Leia growing old. :p


Next would be saying Han and Leia looked to basically break up. *** :p


Now during the time of making the future of the universe, no reason they can't also show the past of the universe. However, they would need to tread carefully imo. There was already inconsistencies made with the prequels and original trilogy.


Han had to be like 12-15 yo when the Jedi were taken down, and he doesn't believe in them, when he comes from a major planet?

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I won't buy anything that's star wars anymore. Disney is ruining the franchise and has extreme anti-fan policies and the way it's sueing people for copyright infringment is disgusting. Not to mention SWTOR not being allowed to have any ties with prequel trilogy despite many of such themes appearing in the The Old Republic timeline in the old canon as well as the movies.
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Each to his own I guess. But however, Rogue One is 1 of the most important movies in the franchise after the OT and PTs, for the simple reason that it fills the most obvious

in the OTs AND cinematic history. Sure we can debate the execution of the movie, Good or Bad, but the necessity of the movie is in my mind undebatable.


When it comes to George Lucas status as a movie telling wiz kid from the seventies and eighties and a groundbreaking cinematic innovator/visionary AND franchise selling manager( e a how to milk the most possible revenue out of a movie/s, I wouldn't say Lucas invented it, but he refined it into a unbelievable level!!), well, that I would argue to be equally undebatable.


As a Star Wars fan watching and experience the movies is just 1 aspect of the Fandom; To discuss what is being told and how is another very important part of it as well as the speculation on those issues. And yes we could argue the EU up to an eternity, but G-, C-, D- etc, etc ,etc Canon good riddance I say. We now got a new aspect in the speculation area thanks to EU being made Legend.


But as said; Each to his own, I for one ain't gonna leave a lifelong Fandom, even if I was given a very good reason in '83 by the fake fur gummi bears, or in '99 by a questionable obnoxious amphibian and a so fugly ugly Yoda puppet that was a mockery of the original from the OTs. The list could be very long but to be a Star Wars Fan is like being a Cleveland Indians Fan in some aspects espesscially in the wait for "The" Star Wars movie . . .

Edited by t-darko
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Dying, yet making so much money! People are going in droves to see these films!

In this case, that's like saying McDonald's is healthy and quality food cus it's making so much money and people are going in droves to eat it.

Edited by Kaedusz
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IS Star Wars dying? In the sense of 'How many movies are we gonna get to see' catagory, I would say no! We're gonna get a SW movie every each or so year, so in the matter of quantity there's gonna be more SW not less.


IS it gonna lead to artistic demise, crippling creativity and stereotype storytelling? IF we take a look at what we have so far I need to say no here as well. TFA and R1 is eachothers opposites in many ways. True TFA did in most part not look like Lucas storytelling, BUT, the parts that we as Fans felt us most at home probably had parts of it reminding us of Lucas way to set the camera, for me that was most of the 'Rey on Jakku' part of the movie and inside Starkiller base. When it comes to CGI I, this is my opinion, think there was a good balance. When watching R1 I am especially pleased with the level of detail in how the OT time period is remade in a familiar way, the latest episodes of Rebels got that same level of details, look at the computer graphics on Heras instruments. As for TFA being a Retcon well any well read SW fan knew this to be the case, but I do understand those that weren't and facepalmed upon Starkiller Base and the end battle, I did the same with TPM, when they destroyed that Separatist Droid Control ship.


But yeah, there is a risk of 'thin' storytelling, yes, but that's why we have the Story Group, poor craftsmanship, that too, but so far the most obvious problem has been that the filmmakers are over optimistic and over ambitious in how much they can cram into these movies, bot TFA and R! suffered from this, especially TFA in my opinion.


As for Fan service, I say, yes please, Lucas didn't spoil us in that department. In the end it felt like quite the opposite, that Lucas did what he could to antagonize the Fan base. As for milking the SW franchise, well, that is what Lucas did as well and that without producing new content. So we're getting more content while Disney doing what corporate business is all about, well, I see nothing strange there.


So IS Star Wars Dying? Or are we as Fans just getting diversified, getting catered to in our small niches of Fandom? Of course if you don't find your own niche of Fandom in all this, then I can understand the feeling of Star Wars dying . . .

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I agree with this TC, Star Wars is indeed dying. I feel like it does though, live on through the magic of SWTOR, the greater lore and our memories. So really, its just the movies that have died. TFA is one of the most lore destroying, contrived pieces of crap I have ever seen, its not a Star Wars movie, its just awful. From the terrible acting, to the terrible script, to the pathetic story and to the sickening fan service, it has killed any chance of me watching any more SW movies.


The extended story and lore with Darth Krayt etc is an excellent story and would have made for a much better narrative than what we got with TFA. And yes, like you said earlier, the Old Republic timeline and stories, not just those in the game, are also far superior.

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In this case, that's like saying McDonald's is healthy and quality food cus it's making so much money and people are going in droves to eat it.


No where near the same thing.


No where does making money mean a movie is good, but it for sure means, SW isn't dying. SW isn't dying, because people still want to see SW movies. They're going to see them. They're excited to see them.


Rogue One got good reviews and the general movie audience is happy with it.

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No where near the same thing.


No where does making money mean a movie is good, but it for sure means, SW isn't dying. SW isn't dying, because people still want to see SW movies. They're going to see them. They're excited to see them.


Rogue One got good reviews and the general movie audience is happy with it.


It's literally a "no true scotsman" argument. Most people are quite satisfied with the way the new movies are. 7 wasn't bad, granted a rehash, but all and all I enjoyed it. Rogue 1 I thought was a blast overall, though the first 20 minutes was annoying.


But it's the TRUE star wars fans that have an issue with it.

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^ don't not give a rat's *** about Leia and Solo, i stopped caring about them after the original trilogy.


The stuff that is being spewed out by Disney seems like milking to me.


For me now more than ever, SW is the Old Republic ''Legends'', in its entirety, not just this game.


Could not agree more! The current iteration of Star Wars is contrived and boring. The Legends story is infinitely more interesting, with the Sith power machinations and the Republic political manoeuvring, it's like GoT in space. SWTOR for example, feels like it's written for adults, where Ep. 7 felt like it was written for older teens.

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I could not disagree more. I thought TFA was an incredibly well-crafted return to the galaxy far, far away, and I'm eagerly looking forward to Episode VIII and all that is to come. I'm glad that my children will grow up with Star Wars as a living, evolving world, and I hope the same will be true for their children as well. We have so few fairy tales left, I'm grateful that we have this one. Long live Star Wars.
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Could not agree more! The current iteration of Star Wars is contrived and boring. The Legends story is infinitely more interesting, with the Sith power machinations and the Republic political manoeuvring, it's like GoT in space. SWTOR for example, feels like it's written for adults, where Ep. 7 felt like it was written for older teens.


And who do you think Disney is trying to appeal to? I mean hell the original movie, which demographic was Lucas trying to appeal to for heaven's sake? Teen to young men. Looking probably 13-35.


So no kidding Ep 7 was tailored to older teens, that's the demographic that is ripe for something like Ep7.


I swear, the people who gripe about this are some of the dumbest individuals I've ever seen, that and the most entitled.

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And who do you think Disney is trying to appeal to? I mean hell the original movie, which demographic was Lucas trying to appeal to for heaven's sake? Teen to young men. Looking probably 13-35.


So no kidding Ep 7 was tailored to older teens, that's the demographic that is ripe for something like Ep7.


I swear, the people who gripe about this are some of the dumbest individuals I've ever seen, that and the most entitled.


So, you basically re-enforce my point then abuse me about it? Interesting debating technique. Is there anything else you would like to furiously agree with me about before signing off with a casual insult?


My lament was we older star wars fans who grew up with it (I saw A New Hope when i was 10 yo) wouldn't mind some adult star wars. A legends Star Wars movie with a M+ rating would be brilliant.

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Star Wars is dying?


By Dec. 26th Rogue One had already earned $520,000,000. The Force Awakens was the third highest grossing film of all time and was Disney's highest grossing film ever.


Some death. The franchise is a cash cow.


You not liking recent installments does not mean "the series is dying." The series will die when people stop buying movie tickets for it. No Star Wars film to date however has been a box office flop.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Oh its milking alright, its being done very wisely, but fan service milking none the less. I will be interested in how sw8 comes out, but a han and fett movie is just kind of annoying...


Annoying is an understatement. No one will be happy with some wired looking kid trying to act like Han solo did, or better yet How Harrison Ford brought him to life. No one can duplicate that. Remember Young Indie? I thought the guy that was playing young Indiana Joans was all wrong, as far as i was concerned, he looked nothing like Mr. Ford's younger years. (Remember what Ford looked like in George Lucas's Classic film " AMERICAN GRAFFITI " which was what 2 to 3 years earlier than Star Wars?) AND this film about young Han will blow Jawa Chunks too. Only way to do it is Young Han would have to be a CGI the whole movie of younger baby face H. Ford.


Truthfully i really do not care what Han did b4 he met up with the Scooby Doo Wars Gang, Fett too, for that matter. I mean you gonna go and make films of all the main characters, before, and middle, and after the Main films portrayal of them, so too fill in the gap of their lives to us, the viewers. Its silly and it will spoil the essence of these iconic characters.


Disney just stick to the new episodes 8 & 9 and for get the young Han & Fett films or any others like them. JMO....

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Annoying is an understatement. No one will be happy with some wired looking kid trying to act like Han solo did, or better yet How Harrison Ford brought him to life. No one can duplicate that. Remember Young Indie? I thought the guy that was playing young Indiana Joans was all wrong, as far as i was concerned, he looked nothing like Mr. Ford's younger years. (Remember what Ford looked like in George Lucas's Classic film " AMERICAN GRAFFITI " which was what 2 to 3 years earlier than Star Wars?) AND this film about young Han will blow Jawa Chunks too. Only way to do it is Young Han would have to be a CGI the whole movie of younger baby face H. Ford.


Truthfully i really do not care what Han did b4 he met up with the Scooby Doo Wars Gang, Fett too, for that matter. I mean you gonna go and make films of all the main characters, before, and middle, and after the Main films portrayal of them, so too fill in the gap of their lives to us, the viewers. Its silly and it will spoil the essence of these iconic characters.


Disney just stick to the new episodes 8 & 9 and for get the young Han & Fett films or any others like them. JMO....


hahaha, while I guess it is an understatement. The old republic offers a degree of originality that disney is having a hard time looking past because all they see is money symbols and what ever else that makes them lack balls for originality.


I read in a recent article that they are in talks for a tv series, but want too, for whatever reason, do it after episode 9. I dont know what that means given that disney has all the resources and capability to do much more at the same time. I guess its the safer choice, but given there lack of income lately due to espn(I think that was it), I think it would be logical to take some risk and do other things.

Edited by Cassowen
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